“”The silence is broken by my alarm. Going from a night that I will never remember to a day that I wished was Sexday.

“Good morning on this fine day! What a better Moanday to work on that pleasure bump!” My alarm sounded.

“Or a day to call in sic…” in the next several seconds my pleasure bump will get it’s workout with me sprinting to the moanroom for, you guessed it dry heaves. And the good ol’ “Why me? I feel like shit and” my mind drifts off to the smell of sexxee in the morning.
Gathering myself and stumbling to the kitchen when the last fizzle of a finished mug of the bitter taste drips from the machine. I will admit it I looked worse than I felt. Hair unbrushed, me standing there naked with that look of desperation and the need for sexxee! With a shadow falling over me I froze. Right there in my own home or at least I think this is my home…”

“This is Klit 96.9 Drive@5 with DJ Maeve and The Rave” Nova ReBoot said in an excited voice.

“Good evening this is your Drive@5 with the best news out there zero traffic accidents to report on! Welcome to Klit 96.9 The Rave with me, you’re #1 pervert DJ Maeve bringing you the hottest tails from around Easygate. Woo, somebody has partied way too much to end up in a strangers house.”

Feeling fingers weaving into my hair! My heart started to beat a mile a minute from the smell of the assailant. Jerking my head up, a really bad thing to do at this time in the morning, to locking lips with me. Suppressing my dry heaves as I tasted her warmth. Her lips as they captured mine. Her hand as it gripped my chest. Squeezing my breast to the point of a pure orgasmic pleasure! My breath caught in my throat while this kiss pressed on…

“Morning luv” was whispered. The smooth words cuming from the looks of her hair. With a messy mop like that we must have had a good time.

“Morning Kat” barely able to register after a kiss like that. My eyes followed that tight bum as she walked from the kitchen leaving me alone with my cup of joe. Forgoing all the usual things that I normally would put in the brown mix of wake-up. No milk or cream course with a kiss like that and I could cream all over the place. No flavorings or chocolates just the hard stuff ma’am. Sugar? Well yes on that one the good thing one cube will do and with a quick stir… “Mmmmmmmmm” flowed from my lips.
Taking a shower and using a shit load of conditioner and detangler my hair finally decided to cooperate. Bending from the waist, pulling up my stocking. Allowing my hands time to caress my long legs. Feeling up my quads, ending just short of my… “Okay, just stop thinking about the way Kat kissed you!” I stammered. Slapping my slit!
Big mistake because my juices started to flow and there was no way that I could deal with them at this time.

“Good morning class” I started this just like any other Moanday. “Today we will be talking about sex and the way it was used to control and ultimately dominant the Roman empire. Questions?”

“Isn’t this culture. Amera, using sex in the same way?” The smoothness from his voice. The way he used his own sexual prowess to control the conversation.

“Good question Anthony. With today’s society, with Amera some strong and perhaps profound laws were erected to prevent any and all sexual drives from polluting the political arena. Even though these practices are thought to be barbaric the simple way attaching electric nods to a males dick or a females pussy and with the way the overall government laws are written no one can hold office longer than 12 years…” Anyway you get the picture of what I do. I am a Professor and yes my heart pulled me down to the cafeteria to grab something to eat and ended up marrying that sweet piece of meat that tempted me.

As I sat behind my desk. Thinking I was alone. My hand drifted down to my exposed slit and the way Kat made me feel this morning. Sinking my finger till it touched my clit. The electricity that sparked. Pulling my attention from the grading that I was working on. Working me up to a lather and, and…

“Hello, Professor” the same perfect English came from the same perfect mouth. “I can see that I have caught you” looking Professor Lina from her chest down. “Playing with yourself” shaking my head “no” in a slow sort of way. “We shall have to do something about that” rolling her chair back to the white marker board. Pinning her legs to the sides of her seat with both hands still rubbing her cunt.
“I would say that something needs to be done with you and your juicy pussy” my whispers were barely audible if my mouth had not been so close to her ear.

Struggling to, to… Looking at the way my legs were with Anthony’s pinning them spread so far apart. My mind was spinning, my slit burned with passion that I could not control! Pulling my skin to the sides, exposing my clit so that everyone in this room could see!
My first touch sent a chill up my spine. Butt the rotation, the spinning that I was doing was once again caught in my throat just waiting for an escape. Looking up into his eyes. For some reason my eyes would not stare directly into his. My body felt weak and so close to an orgasm that… “Mmmmmmmmm” it began, the rumble cuming from my chest. Making my tits jiggle! “Why? Why was this happening to me!?” I screamed in my head.
Butt the movement of my moan worked its way up to my throat. Up till any further rumblings would cum out in a moan! “Oh Ohh Ooh” my hips flexing, rubbing my clit against my feverishly working hand! I could not stop! I didn’t want to! I just twisted my clit into overdrive and… “Ooooh OooohOooohOooohOoooh fuckkkkkkkkk yesssssssss!” Slamming my hips forward, reaching for his cock in a desperate attempt to sate my hunger!

Looking into her eyes. Drawing them into mine was the easy part. My cock was dying to pump that cunt butt I held out my desire. “Get down on your knees” pulling her by the neck. Having my hand behind her head and pulling forward or backwards if you are in my place.
Pulling her to the front row and pushing her down on the floor. My hand impacted with her tight ass! The noise! The ripple that cascaded all over that cheek. My cock grew harder.
Pulling her skirt up. Knowing that the dress style was for an open crotch, bare chest with nothing in the way to stop two people from fucking any time anywhere. Butt her bum was calling my name. Calling Anthony, Anthony and I just had to respond!

The feeling of losing control. Of losing the dominance was a huge turn on for me. Not knowing what he wanted to do to me. His jerk to him throwing me down. My arms were in the front row of seats. My booty was thrust back. My skirt was being lifted to my hips! Damn I need to play, to… “Ooo OooOoooOoooo…” letting my entire horny world be taken by surprise by his super hard cock that just wanted to sink in my rear! The spasm that caused. The intense pre-gasm that rocked my world!
Resting my head down on the wooden seat, spreading my butt cheeks so he could fit in a little better. From the time my hands touched my booty, my libido was going into overdrive! Making me so wet as my clit begged for play time. As my slit begged for…

Jerking her head back! “Yes, yes it’s…” I just could not say anymore. My cock was… The thrust Lina was holding back. That sense of dominance that I had this whole time. To feel her ass as it wrapped around my cock. To feel that hole as it gripped my head… “Yes yesss” I tried not to moan butt damn is she good or what!

Sensing what he wanted, knowing the longer he delayed the horner I would get. The sudden jerk from my hips to the surprised pop of my butt. I could feel him and now I shall fuck him. Fuck him so good that he’ll cum tonight as well!
Moving my hips. Thrusting my booty back, back further! Dragging his cock from my fuck hole till his mushroom like head battered against my asshole! The sensation, the spasm, the way I slammed back drawing him back into my depths! “Oh Ooh Anthony. Ooh Ohh yesss your cock is so hard! Your, your… OooOoooOoooo!” I was cuming so hard from my pussy! With each hard thrust into its depth his balls tapped against my fucking cunt and.. and… “Ooh yes! Ooo Ooooh yesss!! I just want tOoo…” My slit exploded all over his nuts!
Feeling his testicles shrivel up. Knowing how hard it was for him to cum so soon! I did the best thing I could do.

With the wind knocked out of my lungs I stared at Professor Lina. Watching her unzip her skirt. That sight drove me wild butt her heel on my chest. Letting me look at her moist pussy! The way her A-hole closed up. The way she shed her shirt and rubbed her tits together! I needed…
My hips jerked! Straight up as she, Professor Lina swallowed my cock!
That asshole. The design she had drawn on her bush! I looked at my phone one more. “Yes yesss yessssss” this was the one who… “Fuck why did I have to get so excited…”
Gripping the sides of the seat. Pulling hard as, as… “Oh shit, you stopped?” She stopped giving me head and now, sweet mother of Dick” I exclaimed as she stood on the seats. The long line of wooden seats on one bench! Watching the way she lowered herself till my cock spasmed from just looking at her and her practical naked form! A bra that showed all with cups that held her double D’s just not on the tit! Her dark legs that were highlighted by her stockings! Each one cuming so close to her, her… Letting that wild main of hair fall where it may! This brunette had taken all the joy away from the blondes and…

One hard slam was all it took. Knowing where his cock was and where my butthole is. The two lining up perfectly. And with just a thrust down! “OooohOooohOooohOoooh yesssssssss fuckkk Mmm! Fuckkk Mmm harder, harder!” I screamed with his cock now impaling my body. Wanting him to deliver his cum. Wanting him to finish me off or I would just have to grind on his cock some more. Pulling on my nips. Smashing my breasts into my chest! As, as.. “Yesss fuck Mmm harder, harder…” with my hips spasming! With my breath disappearing just like that I knew that he had cum into my asshole and I liked it. I fucking liked it!

Watching as this young man left my classroom. Watching as he slummed out the door. Watching as I strode into the cafeteria looking for someone to eat me! “You. My dear Kat” wiggling my finger in her direction. Leaning back on a table till she had cum when I called. “Eat me” I started. Being strong in my voice butt knowing that three licks in and I would do anything for her. “Eat me now so I can cum all over that pretty mouth of yours” my request turning into a demand. I spread my legs, Anthony’s cum seeping out of my butthole. “Eat Mmm Mmmm Mmmmmmmmm” as Kat’s tongue licked my clit. As Kat’s tongue licked my asshole! As Kat’s tongue penetrated my slit turning me into her little slut once again!

“What are you doing?” Questioning Lina had suddenly becum my favorite pastime.

“I am uploading our little sex forte as “The best way to start your week”. And send” seeing Kat shiver once I hit send told me that she has not been on Orgasm.cum. “You should look at your feed. I am definitely sure that you have a ton of likes” kissing my lunch lady as I left the cafeteria.

Yours truly, Lina”

“Damn, I think I am in the wrong profession. This is Klit 96.9 Drive@5 with me DJ Maeve and The Rave cuming all over your speakers. DJ Sara is up next with all the hot sexy stuff that makes Drive@5 possible, chow.”

Drive@5 Klit 96.9 The Rave is cuming to you with your secret crush DJ Sara, Mmm Mmmm you know what you want” Nova ReBoot said this with mischief abound in her voice.

“I have the solution let’s just move our studio onto campus. So that way everybody can still get the best station in the tri-state area Klit 96.9 The Rave! It is time for Drive@5 with DJ Sara taking the lead to this little pony show. Next up is the National News and then Choke It by M M Tops.””

Source: reddit.com/r/Erotica/comments/uvdmbn/klit_969_the_rave_109_pleasure_bump_dream_master