Sarah, my best friend [Straight]

today my friends and I decided to go for lunch with a friend of ours. I hadn’t seen them for a long time, and above all I hadn’t seen sarah. since the birthday party I haven’t had the chance to have hot scenes with her anymore. but today it happened again. she was wearing a white t-shirt, electric blue sweatpants that surely let a glimpse of her big ass and her thong between her buttocks. before lunch she hugged me and we hugged each other tightly, I wanted to squeeze her ass, but since she has a boyfriend obviously I couldn’t do it. she kissed me on my cheek and we set the table. during lunch she wanted to sit next to me, and while we ate she put her hand on my thigh several times, very close to what is my package. after lunch we decided to watch a movie, so we sat on the sofa, and I tried in every way to sit next to her. I was hot, I took off my sweatshirt. we started a movie, it’s called 365 and it contains a lot of hot scenes. she was hot too and her feet were sweaty, so she took off her shoes first. she wore beautiful black ankle socks, which as always drove me crazy and showed the shape of her little foot. to let her feet get some air she also took off her socks, which she put aside, and she remained barefoot, she put her legs on mine and we watched the film. although the film was very exciting I never took my eyes off her, and her little feet. she was there, clinging to me, with an arm on my chest, and in the meantime she kept moving her fingers. my friend was not standing still, on the contrary he started to warm up. at one point she started joking with my friends, starting to put her foot on their face and biting her lip, i wish too much to have her beloved foot on my mouth, to be able to lick it and stick her fingers in my mouth . during the film she started stroking my arm, while my hand was on her thigh, between her legs, very close to her lair. i would have licked to touch ber there, but then she would have slapped me. for a snack she ate strawberries with cream, she threw directly into her mouth, and made me fly with the imagination, thinking about her opened mouth and the tongue out, ready to take it all. after the film a friend of mine asked her for a back massage, so she put her socks back on, got up on me and sitting on my package and made him lie on his stomach on the ground, she sat on top of him, and as always I traveled with the imagination. I pictured her on top of me, riding me like a cowgirl, and that was another reason I was excited. the thread that divided the two buttocks was very thin, her big ass almost came out of her pants. her feet in the ankle socks were amazing, and she looked very horny. after that it was me, her and a friend of mine on the sofa, the others were out of the house, in the garden. him and her are very close friends, like me and her, and therefore they often go close to doing exciting things. he started tickling her, and she threw herself on me. she had her ass facing me while I was sitting, and her pussy right on top of my friend. I couldn’t help but let her do it, and enjoy the moment. while he tickled her neck, I remained still, while she moved over me and soon made me touch her big ass. she was moving like crazy, and my friend was near to get off the pants. she was panting, probably very horny, but we had to reach my friends in the garden. she decided to take me for a ride with her on her scooter. so we went up and I leaned against her. she promised me to take me for a ride and i said yes. her butt was all over the seat. because i’m tall i had my friend on her back, and i stood at her hips. I ended the exciting part of the day like this, because then I didn’t have other opportunities to continue. now that I’m writing this story I can’t wait to have new experiences, and above all to see her again.
