Her Property

I came home just after 1 a.m. after a night out on town with my pals. My divine girl friend was doing a major project for college and had decided a night alone would be good for her productivity. So I had gone to a local bar with the guys for a night of pool and darts. I tried to make as little sound as possible as I sneaked in.

Shirley had made a bed for me on the couch, so I undressed there and crept into bed. Just as my head hit the pillow, Shirley showed up in the door to the bed room.

“Hey Honey. How drunk are you?”

“Can’t drive. Can walk straight, My Love.”

“How much have you had?”

“Five pints and a gin tonic, Shirley?”

“On a full night with the boys, when I’d already given you tomorrow off?”


“Why?” She walked over to my side with a wide smile on her divinely beautiful face.

“Didn’t want to be too hungover tomorrow. I figured, you could do with me being decent help at home, so you can concentrate on your assignment, Shirley.”

“How sweet of you, My Love. Come to bed with me. Bring your bed linen.”

“Are you sure, Shirley?” She grabbed my hair and pulled me insistantly off the couch.

“I thought you knew me, Mark. Would I have said so, if I wasn’t?”

“No My Lady. Sorry.” I grabbed my duvet and pillow and followed her into the bed room, where I swiftly made my side of the bed. Shirley sat down on her own side of the bed, and I went to kneel before her.

“I’m sorry, I didn’t obey immediately, My Lady.”

“I gave you time off tonight and tomorrow, Dear. No sweat.”

“Never the less, I should be ready to obey you at all times, My lovely Mistress.”

“Apology accepted, Mark. I’m still a bit surprised, you didn’t drink more, when I had given you the whole day tomorrow off?”

“I know this assignment has been bothering you quite a bit, My Lady. I figured, maybe, if I didn’t have a hangover tomorrow, I could be of some help to you. You know, cater for you all day, proof read and whatever else, you might need. But why aren’t you sleeping, My Lady? It’s way past midnight.”

“Too tense. You’re right. This assignment is really bothering me. And the empty bed didn’t help either. You know how I love to snuggle up to you at night, Mark.” I took her foot in my hand and brought it to my lips and kissed it lovingly.

“I should have stayed home, My Lady.”

“No. I’ve been very productive tonight, and your night off was long overdue, Mark. I hope you had a good time tonight. You certainly deserve it. You’ve been amazing lately in the way you support me 24/7.”

“Isn’t that my purpose, My Lady?” She smiled.

“You’re so sweet, My Dear. I love you. Would you be up to a little bit of shoulder massage to make me relax, so I can get some sleep?”

“Of course, My Lady. With great pleasure.” I crawled up into bed to sit behind her and start gently massaging her shoulders. “My Lady, are you sure this will work? Your shoulders aren’t tense at all.”

“Got a better suggestion, My sweet slave?”

“Perhaps a couple of orgasms? Maybe you should facesit me in stead?” She turned around and pushed me over onto my back and mounted my face. She sat still with her lovely pussy just out of reach for my lips for a while, smiling sweetly down at me.

“I gave you the night off, and yet here you are, my little pussy juice junkie. And you’re not even embarassed.”

“No My Lady. I am fucking proud. Other males might be embarassed by submitting to a woman, but I’m not just doing that. I’m submitting to YOU, Shirley, and you are divine. There is absolutely nothing embarrasing about worshipping a genuine goddess.”

“I know you want it, Mark. And you have truly impressed me tonight, so I won’t tease you too long tonight. Taste me now, My Love.” She spread her legs a bit and her lovely, juicy pussy came down to ever so lightly touch my lips — my sign that I am allowed to begin licking her.

I started by kissing lightly at her labia and then suck them lightly for a couple of minutes. Then I stuck my tongue out and let it lightly part her labia while licking the length of her slit, gently parting the lips slightly more at every swipe. After another two minutes or so, her pussy lips opened like a flower and the intoxicating scent of her arousal filled my nostrils at the same time as her sweet juices began to flow down my tongue and into my mouth. I love her smell and I am positively addicted to her taste. At this time, I started alternating between the sweeps along her pussy lips and letting my tongue tickle her now erect clit. Her first orgasm rolls through her.

She grabbed a handful of my hair and firmly pressed her juicy pussy to my mouth, growling at me.

“Don’t stop. Keep it up, or I will whip you senseless, slave!” I keep my rutine going as she rides my face through her climax. As she settles down again to let me build her up to her second climax, I begin to vary my rhythm until I feel I get it right to increase her arousal again, then I intensify my attack slowly as I build her up to the next climax.

My hands finds her buttocks and support her while also caressing them. She begins to pant and moan as her second orgasm approaches. The second one is invariably quite a bit more powerful than the first. She grabs my hair again and rides my lips and tongue pretty hard. I have sported a swollen lip from this on many occasions. As her orgasm hits, her juices flow freely into my mouth, and I generally struggle to swallow them fast enough. This time, I didn’t stand a chance.

The wonderful nectar of my goddess overflowed my mouth, as she came in a screaming orgasm and then collapsed on top of me.

“Wow! What a ride.” She rolled off me and over to her own side of the bed, yawned and stretched. I pulle her duvet over her and kissed her shoulder.

“Sleep well, My lovely Goddess.” I settled in behind her, spooning with her and easing my arm around her the way she likes. She purred like a kitten as she pushed up against me and went to sleep. When her breathing settled to her normal sleeping rhythm, I reached behind me, and caught a lemon scented wet napkin from my night stand and cleaned my face, so my divine owner wouldn’t have to wake up to a slave smelling of stale pussy juice. Then I settled in to sleep with her in my arm, still savouring her wonderful sweet taste in my mouth.

Source: reddit.com/r/Erotica/comments/up0ju8/her_property