Abducted by an “alien”

[Softcore] [SciFi] [Humanoid alien] [Teasing]

This might be a long read for some. If you wish to skip the backstory and go straight to the “good part”, scroll down to the the three slashes. Enjoy your read!

I take the last sip of soda from the bottle, before laying it next to me. My feet are rested on the table and I cross my arms as I lean further back. The almost distant ambiance of voices and conversations from the TV are starting to fade into a muffled, unperceivable blur of noise. I’m tired, should have gone to bed a couple hours ago, but I don’t have work tomorrow. Weekends are great, I need a break from writing about yoda bats and aardwolves. Other than the light from the screen, my room is pretty dark. With my tired eyes I can barely make out contours from the shadows around me. Any moment now, I will doze off to sleep and wake up in a few hours to the TV still playing. My eyelids start to get heavy. I don’t think much of it, don’t think much of anything frankly, half-concious as I am. The chatter from the TV-speakers is drifting away, as I’m starting to do too.

I hear a sudden loud noise. Like a kind of clonky crash, but it sounded mechanical and intentional. I open my eyes and look around me. Nothing is out of the ordinary. I grab the remote and turn down the TV off before sitting completely still in the silence trying to hear something. I hear another noise coming from the backyard. It was totally different, more like a gas leak that lasted around 2 seconds. I stand up quickly. Too quickly apparently, my eyes go fuzzy and I start to feel disoriented. I move around a little, and it fades away after a short while. I make my way to the window and open the blinds. A thin cloud of smoke rises from behind the bushes in my yard. “Shit” I whisper to myself. I sprint out of my room and out the back door of my house. I run into the smoke, holding my breath. I can’t see any fire, it might have just been some gas of some sort. I wave with my arm to try and wiff away the smoke. Suddenly, I saw a figure in front of me, before coming closer and seeing their face. I only see them for less than a second before a bright strobing light shines into my eyes along with a deafening loud ringing sound that phases through my head. They looked different, but I can’t point out why. The light turns into a kind of grey, and the sound shifts into a continous high pitched beeping noise. Then it fades to black.

I wake up, standing. I feel dizzy, not knowing which way is up. I’m greeted by a blinding light, and I try to look up. Hexagonal ceiling lamps beamed into my eyes. I hear a humming noise, either from the lights around or some other electric current. I’m in a sort of sleeping bag that feels way too comfy for my situation. I barely need to use my legs to stay upright, like if there’s less gravity here. The room is mostly white, with curved black lines meandering across the walls and ceiling. It has no windows. Not even a door, just the smooth two-colored wall that stretched around me. A rectangle appears on the wall facing me, like a cutout. I squint my eyes to see if I wasn’t hallucinating. It slowly shifts to a transparent teal color, and I can see the room behind. It looks very similar to this one, with the blinding white wall and the black stripes across it. Finally it goes completely transparent, and it looks like there isn’t a wall there anymore.

A person turns the corner and walks through the rectangle, into my room. A lot of things come to my mind. I don’t think they’re human. They look similar, but there are some major differences. First of all, she has green skin and black eyeballs, but not like an alien, she was more human-looking than that. More… attractive, in a way. Second of all, she has very big legs for her size. She doesn’t seem to be any taller than 5 feet, and her thighs are significantly bigger than mine. She walks over to me effortlessly, as the low gravity lifts her with each step. A short circular chair erects from the floor just as she gets close enough. She sits down and looks at me as the bag around me deflates and retracts behind me. The somewhat human alien leans towards me and sticks something to my forehead. Is she going to talk to me? Surely she can’t speak any earthly language. She sits down and closes her eyes as she goes silent. I look around again. I’m strapped to the wall, or whatever is behind me, but I can still move freely otherwise. I turn my head back to the alien again. She’s not wearing a lot, and a lot of her skin is showing. A bright pink cloth lies tight around her upper torso and shoulders, along with short leggings going just past her knees. She’s wearing some huge white boots, if I can even call them that. They’re made up of triangles and doesn’t really resemble any footwear I can recognize.

Her eyes open again, and she stares at me for a couple seconds.

“Hello, can you hear me?” she says with a friendly look on her face. I frown in confusion, and from the surprise of her speaking english.

“Y-yes,” I say without a lot of confidence.

“My name is Zenelya, do you understand what I am saying?” My eyes are wide from shock. She speaks fluent english.

“I do… how do you speak my language?” I ask curiously.

“I scanned your brain and processed everything you know about your first language, for example how words are pronounced and put together.”

“Where am I? What am I doing here??”

“Calm down. You are four hundred million years in the future, and I am one of your descensants. We have just discovered time travel and want to study how different we are from our ancestors. I will be experimenting a bit on you.” I start breathing heavy as I try to break free, but to no use. Zenelya looks calmingly at me.

“W-what are you gonna do? Is it going to hurt??”

“No, relax yourself. I will study the sexual interests and features of your kind, and try to comfort you along the process.”

“Okay…” I try to calm down and stand still, but my heart is racing. “W-wait you said sexual?” Zenelya smiles.

“Yes, there’s no need to worry.” Her voice is smooth and high. She talks without flaws. “So, starting off. What arouses you?” She takes out a pill-shaped object with a button on it. I think as I try to figure out the stuff she has just said.

“Well I, uhh… short height, soft large thighs… and ass…” I almost whisper the last two words as I blush.

“Don’t feel embarassed, this is for research and is highly important. I’m the only other person in this room.” I take a deep breath. She’s good at making me feel safe. “Are you thirsty or in need of some food? How do you feel?” I shake my head.

“I feel a bit sick, b-but I’m fine.” I look at her chest. The fabric is split horisontally in two halves, showing a bit of overboob. Zenelya nods.

“I presume you’re attracted to female breasts as well?”

“Uh I…” My words clog up. “Y-yes that’s true.” She holds the button for a few seconds before giving it a short click. “What is that thing?” I ask.

“A Triquantus, don’t worry about it. I’m just noting down your information.”

“Couldn’t you just scan my brain and find out what I know about it?”

“There might be noise in the way, and in addition I would not realize if something is just a thought or you know it as a fact. I would need your confirmation anyway.”

“What if I lie?”

“I would know. It is a lot easier to detect if someone is lying rather than directly exporting information from them. The brain is not a constant tissue, and simply does not work like that.” I nod my head as if I understood any more than half of what she said. She speaks calmly, but the words she put together don’t click into my head.

“Right…” I say as I blink a few times.

“Could you please undress for me when you are comfortable?”

“Alright, ma’am.” I actually feel pretty comfortable already. She’s very gentle from what I’ve heard of her so far. I feel… safe in a way.

“You can call me Zenelya,” she said with a smile. “Are you ready to move on?”

**Future humans (*****Carnalsapien*****)**

Zenelya belongs to a species known as the *Carnalsapiens*, a decendant of the modern *Homosapien*. Due to a rapid increase in the total population, humanity moved to a more massive planet that could host their growing numbers. The planet had significantly more land area, and a gravital force around 30% stronger than on earth. The race therefore naturally evolved to have different features that better fit their new environment, but also modified themselves genetically to their liking.

You will find an informative list of physical differences below:

**Significant differences:**

Green-yellow pigment opted for space travel and protection against intergalactic rays

Genetically modified sex organs for increased stimuli and arousal. Accounts for:

* Longer penises (almost exclusively 9-12 inches) with higher sensitivety and less stimuli needed for orgasm (male)

* Tighter vaginas with more contours on the inside (female)

* More sensitive clitorises (female)

Breasts can fill with fluids to change size or firmness (female)

* Dopamine producing fluids from genitalia, which also lubricates and keeps penis erect (female)

**Noticable differences:**

Almost perfectly smooth skin

Bigger limbs. Especially legs, hands and thighs are wider and rounder due to the stronger gravity on their planet

Eyes are twice as big, with their pupils making up their entire visible eyeball

Shorter overall height

Smaller differences:

Little to no body hair, mainly grows from the head

Slightly longer skulls

Pointier ears

Softer muscle tissue

/ / /

I look around. Not that it has any use, all there is are the flat white walls. She is the only other person here, I feel like I should trust her. “Yes. I think I’m ready,” I say.

“Great! Take your time.” She’s sweet. It feels like she has respect for me. She tries to make me feel comfortable. I begin taking off my shirt. Zenelya inspects my upper body. “Could you lift your arms for me?” I nod and raise my arms. She clicks the button a few times again. “Good. Please continue.” I take off my pants and drop them to the floor before I drag off my socks. “You’re fine! Last piece remaining.” I feel my cheeks warm up as I grab my boxers and start removing them. I peel them off my feet and stand up, now nude. Zenelya looks at my member, and I notice a tint of yellow in her light green cheeks. Is she blushing?

“So?” I ask anticipatingly. She stares at it for another second before looking up in my eyes again. “Is it… different from what you’re used to?”

“It’s smaller…” she begins.

“O-oh…” my heart sinks a little, worried she was disappointed.

“I like smaller. They fit better anyway.”

“Wait so you’re more attracted to smaller dicks??”

“Not much lesser than that, but yes. The males in our kind are actually too large for the average female. Our cavities are modified to be smaller.” A spark of joy strikes me. I can’t help but to smile a little.

“So I have a good size?”

“You are optimal.” My cheeks go red again, and my smile widens. Zenelya smiles back.

“T-thank you…” I look down at the floor to hide my face. “What now?”

“You said you were aroused by larger thighs and buttocks, along with a smaller figure. Are there any more of my features you would like to list off?” I gulped.

“I… I guess I like tits too…”

“Yes, you did say that.” I look back up at her again. Small blue hexagons appear on her top, before they each dim and become transparent. Just like the door, or whatever you’d call it. I’m tranced as I watch the fabric disappear right in front of me. “Does this arouse you?”

“Yes.” I pause. The final shapes fade as her small chest is revealed to me. The sight of her nipples burn into my eyes, and I start feeling a boner growing. “A lot, actually.” Zenelya stands up and walks over to me.

“Would you prefer them to be bigger?” I stare at her breasts as she comes closer.

“I mean… yes- why do you ask?” She stops in front of me.

“Well…” Her tits move, I swear on it. Am I that disoriented? Am I hallucinating? Her breasts are growing! It’s like they’re… inflating. By the course of maybe 20 seconds she has a pair of round, firm, medium sized boobs. My face says it all. I’m astonished.

“B-but how?? How did you…” I lean closer to get a better look.

“I filled them with fluids.” I frown a little from puzzlement.


“Yes. Precicely, milk.” I stare at them for a while, before I lift my hands up to the level of her boobs and look into her black, enchanting eyes.

“Can I?” I begin. “Please?” Zenelya blinks slowly.

“Go ahead,” she says. I gently lay both of my hands on each of her breasts. They’re soft and easy to squeeze, but firm at the same time. “How do they feel to you?” I continue squishing them lightly, and playing with them.

“Great… really great. I-I think they’re nice.” I cup them in my hands, and her smooth skin fill the gaps between my fingers.

“Do they arouse you as much as the females you are used to do?”

“Definitely… if not more. You’re very… attractive…” Zenelya clicks the button a few times. “How’s this experiment doing? We haven’t lost track have we?”

“By no means. You know what I’m researching.”

“Which is?”

“Your sexual features, desires and performances.” I stop touching her tits.

“Performances?” She nods.

“You heard me.” My heart skips a beat. Both from excitement, but also from nervousness. I smile, a bit akwardly.

“What now?” I ask. Zenelya doesn’t say anything, but the blue hexagons start to appear again. This time on her leggings. My face lights up as she gets even closer to me.

“Look at me,” she says. I force my eyes off her lower body and raise my head a little. “Grab me.” She’s almost commanding me. My meat twitches, and I nod. I wrap my hand around her before placing it on her asscheek. It’s bare and warm. I look down. Her leggings are gone. “Nuh uh, up here.” Zenelya points at her eyes and smiles. “How do you feel right now?” she asks me.

“Incredible… this is so exciting.” I lightly squeeze her ass. It’s even softer than her breasts. Zenelya clicks the button.

“Good to hear.” We hold eye contact for a good while. Her eyes are almost hypnotizing. Those deep black eyes are melting me. I smile, and smack her ass a little. She raises an eyebrow and smirks a little. “What was that for?” I blink fast and place my other hand on her hip.

“Oh sorry! You didn’t like that?”

“That’s not what I said…” She smiles and gives me a seducing look.

“We do that on eart- where I come from…”

“I wonder why we don’t do that here.” She places her hand on my chest. “Do it again.” I don’t hesitate this time. I lift my hand up and slap her cheek again, twice as hard. Zenelya lets out a noise I could only describe as a moan.

“You like that?” I ask. She nods.

“One more time…”

“Ask nicely.”

“Please do it again.” I smirk and spank her a third time. She moans, louder. I lift my hand, leaving a yellowish red handprint on her. I’m really starting to get hard now. I don’t care if we’re off track or this is actually part of the experiment. I’m just really enjoying this so far. Zenelya must have noticed my erection too, because she starts kneeling down. “Do you do this on earth too?” My eyes go wide again. Is this real? Had I just fallen asleep on the couch, and this is all a dream? God, I hope not. Ultimately it doesn’t matter, as long as I don’t wake up any time soon.

“That depends on what you’re going to do.”

“Oh I’ll show you.” She gets all the way down on her knees, her head on the same level as my dick. There is no way. Zenelya looks up at me as she opens her mouth. A long tounge rolls out as she stares into my soul. I feel her hot breath on my penis. She repeats herself, and grabs on to my hips.

“I’ll show you…”

*To be continued…*

Source: reddit.com/r/Erotica/comments/uwyb41/abducted_by_an_alien

1 comment

  1. What I wouldn’t give to be him at this moment, such a good story very sexy.

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