i was 23 and there was a lot of public peeingbone night

This happened when I was out with a bunch of coworkers. One of my coworkers was a cute blonde(I’ll call her Dawn) and she never wears underwear. For some reason this is a known thing.

We were at a restaurant that also was a nightclub with a bunch of us from work. They had chairs and tables outside and we were sitting there. We had a good time dancing and drinking. Had food.

Dawn was drunk(a lof of us were) and she had to go to the bathroom and didn’t want to actually get up to go inside to the restroom. She scootched her butt on the edge of her chair, hiked her skirt up and went.

It was like wow that really happened.

Anyway later that night I can’t remember where we were but me and a guy we worked with(I’ll call him Gabe) was waiting for people and we were next to a car on the street. I had to go pee but there was no public restroom. But again some details are hazy.

Gabe was a nice guy and cute but I wasn’t really thinking about making a move on him or it never occurred to ne befode. He had to go too. He said we can just go there on the side. I said I can’t in public. He said it wasn’t a big deal. He went to go pee and for some reason my drunk self walked with him where he took his dick out to pee.

I was buzzed and was in a trance looking at his penis while he relieved himself. Then I said I was gonna go and for him to cover me. He said since I stared at him while he peed then he should be able to see me pee.

I agreed I took my thong off and threw it on the ground. I pulled my skirt up, spread my legs, squatted and went. I even spread my lips so he could see. Right as I was starting, Dawn appeared and watched me too.

I finished my business and put my skirt right when other people came out. Dawn told them she watched me but I don’t think people got I was letting them watch me do it. They thought maybe from afar she saw me.

We went to a club and it was 3am by the time we got to Dawn’s house where she let us sleep over. I was on the love seat. Another person was on a couch and two guys, one of them being Gabe, had blankets on the floor.

After the lights were out, Gabe reached for my arm. Then I was under his blankets on the floor with him. We fucked even though there were two other people in the room.

After that night, Gabe and I never mentioned how we hooked up and acted like nothing happen. He started dating another coworker of ours.

I wonder who found my thong on the sidewalk. I never put it back on.

Source: reddit.com/r/sexystories/comments/uquhtx/i_was_23_and_there_was_a_lot_of_public_peeingbone