That Time Lisa Convinced Her Boyfriend to Enslave Her For A Threesome, Part Two (f/f/m) (Slave) (Bondage) (Twins)

As his car pulled up outside of Lisa’s apartment, Kyle wondered one last time how he’d let his girlfriend talk him into this. It wasn’t like he found their sex life unsatisfying in the least. The two had known each other for years, and if there was one person he trusted in this world truly and completely, it was Lisa.

Which was why he’d been so surprised when she told him what she wanted. To be enslaved, treated as a pet or an object. The idea turned her on, she said. It made her wet. She knew that it would only be a game. She didn’t actually want to be his slave. But for a night or two, she would enjoy being chained down and ravished by him like she had no choice in the matter.

That was the word she had used. ‘’Ravished’’. Like it was some eighteenth century novel! Lisa could be intense sometimes when her heart was set on something. Hearing his girlfriend talk about how much she wanted him to chain her up and have his way for her certainly made him hard but at the same time, he was reluctant. The idea of treating Lisa like a slave was weird to him and he wasn’t sure if he would be able to do it. She wanted him to be cruel, dominant. But Kyle was worried this would feel to him like a betrayal. He loved her too much for that.

That was what he had said then, but a day ago Lisa had gotten back to him about the idea.

“Here’s the deal, I know you’re kind of reluctant to do my thing. I get it, you want to respect me as a person and all of that boring stuff. Believe me, I’m very flattered. But what if I helped fulfil one of your fantasies in exchange for you fulfilling mine?”

“What do you mean?” He asked, wondering what insane plan his girlfriend had come up with now. Lisa was strong willed and stubborn, but tended to jump before she looked. It wouldn’t be the first time she’d come up with some scheme.

“Well…” Lisa hesitated, running a finger through her dark hair. “You know how you admitted to me that one time that you really had a thing for twins? And you know how I have a twin?”

“Oh god, you didn’t tell Diana, did you? I told you, I was drunk, I didn’t know what I was saying. I’m never going to live this down if you told her.”

“Well, I didn’t tell her so much as she surmised herself,” Lisa said. “She’s far too smart. But that’s besides the point! It turns out that she has the same sort of kinks as me, and we talked it over. We agreed that we’re both willing to sleep with you so long as you help us to live out our fantasy as well.”

“Seriously?” He shot her a look. “That sounds like something out of a porn.”

She laughed.

“You’re just lucky you have such an understanding and loving girlfriend then, aren’t you? Plenty of guys would love to be caught up in plots straight out of porn.”

“Yeah,” Kyle said. “But real life doesn’t work like that. Are you seriously telling me that Diana, the same girl who scares half the people in the class, is willing to sleep with your boyfriend for you?”

“Well, she’d be getting something out of it as well…” Lisa admitted. “Like I said, she has some of the same fetishes as me. Um, not going to look into that one too closely… but anyway she says that if you treat her as a slave as well, she’ll do anything you want for the night.”

Kyle’s heart had skipped a beat then. He swallowed, trying to gather his thoughts. He could feel his cock stiffening in his pants even as he tried to wrestle back the pounding demands of his body. The idea turned him on, it was true. Lisa and Diana were twins, though not identical, and for as long as he’d known one he had known both. Lisa was the joky, approachable one. A little scatter brained at times, but someone you loved to have at your side. Diana awas the imposing one. Highly intelligent and confident, she dominated every room she was in just by being there. The idea of her of all people on her knees sucking his cock stirred emotions in him that he hadn’t even known he’d had.

“I can see you’re turned on,” Lisa breathed into his air, leaning across his body, but he pushed her back.

“That doesn’t help,” He’d told her. “I don’t want to treat you as a slave, and I don’t want to treat your sistert as a slave either. Did you think I’d reconsider just because you also hit my fetish?”

“A little bit.”

“I told you that real life doesn’t work on porn plots,” he sighed. “Lisa, I just don’t want to treat you like that. I care about you. Even if the thought of you in chains turns me on, I don’t want to be the kind of guy who would do that to a woman. Any woman.”

“Not even if she wanted it?” Lisa asked. “Kyle, I love you but sometimes you’re so stupid. You’ve got two twins throwing themselves at you, and you’re being moral about this? Really?

“If I didn’t love that about you, I’d find it so annoying. In fact, I do find it annoying. But I still love you.”

She bent over and kissed him, the touch of her lips on his sent sparks flying through his body. When they broke apart, Lisa looked him straight in the eyes.

“It’s okay to have darker fantasies,” She told him. “It’s okay to want to do things with people that you trust which you would never do with strangers. I care about you Kyle and I trust you. That’s why I brought it up in the first place. Like it or not, these things – these feelings – are part of what makes me into me, and whether I explore them or not, they’re still going to be here. Suppressing things can be bad, you know? So I want to explore them. I want to dive down into them and see if it really turns me on as much as I think it will. But for that to happen, I need someone to be the master. If I am going to try out life as a sub, I need someone to take charge. And when we do have sex, you’re so forceful. I love you and I trust you, I would pick no one else to do this with. No one in the whole world.”

Kyle shifted uncomfortably, both because of his arousal and because of her words.

“Is it wrong to want to explore parts of yourself that you don’t usually get a chance to?” Lisa asked. “Kyle, you know that if you’re really against this, I won’t push it. But think about it before you decide. It’s three people. You, me and Diana. You trust me, right?”

“With my life.”

“And Diana?”

“She’s one of my oldest friends.”

“And we both trust you as well.” Lisa said firmly. “I know this isn’t exactly normal. I know real life isn’t a porn, as much as I joke. But we both want to try this out, and we want you to be the one in charge. And you have a thing for twins. How long have you been hiding that? Since before the two of us started to date?”

“Yeah,” Kyle admitted awkwardly. “Since before we were dating…”

“This could be your chance to live out your fantasy too. I promise I’ll make it worth your while. Give and take, right? That’s how relationships work.”

Kyle said nothing for a few moments, going over her words. He knew that she was right – and this didn’t just come from desire. He didn’t think there was anything wrong with self exploration, and some people did enjoy BDSM or being treated like slaves. He’d just never thought that his confident, cocky girlfriend who was so full of energy would be one of them. He was having a hard time separating his real feelings from the way he would be expected to treat her, and the two were spilling together. He didn’t want to treat her as a slave becasue that would be demeaning and humiliating for her. Something he would never do to his partner.

Yet being humiliated and demeaned was what she wanted. As a boyfriend, didn’t he have some sort of duty to try and tend to her sexual desires? Or at least, wasn’t that the unspoken understanding of their relationship? One of the reasons they were so open was because they both knew that the other would not laugh at them for anything, nor dismiss any request out of hand. If Kyle put his foot down, Lisa would respect it. But that did not in and of itself mean that he should automatically do so.

Kyle tried to look at it from different angles, examining the problem under new logic. Lisa was proposing a game. All of the players would be informed beforehand. There would be safe words, and everyone was friends and knew each other. Was anything about that morally wrong? No, but did any of it make him uncomfortable?

Yes, but why? Examine the thought, why did it make him squirm? Was it because he didn’t want to treat Lisa as a slave? Yes. Why was this? Because he felt it was bad? No, as he’d already established, he found nothing wrong about the idea of the game itself. So why specifically Lisa?

The picture of his girlfriend in chains aroused him greatly. The image of Lisa being enslaved turned him on, and that made him uncomfortable. The idea of using her, of exerting power and making her do what he wanted made his cock stiff. He didn’t mind playing games of dominance, but he feared that there was a part of him which would enjoy it too much. Get too into it, cause problems, maybe strain their relationship or worse.

Kyle breathed out, relaxing a little now he’d found the source of his discomfort. Lisa was watching him carefully, giving him the time to work through his thoughts.

Now that he’d found the problem, he had two options. He could confront it or he could avoid it. Avoiding it would not be fair, not to himself nor to Lisa. So he would confront it.

“All right,” Kyle had sighed. Lisa’s eyes had gone wide and she gave a squeal of delight. “But if things get too intense, I want you to tell me, understand? And I can call it off at any point.”

And that was how he had gotten here, standing outside of an apartment that he had been in many times before. Nervous and jumpy like a kid on his first date. Kyle smiled, his lips pulling tight. Plenty of people would want to be in his position right now if they only knew.

It was time to go in. He’d texted Lisa fifteen minutes ago, telling her that he was on her way over. Tonight, he’d be able to play with both twins, fulfilling his fetish and living out the dream he’d guiltily kept hidden for so long. In exchange, he’d do so by letting Lisa and her sister experience their own fantasy. It was give and take, like she had said. Anticipation coiled in his gut as well as nervousness and he did not know what would be waiting for him on the other side of the door when it opened.

In this case, what was waiting behind the door soon turned out to be Lisa. She smiled shyly as she saw him, and he could tell that she had just gotten out of the shower. Her dark brown hair was plastered to her head, her blue eyes swept across his body. She was wearing an oversized T-shirt, and a pair of shorts which showed off her slender legs. Casual clothes for someone who was about to be enslaved. He swallowed, and forced himself to speak.

“Can I come in?”

“Oh Kyle,” Lisa sighed. “You don’t have to ask for anything today.”

She moved aside and he stepped into the long corridor which led into the apartment. The door closed behind him, and he took a deep breath. Arousal throbbed through his body, and he turned his eyes on his girlfriend. Lisa looked cute in a girl next door kind of way, but it wasn’t the look of a slave. Was she testing him? Seeing what he would put up with?

“Where’s Diana?”

“She’s waiting for us in the bedroom,” Lisa said. “That’s where the toys are too. Do you want to get started?”

“Yes.” Kyle said, his heart pounding. “Let’s get started.”

Lisa moved off, leading him down towards her own bedroom. Kyle had been in it before when they had slept together here. It was a large room with a large bed, a table and a desk for using computers or doing coursework. There were wardrobes and closets as well. As they approached the door, Kyle started to hear a soft whining sound. Like something electrical had been left on. It was interspersed by sharp gasps and moans, like a woman in pleasure.

Kyle stopped dead as he walked through the door. The scene waiting for him on the other side was not something he would have believed that he would ever see in his life.

Diana was kneeling with her back to the large closet pressed against the wall. She was naked, her body shining with sweat. Her eyes were covered by a length of dark silk which had been tied around her head, and her arms were raised above her. Someone had tied her wrists together, and then secured them to the tip of the closet so that she was forced to sit kneeling on the ground, her arms thrust above her head and her chest presented towards the door.

His eyes fell to her chest naturally then, her breasts were larger than Lisa’s, her nipples were a pretty pink shade and definitely aroused. Her body was shaking, and that motion translated to a jiggling of the chest with each gasping breath she took. She was moaning softly, and the reason that she was doing this – as well as the source of the whining sound – was located between her open legs.

Diana was kneeling on the ground, her thighs were spread, and a box-like machine was pressed up against her pussy. Her lower lips were inflamed by desire, and wetness was already soaking them. The machine which pressed into her pussy was vibrating at a rapid pace, Kyle recognised it as a sybian. Dian was moaning, shifting her body. The angle of her arms had to be uncomfortable, it forced her to stick her chest out.

The sight of his girlfriend’s sister in this state froze Kyle, or, well, most of him. His shaft hardened rapidly, the sound of her pleasurable squeaks and moans filled his ears and made his blood run hot.

“This is what she wanted,” Lisa said, coming up behind him slowly. Kyle felt her hands reach around his waist, her fingers pushing past the elastic of his pants. His cock shuddered at her touch. “Diana thought that it might be hard for you since her reputation is so fearsome. Always powerful and always in charge. So it would help if your first sight of her tonight was the way she wanted you to treat her for the next twenty four hours. A naked slut chained down and made to feel pleasure for the joy of someone else.”

Kyle had never thought to hear his girlfriend refer to her own sister as a slut, but it turned him on massively. Lisa’s fingers circled his cock, her hand starting to run back and forth along his member. The feeling was pleasurable, and for a moment he enjoyed it. She drew him into a hungry kiss, her lips locking around his own. Kyle’s hands rose up under her shirt, and found the naked flesh of her chest.

“No bra?” He asked her. Lisa flushed red.

“Well, a slave probably wouldn’t be allowed to wear one, would she? Diana’s not the only one who has designs on tonight, you know.”

Kyle chuckled, feeling something stirring inside of him. Diana’s moans and Lisa’s behaviour fuelled his arousal more than he had expected. In spite of his earlier fears, he found that he wanted to go further.

“Then you’re not wearing panties either, are you?”

“Now would you allow your slave to wear panties, master?”

Lisa drew out that last word, it almost tingled in the air, and Kyle decided that it was time to take charge.

“Show me where the toys are. You said you had them?”

“Yes,” Lisa breathed. “Everything you could possibly want. They’re in the closet over there.”

She gestured to a closet beside the bed. Upon opening the door, he saw that it was full of all kinds of toys. Whips and chains, spreaders and clips. There was everything and anything one could hope for. He turned to look at his girlfriend, and Lisa’s face coloured.

“I’ve been building towards this for a while,” She admitted softly. “I, um, might have overprepared?”

He shook his head, the desire was rising through him now, stronger and stronger. Diana’s cries filled his head, and his shaft was as hard as it had ever been. He undid his pants and shrugged off his shirt, standing naked before the closet. Lisa’s eyes followed his member, and he told her to get down on her knees and greet her master properly.

“Yes,” She breathed sharply. “Of course. I’m so sorry that I didn’t do it right away.”

She fell to her knees, drawing his cock into her mouth. Kyle moaned, her lips and tongue felt amazing. She started to move her head back and forth, sucking on his member and teasing it with her tongue. As she did, Kyle reached back into the closet, not believing what was happening.

His girlfriend was sucking him off as he decided what sex toys to use on her and her sister! The thrill of power coursed through him and he decided then and there that he could get used to this. Lisa slurped and Diana moaned, and Kyle could feel the need to cum building between his legs. The tip of his cock tingled with pleasure, promising a release that he did not yet want.

Before he came, Kyle pulled himself away from Lisa, her saliva coated his cock, and his body screamed for more but he met it with an iron-willed refusal. Later, he could cum. For now, he had to live up to the fantasy. He looked down at Lisa, seeing her crouched, obviously aroused. Desire thundered through him but he was keenly aware of what she wanted as well. To be dominated and controlled. He couldn’t just make this a quick fuck. He had to drag it out for both of them.

“That’s not a bad start, whore.” He said. Lisa looked like she’d been slapped, but she didn’t break character. Kyle was hoping that she’d enjoy the name. After all, she’d called Diana ‘’slut’’, so it was only fair that Lisa should be ‘’whore’’.

His girlfriend shuddered at the word, but said nothing. Kyle grinned and turned to her.

“All right, take your clothes off. Your shirt and your shorts. There’s no reason for you to have clothes when your sister doesn’t. For the next twenty four hours, you’re not allowed to wear anything at all, do you understand?”

“Yes,” Lisa gasped, her voice soft and breathless. “I understand, master.”

“If someone comes to the door, what do you do?”

“I answer it?” He nodded at her question.

“You answer it naked. For no reason are you allowed to don clothes until the game is done. The only exception is my direct order.”

Lisa nodded, her hands fiddled with her shirt, bringing it up over her head. Kyle watched, always happy to see her chest and breasts. They were smaller than Diana’s, and her nipples were a slightly deeper shade of red. Next, Lisa stood up and kicked off her shorts. As promised, she had no panties on either. Her pussy was already soaking, her labia had peeled back in arousal, and her inner thighs were wet. Kyle pressed her body against the closet with one hand, moving close to her. The heat of her skin was hard to ignore, and his cock strained to go further. Her pussy was spread, desire and lust in her face. It would be so easy to fuck her now, it would be something that they both desperately wanted.

But he used his fingers instead, pleasuring her with two of them until her hips started to shake. Lisa cried out, squeaking and moaning, her womanhood eagerly accepted the penetration, her lower body gyrated with his thrusts, and she moaned his name. Kyle moved faster, driven on by her cries. Her hands closed around his back, her fingernails dug into him, but he didn’t care. Her legs were spread as far as they could go, and his fingers rose in and out of her body.

Just as she was about to cum, he pulled his hands away. Lisa wailed in frustration, her lower legs shaking.

“T-that’s not fair!”

“Being a slave isn’t fair,” He told her. “You wanted to be in my power? Now you are. Don’t complain that it isn’t what you expected.”

She took a ragged breath, standing with her legs spread and her pussy dripping. Diana was still moaning in the corner. The older sister could not see, but she could hear everything.

Lisa’s nipples were stiff, and they felt hard against his fingers as he reached for them. His girlfriends cried out in surprise, but relaxed into his hands, eager for more pleasure. Kyle took several moments just to enjoy the feeling of her chest before reaching for the closet of toys. He decided to start with the most simple but effective: Rope. He took a bundle of it and told Lisa to cross her wrists. She looked at him, her eyes were big and blue. He could see that it was now dawning on her exactly what being a slave meant. Desire roared inside of him, demanding that he force her to submit but Kyle wrestled it back, held it in check. If she wanted to stop now, he wouldn’t object.

She didn’t. She held her hands out in front of her and Kyle tied them together. Then, he brought her over to the large bed which they had shared many times in the past. The blankets were soft and welcoming, and he had her lie down on top of them. He used the rope to tie her wrists to the metal bannister of the bed, locking them above her head. Next, he took more rope and wrapped it about her ankles. Lisa watched him with baited breath, her chest rose and fell, and she wriggled against the touch of the rope. He tied each of her legs to one of the bannisters of the bed, and then pulled the rope tight!

Lisa cried out as her legs were forced open and the ropes grew taut. Kyle’s erection was obvious now, his girlfriend and slave was totally exposed. Her pussy ran with desire, and with her arms and legs tied, she had no way to protect her modesty. He watched her, heart pounding.

“A-are you going to fuck me, Kyle?” Lisa asked, her voice heavy and thick. “I can’t do anything to stop you. You can do whatever you want to me, master.”

“I know,” Kyle growled. The feeling of power was flowing through him and filling him up. He had to keep reminding himself that it was a game, that he could go too far. So far, they’d indulged Lisa’s fantasy but now it was time for Kyle’s.

He turned away from her, moving towards the corner of the room where Diana was still sitting. Her body was vibrating now, the sybian had probably made her climax a few times by now. Her chest jiggled, and Kyle watched it hungrily until he caught himself. He reached for the device and turned it off, the vibrations died away and Diana was left wanting.

“Diana,” Kyle said. She turned to face him through the blindfold. “You’re willing to do everything I say? To obey me as your master?”

“Yes,” She said, the words sent lightning flowing through his body, sparking a new wave of desire and lust. “For the next twenty four hours, you are my master just like you are Lisa’s. A-and we’ll do whatever you want.”

“In that case,” Kyle reached up and undid her hands, allowing her to massage some life into them. Once she had done so, he led her by the hand towards the bed. She was still blindfolded. Lisa watched helplessly as her sister was brought closer and closer. He made Diana kneel between Lisa’s outstretched legs, and only then did he remove her blindfold.

Diana looked down, seeing the aroused pusssy of her twin. After being fingered and played with already, Lisa was well past any ability to conceal her arousal.

“Eat her out,” Kyle said, her heart pounding. “Make her cum.”

“She’s my sister,” Diana recoiled slightly, but jumped as Kyle slapped her behind. The motion made her chest jerk, her breasts bounced.

“I’m your master,” Kyle told her. “Did you think that you’d only be fucking me when you agreed to this? You knew I had a thing for twins and now you’ve put both yourself and your sister into my power. Do as you’re told or be punished.”

For a moment, Diana said nothing. Kyle watched, tension coiling around him like an iron spring. He did not know if she would go along with it or refuse. The twin looked at each other.

“Di…” Lisa said softly. “Y-you don’t have to… I mean…”

“We have no choice,” Diana said softly, her hair framing her face. “We’ve been enslaved, right? There’s no way twin slaves wouldn’t be made to do this, even if they don’t want to.”

“I suppose so…” Lisa lay back. She closed her eyes and nodded.

“O-okay, go ahead.”

Lisa wriggled when she first felt Diana’s tongue on her pussy. Her older sister was eating her out! Both of them were so wet, and Kyle was watching raptly. Lisa started to writhe and moan, her arms pulling against the ropes which held them above her head. Diana buried her face between her twin’s thighs, and Lisa started to squeal and gasp.

The sight of his girlfriend being eaten out like that was the last thing that Kyle needed to get him in the mood to go again. He knelt down on the bed just behind Diana. The older sister’s pussy was soaking, and she froze for a moment as she felt the tip of his shaft press against her entrance. Lust and desire pounded inside of him and as Diana bent back to her work, he started to fuck her. It was the first time he’d ever had sex with Diana, and could not help but compare her to her sister. She was tighter and stiffer, a bit less experienced due to her reputation. The motion of his thrusts travelled through her body, jolting her against Lisa as she ate her out. And as for Lisa herself, she was trapped, being pleasured to the sight of her boyfriend fucking her sister. Diana’s tongue curled about her womanhood, the older woman sucking and fondling her with her mouth. She cried out, throwing her head back. Ecstasy swamped her body, more intense than she had ever known in her life.

Diana was moaning again, her body jiggling with each of Kyle’s thrusts. His cock was inside of her, and he could feel her pussy closing in around him. Grinding against him and making each penetration better than the last. His hands snaked around her waist and folded about her breasts, teasing her nipples with his fingers. The contact elicited a lewd moan, and Diana started to press back against his cock. They were moving together, the motion sent ripples of ecstasy rolling through his body.

He came inside of her with a gasp, the climax hitting him suddenly but with power. Lisa watched helplessly as he fucked her sister, filling Diana’s pussy with his seed.

When he was done, he pushed Diana aside and stood over Lisa for a moment. He was feeling things that he had never felt before. Intoxication, power, the desire to dominate and control. It was scary just how hard he had to fight to remember that this was a game.

Lisa looked up, meeting his eyes. Her young body was pinned and helpless, naked and spread out. Kyle’s erection would need a few moments to return, but in the meantime he could certainly have fun with his bound girlfriend.

He fell upon her, and now it was Diana’s turn to see her sister ravished.



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