With my Wife’s Sister, Just Before the Wedding [FM]

It was a day before my wedding. My girlfriend, Anne, and I had been together forever and we’d finally decided to make it formal. We’d rented a beautiful little B&B out in the countryside and the wedding party went out a few days in advance to get everything ready. We kept the wedding party very small. My brother was my best man and Anne’s sister her maid of honor. That was everyone.

Anne and I had a huge honeymoon suite with an enormous bed and great view. After a morning getting things set up I walked in to our suite and found Anne, facing away from me, trying on an incredibly sexy white corset, with matching stockings. I recognized it as the wedding lingerie she’d bought. I snuck up behind her, cupped her breasts and pulled her close to nibble on her ear.

“Excuse me?” I looked up to see Anne glaring at me from the bathroom. I spun the woman in my arms around. It was Anne’s sister, Diana. Normally the two women hardly resembled each other at all. But the previous night Diana had dyed her hair to match Anne’s exactly. I found out later that Anne was pretty angry about it.

Diana giggled in my arms. I stepped back. Anne wore her flannel pajamas. In contrast. Diana looked amazing. The bridal lingerie flattered her perfectly. My eye lingered on her body. The corset was solid white, with a built in bra that pushed up her breasts. The stockings, were very lacy, held up with suspenders from the corset. It was then that I noticed Diana wasn’t wearing any panties. Her pubic hair was shaved in a tight landing strip, exactly like Anne. I blinked.

“What are you doing?” Anne asked. I realized that this wasn’t a sisterly bonding thing. Anne was as surprised as I was. Diana stopped giggling.

“Sorry. I saw the outfit and wanted to try it on. I guess just wanted to see what it was like to be you for a minute.”

“Yes. I can tell.” Anne’s voice was frosty. She was looking at Diana’s hair. Diana blushed.

“Hey.” She said “You’ve got a lot going on right now. Graduation, wedding, honeymoon. I wanted to take a test drive.”

“Put on the panties.” I said.

“What?” Both women asked simultaneously.

“The test drive isn’t complete without the panties.” I knew there was a family drama unfolding around me, but my attention was elsewhere. Anne looked at my face, then nodded.

“Fine. Try them on.”

Diana pulled the white lace panties up, over the suspenders. She looked like a fantasy. I looked at Anne. She didn’t look mad anymore.

I knew, from one night of confession, that Anne and Diana had fucked each other in the past. But that was all I knew. Usually Anne shared everything, but she told me that this was Diana’s secret to keep and refused to tell me anything more. I’d played every possible scenario in my mind thousands of times. Diana being here, in Anne’s lingerie, with Anne looking on, was literally my fantasy.

I was about to do something very stupid, especially so close to the wedding. But I couldn’t let this pass. I pulled Diana close. She gasped and looked at Anne. I intercepted her gaze and kissed her, deeply. She was rigid for a minute, then melted, the suddenly because rigid again. She broke away and looked at Anne in dismay. I looked at Anne to, waiting to see how this would unfold. Anne laughed.

“You wanted to take my life for a test drive? Guess what comes with it?” She gestured for us to continue. She sat in the rooms chair and leaned forwards. She was clearly intent on watching.

I kissed Diana again and this time she responded. Her lips were soft. She felt like Anne. She tasted like Anne. My cock grew hard and I pressed into her. She reach down to rub me. I did the same for her, I rested my hand on her panties and pushed against her lips. She was wet already and starting to soak into Anne’s panties. I reached in and slid my fingers into her pussy. She moaned.

“Hey.” Anne said. “I have to wear those tomorrow.” I stripped the panties from Diana and tossed them to Anne. She held on to them. I pushed Diana back on the bed and spread her legs open. I lay beside her and started to finger her softly. I wanted Anne to have a good view. I spread Diana open. Anne loved to show off, Diana had the same kink. She reached down and spread herself wide. Anne was transfixed.

I kissed Diana. Then kissed her chest, a little awkwardly through the corset, then worked my way to her open pussy. I licked her lightly. She tasted like her sister. I slid a finger into her and licked at her lips. I stroked her deep inside and licked at her clit. She rode my face in soft waves. Her thighs closed around me and she thrust upwards. With a ragged cry she came on my tongue.

I wanted to do so much more. To do all the things that I’d fantasized about. But that wasn’t going to happen. My head was filled with mixed visons of Diana and Anne. My heart was pounding. I climbed on Diana and thrust into her. She cried out softly. Anne, behind me, gasped as well, almost in unison. I tried to fuck Diana gently, but I wasn’t in control anymore. I pounded and pounded and pounded. I exploded deep inside my wife’s sister.

I fell to the side, gasping. Diana got up and went to the shower to clean up. Anne snuggled next to me on the bed. She was still holding the wet panties.

“I’m glad you got that out of your system.” She said. “You would have been a wreck if you were thinking about that all day tomorrow.”

“Thank you, my love.” There wasn’t much else to say. Anne smiled.

“I’m going to be an amazing wife. But,” She poked my chest for emphasis, “no more fucking my sister.”

“Yes, dear.”

Source: reddit.com/r/sexystories/comments/uky9q1/with_my_wifes_sister_just_before_the_wedding_fm