Another Hot Tub

Originally published to

I honestly think that personal trainers are demons from the pits of hell. Today mine pushed me so hard I thought I would break. I was his last client of the night and we thoroughly worked my legs, back, and abs, but now I could barely move as I walked from the shower to the hot tub in hopes of loosening up my muscles.

There was already someone soaking with their head tilted back and their eyes closed. It took me a moment to realize that this was a woman. And not just any woman… she was gorgeous! Her auburn hair hung down into the water just past shoulder length, framing an enchanting face of light complexion. Her full dark pink lips looked soft, wet, and inviting. The hot tub water bubbled at her elongated neck.

I stood there in awe, afraid to remove my towel. Had I entered the women’s locker room by mistake? As late as it was, the facility was virtually deserted, but a quick glance around confirmed that I was indeed in the right place. While holding my towel and trying to decide what to do, she glanced at me and smiled.

“It’s OK,” she told me as her hazel eyes glistened, “Come on in!” I think the puzzled look on my face communicated my hesitance. She continued, “The ladies’ hot tub is out of order. I didn’t think anyone would mind if I soaked in here a while.”

Mind? Me? Still I hesitated.

“Uhmmm…” I stammered, glancing down at my towel.

“I will cover my eyes,” she giggled. “Get in here. You look like you need it.” As she raised her hands to cover her face, I slowly approached the hot tub, inched to the edge, and lowered myself into the water opposite her, all the while keeping my towel in place. I watched her peek as I settled in, enjoying the warmth.

“You got your towel wet,” she commented, laying her head back on the edge again and closing her eyes. I blushed as I, too, closed my eyes as I began to relax and let the knots work their way out of my sore muscles. This did not last long, however, as I was jolted to conscious when I felt her foot brush my own. Her face revealed nothing, as she appeared to rest peacefully, while her soft bare foot worked its way up to deliberately caress my calf. I was frozen in place, every muscle taught. Her foot moved purposefully… sensuously up and down. My wedding ring burned on my hand as my body reacted to the touch of this unknown beauty, and the sweat beading my face had little to do with the heat of the water. It felt like an electric current flowed from her through my leg – exciting my every nerve in the process. My heart felt like it would beat right out of my chest as my breathing became ragged. I think she noticed my situation because her foot disappeared. But only for a minute before I felt it plop down on my lap.

“Would you rub my feet? Please?” The innocent expression which accompanied her plea confused me yet again. I could not speak, but my hands went to her foot, first just touching, and then transitioning to a methodical massage. I started at the back of her ankle. Her feet were soft and feminine. I kneaded the tissues in her ankle as I rolled it this way and that. I heard a soft moan escape her lips as I worked my way down to her heal, so soft and delicate. My thumbs pressed hard into her arch as my fingers curved up either side of her foot in massage. Moving slowly and methodically, I came to her toes. Starting with the pinky toe, I rolled each one between my fingers then stroked it, sliding my finger between each in an almost erotic penetration. Her toenails felt well-manicured, though I could see nothing below the bubbling surface of the water. When I eventually reached her big toe, I gave it extra attention, stroking it with one hand while the finger of my other hand slid back and forth in the valley between it and her other toes. I felt a shiver go through her and then she replaced that foot with her other. I silently started the process again but jumped in surprise as I felt her first foot work its way under my towel and rest nuzzle against my swollen manhood.

“Don’t stop, it feels sooooo good,” she moaned, as her toes continued their exploration. It was my turn to moan now as I tried to concentrate on what I was doing. I don’t think I was as thorough on her second foot, but I was admittedly distracted.

“What have we here?” said a new voice? I looked up to see a short, rather portly man remove his towel and settle into the tub beside the mysterious woman. Even though the tub could easily accommodate ten people, she scooted close to my side to make room for him, her feet forgotten.

“Howdy, missy,” he said, his eyes only on her. She nodded politely and then reclined her head once again on the ledge, eyes closed. “Talkative lot, I see” he threw my way. Then he proceeded to spend the next half hour talking non-stop about everything from the weather to the price of good coffee. I nodded occasionally, but couldn’t have participated in the conversation if I had desired. This was partly due to the rapid rate at which our guest was speaking; there was not a pause long enough for anyone else to speak. But it was primarily due to the beautiful distraction now sitting beside me.

To an observer, she appeared to be sleeping, but her hand soon grasped mine beneath the water and guided it to her thigh. When I was slow to take the hint, she took my hand again and pressed it firmly between her parted legs. Still, I hesitated. I am a married man. What would my wife think? We had not has sex in months, and I was wound up tighter than a banjo string. Should I do this? Probably not. Would I do this anyway?

The heat radiating from her there was enough to boil away all the water in the tub. As our companion chattered on, my fingers began to explore. She was hairless, her lips were smooth as velvet, and her clit was making its presence known. I ran my fingers up and down the outside of her slit several times and she squirmed in response. I let just the tip of my finger slip between her lips, testing, then probing a little deeper.

Her hand now wrapped around my rigid member, first just squeezing, and then stroking up and down, slowly and firmly. She would stop occasionally, reach down, and fondle my engorged balls before tracing her nails up the ridges of my cock and toying with the head. Not to be outdone, I began to swirl my finger inside her, then out, teasing her lips, purposefully avoiding her clit, only to plunge back in deeply again. Soon I let a second finger join in the fun, as I continued to nod at our chatty neighbor. Then, without warning, I gently rolled her erect clit between my fingers. She arched her back and tried to stifle a deep and guttural groan.

Our audience paused his speech for a minute, sensing something amiss, then he glanced up at the wall clock. “Gettin’ late,” he drawled, “I better head on out of here before I shrivel up into a prune. You all take care now.” As he stood, it was obvious that he had guessed some of what was doing on. His cock was swollen an angry red, standing out in front of him. He quickly covered up with his towel and headed for the showers, probably intending to get some relief.

She stopped her stroking and let out a giggle. “I thought he would never leave,” she said. She slowly rose from her seat beside me, and for the first time I could begin to see her body. Her magnificent full breasts broke the water and I was mesmerized as droplets fell from her diamond hard nipples. My hands were instantly at her side as she approached, and I lowered my lips to her bosom. I flicked her nipple with my tongue, and then drew it into my mouth, sucking gently. She stretched and wiggled up into my lap, trapping my steel rod between us. I released that nipple only to be drawn to the other, giving it the same treatment.

Her pelvis ground against me as she arched her back in pleasure. My hands dropped to the small of her back, holding her to me. I looked into her inviting eyes for a long moment, beyond caring about anything but her. Then I acted. I turned her around and pulled her back to me as she reached down and guided my rigid pole into her oh so tight womanhood. I reached around, caressing and kneading her breasts… pinching her nipples as she began to move up and down. Slowly at first, then ramping to a more urgent rhythm, our bodies slammed together and parted. My ravenous need would not be held at bay for long this way. “I’m gonna cum,” I grunted into her ear as her head was thrown back beside mine.

“Fill… me… up…” she replied between panting breaths as she continued to ride me, unabated. My orgasm seemed to start at my toes and my fingertips simultaneously, but the energy rapidly spread through my body, surging to the point where we were joined. I was now meeting her thrust for thrust and as I slammed into her one last time, I felt the eruption of cum explode from me into her hotness. I held her to me now as again and again I convulsed, sending what seemed like gallons of seed into her.

As I began to regain my senses, I found we were still joined together. She was rocking her hips in small circular patterns and making a soft humming sound. Slowly eased out my softening member and turned her to face me.

“That was nice,” She smiled.

“I am not finished yet,” I said with a grin, “Not even close.” I kissed her softly as my hands traced down her back to her behind and then I raised her up to sit on the edge of the tub. Kneeling between her legs I was able to truly appreciate her beauty. Her feet still dangled in the water, and my eyes traced up her slender waist to her voluptuous breasts. She had an intricate design above her left breast and she looked like she was almost ghostlike as clouds of water vapor pooled around her.

My hands gently parted her knees as I slowly lowered myself back into the water, and I caressed her inner thighs as I found myself face to face with her pussy. I could feel the heat radiating from her and as I drew nearer, the smell of her excitement was irresistible. With the tip of my tongue, I slowly traced a line from the base of her slit up, up and around her clit which I kissed gently before looking up into her face. She was smiling with her lips slightly parted and approval in her eyes. I returned to my task with gusto, gently nibbling her outer lips with my own and flicking her clit with my tongue. Then I backed off a bit and blew on her gently, my cool breath contrasting to the warm air, and a shiver went through her body. Diving back in, I plunged my tongue deep into her hole, swirling it around. The taste of our mingled juices was exquisite, and I savored it as I wiggled my tongue as deeply as I could in her sweet pussy. The whimpering sounds I heard above me told me I was doing something right.

I paused in my oral ministrations as I once again circled a finger around her opening. I teased first one side and then the other before sliding my finger in and out of her. This resulted in more pleasant sounds so I continued my assault while licking and sucking on her clit. Now I could feel her hips begin to rock in syncopation with my movements. I added another finger and she rocked even harder. She began to shudder when I captured her clit between my lips, nibbling and rolling it back and forth. Her thighs clenched my head tightly, as I fingered her even harder. Licking and sucking brought her orgasm to a crescendo before I felt her go limp.

I extricated myself from her legs before drawing her back into the water with me. I held her face in my hands and kissed her deeply. She smiled and kissed me back, then playfully bit my lip.

“Will you quit poking me in the ribs with that thing?” she asked with a grin. She playfully slid down and licked my renewed hardness from base to tip. Now it was my turn to shudder. She grasped my balls and took the head of my cock slide past her lips, licking as it slid deeper and deeper into her throat. The feeling was exquisitely tight and hot. She kept her eyes on mine as she bobbed up and down on my dripping pole, taking me deep every few strokes. I threw my head back and moaned as the pleasure coursed through me. It felt like she was trying to draw my very soul into her magical mouth. I knew I would not be able to take much more of this oral assault without cumming and it was too soon for that. I put my hand under her chin and raised her face to mine, kissing her passionately and tasting my precum on her tongue.

“Bend over and spread ’em,” I joked. A smile lit her face as she complied, leaning forward and placing her hands on the side, standing with her legs spread. I dropped to my knees and nuzzled her pussy once again, slipping my thumb inside her and coating it with her juices, before spreading her cheeks and licking all the way up to her asshole. I probed it gently with my tongue, and then deeper as I felt her squirm. Then I stood, grasped her hips, and in a single stroke buried my throbbing penis in her molten pussy. I heard sounds of her pleasure as she ground against me. I slowly eased out and then slammed home again. I repeated this several times… slowly… methodically. Each time I hit bottom, the sounds she was making grew louder and louder. In between strokes, I teased her brown rosebud with my thumb, rubbing and pressing a little harder each time until I worked the tip inside her.

Now she was thrusting back against me, forcing my cock and my thumb even deeper with each stroke. She was moaning constantly now, and I knew it was time. I eased my thumb out and moved the tip of my cock up to her nether hole. She looked back and nodded as I began to push. At first, it seemed like I was going nowhere, and I could see her biting her lip. Then my head penetrated her ass and I held very still as she bit off a scream.

“Are you ok?” I asked, frozen in place.

“Oh, yeah…” she moaned, “Go slow.”

I did as she asked and in short strokes I slowly worked myself a little bit deeper and deeper. She was hot and so unbearably tight, I was not sure I would fit. Finally though, I was buried completely inside her. She was beginning to thrust her hips again, and I reached around her to caress her perfect breasts. I could hear her breathing becoming ragged, and realized my own was in a similar state. Now I switched to long strokes, almost all the way out and then all the way in.

“Faster…” she groaned, and I complied, picking up the pace and listening to her emit an almost constant stream of sounds. Her hips were a flurry and I was holding on tight while I pounded her ass mercilessly. I could feel her legs begin to shake as my toes curled. In only a few more strokes her scream joined mine as a torrent of cum flooded her ass. I wrapped my arms around her and pulled her back into the water once again, while we were still joined. She turned her head and out lips pressed together again…less aggressive this time, more familiar.

We sat there for what seemed like forever – winding down and relaxing. At one point, she moaned as my deflating shaft slipped out of her. The combination of hot water and post coital bliss had me struggling to keep my eyes open. I felt her lips on mine again.

“We are locking up in 5 minutes!” The shout brought me back to my senses. I looked around and the lovely lady with whom I had spent the last hour was gone. Puzzled, I looked for any evidence that she was real – that I had not been hallucinating. Finding nothing, I grabbed a dry towel from the top of the pile and walked back to the showers. As I opened it, a piece of paper fell to the floor. I picked it up and saw only a smiley face and a phone number. There was a smile on my face to match.


1 comment

  1. I loved reading this, could picture the scene perfectly! Very hot

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