My original story – Chapter 12 – (White mind: A history about sexnosis) (lostwhisper9980)

A new chapter, and the start of a new arc. An unexpected decision by one of my favorite characters, I hope you can enjoy the chapter as much as I do…


If you want to read the prevoius chapters, you can find them here:

Chapter 1:


Chapter 2:


Chapter 3:


Chapter 4:


Chapter 5:


Chapter 6:


Chapter 7:


Chapter 8:


Chapter 9:


Chapter 10:


Chapter 11:


Chapter 12: Phio´s decision.

(The master, the chief butler and Phio are in the main office of the mansion, chatting about a very “serious” topic).

“I have no choice. I’ll have to make Andie and Nana allowed pets.” Says the master, in a very serious tone.

“Even if we do that, we will still be missing one pet. Who would have thought that our dear and friendly neighboring island would request our services for six pets? They usually only ask for one or two.” Says the chief butler.

“I heard that a lot of teenage men came of age a couple of months ago. Parents want to celebrate in a big way that their children are adults. That is why this year they requested more pets. Although, it would not be difficult to get more pets online, it is not a process that you do overnight. I need at least a month to hypnotize and convince potential girls. The request from the neighboring island is due within five days. That’s why Nana and Andie will be reclassified… I will get new personal pets in the future. For now, I must meet the client’s expectations.”

“And what do you think if we turn one of the girls from the maid service into an allowed pet?” Says the chief butler.

“That may be a good idea. Phio. Do you have someone in mind?” The master asked Phio.

“I have to think well who could be a good option. They all seem to enjoy the privileges of being above pets, so I wouldn’t want to go against any of the girls’ wishes.” Phio answered very seriously, but at the same time worried.

“I will give you until tomorrow, at this same time, to make a decision. I also don’t want to spoil the wishes of any of my maid service girls. But this is a very important client. Someone will have to make a sacrifice. I already did mine. I am losing two of my personal pets. I need someone else to step with me on this.”

“Understood, master. I promise to have an answer for you tomorrow. Be assured.” Phio bows to the master, and another to the chief butler, as a sign of farewell and respect, and leaves the office.

(From this point, the story will be told from Phio’s perspective.)

I started to feel stress and anxiety. I had to make the decision to sacrifice one of the girls from the maid service to become an allowed pet. It was too much burden for me. All maids love their superiority over pets, even most of them use them sexually. I was very tense. I needed to have sex to relax for a moment. I thought about going with the guard, but remembered that he was already busy with Alia. Then I thought about the master or the chief butler, but then I thought it would be unwise to interrupt them now, they must be very busy with the negotiation of the neighboring island. Then, I remembered Miss Lilia. However, I couldn’t go have sex with her now, surely everyone would be fucking her outside at that moment. I had to hold out until nightfall. I went into Miss Lilia’s room, and I saw her, she was already fast asleep in her bed. She didn’t even shower or put on his pajamas. She reeked of semen. A lot.

I’m sure she was too tired to think about anything other than sleep. After all, she pleased almost the entire mansion in a single afternoon. Besides, it’s not like the smell of semen bothers me. In fact, it made me a little horny. I completely undressed, opened her legs, and started eating her pussy, which was still leaking and stank of semen. She was still sound asleep, but her vagina was responding to me. It got more and more wet. I kept playing with her vagina for a while. I stuck my tongue in and licked as deep as I could inside her vagina. Licked and lightly bit her clitoris. I put in my middle and ring finger. At the same time, I was toying with my pussy with my other hand…

Then, she cum…


Her classic, noisy, delicious and addictive pressurized juices. At the moment they began to come out of her vagina under pressure, I opened my mouth and began to swallow them. Still, it was too much, to the point of almost choking on them. I moved my face away from her vagina, and coughed lightly. She kept coming. Then I brought my pelvis closer to her vagina, also with my legs open, until our labia and clitorises touched. I felt how her juices entered my vagina. I was very, very horny.

So, it happened to me too…


Juices under pressure began to come out of my vagina. Our vaginal lips were kissing. Our clitorises rubbed against each other because of how erect they were. And our pressurized juices mixed. I was completely ecstatic. I couldn’t think of anything else other than moving on and rubbing my vagina with Miss Lilia’s.

Notice that Miss Lilia started to wake up. I saw her eyes begin to slowly open, and I heard little moans come out of her mouth. I found it very cute. That made me hornier and I started to move faster. Then, Miss Lilia woke up completely and realized what was happening. She tried to move away, but I immediately pulled her back by grabbing her ankles. Then she claimed me:

“P-Phio! W-what are you doing?! Y-you can’t disturb me in my room! Are the rules! Y-you said it yourself!”

“I’m sorry, Miss Lilia. I forgot to tell you that an allowed pet loses all its rights in your room once classified as such. I’m sorry if this causes you any discontent. I really forgot to mention it at the time.” I replied, while our vaginas continued kissing passionately.

She turned her head to the side, in discontent, but very blushing at the same time. Then she answered me:

“It’s okay. I will believe in you. It’s okay if the one who did it first is you… Although, you could have told me before…”

That reaction made my heart start beating faster. It was obvious. I had completely fallen in love with Miss Lilia.

That emotion made our vaginas begin to release more juices. Miss Lilia also started to move. Our vaginal lips did not stop passionate kisses. Our clitorises were so hard and erect that they ended up intertwining with each other. We were both in sync. Our scissoring felt like a perfectly composed melody. Until finally, we reach our maximum climax of pleasure.


We both moaned at the same time with pleasure, while our vaginas finished releasing every last drop of our fluids.

Completely exhausted, I lay down next to Miss Lilia. Then, she put her head on my chest, and hugged me warmly with one of her arms.

“Miss Lilia. I love you. This time, I am sure that I am in love with you, your body and your soul.”

“…” She remained silent.

“It’s a strange feeling. Because it is definitive that I love men. I love their virility, their rudeness. In short, I am obsessed with cocks. But then, there’s you. But I’m not attracted to you because you’re a woman. I just love you because you are Lilia.”

“I think I feel the same way.” She responded very warmly.

“Eh?” That took me by surprise.

“I am completely sure that I also have an obsession with men. To have sex with them. And that I also love cocks. But then, there’s you. There really is something in you that makes me feel very good when you are by my side. You are the only woman who has made me have an orgasm. I have had sex with other women, and I could never feel anything. I’m not going to deny it. I admit that when I met you, I hated and envied you a lot. That you give me orders and that you could be with the master, it was something that made my blood boil. But everything changed from that time in the tub. And today I realize that… I love you too…”

“…” I stared at her eyes, without saying anything

“There is something wrong? Did I said something weird?” She asked confused when she realized I was staring at her.

“No. You didn’t say anything weird. On the contrary, you helped me make a decision. Thank you, Miss Lilia.”

“Oh. I’m glad that I could help you with anything that could be bothering you.” She gave me a beautiful and warm smile.

After a while of talking, we fell sound asleep… The next morning…

I got up very early in the morning; I took a shower together with Miss Lilia. She still stunk a lot of semen, so I forced her to get up even though she was still very tired. After finishing cleaning up. I left her asleep again in her bed, while I put on my uniform and left her room. Since I wanted her to really rest, I locked her up, to prevent any other member from disturbing her in her sleep. I couldn’t leave her like this for a long time, because she had to fulfill her duties as an allowed pet, but I could get her a couple of hours to sleep a little more.

Walk down the hall with decision and confidence, straight to the master’s office. Knock on the door and enter. There were the master and the chief butler, waiting for my proposal for the sixth allowed pet.

“I see you quite serious, Phio. I hope and that seriousness is due to the fact that it has already been decided which of the girls in the maid service will be our sixth allowed pet.” The master told me while he looked me straight and seriously in the eyes.

“Yes. I have taken a decision. The sixth allowed pet… will be… me.” I answered very seriously and sure of my decision.

I could see the surprised expressions of the master and the chief butler.

“Are you sure of what you say, Phio? If I make you an allowed pet, you won’t be able to ride my dick anymore… are you sure about that?”

“Yes, master. I am very sure of what I say. Make me the sixth allowed pet. I promise I won’t let you down.”

“I’ll ask one last time, Phio. Are you sure? After this, there will be no going back”

“Yes, master, I am completely sure of my decision.”

“Then so be it”

The last thing I remember that happened that morning was my master snapping his fingers, after that, everything turned white for me…

I don’t know how much time passed after, but I started to wake up, and I found myself, with all my maid uniform done to pieces, outside of the mansion, being fucked non-stop by various members of the mansion. I saw dicks everywhere. I had a cock inside my anus, another inside my vagina. I had cocks between my armpits. I was holding a couple of cocks in my hands, and pleasuring two other cocks with my feet. It was then that I stopped being the second in command of the maid service, and became… the sixth pet…


Here my twitter if you want to follow me and see the NSFW things i share on it:



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