I caught Uncle Jack staring.. Twice!!

Thought I’d write out what happened earlier today because I have no idea what to do. But first, some backstory:-

I’m 18, about to finish my final year of high school and in my spare time besides all the studying, I’m working to save some money for college. My primary ‘job’ is to help out my Uncle Jack with babysitting his 6 year old son, Mason. Uncle Jack isn’t a blood relation he’s my dad’s best friend and I’ve known him all my life. Uncle Jack is currently single (he knocked up a waitress, she left him with the baby and he hasn’t heard from her since) and works late some nights which is where I come in.

This afternoon while I was watching Mason over at Uncle Jack’s place, he messaged me letting me know there was trouble at work and that he’d be home pretty late. It suited me just fine as I had some reading and school work to keep me busy.

Around 11pm, Uncle Jack rocks up, exhausted. Greets me and heads straight for the fridge.

“What a fuckin’ day . Want a beer?” he says as he helps himself to a bottle. I nod and he passes me one. I’d say we’re close, close enough for him to not treat me like a juvenile.

He stands with his back to the kitchen counter and asks me about my day.

“Yeah, fine. I was just finishing up a history essay. Mason had dinner and was in bed by 7, an angel as always. What happened at work?” I take a sip of the ice cold beer and relish the taste.

“Ah – we’ve got this new guy in, early 20’s. Hard working but he fucked up on the floor today and I got stuck cleaning up his mess. Nice enough, kid. Maybe I’ll introduce you?” he chuckles and looks up at me as as I say

“No thanks. Not my type.” Uncle Jack shakes his head in confusion”But you’ve never met the kid? How do you know he’s not your type?”

“Trust me, anyone younger than 24 is not my type. I’m not looking for a boy, Uncle Jack. Anyway, I don’t have time. I’m graduating soon and I’m not looking for that.”

He takes a step away from the counter about is about to press me further when a **PING** comes from behind him, a message pops up on my phone but it’s just out of eye-sight. He swings round and pulls my phone off charge and stares at the lit up screen.

Uncle Jack stares incrediously and says “has WHO popped your WHAT yet?”

Shocked and panicked I put my beer down on the kitchen table and walk over, reaching out for my phone. “Can I have my phone, please? Uncle Jack!” I lean over his taught body and reach up, his 6’1 to my 5’5 means he’s able to keep my phone just inches away from my outstretched hand.

I’m clawing at him trying to grab my device and he laughs as he teases me.”Sammy, why is Megan asking about this sort of stuff?” I go silent and realise I’m pressed against him. We’re silent for a minute and I start to back away. My face flushes and I turn away from him, embarrassment coursing through my body.

“Fuck. I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have-” I interrupt quickly “No, you shouldn’t have. That isn’t your business, Uncle Jack. Nothing you should be concerned with.” He hands my phone back to me and I shove it into my back pocket, still feeling the warmth that surrounds my face. We’re both quiet for a little while and I go to grab my beer.

I remember he’s out of snacks and ask him if he’s managed to pick any up this week.

“Yeah, I had to hide them from Mason, there’s a box of rice crackers on the top shelf behind you.”I turn and reach up, grabbing for the box as my shirt rising to reveal my midrift. As I turn back to face Uncle Jack, I notice his eyes are locked on my ass. I can’t quite work out his expression.. astonishment? Confusion? Lust?

***I’d be lying if I said I hadn’t fantasized about Uncle Jack bending me over the dining room table, hiking up my skirt, pushing my panties to one side and thrusting himself deep inside me, pulling on my hair, his big hands spanking my ass.***

Just because I’m a virgin, it doesn’t make me a prude. I’m a hot blooded creature. I have my desires.

I just never thought there was any chance he’d think of me that way..He’s suddenly broken of his trance and quickly finishes his beer before heading towards the living room calling out

“I’ll drive you home, Sammy. It’s late.” I neck my beer, steal a pack of rice crackers for the ride home and grab my backpack and books from the table.

As soon as I get into the passengers side, I twist my body towards the space between our seats and throw my bag to the back. But as my body twists back, I catch Uncle Jack stealing a glance of my chest! Wtf?! Twice in the space of just a few minutes?! Am I imagining this?!

I hurriedly turn to put my seat belt on and act like I didn’t just catch my Uncle Jack looking down my top.The car ride is about 20 minutes, mostly in silence.

But the my mind is racing with thoughts and questions.He’s old enough to be my father, we’re close, he’s practically family. And yet, I can’t stop picturing a scenario where he sees more of me… I bite my lip and stare out the window thinking of the night I’ll finally get to give myself to him fully. I’ve dreamed of this for so long, is it finally happening? Is he thinking of me the same way I think of him?


I’m home now, Uncle Jack dropped me off about an hour ago. My heart is racing and all I want to do is go back to his place and beg him to take me. WHAT THE FUCK DO I DO?!

Source: reddit.com/r/Erotica/comments/uxc9gf/i_caught_uncle_jack_staring_twice


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