That Time Lisa Convinced Her Boyfriend to Enslave Her For a Threesome, Part Three (m/f/f) (Twins) (Bondage) (Final)

Lisa’s head was spinning. For so long, she had fantasied about the idea of being taken as a slave and used to pleasure someone else. For so long it had been a core part of her desires, filled her head with want and lust. Now at last it was happening, and she couldn’t get over how it made her feel.

She was naked, tied to a bed with her arms bound above her head and her legs spread by ropes. Her pussy was soaking, inflamed with desire and want which rushed through her with every thought. She’d just seen her boyfriend fuck her sister, taking her from behind as Diana was herself forced to eat Lisa out. She knew she would remember the feel of her twin sister’s tongue against her pussy for as long as she lived.

She felt humiliated, ashamed, powerless and more turned on than she ever had in her life. Her heart pounded, and her breathing was fast. The cold air pressed against her tingling skin,the ropes bit into her thighs and her wrists. The bed was soft and inviting below her, and above her, Kyle knelt.

Kyle was her boyfriend of many years; a man she trusted above all others. Someone she had even dared to confess her deepest desires to. He’d been – reluctantly – willing to help her and her sister indulge in their shared kink but as soon as the game had started, that reluctance seemed to have melted away. Kyle’s dominant side had come out, and he regarded her with flinty eyes that made her shiver. She could still see shades of the man she knew. He was not totally different. But it was as though a new side of him had come forward. He was not merely indulging their fantasy, he was participating in it!

Her eyes fell to his cock, which was semi-hard after having his way with her sister. Diana’s moans and cries still echoed in her head. He’d fucked her twin while she watched, tied to the bed! The helplessness had made her squirm, and her pussy felt tight and hot, desperate for any attention at all.

“Do you want me to fuck you, Lisa?” Kyle asked, his voice low. She nodded, unable to speak.

“Say it.”

“Y-yes! Yes, Kyle, I want you to fuck me!”
“How did you phrase it before, again?” Kyle asked, enjoying her growing desperation. “Use those words.

“I asked you to bend my over like a whore and fuck my brains out,” Lisa said. Her face was red. Somehow, saying those words to her mild-mannered boyfriend were totally different from speaking them to the man in front of her now. When she’d said it, she’d been the one in control. She had known that Kyle wouldn’t really rise to them then and there.

Now it was different. Now the ball was in his court. She shivered in anticipation and nervousness, her heart was beating faster and her mouth was dry. How long had she wanted something like this to happen? Dreamed of it? But she had never truly thought it would. Even if Kyle had agreed to live out her fantasy, Lisa had never thought that he would be this good at taking charge!

“Do you hear that, Diana?” Kyle said, turning his head. Diana, her older sister, was sitting with her legs curled under her on the floor. She was still recovering from her own climax mere minutes before. “Your sister wants to be fucked like a whore. Should I do it, do you think?”

“I don’t know, master.” Diana said the last word slowly, as if tasting it. ‘’Master,’’ Hearing that come from her usually dominant sister sent shivers racing up Lisa’s spine. “That would be your choice, wouldn’t it?”

“Yes,” Kyle said, “Yes it would. And Lisa has worked so hard to set this up that it would be very rude of me not to fulfil her fantasies now, wouldn’t it?”

He moved to the spot between her splayed legs, the ropes still held her thighs apart, and Lisa felt utterly helpless, unable to move even an inch. She jumped when Kyle’s hands touched her thighs, his fingers traced the pale skin and made her shiver. She swallowed, arousal surged inside of her. It had never felt this intense during any of their sessions before.

He caressed her bound body, his fingers played over the rough ropes, and rubbed against her skin. It was sensual, a massage which danced across her nerves. Kyle let his hands move slowly towards her core, following the curve of her legs. Lisa could only sit and endure, her heart pounded as he inched ever closer to her womanhood. She was breathing fast, anticipation coiled inside of her like a spring. Kyle took his sweet time, enjoying her evident frustration and desperation. His fingers on her body felt nice, but not as nice as they would against her pussy! Yet each moment, he waited, she grew hotter. More tense. Her body coiled tighter.

“Kyle…” She moaned, “Please…”

“Isn’t this what you wanted?” He asked her. “To be totally helpless, unable to even lift a finger in your own defence? I could sit here for hours and play with you like this. Tease you and torture you, keeping you right on the edge with your desire but never giving you the release you sought. That would be my right as your master, wouldn’t it? And a fitting punishment for a naughty slave.”

Lisa breathed faster, his words hitting her hard.

“What did I do that was so bad?”

“Well,” Kyle said, “I don’t know about you, but getting not only yourself but also your twin sister enslaved sounds pretty bad to me. I am sure there are plenty of people who would love slave-twins.”

Lisa moaned, one of Kyle’s fingers flickered against her womanhood for just an instant. The sudden contact made her legs feel weak.

“We could go like this all day,” Kyle chuckled. “But I am a merciful master and I think it’s time to give you what you want. Diana, come here.”

“Yes, master.”

Diana, her older sister, stood up from the floor. She was naked, her body beaded with sweat. She’d already fucked Kyle once today, and her pussy was still soaking with desire. Kyle told her to kneel over Lisa’s chest, her legs pressing to either side of the bed. This naturally exposed her pussy, and Lisa felt her sister’s arousal dripping onto her.
“Play with her nipples,” Kyle told Diana. “Make it feel good for her.”

Diana nodded, and reached forward. Lisa was helpless, spread out and exposed. Her nipples were straining with arousal, and as her twin sister touched them, she felt a wave of pleasure soak through her body. Diana’s hands were sure and skilled, deftly teasing Lisa’s chest. She groped and teased, switched her focus between the nipple, her areolas and her breasts themselves. Lisa’s body cried out with want, heat flushed through her chest and rose to her face. Her sister’s hands felt good, and she could not believe she was getting off on it. She was mortified and humiliated, but also aroused by just how powerless she was in this situation.

Then, she felt Kyle’s cock press against her lower lips. She couldn’t see him past Diana’s kneeling figure, but he felt him. The hunger and desire thundered through her, Lisa’s fingers plucked and teased her chest. She swallowed, and then cried out as her boyfriend penetrated her for the first time that day. It had been a long time coming; Kyle had built anticipation, coiled her like a spring. Now at last, there was a release. The feeling of his cock pushing up inside of her made her legs shake, her chest heaved. She moaned lewdly, not even caring that her own sister was seeing her getting fucked like this.

Her hips bucked, Kyle’s cock was stiff and hard now, and his hands still trailed across her legs and thighs. He fucked her, thrusting with strength and speed that made her body shake. Lisa threw her head back, she was seeing stars. Her nerves were on fire with ecstasy that flowed from every pore of her being. She was moving, her body tensing and releasing as Kyle penetrated her, the rhythm drove her blood through her veins, and made her senses sing. Lisa was still playing with her breasts, the added stimulation there just heightened it all the more. Lisa’s fingers plucked and teased her nipples, stroked her areola, made her quiver and moan.

And Kyle continued to fuck her. She was gasping now, moaning with each thrust. Her body swayed, pleasure and humiliation swamped her mind. It felt like nothing she had ever known before. She couldn’t even see what her boyfriend was doing! But she could feel it, oh yes. With each thrust, each moan, each grunt, Lisa felt her own body responding to the hunger and desire that they both shared. His cock felt hard between her lower lips, her pussy was hugging him with each withdrawal. Her thighs burned, and the motion rocked her body back and forth. Her legs and arms were still spread, bound and unable to be freed. She cried out, a wordless sound of arousal and desire which was torn from her throat again and again by the savage motion of their bodies.

Lisa felt like she never had before; her nerves were singing. Ecstasy flushed through her body. Diana’s hands teased her chest, making her nipples tight and hot, and her pussy was overflowing with need and pleasure. She could feel Kyle’s body pressed up against her own, the heat of his skin against hers. It was intimate, and she felt close to him in spite of the fact that she could not actually see him. This lack of vision served to enhance things, make it so she had to rely on her other senses. The feeling of his body slapping against her own, the moment of penetration and the flood of pleasure that came with it. The motion of their love-making, moving back and forth combined with the bite of the ropes, and the soaring sense of helplessness and arousal.

She had been so right. This was amazing and she was glad she was exploring the fantasy.

Kyle came a moment later, grunting as he filled her pussy with his cum. Lisa jerked; she hadn’t expected that, and a sense of fear filled her! But she had taken pills this morning, and she would take them later as well, so she reminded herself that it should be fine. As if sparked by the sudden shift in her emotions, her own body finally hit its peak as well and she cried out. Her legs went taut, and her climax washed over her. The feeling was amazing, like a tide of warmth which swept across her mind and body, erasing everything and leaving only a tingling pleasure which burned like a star in her mind.

Lisa was left gasping as Kyle withdrew, her legs and arms trembled. Diana gave her a sympathetic look before Kyle called her away as well.

For the first time, Kyle allowed his mask to slip. He looked at her, meeting her eye and ran a finger gently across her face. The contact was warm and intimate.

“You’re doing well,” He told her. “Really well. Remember, we can stop at any time you want.”

She shook her head. Her mind was spinning and she was trying to sort through a dozen conflicting emotions, but if there was one thing that Lisa was sure of it was that she didn’t want this to end.

Not yet, anyway.


It was a few minutes later, and they were in the shower. ‘’They’’ in this case being Lisa and Diana. After Kyle had finished having his way with his girlfriend, he’d finally untied her from the bed and told them both to go and get cleaned up.

“It would be more fun if you came with us,” Lisa had said, smiling a little as she rubbed at her wrists where the ropes had burned her.

“It would,” Kyle admitted. “But I don’t think we’d get much actual cleaning done. Go and get washed. There will be more fun later.”

The shower was big enough for the two of them to take it together, as they had done a few times before. The water drummed against their naked bodies, and Diana felt it coursing through her long hair. She ran her hands through it, her body was still in shock after the pleasure she had felt before. Not only from Kyle, but also while she had waited for him on the sybian. With her blindfold on, and her hands chained above her head, all she had been able to do was listen to her sister’s moans and gasps, and experience the vibration and penetration of the machine itself.

The two sisters looked at each other, water ran down their bodies in rivulets. Neither one could quite meet the other’s eye. For all that they had been close, and shared many secrets before, tonight was the first time that they had ever done anything quite like this. After a few moments, Lisa spoke.

“Wow. I mean, I didn’t expect him to take the role so fully.”
“Yeah…” Diana said, shaking her head. “It was unexpected. I didn’t think he could be so dominant.”

“It was your fault, you know.” Lisa smirked cheekily. “Getting chained up for him definitely set the mood. Holy shit, the two of us have fucked before, but that was something else.”

“For sure,” her sister echoed with a shake of her head. “And we’ve got more to do as well.”

“I know. Exciting, isn’t it?”

“You’re incorrigible, you know.” Diana sighed but Lisa merely chuckled.

“I’m just saying what we’re both thinking. You were totally into that. I saw how wet you were.”

“Lisa! You’re not supposed to talk about things like that.”

“Bitch, you ate me out and played with my tits. I think at this point we’re beyond Victorian purity.”

“Well, maybe so.” Diana chuckled, shaking her head. “I’m just being awkward. This is kind of weird, not going to lie.”

“Weird yes. Never thought my own sister would see my naked, much less fuck my boyfriend while I was chained to a bed. Got to admit I enjoyed it though. The helplessness of it…”

“Yeah…” Diana murmured. “There is that.”

“You okay?” Lisa asked her. “You seem kind of distant.”

Diana smiled, looking across to her younger sister through the veil of steam.

“I am fine, Lis’. You’re absolutely right, that was really fun and I enjoyed it a lot. I’m just not used to feeling like this.”

“Not in charge, you mean?”

“A little bit,” Diana laughed. “It feels kind of good, but also odd. I’m not used to being the one who doesn’t have to make choices or decisions.”

“That’s why it’s fun,” her sister said. “The change of perspective, right? It makes you feel vulnerable and different, opens you up to new experiences. If you just want to get fucked, that’s easy enough. But with this sort of thing, a bit part of it is the feeling of powerlessness and humiliation. Kyle took charge today, he really did. And in a way I didn’t expect either. In one sense, being pinned down and having you eat me out was one of the most humiliating things that anyone has ever done to me. But you know what? It turned me on like nothing else. It would be kind of fucked up if I didn’t trust him with my life.”

“I suppose so,” Diana said. “There is some sense to that.”

She sighed and grinned, shaking her head as if to dislodge her worries.

“I’m just not used to being the powelless one, ‘Lis,” She said. “It’s making me a bit tense is all.”

“Don’t worry about it,” Lisa said. “Besides, there’s fun in being powerless. Trust me.”


While the twins got washed, Kyle sat on a leather chair in the living area. He was still naked, but his erection had gone for now. As the tide of lust receded from his mind, he was replaying his last encounter with the two, alternately feeling delight and bowel-clenching terror.

Holy shit, had he really said that?

Had he really done that?

Had he really made them do that?

Fucking hell, he’d gotten over his head. He hadn’t meant to do any of that, but the feeling of being in power had overwhelmed him. Not that either of the sisters had complained about itl, but still…

He hadn’t intended anything that wild for their first encounter. Now what was he going to do with them for the rest of the day? He knew that Lisa wouldn’t be satisfied for long just with that, and besides, his own fetish for twins was still in the back of his mind. This was probably the only chance he’d have to live it out with Lisa and Diana, and he needed to make the most of it.

He was lucky that his girlfriend was so kinky, and her sister was so willing. Talk about a one in a million chance. But he would have to keep better control of himself now. He had to remember that they were all supposed to enjoy this, know his limits.

Even if it was hard.

He heard the bathroom door open and the two sisters came padding towards him. They were each wrapped in a towel, and the moisture still clung to their skin. The towels were a little short, exposing their long legs as they moved. Kyle felt his desire stirring again, somehow the sight of them semi-covered like this was more sensual than when they were naked. It was hard to believe that these two absolutely stunning women had agreed to be his slaves for the whole day.

“I see you didn’t put on any clothes,” he said to them. “That’s good, but you’re still covering yourselves. If you’re dry enough to get out of the bathroom, you’re dry enough to discard your towels.”

Lisa was the first one to let go of her towel. It went lip and slid from her body, revealing her chest and the sway of her hips. The curve of her thighs and the shaved mound of her pussy. After a moment, Diana did the same. The two sisters stood side by side, and Kyle found himself comparing them.

They were obviously twins, but there were differences. Diana was slightly taller where Lisa was a bit shorter. They were both lithe, with long legs, but Diana’s chest was bigger and Lisa’s more compact. Their faces were subtly different, with Lisa possessing a finer bone structure and Diana being a bit more blunt.

He gestured for them both to approach him, and they did. His cock stirred, desire pounding through his body. Lisa grinned, seeing his erection, but he did not want to merely fuck them again. He had to make this memorable. This might be the only chance that he had, the only chance that Lisa had, to each live out their own particular fantasies.

“I’ve been thinking about what to do with the two of you.”

The twins looked excited. Lisa was more obvious about it while Diana carefully shielded her interest, but he could read them both anyway. He felt a thrill course through his body, surging arousal as he looked at their naked bodies. Their hair was still damp, and his gaze lingered over their long legs, their breasts, and then their faces. Both of them were looking at him, but there was something different now compared to how they had looked at him before. There was submission, which only served to fuel his growing desire to dominate and control.

Kyle felt as though someone had lit a torch inside of him and it was burning brighter and brighter. He did not know if it would consume him, make him into someone different. At that moment, he didn’t much care. He stood up, raising his naked body from the chair. His cock was growing hard again, and he wanted to fuck the two of them here and now. As his gaze settled on Lisa, he saw his girlfriend licking her lips. Desire surged within him, and he had a hard time picturing her as the smiling, joking girl in college. Lisa was friends with everyone, was energetic to a fault, but had a serious side when she needed it. That was the person he had known up until today.

Yet now, she felt different. Disconnected just like he was. Maybe in this moment, it didn’t matter who they were outside of these rooms. After the day was over, they could go back to being those people. Step back into those roles like nothing had happened. But for now, there was no chance of that.

He moved towards her, walking slowly. She saw him coming, the corners of her lips tugged upwards. She ran a hand through her short-cut hair, and stepped up to meet him. Up close, he could see that her face was flushed.

“Kyle…” She murmured softly. “I don’t know what to say… this is amazing…”

“Are you really enjoying it?”

“It’s more than I ever dreamed.”

He kissed her then, drawing her close. Her naked skin pressed against his own, the heat of her body made his hairs stand on end. The kiss got deeper, he could feel her breasts pressing against his chest. Her legs were splayed, and his hand ran down to her pussy. Lisa moaned when his fingers rubbed against her entrance, the motion sending a wave of pleasure flaring through her. She was turned on, he could feel that in the wetness between her thighs. When they broke apart, he smiled at her.

“You really do love this, huh?”

She nodded, her face burning.

“Then get on your knees and greet me properly.”

Her eyes flickered towards his face for just a moment, and then she nodded. Her legs folded, and she reached for his cock. Her fingers curled around it, the feeling was good, and she drew it into her mouth. The touch of her tongue against the head of his shaft sent a flood of desire coursing through him. Lisa started to suck on him using her pursed lips, moving her head back and forth and using her tongue to tease his cock. She was normally good at blowjobs, but this one was spectacular even for her. The scenario had turned them both on.

As she sucked him off, one of her hands fell between her legs, using two fingers to stroke herself. Lisa moaned around his shaft, finger-fucking herself on her knees.

“Is this the little sister you always wanted to protect?” Kyle said to Diana, the older twin was watching with an expression of mixed shame and arousal. “Look at her, touching herself with a cock in her mouth. But then, you’re not much better, are you? At least Lisa waited until I told her to strip. You were already getting off before I even got to the house.”

“That’s not-” Diana started to say, but Kyle held up a hand.

“Don’t argue. You know that you’re wrong. After all, you’re the slave here and I am not. No slave has the privlige of being more correct than her master, wouldn’t you agree?”

“Yes,” Diana breathed, her face flushing. “That is right…”

“Then I should punish you for thinking otherwise, shouldn’t I?” Kyle said, his heart raced. Lisa’s head moved back and forth, her tongue drawing his cock deeper into her mouth. The feeling of her working on him made him shiver, and he tried to resist the growing climax for at least a little while longer.

“Yes.” Diana closed her eyes, her heart racing. “You should punish me like I deserve.”

“And what exactly do you deserve?”

“ want me to punish myself?”

“Exactly,” Kyle smirked. “Since you seem to have put so much thought into this aspect of things. How would you punish a slave who did not know her place?”

Diana seemed to pause and think. The sound of her sister’s blowjob filled the room, and Kyle fought back against the urge to moan. Lisa truly was very skilled with her tongue, and she was exerting all of that skill on him now. Her hand was moving faster and faster as well, fingering herself while her other hand worked at her breasts, groping her chest and teasing her nipples.

“Well…” Diana said slowly. “If I had to punish a slave girl who didn’t know her place… I would tie her hands behind her back, and order her to spread her legs. Once she did that, I would take the mint toothpaste from the bathroom and put a tiny bit of it on her clit.”

“Interesting,” Kyle said, and meant it too. He had never considered something like that but the way she was speaking, Diana had clearly considered it many times. “How would that work?”

Diana swallowed, visibly embarrassed by the fact that she knew this.

“The um, mint in the toothpaste causes a burning feeling in sensitive areas. It starts small, but gets more intense. Once it’s applied, you can’t just wash it off either. You need to sit through it. It’s pretty safe though, it just feels painful and humiliating. Like, you know, a punishment should.”

“You make it sound so fun,” Kyle said, his heart was hammering. Lisa’s tongue and mouth worked on his shaft, sparking a grinding sort of joy between his legs, and the description of what Diana had chosen for her punishment certainly made him think. He had not expected her to suggest such a thing, and even now was still not sure if she was messing with him. He kept waiting for her to change her mind, but she didn’t and after a few moments, he told her to go and fetch the toothpaste.

While she was away, he was finally able to focus solely on his girlfriend. Lisa’s head was moving back and forth, sucking on his shaft, using her teeth to gently stimulate the head of his cock. His back arched, pleasure shooting through his body as he felt himself approaching his limits. Lisa was soaking, her hand was furiously pleasuring herself as she sucked him off, he could see the dripping wetness between her legs.

He came a moment later, grunting and moaning as his cock stiffened and climaxed, the motion sent shudders running through him, his seed poured into Lisa’s mouth and she drank it down without even having to be ordered. When it was done, he pulled away from her, and she knelt on the floor panting.

“You look beautiful,” He said, and she looked up at him as if expecting a joke. But he wasn’t joking. She was humiliated, kneeling naked with a soaking pussy, but to him she had never looked any more beautiful than she did right then and there. It wasn’t the state she was in – though, that certainly helped! – but rather, a deeper sense of connection. He realised that by coming here and doing this, they had exposed themselves to one another in ways far more than the obvious. It wasn’t just Lisa who had done it either, but Kyle as well. He felt like he was confronting a part of himself he had never known before, and for every instant that passed he was becoming closer and closer to his girlfriend.

“That’s a weird thing to say right now, Kyle.” Lisa said, smirking at him.

“Maybe it is,” he allowed. “But it’s true. What about you? Do you feel any different now?”

“I don’t know,” She said thoughtfully. “I mean, obviously I am enjoying the hell out of this whole thing, but beyond that? Hmmm. maybe. I’ve got to admit, you play a much better master than I thought you would.”

“It has surprised me too,” Kyle admitted. “I’m almost worried about how easy it is to slip into that role.”

“Don’t be,” She looked up at him. “This new side of you is still you, Kyle. It’s just different is all. Are you scared of it?”

“A little,” he admitted. “I feel like I am not sure what I will do to you or to Diana. When I control you, I feel strong. Dominant. In control. It’s good, and it’s so easy to get carried away by it.”

“You’re being silly,” She told him and he blinked in surprise. “Obviously feeling dominant makes you feel good. That’s why so many people like it. It appeals to our nature, makes us important. It’s the same way that I like feeling helpless. Oh, I’m sure I could go into a long background on the reasons why I first started to feel that way, but it boils down to the fact that I trust you totally, and I allow myself to be helpless and submissive specifically because I both enjoy the feeling on a primal level and also because I trust you absolutely. Opening up like this isn’t easy, you know. There has to be some sort of bond or it can become unhealthy.”

“I don’t quite get what you’re trying to say…” Kyle said slowly. Lisa shook her head, throwing off the image of a slave for a moment.

“I’m saying that I trust you, dummy. I always have, and there’s not one moment here today that I have felt you would actually go too far or hurt us. The fact that you’re questioning yourself at all is a good sign! The worst thing a dom can do is just assume that they’re intrinsically always right, beyond playing, I mean. The sort of self-righteous person who never thinks to doubt themselves or question their methods or desires is only going to become a danger to their partner sooner or later. You need an open mind, and the ability to step back and look at yourself. And you’ve been doing that, Kyle. You’re scared of losing control, but that won’t happen so long as it is a thought in your head. The very fact that you’re worried about it shows that you’re not on the path to do it.”

Kyle looked at her for a moment and then felt a laugh bubbling up inside of him.

“Since when were you so smart?”

“Always,” She said. “It’s not my fault that you didn’t notice until now. But if you weren’t attracted to my mind, I can’t see why you ever agreed to be my boyfriend.”

She smirked playfully.

“Look in the mirror,” He told her. “You’ll find that there are plenty of other reasons to date you besides just your mind. But yes, I admit I love your mind as well.”

He stepped forward and kissed her, the two embraced for a brief but lingering moment and the chains of their game fell away. For an instant, they were simply a couple enjoying each other’s company.

Then they broke apart and it was back to the game.


For the rest of the day, their game continued. When Diana returned with the toothpaste, he ordered her to sit on the chair with her legs spread. Her pussy was wet and glistening, and he gave her a final chance to avoid punishment but she refused. Still a little unsure, but knowing that Diana would certainly have told him if she didn’t want to go on, Kyle bent down and ran his fingers over her sex.

It was the first time he had touched Diana’s pussy with his hands. Part of a fantasy that he had only voiced before when drunk. As Lisa knelt behind him, Kyle’s fingers roamed across her twin’s sex, touching and stroking and caressing. Diana moaned, and it did not take him very long to find her clitoris. It was a tiny bead of red, engorged by desire and aching want. Diana hissed as Kyle drew it gently from its hood by pressuring the skin to either side of it. Then he took the toothpaste and applied a small drop of it right on top of her clit. She moaned, her face was flushed. Kyle told her to keep her legs spread and then allowed Lisa to finish herself off. After all, Kyle had climaxed during her blowjob but Lisa had not yet had that pleasure.

While Lisa moaned, touching herself in pleasure, Diana sat on the chair and felt her body start to react. At first, the toothpaste was almost soothing but then it began to become more and more intense. She shifted, trying to get comfortable but it proved to be impossible. The feeling grew stronger and stronger, becoming a mild burning which made her body tingle and her face heat up. She moaned, unable to keep silent.

All the while, Kyle watched and the feeling of those eyes on her made it all the more intense. She truly felt like she was being punished; Diana was not normally into pain, but in this case it was more spurred on by the humiliation. Sitting with her legs spread as her clit ached, the mint senseition driving her to moan and wriggle. It was not the sort of thing that anyone else ever should see, a side of her that was owed to no one. But now Kyle was seeing it, the feeling of helplessness was extreme, and his desire and lust were almost palpable. She gulped, her mouth felt dry. All of her earlier fantasies paled when compared to this moment.

After a while, the pain started to fade. Diana was relieved when Kyle told her that her punishment was concluded, though the day was not yet over. He took out a pair of nipple clamps and attached one of them to Lisa’s chest and one of them to Diana’s, running a chain between each one so the sisters were now connected together.

Then he told them to make something to eat. Naked and chained together, the twins padded into the kitchen. And while they did this, Kyle prepared. When the food was ready and the table set, he told them that only one of them would be allowed to eat there. That would be Lisa, is girlfriend. Diana would go under the table on her hands and knees, and her role would be to eat Lisa out while her younger sister enjoyed her meal.

This, of course, was humiliating to both twins. Lisa had to spread her legs, feeling the caress of her twin’s tongue across her pussy and clit, moaning and jerking as her pleasure spiked. Kyle watched it all, and enjoyed it too.

Then, after dinner, it was time to use the sybian again. Lisa’s turn now. She sat on it and moaned, the machine whirring into life and firing her body. She shook and shuddered while Diana pleasured herself with a vibrator for Kyle’s amusement.

After that, he felt recharged enough to have another go himself, and took both twins to the bed. They fucked, rolling and bucking. Writhing in pleasure and want. When it was done, all three of them lay exhausted on the bed.

And then it was over. They slept, utterly spent by their day of hedonism, and the next day dawned bright and early. Diana was the first to wake up; her body ached with everything that they had done. She gently extracted herself from the pile of limbs and bodies and dressed herself primly in a pair of panties and a short skirt matched with a no-nonsense blouse. There was work to be done, she told herself. And the day before was now over.

Yet thoughts of it would continue to haunt her mind for some time to go, and she would often find herself cycling back towards it.

As for Kyle and Lisa, they lay together for some time longer. Half asleep, they simply enjoyed their partner’s embrace. Kyle was content, Lisa was nestled in against his chest, her breasts pressed against him.

He reflected on everything that he had done the previous day. The soaring addiction of dominance, the feeling of arousal and pleasure. How much he had enjoyed controlling the sisters, and yet how closely connected he felt to them now. It made his head swim, and he would probably be sorting through it for weeks before he knew for sure exactly how he felt about the whole thing.

He looked down. Lisa was breathing softly, her chest rising and falling. Sensing his gaze, she looked up. Her eyes were beautiful, deep and soul-catching, sparkling with mischief and understanding in equal amounts.

“Well?” She whispered to him. “Did you enjoy it as much as I did?”

He shook his head, but she grinned.

“You totally did! Admit it!”

“Okay, okay,” Kyle said. “I enjoyed it. You were right. I am glad we did that yesterday. Are you happy?”

“For now,” Lisa curled up against his body sleepily. “Don’t worry, I’ll figure out something new to do next week as well…”

Before he could even ask if she was joking, she had gone back to sleep. Kyle reflected for a moment that his girlfriend was one of the most intense and yet whimsical women that he had ever met.

And that he was pretty sure he loved her for it.



1 comment

  1. I want to make a specific note here, though in the interests of safety, I guess? The scene where Diana uses toothpaste on her clit in this story is a bit debatable. I wanted to have it in because it was fun, but during my research I found plenty of people advising others not to do this for health reasons. There are also plenty of people saying that they absolutely do do this, so you know. Obviously, I don’t think anyone will be inspired to try that because of a random smut story on reddit, but I just wanted to put that disclaimer out there.

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