Red Room [Sex with a stranger]

Celeste perused the sexual want ads out of curiosity. She enjoyed reading about the sexual kinks people were looking for, but had yet to want to answer an ad.

Until now.

The subject read “Red Room”.

She clicked on it and pulled open a message with photos showing almost an exact replica of Christian Grey’s sex room. An assortment of sexual items were on display, but the one thing that caught her attention the most was a swing. A sex swing. It was something she had always wanted to try. Before she knew what she was doing, she had typed out an email with only two words: I’m in.

It didn’t take the guy long to reply and send her his address. Red flags went up in her mind about a serial killer, but she threw caution to the wind. She texted a friend with the address where she was going, and let fate take her.

Pulling up to his place, she kept her purse clutched to her side and pepper spray fisted in her hand. After she knocked on the door, she stood back several feet, hoping the man wasn’t old and gross.

To her surprise, a man around her age pulled open the door. His dark hair fell into his eyes, and he used a hand to brush it back, revealing dark brown eyes. He looked her up and down and gave her an award-winning smile when he met her eyes.

She instantly relaxed and dropped the pepper spray into her purse.

Without words, he opened the door wider, and she took a step inside.

“First thing,” he said as soon as the door closed behind her.

She glanced around. It was clearly a bachelor pad with very few personal effects.

“We need a safe word.”

Celeste looked at him. “I don’t think that’ll be necessary.”

“We need one regardless. It’ll make me feel better about the situation.”


His lip quirked at the corner. “Pineapple?”

She shrugged. “I saw it in a movie once.”

“Pineapple it is.” He nodded his head toward the hallway and walked in front of her, leading her toward what she assumed was the red room.

Opening a set of double doors created the air of a presentation as he stepped aside to let her look in. The room was exactly like the picture on the ad; exactly like Christian Grey’s red room. Thrill shot through her. She was finally going to be dominated properly.

“So,” she said, turning back toward him.

He stared back at her, stroking himself through his grey sweatpants.

She smirked and dropped her purse on the floor, undressing in front of him while he continued to watch. After every scrap of clothing was off her, he took a step closer. She immediately wanted to take a step back but held her ground, curious to see what he would do.

His hands moved over her as if he were a blind man meeting her for the first time. He wasn’t timid as he stroked every inch of her body just how he wanted. She gasped when his fingers pinched her nipples and when a long digit stroked her clit once before dipping inside of her to test her wetness.

He dipped his head and took a puckered nipple into his mouth, giving it a hard suck before switching to the other. She gasped and gripped his hair. He nipped at her as his finger raked along her folds, taking care to circle her clit and sink into her in a rhythmic cycle.

Every time he brought her to the edge, he backed off before she could reach her climax, and she groaned, frustrated. His smile was wide as he continued.

“You’re torturing me,” she whispered.

“Did you expect anything less?”

She didn’t know what she expected, but she knew she was getting sexually frustrated.

“Please. Let me release,” she begged.

He sank two fingers into her and curled them, wrapping an arm around her waist just before her legs buckled. Spots danced in front of her eyes as the pleasure tore through her. She grasped his shoulders as the waves pulsed through her body.

When her body came to rest, he easily picked her up and slid her legs through the holes of the swing.

“Loop your arms here.” He motioned toward the arm loops and waited as she did so.

She gripped the straps, and a shiver ran through her. The swing spread her legs open, leaving her on display for him. He stood back, still stroking himself through his pants.

He turned his back to her and walked over to a tool chest, pulling it open and pulling out a silver object. Her heartbeat quickened, wondering if he would torture her with tools.

She relaxed when she realized it was a butt plug. He smiled wickedly at her when he approached, holding it up so she could see it as he drizzled lubricant all over it. Then he pressed the cold tip of the metal to her ass, applying pressure until it sank into her.

She inhaled sharply before it settled into place and her body relaxed around it.

“Good girl,” he said.

He turned back toward the tool chest and pulled out another object. She strained her neck to see. This was something she recognized immediately.


Before she could react, he slapped a set on each of her wrists and attached the other ends to the small metal loops on the swing that she somehow hadn’t noticed. She was trapped.

Her eyes met his, and panic slightly settled in her belly, but she pushed it aside. She wanted to see where this went, and her want of trying the swing was about to be fulfilled. She couldn’t stop now.

Next, he produced a pair of straps, which he fastened to her ankles and then to the swing, to keep her legs in the exact position he wanted.

Once he was pleased with her position, he took a step forward and slid his finger between her folds again. She strained her neck as he pet her, sending waves of thrill through her body.

But then he dropped in front of her and pulled her forward, sinking his mouth around her clit, sucking and licking simultaneously.

Her arms and legs strained against the restraints, and she bucked against his lips. Her cries came loudly, while he continued to lap at her. He pulled back and his thumb rolled over her clit while he gave her a long lick, dipping his tongue into her waiting heat.

He was good. So good.

She panted and watched as he took a step back. Finally, he looped his thumbs into the waistband of his pants and dropped them to his ankles. He hadn’t been wearing underwear and his erection stood at attention. He yanked off his shirt and tossed it aside.

She gasped at the sight of him. He wasn’t lying in his post when he claimed to be well-endowed. He walked over to his tool chest and pulled out a foil packet, ripping it open with his teeth and slowly sliding the latex onto his shaft.

She swallowed, wondering how obvious it was that she was salivating over the man. A man whom she had just met.

He stepped toward her and grabbed the base of his shaft, using it to rub in between her folds, wetting the condom.

She almost purred at the right amount of pressure he pressed against her. Pressing his tip against her center, he slowly sank into her, grasping her hips to hold her in place. Her eyes rolled back, and her head dropped, gasping as he filled her almost painfully.

“Relax,” he murmured.

She tried to do as he said; letting her body relax around him—to mold to him.

When he finally settled in her, he waited a few beats for her to stretch before he moved.

And move he did.

The swing was made for them, she decided. For this one moment, this was the sole purpose of the swing. Her body crashed loudly into his repeatedly as he slammed into her. Her moans turned to cries, which turned into screams.

He tossed her body into climax after climax.

“Shit, baby,” he groaned. “You’re squirting.”

She pried her eyes open to find that he was right. Her pleasure was squirting from her and soaking his pelvis.

“There’s a first time for everything,” she tried to say, but it sounded more like a scream.

He grunted and tugged her harder against him when he reached his release, biting the straps of the swing. His sinewy muscle strained under his skin, and his grip on her hips became almost painful.

When he finally came to rest, he released her legs, and she swung back on the swing until it settled into place.

He disappeared into a connecting bathroom, and she heard the water running.

“Um, hello? I’m still attached,” she called out. Her arms and legs were still handcuffed to the swing, rendering her helpless.

If he heard her, he didn’t acknowledge it, but he appeared a few minutes later. He was still naked, but had cleaned himself off. With a tilted head and a smirk on his face, he stared at her.

Her body was still pulsing from her releases, but she was completely relaxed. He swiped something out of the tool chest and walked toward her. He stood back and gave her a look up and down before pressing his thumb to her tender clit.

“Oh,” she moaned. Her toes curled, and her back arched.

“Tell me you’ll come back next week.”

She nodded emphatically.

He applied more pressure. “Tell me out loud.”

“I will. Fuck yes, I will.”

With that, he released her and unlocked the cuffs. He helped her out of the swing, waited for her to dress, and walked her to the door.

“See you next week. Same time,” he said.

**To read more about Celeste’s adventures, check out the link in my profile!**



  1. Sexy. Except I’d rage if he left me cuffed alone for more than a second

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