Religious Preg Woman Sins – Short story

‘Right you two. Let’s say some prayers before school, ask God to bless us on this day,’ smiled Julia, swiping a stray curl from her daughter Lucy’s brow. Lucy and her brother Ben nodded and took their seats.

Hands together at the breakfast table the three of them murmured their supplication to God. Concluding with a fervent amen, Julia laid her hand over Lucy’s.

‘You know baby, we are supposed to keep our eyes shut when we pray to God.’

Lucy frowned and scooped up a spoonful of cornflakes.

‘Sure, it’s not like he sees though,’ she said.

‘Oh he does. God sees everything. And wants us to honour him in our prayers. So next time, eyes stay closed. Ok baby?’

‘Ok,’ sighed Lucy.

A few hours later after the morning school run, a bit of gardening and some housework, Julia decided it was wise to have a shower before she headed to the bank. Her back was sore after her exertions and her swollen breasts were aching and much relieved to be freed from the confines of her maternity bra.

She stepped under the warm downpour and sighed. Soap in hand, her hands glided over her much changed body, washing away the sweat from her work, soothing and exploring the newness as they went. At six months, she was not exactly enormous, but she could only just about see her pubic hair now above her belly which made it tricky to keep in check. Her husband Saul had promised to help her with it, but that like many other things he promised had come to nothing thus far.

Her hand drifted down to her soft curls and she recalled how he had left for work in a hurry that morning leaving her throbbing and wanting yet again.

‘We’ll do it tonight,’ he’d said pressing a light kiss to her forehead. She had nodded, knowing full well they wouldn’t. He’d be far too tired. Work seemed to keep him very busy since his new admin assistant had started. Apparently she needed quite a bit of training and there was a big project ongoing.

Julia had tried many things to make him want her. Sexy clothes. Lingerie. Waiting for him in blatantly sexual poses to greet him when he came home. Once she had stood by the wall in a black lace basque and stockings for nearly a full hour after sending him a text saying, she was waiting for him and dying for his cum. He worked late that night and just got straight into bed after his shower, leaving her untouched; so hot and wet. And crying silently.

It was beyond frustrating. Her clit pulsed as if in agreement.

She shook her head to dispel these carnal thoughts and turned her attention to lathering up her long red hair.

A couple of hours later she was leaving the bank, after having paid the bills and depositing a few cheques. On her way back to the car, a strong wind blew pasting her thin blouse to her body and teasing her enlarged nipples into tight peaks. It whipped at her hair and tugged at her coat but she hurried on, pulling it about her.

Two yards away from the car, she spied something in the road, flapping in the wind like a dead seagull wing. What made her spare it a second glance she never knew, but all it took was a split second for her to realise what it was and shove it into her handbag.

She reached the car and battled to shut the door against the driving wind, all the while one hand gripped tightly around her degenerate find. Breathless she dropped into the driver’s seat and eyed herself scathingly in the rear view mirror.

‘What the heck Julia! Porn?’

Saul would be so very hurt. What was she doing? She was a bad wife.

The brief stab of guilt was soon erased when her eyes slid over to the bag containing her illicit find. Curiosity burned and so did the increasingly wet spot between the apex of her thighs as she thought about what she’d seen in the brief milliseconds the paper had been flapping about in the road.

A woman, a lot like her, only with shorter, lighter red hair, being taken from behind. She was on all fours, cock disappearing into her depths as she gazed over her shoulder, eyes glazed in lust and sweet pink mouth open on a sigh. Julia was desperate to look again. But it was not that simple. She couldn’t keep the paper. If her husband found it there would be serious trouble. He might divorce her. He was a very devout man – not to mention jealous. And then there was the issue of the school run. Which needed done, right now!

‘Fuck!’ she cried in frustration. Then clapped a hand over her mouth. Her eyes went wide as she realised what she’d said. What was happening to her? It was like a harlot had taken charge of her brain and her mouth. And God, did she want to do bad things with her mouth, just like the women in those pictures.

Shaking her head she started the ignition and made her way to the school. She knew she should put the lewd pages in the nearest bin but what she really wanted to do was find a secluded spot to pore over them in private.

It didn’t take long for her hormone crazed body to decide upon the latter. Only there was nowhere private. Not really. The only thing on her side was the fact she was early. So just one street away from the school and parked right beside a church, she reached into the bag and pulled out the tattered porn mag with shaking hands.

Her heart hammered as she rested it on her knees just below her preg belly and hidden by the steering wheel. After a furtive glance about, she turned the pages with shaking hands and fevered blood.

Her face reflected the look of lust on the faces of the models as they fucked with hedonistic abandon. Trembling, her body tensed and her cunt quivered as she unexpectedly came hard with a blinding rush of wetness and stars, without so much as even being touched.

Her knuckles were white as she gripped the creased pages and blinked her vision back to normal. Once more she looked into the rear view mirror and recalled what she’d said that morning…

‘God sees everything.’

‘Hopefully not,’ she said out loud to herself, stuffing the pages underneath the car mat.

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