Road Trip (part 2) [pictures]

If you are interested in catching up on earlier events check out [part 1](


I wandered for over an hour, always staying along the edge of the woods with the car in view. A half naked young woman in the back seat was easy prey. The thought was both horrifying and, to my dismay, arousing. She had never been a sexual interest of mine, at least not consciously, until I had photographed her. I never expected the fruits of our collaboration to go this way but the results were undeniably hot.

What the hell was I going to do now? I couldn’t handle this feeling every time I looked at her. Our trip wasn’t even halfway finished.

The wandering route I took through the field back to the car was long and I was no closer to figuring out how I felt or what to do with those feelings when I arrived. April was still dozing in the back seat, the blanket covering all but her face. A pang of guilt passed through me as I watched her breathe. It had always been my dream to photograph her and now I had. The fulfillment of that dream might have ruined our friendship.

With a sigh I opened the door as quietly as I could, intent on retrieving my potato chips and finishing them outside. Of course, the sound of the door opening woke her.

“How long have I been out?”

“Sorry, almost three hours,” I replied. “I was trying not to wake you.”

“Mmmm, no, that’s ok. It’s time to get up,” she said with a yawn as she raised herself to a sitting position, the blanket clinging to her chest as she [stretched](

“Careful that doesn’t fall!” I teased her, pointing to the blanket.

She laughed and clutched it to her chest in a show of [modesty]( “Quit looking!” she teased back. “I guess I’ll have to put a shirt on if we want to keep moving.”

I shrugged. “I guess.”

“Ok, here we go,” she sighed, reaching for a purple [shirt]( sitting below the rear windshield.

Without realizing it I had starting taking picture again, the camera never having left my hand. “Oh, uhhh, is this ok?” I asked, suddenly very aware of what I was doing.

“Sure, I’m over it,” she said, laying the shirt out [flat]( over the blanket. “Besides, I’m pretty sure I can’t put this shirt on without you seeing something you shouldn’t,” she sighed as she [unwound]( the scarf, the tails waving over her breasts, threatening to expose her but somehow never moving out of the way.

I couldn’t summon the words to say as I found myself again willing her clothing to move, to reveal her body hidden beneath. The warmth I had successfully extinguished in the woods was now stronger than ever as I watched her fight with the loops of scarf around her [neck](, my eyes glued to her chest, waiting for the fabric to swing far enough in any direction. It never did, even as she pulled the scarf over her [head](, away from her [chest](, and leaned [forward]( to drop it in the front seat.

I was nearly beside myself, desperate to see her nakedness as she began to lean [back]( Heat and desire threatened to overwhelm my control but I held on.

Then it happened.

As her back hit the seat, her arms stayed down, the blanket rested on her lap. There was no effort to conceal her body as my eyes gazed at her bare chest.

“Wow,” was all I could manage as I stared at her perky [breasts](, nipples erect in the chill air, mesmerized.

She laughed, her smile filling the car. “That’s all you get,” she said, as she raised her arm to block my [view]( She slid her arms through the sleeves of her [shirt]( and pulled it up her [arms](, the fabric quickly moving over her head and covering her [chest]( It was over, her nakedness gone.

“I….” I started, then stopped, my eyes still glued to her [nipples]( poking into the thin purple fabric.

“What?” she asked, reclining in the [seat](, blanket still covering her legs. “Something to say?”

“Uhhh, no, sorry,” I stammered.

She laughed, “tongue tied?”

“I guess you have that effect on me now,” I admitted as I struggled not to stare at her [chest]( “Sorry, but did you change your underwear?”

“I was wondering if you would notice!” she [chuckled]( “Just after you left I remembered I still had the old ones on.”

“Right, sorry, that was a weird thing to ask.”

“It’s fine. I just showed you my tits and you almost passed out on me, that’s enough to throw anyone off. And makes me glad I didn’t let you see down below,” she teased.

“Yeah, I guess so,” I admitted as I watched her slide further down the [seat](

“I like this spot,” she said, turning to look out the [window]( I watched her stare out at the field and tried to guess what she was thinking.

“Me too,” was all I could think to say.

“Ok, let me get some pants on and I’ll drive. I’m rested now,” she said, rising to her [knees]( and producing a pair of jeans from some unseen hiding spot.

“Right,” I said as I backed my way out of the car and stood beside it, quickly scrolling through the photos I had just taken while she finished dressing. I paused at the picture of her bare tits and smiled.

Today was a good day.


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