Fuck The Author! — [Asian] [Cuckold] [Cheating] [FMF]

Fuck The Author! When Hotwives Don’t Do Their Due Diligence

It’s all about the minor details.

When you’re writing a story, the minor, seemingly unimportant details are what elevates a good story above the milquetoast morass of mediocrity. If you say “her breasts are big,” you’re practically hitting your reader on the head with your point. Just like I am now. But when you explore those finer details, the ones that get lost in translation from daydream to page, that’s when the story begins to take flight. “Her ample bosom strained against a shirt that must’ve been one size too small, stretching the fabric into three horizontal streaks.” Isn’t that better?

The minor details are also the ones that can end up sandbagging you. If your character’s significant other is a husband in one paragraph and a boyfriend in the next, your readers will ask the pertinent question: Why the fuck should I pay attention to your story if you didn’t? You only have to fuck up once, be inconsistent or wrong once, and the fanciful illusion of your wonderfully woven story deconstructs before the readers eyes.

Sometimes it’s the details that fuck you.

I was reminded of this fact when a husband and wife couple reached out to me several weeks back. They had read the first four chapters of my story “The Leftover Woman” on Literotica. They said they were both Asian, were into the cuckold / hotwire fetish, and loved the stories. They said that some, if not all, of my Asian characters felt true to their life experience. They said they especially liked the portrayal of the character Hua Ling from “The Leftover Woman” both strong and vulnerable, capable but naive.

Honestly, I thought they were full of shit.

I have no illusions about the quality of my stories. These aren’t great works of literature. How many different ways can one describe a penis or a vagina? How many different erotic situations could exist? A shy girl learning how to have sex from her married friends isn’t a novel concept. In the end we’re all retelling the same exact stories over and over again. People meet, people fuck, sometimes unexpected things happen.

That’s even the plot of this story you’re reading right now.

So naturally I chatted with this couple and got to know them a bit. She’s Jessica, an American-born Korean girl in her early thirties and he’s Benny, an American-born Chinese man in his mid thirties. Quite a bit older than I. They were keenly astute at deducing information about me. From certain details in my stories they narrowed me down to the vicinity of a major metropolitan area, an area they also lived in. They tried to guess my age but guessed much too high. I’m still young enough that being mistaken for older is an unambiguous compliment.

A few exchanges later and we’ve moved to texting. They tell me about their forays into the cuckold lifestyle, how, many years ago, Benny once came home early from work one day to find Jessica’s lips locked around the base of her white coworker’s cock, and how Benny has processed his bottomless despair and feelings of betrayal by fully indulging Jessica’s predilection for the lascivious gaze of young virile white men.

In turn I tell them truthfully about my own much more limited experiences. I told them how I’ve only ever had white partners (so Jessica and I at least shared that common interest), how I’ve never had a long-term relationship and have to write erotica to exhaust my significant sexual urges, and how I’ve never been part of a cuckold / hotwife arrangement before.

They hadn’t offered yet but I knew where they were going.

A few days later, and I notice a definite shift in tone. The messages are signed Jessica only — no Benny — and started asking detailed questions digging into my barren sex life. (Hint: It barely registers, Jessica. Did I mention the global pandemic? Dating was dangerous enough before kissing could kill you. But I digress.) She asked me how many partners I’d had, if I know how to get tested, if I had ever considered having sex with as Asian woman. Just hypothetically of course.

Already, I knew something wasn’t quite right.

I guess I answered everything to her satisfaction because she bore her soul to me over the course of the evening. From what she told me, for years, Jessica and Benny used to meet weekly with white bulls from the local universities. They’d been doing this for so long they followed their very first bull from freshman year through grad school. They had just set up a regular pattern with some sophomore when Covid hit and all the students were sent home.

This wouldn’t have been terrible except for one problem: Benny’s sexuality is now so inextricably linked to watching Jessica fuck young white men that he’s not able to climax or even get an erection on his own. Apparently some sex therapist told them this. That Benny is too scarred by Jessica’s earlier infidelity that he needs to create scenarios where he’s in control to allow himself any sexual release.

Finally we reached the heart of the matter. She told me that she has always dreamed of having children but her husband’s current complex was making it impossible for them to conceive. Natural Impregnation was no longer possible and artificial insemination was both too expensive and too impractical; he’d still need to provide a fresh sample and the fertility clinic wasn’t going to just let them bring in their bull to turn Benny on enough to nut.

Then she asked me something … peculiar. Something she had clearly been hiding her time to ask. It’s better if I just show you.

——- Jessica: Eros, thanks for listening about all that. I feel like I can’t talk about it with anyone in real life without embarrassing my husband. But I didn’t just tell you to vent… Me: Okay? Jessica: I need to ask you something important. Me: Uhhh … okay? You’re not asking me to write you two into a story right? Jessica: Well, that’s up to you…. Jessica: I’m tired of trying and failing with Benny. Tired of trying to inject Benny’s semen into my vagina after the bull goes home. Jessica: I’ve been thinking about this a lot and … would you be willing to go all the way for us? Me: All the way? Jessica: I want a baby, Eros. Jessica: I want you to put one in me. ——-

Now I knew something was seriously amiss. I mean, didn’t she see how this doesn’t make sense? I mean, I’m nobody to them. I just wrote some stories she likes, and that’s not even the most obvious reason why this couldn’t happen. I started typing to her, explaining why I had to say no.

Before I could hit send, she sent me something that stayed my hand.

——- Jessica: My husband doesn’t know. It’s better if he doesn’t. If you can bring a condom that’s open on the end, he won’t be able to tell. He’s always very excited when I fuck white guys that it’ll be easy for him to miss it. Just cum inside and I’ll do the rest. Please. I know this sounds terrible but I can’t keep doing this over and over again and getting nowhere. ——-

Yeah, you’re fucking right Jessica. That does sound terrible. Since I know you’re reading this, I want you to know that this was the moment I decided to fuck you.

Remember Jessica, what happened next: you brought it on yourself.

Right then and there, lying alone half-naked in my dorm room is when I decided what I had to do. Jessica had crossed a line. She needed to be punished. I told her I’d think about her request for a day. I told her to do the same: a baby shouldn’t be brought into the world on a libidinous whim.

Well a day goes by and she messages me again, telling me she’s though about it more and she’s even more excited by the idea. So I told her yes, I’d come over and have sex with them, on several conditions:

1. You have to let me write a story about it if I want

You’re reading it right now. :)

2. I like ropes. Jessica needs to be tied down to the bed when I arrive. If she’s not okay with this, we can’t move forward.

I don’t really care for ropes, but I needed it for what I was planning.

3. Both of you should wear blindfolds.

I couldn’t let them ruin my surprise. :)

4. Leave your front door unlocked so I can come in on my own. I’ll arrive at 7:30 sharp Friday night.

Jessica protested about the ropes but I promised her it wouldn’t hurt. In fact, I added, by the end she’ll swear she didn’t feel anything at all. Besides, Benny is free move around and untie her if anything goes wrong.

A few messages later and we had a date. A date she and her husband wouldn’t soon forget.

Friday evening I didn’t quite know what to wear. What does one wear when they’re going to have sex with two strangers they’ve only ever texted with? I ended up putting on my favorite outfit from clubbing, the one that usually attracts the most attention.

I’d describe it to you but there’s no need. I didn’t wear it long.

I could barely contain my excitement on the bus ride over I was tapping frantically on the vacant seat in front of me. Every so often one of the other passengers would stare at me and smile, wondering what the heck I was doing. But mostly in this city people keep to themselves. I was just too excited to keep it all in. I had never planned something so mischievous and fun.

Benny and Jessixa had no idea what was in store for them.

I arrived at the address they have me. I was greeted by a huge sprawling yard with pretty flower beds, cleanky-mowed grass, and a modest water fountain. Clearly not doing bad for themselves! The entrance of the house was recessed back from the road, pushing me into a narrow outdoor hallway as I approached the front door.

I tapped on the mahogany frame. The door was ajar, but open. The house was dark, save for tint slivers of dusk that inched into the entryway around corners from various unseen windows. A dim light from a distant doorway framed my path, aided by the nervous chattering and giggling from a room across the vast dark vestibule.

“You think he’ll be bigger than Bradley?” A woman’s voice asked from behind the door. I tiptoed slowly towards their room, eavesdropping on their pre-coitus anticipations.

“Maybe, maybe not. Just because he writes stories online doesn’t mean he’s going to be big. Did you even see pictures this time?” a male voice asked supersiliously. “I don’t know why you didn’t let me find amother bull on Reddit. There’s no shortage. And they have pics.”

“Not everything is about penis size, Benny….” Jessica responded in a singsong voice, almost as if she’d had this conversation before.

“it’s not like we’re planning a life with him. Of course the size is important,” Benny retorted.

Ouch Benny, way to make someone feel unwanted! Curious how quickly your outlook changed after we got started though. ;)

I finally ended my slow stroll across the vestibule and loudly knocked on the door. The sounds as my hand hit made low banging noises, like when banging on hollow wood. I could hear Benny approach the door from the other side. It was time.

As soon as Benny opened the door, I could see his heart fell in his chest. I clearly wasn’t what he expected. As my hand leaped up from my side to cover his mouth, I’d like to think he gained an appreciation for paying attention to the finer details, for actually checking who the person is that you’re inviting into your bed.

“I need you to do something for me, Benny,” I whispered. “Get undressed, lie down, and don’t say a word. Can you do that for me?”

Benny softly nodded his head, pushing through a spell of anxious quivering. He turned around in the doorframe and slowly stepped back into the room. The room where our trio would make love was plain. White walls and no furniture save for the queen sized bed in the center gave the impression of a spare room. A room solely for entertaining their special guests.

Jessica lay sprawled out across the center of the bed. Her feet tightly tied to posts on the corners of the bed perfectly framed her pink, cleanly-shaven pussy. Her legs were long and thin with only tiny hints of stretch marks or sag. Above her waist, an enviable hourglass frame topped with two perky round breasts that must’ve been Cs. Her shoulders, flanked on both sides by an ocean of long black hairs, gave way to her thin blindfolded face. Her smile almost masked her dual excitement and trepidation. Almost.

Benny lay down on the bed next to her, angling hid body slightly to avoid one of Jessica’s tied off legs. His lean body looked small next to the fullness of Jessica’s legs and chest. His narrow legs and arms bent and contorted around her side to make himself comfortable. A small, unremarkable pecker snoozed lazily between his legs, a fitting contrast to the expertly presented and obviously well-fucked pussy only a foot away. Even in pure physicality, she commanded power over him.

That was about to change.

“Remove Jessica’s blindfold,” I whispered to Benny, leaning over his naked body to ensure only he would hear. As Benny reached for Jessica’s face, a hurricane of butterflies exploded in my stomach, ehilierated for the upcoming fuck, jubilated at a well-crafted plan that had come together oh so well.

As the blindfold came off, Jessica and I locked eyes. Ever since we set this date, she had probably been fantasizing about our little plan. How ErosDivine’s big white cock would burst through the end of a snipped condom, filling her belly in a way her husband never could.

As soon as she saw me, she knew that wasn’t going to happen.

Fear and confusion fell over her as they had her husband only a few moments prior. Her mouth opened to speak but she had no words. Unintelligible gasps and heavy breathing usurped human speech before she finally collected herself to utter a confused howl.

“Who. The fuck. Is she?!”

That’s right! In all these exchanges, all these chats about sex and cuckolding and impregnation and cocks, these two had never considered for even a fraction of a second that I may not actually be a man. For all that talk about white cocks, I’m not even white either. But I guess you go online and write some Asian erotica and nobody ever suspects that you might just be a small, unassuming but horny-as-fuck Chinese American girl.

“Who the fuck is she, Benny?!” Jessica barked again.

“…I’m ErosDivine..we chatted online remember?”I said, sheepishly, pretending not to understand her dismay.

“You- you’re- .. no … we had talked about-.” She said, anxiously straining against the ropes. Clearly she was back to having problems speaking again.

“Oh no Jess — can I call you Jess? — i remember what *you* talked about. I have something .. a little different in mind though.” I said, untying the loop of my short clubbing skirt and allowing it to drop onto the floor.

“Wh- what are you doing!?” Jessica asked, her eyes tracking my blouse as it too fell to the floor.

“To you? Nothing” I said. “I’m kind of big on affirmative consent. You know, like how you shouldn’t ask a stranger to secretly impregnate you in front of your husband? How you shouldn’t make a plan with your bull to snip the tip of the condom so his load flows freely up your tubes while your husband unknowingly watches another man breed his wife?” I said. Okay, maybe I’m embellishing that last part for effect. :)

“You did what?!” Benny asked, incredulously.

“I didnt- I thought-” Jessica said, still at a loss for words. Her body writhed on the bed against the steadfast grips of the ropes.

“Your wife wanted me to get her pregnant. Secretly,” I reiterated. With the last articles of clothing removed, I slid onto the bed, using my arms to allow me to hover over Benny’s exposed legs. “She told me about your problem. How you caught her cheating. How you can’t satisfy her anymore. How you can’t even get an erection unless another man is fucking your wife.”

Benny’s face turned a flushed scarlet, his hands jumping to cover his face.

“It’s nothing to be ashamed of,” I continued. “in fact, I’m here to help.” As I lowered my face closer to Benny’s slumbering organ, Jessica tried to raise her knee to block me. Thank goodness for the ropes!

“Help….uh..how?” Benny asked, his fear clearly diminished.

“What?! Stop talking to her Benny!” Jessica commanded.

“No, no, no, Jessica,” I said turning towards Jessica and admonishing her poor behavior. “You should pay attention to this.” I turned back to Benny. “Now Benny .. do I have *your permission* to put your dick in my mouth?”

Benny nodded.

“Benny I need you to say yes or no,” I clarified.

Benny stared at Jessoca who returned a vigorous shaking of the head. He turned back to me silently, staring at my face parked near his pelvis before finally rendering an answer.


My mouth leaped, creating a large open void that encompassed Benny’s still flaccid cock. As my lips shut around the base, I swallowed as much air as I could, bringing the inside of my cheeks snugly against the long-neglected skin of this poor ignored penis.

Now for you straight guys out there, let me tell you there’s nothing quite like feeling a puny penis become a raging erection in your mouth. Girls and gay guys know what I’m talking about. It wasn’t long before I could feel the little pulses of blood, the filling of the balssts, the inflation of the balloon. A little encouragement from the tip of my tongue and Benny’s cock danced for me, expanding to a nice manageable size.

“how did you- You fucking liar! You said you have never been with an Asian before!” Jessica shouted.

“That’s true. All my FWBs have been white guys,” I shot back to Jessics, taking a brief break from inflating her man’s burgeoning erection.

“But honestly, I’ve got nothing on you Jess.” I added. “Youre here fucking young white studs for years while the rest of us get the leftovers. You’ve gone wild. So wild you cheated on your husband and then took advantage of his trauma to continue cheating with his impaired permission. How many guys have you fucked in front of your husband, hmmm? Five? Ten?”

“I- I- how could I remember that?” Jessica yelled.

“Fifteen.” Benny interjected, lowering his eyes and head.

With a swift motion and well-honed gag reflex, I pushed. Benny’s erect cock as far as it would go into my mouth. Barely reaching the back of my mouth, it was a piece of cake compared to some of the guys I see regularly. I moved my head up and down like this for a minute or two, taking brief opportunities at the top to speak when my mouth wasn’t full.

“So you … ungh.. get to fuck … ungh… so many white … ungh … cocks that you lose count and … ungh … your man just has to …ungh … deal with it?” I asked, nearly choking on my own saliva a few times.

“Okay .. fine, I was wrong!” Jessica said, her eyes reddening as she fought back tears. “I’ll try to do better. Please just stop sucking him.”

“Benny, do you want me to continue?” I asked, raising my head away from his now fully-erect cock. As I spoke, I blew small puffs of air towards the tip. His cock convulsed and weaved in pleasure.

Benny stared at me, clearly torn. We all stared at each other awkwardly for a moment before I finally broke the silence.

“Benny, I bet it’s been a while since Jessica let you fuck her,” I stated.

Benny nodded.

“Yeah .. I bet it’s been a while,” I repeated, biting my lip. “Would you like to come inside of me, Benny?”

“Yes! Yes please!” Benny responded, very eagerly. So eagerly that Jessica’s moist eyes erupted into streams of tears.

“Don’t fuck her, Benny!” Jessica commanded, but it was no use. I moved my knees forward until they were adjacent to Benny’s average hips.

“I promised you impregnation Jess. Now you’ll have it.”

With my right hand, I held his erection firmly as I lowered myself down. Owing to his average size, he slid in comfortabky, bottoming out without too much pain. His hips jerked involuntarily off the bed, trying to dig his cock as deep as he could get. It really fucked up my rhythym until we finally joined together in wonderous unison, thrusting up and down as I rode on his cock.

“This must … be hard … for you,” I said to Jessica, looking down on her defeated tied up body as my vagina lustfully glided up and down over her husband’s cock. “You’ve been … in charge for .. so long and now … your husband … gets to step out on … you for a change.”

Jessica refused to look up at my head as my body bobbed up and down. She turned her head away from both of us, attempting to bury her tears in her blanket.

“It must be hard too … to see him fucking .. a girl like me. I mean … you’re the perfect woman … great body … good job … so many guys who want … to fuck you and yet .. your husband is fucking me … my rounded butt … my flat chest … he must find you … find you so repulsive if … if he’d prefer to fuck me.”

I was so focused on taunting Jessica that I didn’t notice the storm brewing below. Benny’s head was raised, staring down at my riding hips, mouth aghast.

“I…I think I’m gonna cum.” Benny said. It must’ve been years for him since he came naturally inside a womam. I was proud of him. And of myself.

“Benny, no!” Jessica protested, an exercise in futility.

“It’s only fair, Benny. Your wife was going to get knocked up without telling you. If she can do it so can you. Do it, Benny. Cum .. just cum.” I may be an average Asian girl but I know how to speak seductively when I need to.

Usually when I’m with my FWBs, cumming is a big show, like, literally the main event. I expected to hear grunting noises or yelling or moaning. I got none of it. Benny maybe inhaled slightly as his hips stopped pushing into me. I was still riding hard when his softening cock just fell out of me, followed by a few cold drops of white fluid.

Try not to judge Benny for his subtle orgasm. We should all be proud of him for how far he got given the trauma Jessica had given him over the years.

I dismounted Benny and stepped back onto the floor. In what I can only describe as post-nut clarity, Benny turned on his side towards Jessica and held her as she quietly sobbed, a nice quiet moment after a sexually and emotionally tense session. I quietly dressed myself as the couple consoled each other and forgave each other for everything that happened. Maybe there was hope to this marriage after all.

I walked around the foot of the bed and stepped over to Jessica’s side. Her soaked face turned out of the blanket and looked up to me, expectedly.

“Jess, I told you I wouldn’t touch you. I meant what I said about affirmative consent,” I said softly.

She sucked a loud wet puff of air into her nose as brand new tears pooled under her eyes. I reached over to the post at the head of the bed and untied her hand.

“Can I have your hand?” I asked, maintaining my soft and gentle tone as to not ruin their peaceful moment. Jessica gave me her hand. I guided it under my blouse to my stomach until her palm was flat against my belly.

“Part of your husband is with me now,” I said. “His sperm are swimming through my vagina and cervix and womb. Maybe something will happen. Maybe not. But now you know he is capable of it, right? He just needed to be treated differently, Jess. You see that right?”

Jessica nodded, her tears finally subsiding.

“I’m thinking it’s time for me to go,” I said, removing her hand from my belly. “Im going to write all of this down and post it as a story. Are you two still okay with that?”

Benny agreed without hesitation. Jessica looked away, deep in thought, before returning with an answer.

“If my husband is fine with it then yes … but on one conditiom.,” she said.


“Dont’t tell them about-” she spoke for nearly a minute about some of our chat messages which I have dutifully omitted from this story.

“Don’t worry, Jess,” I said, reassuringly. “I won’t.”


Benny, Jessica, since I know you’re reading this. I was on the pill. Don’t worry about it.


The contents of this story are FICTIONAL and do not represent any real person or event.

Source: reddit.com/r/Erotica/comments/uz4sv6/fuck_the_author_asian_cuckold_cheating_fmf

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