Inferno Part 1: Limbo (MF) (Fantasy)

I must be dreaming. Yes, probably I’m still sleeping and having a very, very strange dream. But the coffee in my hand feels so hot and real! And so does this handsome stranger who sat uninvited with me. Handsome and a bit scary. The hazelnut beard could be a little shorter if he asked me. Wait, what am I thinking? His eyes are the problem, eyes that see deep inside your soul and suddenly you can’t hide anything from him. I stare at him, trying to ignore the need I feel to touch him.

“Hello, missy. How’s your coffee?”

“Black, sugar, no cream” I answer automatically.

“No sugar for me, I enjoy the bitterness”

“Listen, I don’t know why you sat here with me, but the truth is…”

“I’m gonna say this only once, so listen carefully: it’s really painful to deal with the truth, precisely because it is the truth. And once one knows the truth then they’re left with a heavy burden. Humans are masters of self-deceiving and unable to handle life according to the truth. In the eyes of the cosmos we are all sinners.”

I can’t believe my eyes and ears. What is he talking about? Who is this guy talking about sin and truth so early in the morning?

“Sir, please, I think there’s some mistake here. What do you want from me?”

“Your body and soul, of course. Let me get a coffee and a chocolate cupcake first. I love chocolate, sweet and milky and wonderful. Would you like some?”

I shake my head in disbelief and say nothing, as I watch him order his coffee and cupcake. The café is not really full because it’s early, and he comes back to my table. I wonder why I’m still sitting here waiting for him. I think it’s safe, we are in a public place, and I must confess this is kind of funny. I decide to play along and see how it goes.

“So… tell me something about you, maybe? You seem very confident approaching women just like that”

“Not just any woman, missy. I’m here because you called me, because it was about time we finally meet!”

“Me? And how did I call you, Sir, if I never met you?” I reply in a curious tone.

“Well, didn’t you say that you were tired of feeling alone, of feeling that your life has no purpose? Didn’t you think you were tired of making all the decisions just before you cried yourself to sleep?”

I choke on my coffee. How did he know that? I didn’t tell those thoughts to anyone, not even my sister! I really have been wondering if there shouldn’t be more things to life than just existing. Work, pay bills, sleep, repeat.

“How do you know that, Sir?”

“Good thing that you already call me Sir, missy!”

“You didn’t answer my question, Sir”

“Well to each slave there is only one soulless devil. But you won’t even get to see the others. Your soul has been assigned to me since the beginning of time and that’s where it will stay. With me. You will one day be part of my dark aura. Broken bitch forever tied with some inexplicable link to your dark overlord.”

I chuckle. This is way too crazy for me.

“And how would that be the answer to my prayers?”

“Slaves don’t cry. They don’t have to make decisions. All they have to do is obey and please their Master and make sure to follow instructions.”

I feel so tired… It would be good, indeed, if I had someone to decide things for me. Even small things like what I am going to wear for work today. But no, it doesn’t make any sense. Am I really buying this devil story? I must be really desperate!

“Please, Sir, tell me more about it. So, you are a demon and I have been assigned to you? And what happens next, if I accept this whole deal? Am I going to be your miserable slave forever, with my only purpose making you happy?”

“And who said you’re going to be miserable? Now you feel like that, but what we want is happiness. Happy relates to both you and I. How can you have a happy bitch without a happy owner and vice versa? You derive your happiness through mine!”

I keep staring at him, almost convinced to sell my soul to the devil. A demon. My Master demon. Doesn’t sound so bad. He continues his lecture.

“Because your every moment belongs to me. See when I put a leash on you, I didn’t put it just on your body, I have put it on your whole existence. Everything is mine. That air you breathe is mine. Food you eat is mine. Thoughts you are thinking are mine. Your whole experience that you call life is now mine. And forever will be.”

Strange enough, I suddenly feel aroused. I have this tingling sensation up and down my spine, and I feel the moisture in my panties. I move myself on the chair.

“I know, slave, you’re getting wet. It’s alright, you finally meet your Master demon, it’s natural to feel aroused.”

I feel ashamed. How can I be such a slut, offering myself to the first guy who tells me a crazy story about being a devil? No, about being my devil, the one my soul will be forever attached to?

“And what should I do now, Sir?”

He offers me his hand, reaching for mine “Every morning you should say “Thank you my master of darkness for accepting my sinful soul into your fold”. You say that to yourself and you say that to me. And don’t be scared that you will do things wrong. Because you will. And then I’ll punish you and you will learn, because you’re my intelligent little slave!”

I take his hand. Here I go. I really doing that. And the instant my skin touches his skin I have a vision. Flashes but at the same time very clean. Me. Naked. Tied up. Suspended by ropes, in a kind of swing. I blink twice and look at him.

“Hmm, what was that?”

“You, of course. And some of my plans for you, missy. Maybe it’s time you learn some physics”

I shiver. What did I get myself into?



  1. I’m not usually one for supernatural stories, but I like this. The way you started it with “is this a dream” made me read it as if it were, therefore somehow making the thought of a demon perfectly acceptable.

    Well done! Looking forward to following this!

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