Helping Hands (M/F/F, handjob, blowjob, deepthroat, reluctance)

From outside the reserved classroom door, she could hear the shlicks of lubricated hands. That sound used to send shivers up her spine before they became as familiar as traffic noises in a downtown apartment. Michelle wasn’t sure that was a good thing. She took a deep breath, staring at the hand-made sign covering the door’s window: ✋ Helping Hands 🤚. It was her hands they had traced, her club they had joined.

It hadn’t been for the extra credits, though the extra credits were a welcomed bonus. When Donald Langdon lost both his hands in that horrific shop accident, Michelle rode the wave of sympathy to his rescue. Or had it been a wave of pity? Two months later, only the Helping Hands club seemed to still care about poor Donald, and even then, its members were dwindling. For now, Michelle considered the turnover ‘weeding out girls who never really cared about Donald,’ but her hands cramped at the terrifying thought of one day being the only one left caring.

Michelle walked in, catching her two fellow Helping Hands, Nadia and Tina, kneeling by Donald, who was splayed like a starfish pantsless on a bean bag. They were jerking him off as a team, each with one had on the shaft of the hard cock, all of their enthusiasm into their strokes, none in their faces. They had rolled the sleeves of their schoolgirl uniforms to not get them wet with lube and penis juices. She remembered the first time the boy slipped it out, the size, the smell… Michelle never imagined boys could walk around with something so big and foul in their underwear all day long.

There was no awkward pause between the three girls. They weren’t caught in an illicit threesome. This is just the kind of thing they did at Helping Hands: being Donald’s hands, doing whatever he would be doing if he still had them. Apparently the boy liked to masturbate. A lot.

Deliberately slow, Michelle unbuttoned her uniform’s cardigan to place it under Nadia’s on the hook behind the door. Nadia’s shift was almost up, but Tina would stay to help out for another hour. As the club’s president, secretary, and treasurer, she knew the schedule quite well. Michelle always took the last shift because her mom would drive Donald home on their way.

“Hi girls. Hi Donald, how do you feel today?”

“Can’t complain,” the boy said, shrugging with his stumps before throwing his head back to continue to enjoy his evening. They had turned a classroom into a pampering spa for him to relax a few hours before and after class with books, movies, and snacks.

“Ewww, it’s oozing on my hands. Why didn’t you warn me?” Nadia said. Michelle had told her a hundred times not to be visibly disgusted by Donald’s fluids, lest it made him feel more helpless than he already must, but she understood where the girl was coming from.

“Sorry, when I get in the zone, I can’t think straight,” Donald said.

Nadia tsked, pulling dozens of tissues out of the box to clean her cum-glazed fingers. Without a word, Tina added her left hand on the empty space left on the shaft, continuing the session two-handed.

“Can you not use so many tissues, Nadia, please?” Michelle voiced, noticing the bin was full of them as well.

“I wouldn’t have to if you had bought more gloves.”

“I have to work with the budget to school gives us.”

“By the way,” Nadia said, grabbing her cardigan. “We’re out of lube.”

“What?” Michelle’s whole body sighed. “How much did you use?”

“All of it, I guess.”

“The school only gives our club a little money on the first of every month. Because you couldn’t ration the lube properly, we’ll have to go three weeks using our mouths instead of our hands. We’re not called Helping Mouths, Nadia!”

“Well, then I quit.” From the finality in Nadia’s tone, it was a long time coming.

“You… wait a minute, Nadia, you can’t quit. What about Donald?”

“Apparently, he can’t complain.” And she was gone.

Too afraid to see hints of sedition there as well, Michelle avoided Tina’s eyes. The girl was looking up at her while jerking the re-engorging cock with hands she was blessed to still have. Instead, Michelle addressed Donald: “Is there anything else you need us to do today. We could do your homework.”

“Nah, my voice-to-text app works fine.” Donald didn’t bother looking down from the ceiling. He seemed to be enjoying Tina’s ten slender fingers.

“I can hold a Manga and turn the pages for you?” Michelle dared to dream.

“I’m good. It’s just masturbating that I miss, really.”

“Right. OK…”

Michelle meticulously folded her sleeves while minimizing future wrinkles and put her long auburn hair into a tight folded ponytail as she had done a hundred times before. Of course, she had to give the bottle of lubricant a squirt just in case… Completely dry. They had been running on fumes yesterday, and she regretted blaming Nadia for her own poor planning. Clearly, she should have gone for bulk instead of a premium brand.

She placed her knees in Nadia’s cushion grooves, waited for Tina to make room on the shaft, made sure all of her hair was safely tied in the back, then dipped her face onto the cockhead still soggy from its previous ejaculation.

Michelle sucked and sucked, working her lips deeper on the shaft toward Tina’s remaining hand. Her saliva was this evening’s lube, so it had to be distributed on the whole length. Like they practiced last month after also running out of lube, Tina unclenched the base of the cock once Michelle’s mouth began bumping into it and helped her down the second half by pushing hard against the back of her head.

“*Gluck*.” One Mississippi.

“*Gluhhgn…*” Two Mississippi.

It should have been enough time to lubricate the entire cock with throat mucus, but something stronger than Tina’s hands kept Michelle from surfacing.

“No, stay, stay, stay, stay. I’m so close.” Donald had his forearms against Michelle’s head. His efforts to push in against her efforts to pull out created a soothing fucking motion he seemed to get off on. But Donald had been a little too optimistic. Having orgasmed so recently, he was stuck on the edge.

Tina just watched —they had not rehearsed for this unfortunate timing— until Michelle tapped her leg for her attention and pointed to the young girl’s chest with enough gusto to hopefully convey her dwindling oxygen supply.

“R… right!” Tina hoped it would never come to this: Code DD. She fumbled with the buttons of her shirt. Tina was quiet, short, and otherwise plain-looking, but for the size of her jubblies. Her breasts exploded out of her shirt, and she deposited them on Donald’s face, Michelle’s head temporarily between her legs.

Code DD was a success, and Donald was soon groaning in Tina’s tits while gushing in Michelle’s stomach. This ejaculation felt like an eternity, but Michelle came out of it alive. Tina had unfortunately played her hand and set a precedent; Donald would never again let her jerk him off with breasts safely hidden inside her shirt.

The next happy ending was more by the book, except that Donald had insisted on chewing on one of Tina’s nipples while Michelle took care of his cock. His reasoning was that he’d never be able to touch breasts again other than with his mouth.

When warm ropes began spraying her palate, Michelle couldn’t find the tissue box, so she used her mouth to contain the flood and gestured for Tina to hand her the box Nadia had used earlier. Distraught and disgusted by lips sucking on her nips, Tina was late to realize what Michelle meant. It would have mattered. “Sorry, it looks like Nadia finished the last box,” was her reply.

With no Kleenex and a mouth full of cum, Michelle reluctantly swallowed.

“I need to get going,” Tina said the next time Donald released the suction cup that was his mouth. “Are you going to be alright, Donald?” That was the club’s way of saying their shift was over without making Donald feel like a shared chore. His answer was another orgasm inside Michelle’s mouth. Knowing the girl had to swallow had given legs to his libido.

Michelle swallowed one more time, cleaned the pipe, and pleaded: “Can’t you stay a few more hours? My mom can give you a ride too.”

Tina had put her cardigan back on but was still hugging her chest as if ghosts were trying to get a turn at her nipples. “Sorry, I have a lot of homework.” Homework she well-preferred doing over watching her friend blow a dick while waiting for Donald to realize he could use a pair of breasts on his cock as well.

Michelle could have forced her to stay, drawing on emergency presidential powers, but if she pushed too hard and Tina stopped coming altogether, she’d had to take care of Donald’s chronic masturbation dependency for eight hours every day. “OK, no problem. You’ll be there tomorrow morning, then? To cover for Nadia’s shift?”

“I… I’d like to keep my normal schedule if you don’t mind.”

“Of course. Don’t worry about it. I’ll find someone else.” There were two members left in the club, so someone else meant herself. Michelle sighed and dove back into her task, shuddering at the sound of the door closing.

Without a large titty to suck on, Donald became more difficult. “Can you go deep like earlier?”

Michelle obeyed, making sure her face was buried in the boy’s crotch before rolling her eyes.

“That’s it. And use your tongue on my balls. I’ve seen a girl do that in a porno once. Can we get the internet on the TV in here? I’d like to watch some porn while you girl… do your thing.”

Still pumping a cock with her throat, Michelle nodded that she would look into it. If she didn’t buy any lube or tissue boxes next month, maybe they could afford a media player for the TV. All that money wasted on DVDs he never watched.

A shameful thought crept into her head when Donald made her gag by spraying cum in her throat, but she couldn’t quit, not her. The founder of Helping Hands leaving Donald high and dry; they wouldn’t remember all the good she did, only that she kicked a helpless crippled while he was down by shutting down his favorite club.

Spit, tears, and cum made her face almost as wet as the cock she was throating, and her tongue tasted the salty mixture oozing down the balls like melting ice cream.

“Fuck yeah, Jessica. You’re so tight.” With his eyes closed, Donald was pretending Michelle was the school’s head cheerleader.

Michelle’s mother was aware of her daughter slurping cock in the back seat. She drove more slowly to account for Michelle’s lack of seatbelt, hunched over a boy’s lap as she was. The woman nodded with pride at the blowjob scene in her rearview mirror. If her son, God forbid, ever had an amputating accident like that, she would want it to be in a world full of caring, selfless girls like her daughter.

A mother’s intuition told her of the load traveling up Donald’s urethra before it splashed on Michelle’s tongue. “Swallow it all, Sweetie. I don’t want a mess on the seat.”

I’m going to need to go in early tomorrow, Mom,” Michelle said between deep, wet breaths after dutifully throwing back the oyster and its juices.

“Oh, is it for Helping Hands?”

“Yeah, I’m covering for a shift.”

“Then why don’t we invite Donald to stay over at our place tonight? That way, I can drive you both to school tomorrow morning.”

“That sounds great, Ma’am,” Donald said, keeping Michelle’s potential objections stuffed down her throat with his nubs. They were turning on a road he remembered was quite bumpy.
