Kali – Part 3

Features violence including sexual violence

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This thought seemed to short circuit his brain. He woke up sometime later, covered in a sticky substance, his ass sore and burning but he was no longer restrained. She had moved onto other things. He sat up and ran his hand down his chest, grimacing at the malodorous fluid that webbed his fingers when he held up his hand.

A muffled sound caught his attention. She was sitting within the centre of a circle of men now; around eight in number. His theory that she was the Hindu goddess Kali was confirmed by the fact she appeared to have sprouted multiple arms and was now a pale blue colour. Each hand she used to either masturbate the men or fist them analy. Sometimes alternately and occasionally simultaneously. She would dig her long talons into their ball sacs, breathe fire onto their chests, removing hair and blackening nipples. Her hands were a blur of motion. Her face crazed and hungry. The men’s faces contorted in expressions that were mainly symbolic of agony but now and then when she wished to provide a contrast, she would let them cum before ramping up the torture levels again.

It went on and on and on until finally she stilled and removed all her hands. Her victims looked no less fearful. Joel trusted their knowledge of her by now. He knew something bad must be coming. He waited too, too scared to move a muscle.

And then it came. She crawled over on her hands and knees towards a young man called Kyle and walked her fingers slowly along his thighs.

‘You have brought me the most pleasure this evening,’ she said, baring wickedly long fangs that Joel had not noticed before.

Kyle swallowed hard.

‘I am glad Mistress.’

‘You are such a very pure soul. And although you don’t like what I do, you want to please me. Isn’t that so?’

‘Yes Mistress Kali. I do try.’

‘Such a perfect Sub.’

She stood up.

‘Well I have a gift for you…If you successfully complete this one last task.’

‘Whatever you require Mistress.’

‘Pavel! Fetch the implements I mentioned earlier.’

Also eager to please, Pavel rushed off and returned with a bundle. The bundle consisted of a wooden stake and a mallet. He handed them to Kyle.

‘What I require Kyle, is your soul. As I said, it pleases me. I wish for it to reside within me, so I can subject it to utter corruption. I want it turned black. Defiled.’

‘How will you do this Mistress?’

She smiled, looming over him.

‘You must take that stake and drive it into your hand, straight into the dirt so you can’t move. Then I will take your soul. After I have consumed it, you will receive your gift.’

Kyle looked miserable. Ruined. He stared at the wooden stake, then focused on Kali’s pretty feet.

‘I will do it Mistress,’ he nodded.

‘Of course you will.’

It took four blows of the mallet for Kyle to drive the stake into his hand. He bravely fought not to cry out. Drenched in sweat, hand pinned down and bleeding, he gazed up at her and then at his fellow prisoners. He knew this was the end.

Suddenly, her many hands reappeared and she morphed herself into an arrow-like shape, arms forward, propelling herself bodily into the impossibly tiny orifice of Kyle’s backside. He screamed now. He screamed as none of them had ever heard a human scream before. It seemed to shake their very eyeballs inside their sockets, such was the intensity of it, as he screeched himself hoarse. They could see some sort of outline moving around inside him now as if she was rummaging around for what she sought.

Kyle’s eyes stopped rolling around in his head, then suddenly she burst forth out of his mouth holding up a writhing whitish blue thing.

‘I told you it was pure!’ she said triumphantly, before stuffing it inside her vile mouth.

She belched and lifted a branding iron that none of them had noticed prior.

‘Come,’ she told Kyle, thrusting it into the hottest part of the fire. ‘It is time to reap your reward.’

Like an automaton, Kyle ripped out the stake, rose and stood beside her.

Once the iron was glowing orange, she took it and pressed it hard onto the flesh just above Kyle’s penis.

‘Mine,’ she said, smiling at the letter ‘K’ mark smoking steadily.

He never made a sound.

She showed him off proudly to the others.

Thus distracted, she failed to notice the three priests who had just appeared out of the shadows bearing what looked like rifles. They gave no warning. They just opened fire, striking her in the back and legs. She let out a bloodcurdling scream and fell to her knees.

The priests closed in and fired once more, one hitting her dead in the face this time. Although it just looked like water they were firing, Kali started to melt and fizz. Two of the priests continued to drench her in what Joel could only assume was holy water, while the other began to mutter strange words that sounded like Latin.

As she melted away to nothing, souls began to fly out of her body, presumably of those she had devoured. Like coloured stars they soared towards heaven, as if meteors in reverse. Overcome, her former prisoners held each other and wept. Some were unable to watch; most notably Pavel who had broken Joel’s ribs.

As for Joel, he enjoyed every minute of her demise. Afterall, he had suffered least and was not so emotionally damaged. He could still feel joy, he discovered. He could still feel relief. He could still feel compassion. He could certainly still feel gratitude. And he made sure this emotion was known to the priests once Kali had been dispatched for good.

‘You are most welcome my son,’ the one who spoke Latin told him.

‘But how did you know to come and what to do?’

Joel had been wondering this since they had first appeared.

‘The sound of a possessed person’s scream is very distinctive. As trained exorcists, we are acutely attuned to the signs. When we heard your young friend’s cry we knew what we had to do.’

Joel looked at Kyle and the rest of them. His heart pained him.

‘What will happen to us now?’

The one with the snow white beard rested a hand on his shoulder.

‘We have done all we can for you. Now we must continue our work and move on to help others. Kali was not the only spirit creature that the nuclear strike unleashed. They are abundant in these parts. But you have each other, which is more than most have. Stick together and defy Kali. Defy Putin and all evil that may follow. May the Father, the Son and the Holy Ghost watch over you all.’

The men watched them leave despondently.

‘What shall we do now?’ asked Gerard.

Joel gave a wry grin.

‘Burn that fucking bitches throne! That’s what!’

Some of them actually laughed.

Which he took as a good sign.

A very good sign indeed.

Source: reddit.com/r/Erotica/comments/v02imo/kali_part_3