Rooftop sex

Celeste leaned against the railing, holding her martini in hand. The lights of the city shone out before her. She loved the peace of being above the noise, the sounds below distant despite her being right in the middle of the action.

The warm air allowed her to keep her sweater draped over the back of the lounger a few feet away. She was in a rental in the city, a place she had considered renting long-term in the future while her place was being renovated.

Something about being above the busyness of the city relaxed her.

His arms circled her waist, and she instinctively leaned into his chest. His warmth enveloped her and completely relaxed her.

“Enjoying the view?”

She hummed.

“I hope you don’t mind that I let myself in,” he whispered into her ear.

“Not at all.”

He pressed a kiss to her neck as his hands circled her waist. She leaned back into him and sighed.

“Do you know what I want?” he whispered.


His hands came up to her chest and massaged her breasts.

A sigh escaped her lips. “I love that.”

His thumbs brushed her nipples over the fabric. Her ass jutted into his pelvis, and his erect member pressed into her backside.

“Do you want me?” she asked.


She set her martini on a little table within reach and spun around to face him. Her hands ran up his chest and cupped his face, pressing her lips against his. His tongue flicked out and massaged hers while his fingers massaged her hips.

She pulled back and reached down to grab the hem of her sundress before easily pulling it over her head and discarding it. Shimmying her panties off her hips, she stood before him, naked from head to toe.

A low grumble sounded in his throat. His eyes flickered past them to the surrounding buildings. People could definitely see them if they looked their way.

“It’ll be fun,” she said softly.

He unbuckled his shorts and watched her as he dropped them and his boxers to the ground, stepping away from them before shucking his shirt.

Celeste stepped closer to him and grasped his cock around the base, giving it a long stroke. A drop of pre-cum beaded on the tip. She stroked it with her thumb before pulling her hand away and inserting her thumb into her mouth. He watched carefully as she licked his want off her finger, pulling her thumb out with a pop. The salty taste of his cum had her craving more.

She dropped to her knees and looked up at him as she wrapped her lips around his cock. A groan released from him, and his fingers immediately threaded through her hair.

“Fuck, Celeste. You’re incredible.”

She smiled around him and licked and sucked until he pushed her back.

“Not yet,” he murmured.

He pulled her up and walked her backward until her back bumped into the railing. Then he dropped to his knees and nudged her legs open. She spread her legs for him and stared down into his eyes as he leaned forward and licked her clit.

“Oooh,” she moaned.

His tongue licked and flicked against her. She dropped her head back and cried out when he sank two fingers into her. He gripped her hip and pressed his face deeper until his lips came around her clit.

“I’m com—“ She couldn’t finish talking before her body quaked with her release. She shook with the pleasure as his fingers pressed deeper, curling inside her.

“Fuck,” she moaned. She squeezed her eyes shut as her body continued to throb from the touch. She blindly reached for him and tugged on his arms until he stood up.

“I need to feel you,” she said.

When she opened her eyes, he looked wild with want. He took hold of her thigh and hitched her leg around his waist, staring into her eyes as he pressed into her.

He let out a low growl as her body clenched his.

“You feel incredible,” he murmured into her hair.

They gazed at each other as they moved in unison, her breath hitching as he thrust deeper with each stroke. All of their feelings and thoughts for each other were spoken with their eyes—in low affirmations with every moan and groan that escaped their lips.

“I want you deeper,” she whispered.

“Are you sure?”

She nodded.

He pulled back and spun her around. She gripped the railing with her hands as he entered her from behind.

“Is this what you want?” he asked.

“Yes. Just like that,” she said.

He thrust into her, taking his time as he stroked her deeper. Their bodies slapped together as a whoosh of air escaped her lungs with each thrust. She moaned. Her breasts bounced against the cold rooftop railing, turning her nipples into peaks. Anyone in the nearby buildings could see them fucking. See them making love. And she hoped they did. She wanted them to see how deeply two people could pleasure each other.

Her moans grew in volume the harder he thrust. He kept hold of her hips, taking care not to hurt her as he stroked deeper and deeper. He groaned from behind her and she matched his sounds until her body shook from her release.

She let out a loud cry. His hands gripped her waist, letting out his own groan as he spilled into her.

She rested her head on the railing, her heart thundering wildly in her chest. He pressed his head into her back, not moving as he continued to twitch inside her.

“That was incredible,” he said.

She hummed in response.

“Why did we wait so long to do that?” he asked.

She sighed. “Your guess is as good as mine.”

**Read more about Celeste’s adventures on her website. Link in profile.**


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