Reconciliation [FMF]

My girlfriend, Anne, and I had broken up. But we kept running into each and the previous night we’d had a threesome with Anne’s friend Lindsay. It hadn’t finished the best possible way, as Lindsay had run out afterwards. She thought of herself as completely straight and had been shocked and horrified that she had an earth shattering orgasm on Anne’s tongue.

So, I was more than a little surprised when the girls came over to my house the next night. They brought some wine and some food and we set up a little picnic in front of the TV while we watched a movie. Very little was said.

When Lindsay went to find a bottle opener I asked Anne what the hell was going on.

“Lindsay and I talked. We decided that we have the potential to be really good friends and that we didn’t want last night to ruin it. But it was still awkward to hang out so we decided that, as the only person who knew what was going on, you could be a buffer.”

“Thanks a bunch.” I muttered. Lindsay came back just then and we finished the bottle in record time. I went to scrounge up some beer before the opening credits had even finished.

When I got back it was clear how the girls wanted to be. They were sitting at opposite ends of the blanket and the only place for me to sit was between. I didn’t mind.

About 15 minutes into the movie Lindsay slid her hand on to my thigh. My cock was instantly rock hard but, after last night, I didn’t want to make the wrong move. A minute later Anne’s hand was on my other thigh. I forgot all about the movie.

Lindsay slowly moved her hand to my crotch and began to rub me. Anne moved so she could watch. Tentatively she reached out to join Lindsay. Lindsay flinched and Anne tried to pull away. Lindsay caught her. They held hands.

Lindsay was the one who made the next move. She pulled Anne’s hand down to my cock while she undid my pants and pulled them down. She held hands with Anne and together they stroked me. The feeling was extraordinary. Soft and hard, complex but extremely simple.

I lay back and Anne leaned over to kiss me, her hand leaving Lindsay. Lindsay’s hand tightened around my cock. Painfully so. I gasped. Lindsay pulled hard on my cock and my hips were pulled upwards. She continued this way, tight and hard and it hurt. My cock started go soft. Lindsay leaned over to kiss me and Anne took over at my cock. I sighed with relief and my hips sank back to the floor. Anne found my flaccid cock. She rubbed it softly for a second. Then suddenly got up and ran out of the room.

Lindsay and I looked each other in confusion. Lindsay followed after Anne while I struggled to pull on my pants. When I joined them in the next room Anne was crying and Lindsay was gently patting her back.

“I…uh…OK…Seriously, what is going on?” I was not eloquent at this point. Just confused.

“I know we broke up.” Anne said between sobs, “but I thought after last night you might still be interested. But when I touched you, you pulled away and got soft. If you want to be with Lindsay, that’s OK. I’m sorry I messed it up for you.” I stared her in surprise. I sat down opposite and took a while to think about what I was going to say.

“Anne, I love you.” She stopped crying. “I always have and I always will. I do want to get back together. I don’t even remember why we broke up.” I took a breath. The next part would be challenging.

“I don’t know I feel about Lindsay. I only just met her and things have been wild. “But” I swallowed. “Lindsay, you were hurting me. I wasn’t retreating from Anne. I was relaxing with relief. I wasn’t soft from Anne, I was soft from pain.” Anne was startled and Lindsay was upset, indignant even.

“Well, you’re my first. I didn’t think I’d be great the first time.”

“Wait. What? First what?” I wasn’t really ready for this kind of revelation.

“I been in Japan for the last four years. Right when I started noticing sex. And I was always the outsider at school there. The boys were intimidated by a giant busty western blond. The only touching I had was all the girls feeling my boobs to see if they were real.” She was getting embarrassed. “So last night was the first of anything for me. I’m a virgin. I panicked when you lay on top of me because I was sure we were going to have sex and I didn’t want my first time to be in an orgy, right after orgasming with a girl.”

“Oh Lindsay.” Anne got up and hugged Lindsay tightly. I followed. Lindsay began to cry, and then to sob. It took her a while to calm down. When she stopped I stepped back.

“Thank you for telling us.” I said. “The last thing we want to do is make you uncomfortable. We can do whatever you want to do. Even if it’s to stop completely.”

“Thank you.” She replied. She looked over shyly at Anne. She was almost whispering. “Actually. I’d like Anne to show me how to do it without hurting you.”

I was shocked. But Anne was grinning like crazy. She grabbed Lindsay’s hand and then, pushing me by the chest, marched me into the other room. She turned off the movie, lowered the lights, and ordered me to lie down. She quickly pulled off my pants.

My cock was rock hard again. Anne sat down on one side and guided Lindsay to sit down on the other.

Anne grasped my cock and started to stroke me. It didn’t take long to find the perfect rhythm. We had been doing this together for a long time. I sighed in satisfaction and lay back. Lindsay watched as we played. I started to thrust upwards into the soft glove of her hand. Anne knew me perfectly. She knew when I was starting to get close. She slowed her movements then stopped entirely, just holding me. I strained with frustrating, feeling myself slip away from the edge. When Anne figured that I’d calmed down enough, she looked at Lindsay.

“Are you ready to try?” Lindsay nodded and reached for me. I braced myself. Anne met Lindsay’s hand halfway. “Together.” She said. Lindsay smiled.

The feeling of both hands, intertwined, hold on to my throbbed cock, was amazing. I gasped and both girls smirked. It was cute that they were bonding over their ability to make me squirm. Anne showed Lindsay exactly how to grip me and the perfect way to stroke. I quickly climbed back towards the edge. The girls leaned in close together, their heads almost touching, as they watched their hands bring me closer and closer. My hips bucked upwards, again. Anne smiled and pressed me back to the floor. She slowed their stroking. Then took their hands away as she waited for me to calm down.

“Just you?” She asked Lindsay. Lindsay nodded and reached for me. This time was very different. Her touch was soft and her stroke smooth. She had obviously been paying close attention. I began to get excited, craving the orgasm that I’d been denied. I clutched at Lindsay’s arm, urging her on. She smiled. I could see her gritting her teeth in concentration. I was ready, so close to the edge. I wanted nothing more than to finish.

Anne reached out and put her hand on Lindsay’s, stopping her. I fell back to the floor and groaned loudly.

“Come on.” I cried out. Anne laughed at me.

“Lindsay,” She said. “He’s close to cumming. Do you want to finish him with your hand or do you want to try something more.”

Lindsay smiled at me as I lay on the floor. I was beyond caring. The world had narrowed to my overwhelming need to cum. I was starting to ache.

“More.” Lindsay said.

“Good.” Anne was overjoyed. She was apparently loving this role. She guided Lindsay’s head down to my cock and slowly guided me between Lindsay’s lips. Only Anne pressing hard on my hips stopped me from thrusting upwards. Lindsay’s lips were plump and soft.

Anne pulled Lindsay’s hair back and watched as Lindsay drew me in. She put a hand on Lindsay’s cheek. Lindsay slowly moved her head up and down. Anne talked softly to Lindsay.

“Remember to be wet.” Anne said. “You want him to slide easily. Alternate between taking him deeply and just licking his head.”

Lindsay swirled her tongue around my head then thrust downwards until I was in her throat. She gagged a little.

“Only take him as far as is comfortable. It has to be fun for you both.” Lindsay nodded vigorously, a strange feeling with my cock in her mouth.

“Never used your teeth.” Anne paused, then followed up. “Unless he likes it.” Anne’s voice and Lindsay’s motion were getting to me. After being edged all evening I wanted to cum. I needed to cum. I was aching to cum. Still I felt it only fair to warn them.

“Do you want him to finish in your mouth?” Anne asked. Lindsay nodded. “Remember, you can always swallow or spit it out afterwards. But he loves it when you swallow. Plus it’s good for your complexion.” I felt Lindsay’s smile with my cock. I grabbed the back of her head. I tried not to pull on her too fiercely.

Denied all evening, I finally exploded. I thrust upwards and heard Lindsay gag a little. I was beyond caring. I thrust and thrust and thrust, feeling cum shoot out me. I felt like I erupted forever. I could feel Lindsay swallowing as I filled her mouth. The ache in my cock slowly subsided and I fell back.

I looked up at Lindsay. She was smiling happily. My orgasm had been a bit much for her though. My cum had spilled out of her mouth. It coated her lips and her chin.

“Well done.” Anne congratulated her. Anne leaned over and kissed Lindsay’s cum covered mouth. Lindsay hesitated and then kissed back passionately. She pushed Anne backwards and climbed on top of her.

She groped Anne’s breasts over her shirt, then roughly pull the shirt over Anne’s head, revealing a very sexy white lace bra. Lindsay quickly undid the clasp and through the bra aside, sucking hard on Anne’s nipples. Anne gasped and entwined her hands in Lindsay’s hair. Lindsay sucked for a moment, then started to move downwards. Anne moaned in anticipation. Lindsay pulled Anne’s pants off, revealing a pair of sexy lace panties that matched the bra. Clearly Anne had anticipated something happening tonight.

The panties soon joined the bra on the floor. For the first time Lindsay hesitated. Anne quivered beneath her. Anne spread her legs and Lindsay looked down at her exposed pussy. Slowly, hesitantly, she lowered her face to the Anne’s little landing strip of public hair. She kissed the top, then slowly trailed her tongue towards the top of Anne’s slit. Anne moaned. Loudly.

Encouraged, Lindsay lapped her tongue along the length of Anne’s slit. Anne squirmed. Lindsay began to mimic Anne’s actions from the night before. She moved her tongue everywhere. Anne clenched her hands in Lindsay’s hair, pulling her in. Lindsay made long, slow strokes the length of Anne’s pussy. Then she made circles around Anne’s clit, smaller and smaller circles until Anne was thrusting upward. Her body became tense, her hips lifted off the ground. Anne came with a long, loud moan, holding Lindsay’s head, her hips high in the air. She slumped to the ground, shattered.

Lindsay looked over at me and grinned. Her face was soaked.
We finished the night with a long shower together. We slept in warm pile together, the three of us.
