Tweet extrapolation.

Jonty Campbell
conservative MP
recently Tweeted thus:
‘’Here’s the thing with girls of 22 or under, they smell massively different to a girl of 28. Girls 16 to, say, 23 have this creamy, buttery, slightly sweet smell that is unbelievably magnetic.’’
In doing so (tweeting) this pioneering young blade merely articulated a natural truth – which is that men are organically predisposed to be attracted to young women with a view to inseminating and impregnating them with as immediate as possible an effect as is reasonable or lawful. This is not controversial. It is not violence. It is not misogyny. It is a fact of biology. It is a fact of psychology. It is a fact of libido. Most men of any age – if supplied with a 19 year old woman for the purposes of sexual intercourse – would freely indulge themselves to a point of a sufficient grounding in the free emission of the magnetic fluids of sexual ecstasy. This fact is not evidence of criminality. It is evidence of masculinity and of health and of vitality. Hence:
One thing that one is
in the normal course of events
very interested in
is the smell of young women (aged 18+)
the taste
of young women (aged 18+)
the olfactory and the gustatory apprehensions and impressions
obtainable at the temple (body)
of young women (aged 18+)
regarding and in relation to
the bodily odiferous aromatic and complex excretions
of young women (aged 18+)
the sweats the soils the smears the farts and the taints
in the young woman (aged 18+)
and her physical body department
in her undergarment concealed and secret places
(aperture crack slot areas)
(inside of her soft white panties)
the pussy (cunt) (aged 18+)
the asshole (shitter) (aged 18+)
of young women (aged 18+)
but as well as that
and proceeding logically from the sufficient ground
of an inaugural olfactory apprehension
into practical action
namely the insertion of the tongue
into her body
in one or both of two ways
I mean regarding her pussy (cunt) (aged 18+)
and regarding her asshole (shitter) (aged 18+)
the smell the aroma the smack and the savour
of these and other bodily areas
might be properly recognized
as a bewitching intoxicating
organic olfactory/gustatory symphony of hope
of future and of realization of epiphany
the substance of all necessary meaning in a life
think of it just right now
I mean to say think of
your tongue pressing earnestly
and forthrightly and savagely
and into the asshole (shitter) (aged 18+)
of young a woman (aged 18+)
you are licking the inside of her shitter (asshole) (aged 18+)
and this is partially because
of a natural actuation
emerging in the way that she smells
she squeaks and she squawks (aged 18+)
in celebratory fanfare
she tears at her own buttocks (aged 18+)
desperate to part them sufficiently immoderately
to facilitate your tongue
into an anal (aged 18+)
penetration of supreme and final depth.


1 comment

  1. Hot girl🔥, wants to play with you🔞 ****

    A very🍌👅 interesting girl who knows how to😈 surprise you ****

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