Sexy Gift Ideas

Thanks to a lovely redditor who gave me this slutty idea. (Yes, I chat with some of you who are lovely)

I was leaving for a family vacation. Needed to keep some sexy souvenirs around for my boyfriend to remind him of me.

When he was not around. I went to his place and kept these on his bed.

A box of his favourite carrot cupcakes with cream cheese frosting. I added a note saying ‘ lick the frosting like it’s my cum’

2nd box contained my used panties. Added a note to it ‘these are soaking wet, thinking of you’

3rd box contained the perfume I wear often but I added a label on it which says ‘His name (Maaz’s) Little Slut’s Scent’

I thought I will share these here for the ladies as you too can do this for your partner to spice things up ;)


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