Watching My Wife Fuck Her New Girlfriend [MFF]

I made pancakes for breakfast. Anne, my wife, had spent the night sleeping in her new girlfriend’s bed. Maxine had been insecure in her sexuality. Anne had helped her decide, Maxine was definitely gay. After one night with Maxine Anne had spent a few hours with me, then spent the next night fucking Maxine.

Maxine was radiant when she got out of bed. Her experience with Anne had been a revelation to her. She was almost giddy with joy. Anne was a bit slower out of bed, she was never a morning person.

Pancakes and orange juice later we went into the city. We were staying at Maxine’s family’s apartment in Rome. Yesterday we’d explored the city but today we were little slower. We found a Cafe and sipped coffee for a long time. Then we moved on and found another Cafe to sit at.

“I’m gay.” Maxine said. She said it few times in the last couple of days. I looked at her quizzically. She smiled at me. “I’m gay and I’d love to spend more time with Anne. But I’m starting to feel a little guilty about taking up all her time. Can I have one more night?” I smiled.

“It’s really not up to me. But from my perspective, you can have as many nights as you need.”

“I don’t want to exclude you.” She was tentative. “And I know how much Anne likes to be seen. Would you want to watch us tonight?”

My reply was very enthusiastic. I didn’t really care about the rest of the day.

That night I made myself comfortable in Maxine’s bedroom. Anne made me solemnly swear not to get involved, just to watch. Anne waited with me, wearing a comfortable pair of underwear. When Maxine came in, she made a dramatic show. She was already a gorgeous woman and she had done a lot of work to play up her assets. She was wearing a red pantie and stocking outfit, with a matching bustier. It was what she’d worn her first night with Anne. She’d spent a lot of time with her hair, so that it softly cascaded down her shoulders. She was wearing red lipstick that matched her underwear. She looked like a pin up model. She also looked terrified. She was clearly still uncomfortable with her sexuality. Being with Anne was an amazing step forward. Performing in front of Anne’s husband was maybe a bridge too far.

I want to pretend that I was the better person, that I understood her anxiety and gave her some space. But that isn’t true. I was incredibly horny and she’d been fucking my wife for two days now. I wasn’t going to let this go easily. Maxine stood there uncomfortably as I watched her, then hesitantly spun on her high heels so that I could see her entirely. She looked a little lost and alone in the middle of the room. It was an intoxicating look.

Anne took pity on her and walked over the hug her. Maxine melted into my wife’s arms. They kissed fiercely and Maxine’s nervousness seemed to slowly dissipate. They made out, slowly and softly, but with intense passion. Anne buried her hands in Maxine’s hair, pulling her in tight.

Maxine slid her hands down Anne’s shoulders and undid my wife’s bra. She pulled the cloth away and left Anne’s breasts exposed. Maxine played softly with Anne’s nipples. Anne loved to have her nipples softly caressed. I usually move on too quickly, my interest elsewhere. Maxine took her time. She gently played with the soft skin, teasing each nipple into hardness, then bending over and softly licking Anne. Anne was breathing heavily under Maxine’s mouth.

Maxine guided Anne back to the bed and lay her down. Anne lay flat on her back, her erect nipples pointed achingly at the ceiling. Maxine pulled Anne’s panties off and pushed my wife’s legs open. Anne sighed. Maxine started to kiss Anne’s legs, starting at her knees and working her way upward. As she approached Anne’s pussy my wife’s breath got heavier and heavier. Just when it seemed the Maxine would lick Anne’s pussy she pulled away. She would alternate between kissing Anne’s open mouth, licking at her nipples or slowly working up Anne’s legs. Maxine had more patience than I did. Anne was slowly moving through waves of excitement. Her heavy breathing got heavier, then moved to moaning. She started to softly call Maxine’s name. Maxine was intensely focused on her work. She smiled when she heard her name on Anne’s lips.
She lay fully on top of Anne and kissed her deeply. She raised her leg and let Anne grind against her thigh. Anne rode Maxine’s leg until she lost coherence. She was no longer moaning Maxine’s name, but just moaning in a steady stream.

Maxine backed off and Anne whimpered a little, wanting her to stay close. Maxine kissed her way down Anne’s chest, down her stomach. She lifted her head. Anne moaned, afraid that she just being teased again. But this time Maxine buried her heads between Anne’s legs and licked Anne’s pussy. Anne pushed her hips upward and grunted. She buried her hands in Maxine’s hair and held the woman close, grinding into her lips. Maxine put her hands behind Anne’s legs and pushed them upwards, giving her deeper access to Anne’s pussy.

Anne moaned. Maxine slid her hands upwards and softly pushed two fingers inside my wife. Anne thrust down on Maxine’s finger and let out a long soft “yes.”
Maxine looked back to see me watching. She shuffled out of the way a little so that I could watch her fingers slide into Anne. She slowly spread Anne wide. Anne moaned, knowing that was being displayed. Maxine licked Anne’s clit softly, making sure to keep my wife open so that I could watch the entire show. Anne’s hip thrust upwards and rotated a little as Maxine softly fucked her.

Suddenly, unexpectedly, Anne shouted Maxine’s name and thrust upwards. She came hard on Maxine’s mouth as Maxine quickly slid in a third finger. Her body shuddered uncontrollably as she fell back to the bed.
Quickly, with a burst of energy, Anne sat up and pushed Maxine on to the bed. She kissed her girlfriend, tasting her own cum on Maxine’s lips. She used one hand to awkwardly pull down Maxine’s crimson panties and buried her hand between Maxine’s legs. Maxine ground against Anne.

Anne went down between Maxine’s legs and started to eat her girlfriend. Unlike Maxine, Anne wasn’t patient or especially interested in giving me a show. She fingered Maxine and licked her with a frantic energy. Maxine twisted and writhed under my wife, quickly building to her climax. She bucked and lifted her legs over Anne’s shoulders. Her red high heels dug into Anne’s shoulders, spurring Anne on. Maxine started to pant, then to beg.

“Please. Please. Please.” Over and over again. Anne was unrelenting. Finally Maxine pushed upwards, hard, clenching her legs around Anne.

“Fuck.” She shouted. “Fuck. Fuck me Anne! FUCK ME!”

Anne did. Hard. And Maxine came hard.

Maxine rolled Anne on to her stomach and sat up. She looked amazing with her hair in disarray and the bustier pushing her breasts up. She pushed Anne’s hips upwards and spread her legs. Anne buried her face in the bed.

“Fuck her.” Maxine said.

“She made me promise not to get involved.”

“She’s too tired to resist. I want to share.”

I took my pants off and moved towards Anne. Maxine held Anne open and I guided my cock into my wife. I was so hard it was almost painful. Anne was open and ready. She was soaking wet. I slid in deep. Maxine leaned over and kissed me. I could taste my wife on her lips.

Anne felt amazing. Soft, liquid heat. Maxine slid her hands under Anne’s hips and snaked her fingers into Anne’s pussy. I could feel her moving against Anne’s clit as I thrust into my wife. Maxine was aggressive as she kissed me. Anne bucked under me, cumming on Maxine’s finger.

Maxine slid a second finger between Anne’s legs and spread her lips wide. I could feel a finger on each side of my cock. The pressure was intense. I gasped. I thrust. I exploded. Then again and again. Maxine kept her lips against mine through my entire orgasm.

I fell to the side, exhausted. Anne rolled over and Maxine kissed her. They looked beautiful together.



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