The Light On The Edge Of Gold. -Part One- (M/F First Time Posting, Hope it’s good!)

The glow of the late evening sunlight reflected and crawled on the walls as her car pulled into the parking space outside. My body, already giddy with excitement, started to shake and I felt the sweat of my nerves on the back of my head.


The car door of her company SUV slammed and her footsteps grew louder as she approached the door. The familiar screech of the competing metal door and frame cried out in the small space of my office and staging room. The summer light of the day’s end sunlight poured into the dark space and hall that lead to the front lobby of the building.

I glanced over at her and admired every fabric and thread that was snug against her figure. The monogrammed company vest she always wore held tight at her chest, the long sleeves of her undershirt were rolled up to just before the elbows. Her blue jeans were abused from the concrete rubbing against her as she worked outside.

“Ugh” she sighed.

She fell into the chair on the other side of my desk and shut her eyes for a minute as she breathed deep and slow. I could tell she was frustrated and tired but even more so, she was hungry.

“You gonna be here for a while?” She asked.

I nodded as I replied.

“Yeah, I have a few orders still to get in and some pieces staged for tomorrow’s pick-ups. Why?”

“I need to get this claim processed and submitted before I can call it a night. I’d rather do it here than at home. I’m not sure I got everything and it’s just easier with it being here. Plus the cool air in here is an added benefit.”

She smiled slightly at me. I smiled back with the calm urge I tried to summon so she wouldn’t grow wise to the attraction I had towards her. It wasn’t that I didn’t want her to know but that neither of us could afford it. I was already married and she was engaged. The problem was that neither of us was happy in those roles.

Her “engagement” had been rolling up for nearly ten years with no actual date set in the future to actually wed. As for myself, I had been married for three years but we had been together for far longer than that. Attraction and desire for one another left us both and she eventually found herself in the arms of a new lover. Lately, she had been spending more time there with him than she had with me.

The only reason we didn’t separate is more out of respect for the family. We were both raised with families that had high expectations and demanded nothing less than perfect outcomes in everything. Stressful doesn’t cover the level of anxiety that often overwhelmed us.

I watched the gold curls of Sam’s hair drape at her side as she leaned toward her bag and retrieved the laptop inside. Behind me, was the approaching sound of the delivery car from a DoorDash order I had placed.

“ I’ll be back,” I said.

I felt her eyes on my back as I stepped away from the desk and towards the door to meet the delivery man. The kid barely had the order in his hand as I met him.

“Jake?” He asked.

“Yeah, that’s me. Thanks!”

I took the weighted bag of food from the driver that came from the deli shop up the road. They were a small place but they were fast-growing in popularity in the area. Sam and I had eaten there before a while back and I figured with the late hour, she might appreciate a little relief from the day.

I stepped back into the office and sat at the desk. Pulling each item from the bag I saw her eyes glancing up to the contents. Between the smell and the fact that she rarely ate much as the day went along, I could see she was starving.

“Planning to be here for a while then?” She asked.

I chuckled as I finished emptying the bag out. I placed her food in front of her and heard the pang of stomach groans at her core. Her face squinted against the discomfort and she looked at the sandwich at the edge of the desk.

“For me?” She said.

“Yeah, I figured you’d be hungry and I knew you would be at this car for a while.”

“You’re right.” She said.

She opened the wrapping and smiled at the sandwich and then to me.

“Turkey club. You remembered?”

“I did. Even got the side of fruit you prefer.” I said.

“That’s pretty good. But you forgot something.” Her voice carried a hint of playful yet daring coyness.

“Did I?”

My response was equally playful as I let a low smile crack at the edge of my lip. I pulled the last item from the bag at my side and placed it at the edge of the desk. A small cup of ranch dressing sat at her eyes and her playful smile turned to a happy and content one. She pulled the lid of the cup and she broke the sandwich apart to dip it into the sauce.

The toasted bread crunched at her teeth as she bit happily into it. A deep breath pressed at her chest as she got a small moment of happiness in what was otherwise another busy and chaotic day for her. Her eyes lifted to meet mine and I smiled at her.

The soft shine of sapphire stared at me for a moment, I felt the heat of attraction pump in my chest as we looked at each other. A soft moan escaped her as she bit at the sandwich again and I felt the shift of waking flesh in my pants start to stir.

Her free hand returned to the laptop as she started to fill in the fields of data. The occasional break of crunching bread or gulping fluids is the only other sound to break the hammer of our keyboards. As we neared the end of our meal I watched as Sam drank from her cup and set it at the edge of my desk.

Her hand pulled away and from that singular mistake, the half-filled cup tipped straight onto her lap and laptop. In a panic of concern, we both jumped up as she yelled out.

“Oh shit!” She yelled.

We both snatched at the few napkins we had from the delivery and patted at the computer to pull the moisture up as best we could, hoping that it wouldn’t set into the more crucial components.

“Do you think it’ll be okay?” She asked as we dabbed the final drops of moisture.

“Maybe, the screen is still lit up so fingers crossed you won’t lose everything” I said.

I glanced at her equally damp figure, the majority of the water was on her thighs but the splashback had forced a considerable amount into her stomach and chest. The fur-like material of her vest was now matted and discolored against the weight of the liquid.

“I have a spare shirt in the closet if you want.” I said.

“Thanks but I’ve actually got a spare change of clothes in the car.”

“I’ll go grab them for you!” I offered and made my way out to the logo-heavy car she drove around in. I pulled on the back trunk latch and smiled as the unlocked car opened to me. Sitting in the back of the trunk was a small bag that didn’t fit the corporate appeal of the rest of the items around it.

Opening it and looking inside I saw the change of clothes she had mentioned and I took the bag. Closing the door I made my way back inside and as I opened the door I felt the blast of attractive heat as the sun-kissed the exposed skin of her now shirtless back.

The wrapped fabric of a lacey yet durable bra strap hugged at her as her face spun over her shoulder to see me. Her hair fell at her side and a small smile appeared on the corner of her lip.

“That was quick, I take it you found the bag without any trouble.” She asked.

It took what felt like forever for me to reply to her and when I did, I barely understood the words.

“Yeah, I got it no problem. You keep that car pretty clean so it wasn’t like I was diving through any junk.” I said.

“Thanks, I try to keep it neat. Can I have the bag now?” She asked.

“Yeah, of course.”

I placed the bag on the desk next to her and turned so she could have some privacy. A few moments of rustling and soft grunting eventually went quiet as I assumed she began to change. I fought the yelling urge of my body to keep it from turning and sneaking a peek at her beauty.

“Josh?” She said in a low tone.

“Yeah?” I replied.

“I…I need your help.”

I took a deep breath and turned slowly. She was sitting in the chair again, the shimmer of her black bra cupping at her chest, her pale skin having a faint glow against the final moments of sunlight. Her toned and muscled figure sat without apology or concern that I was seeing her.

She extended her foot towards me.

“I can’t get the knot out. Can you try to get it for me?” She asked.

“Of course.” I said.

I knelt at her feet and began to yank and pull back at the messed knot that she had created. After a few moments of nervous fidgeting, I reached for a pen on my desk and pressed it against the small hole to start pulling back the string of the laces. As it freed and loosened I gently pulled the boot from her foot and went to work in the same manner on the other boot. The second one came off in a faster manner and as I pulled her foot from the boot I glanced up at her.

A warm and thankful smile greeted me and as I pressed away from the floor I felt her hand on my shoulder. A gentle pressure urged me to stay at her feet and without thought or hesitation, I obliged. I could feel the tremor of temptation in my body as she leaned toward my ear.

“I still need your help.” She whispered.

The deep, authoritative tone in her voice sent a shiver down my spine and a surge of blood to my cock. My eyes closed at the request for assistance and I gulped at the impossible situation that was unfolding. She pulled away from my ear and our eyes locked. The slow heat of her breath escaped the crack of her lips and passed across me. I moved forward to her, our lips pressing at one another in the moment, I heard her moan at my embrace as I placed my arms at her back.

A soft flick of wet heat lapped at me and I met her tongue with my own. The tension of years of desire was breaking as each kiss meant another moment closer to unleashing the full heat of our unspoken needs. After a few long and welcome minutes of deep and passionate kissing, she pulled back and stood. I looked up at her and saw the flirting flick of her eyebrow as my eyes looked to the button of her jeans.

I wanted to savor every second of these moments, make them last longer than they should, build the suspense and urge for release and so I gently kissed the soft muscle of her abs. Each kiss drew me closer to the button of her pants. I slowly ran my hands up the sides of her legs, smiling at the soft moan as one of my hands moved to her inner thigh as a means of teasing her.

I pulled apart the button and drew the small zipper downwards to expose the light pink of the underwear she wore beneath. Sliding my fingers around the band of her jeans, I peeled them down slowly, a small, sensual kiss following as I exposed more and more of her soft skin. The still-damp fabric crumpled to her feet and I slowly caressed her legs, the soft feel of her shaved legs was like silk at my coarse fingers. My own breathing intensified as I came up and slid my fingers over the fabric of her bikini-style panties.

I saw the dark spot of moisture against the light color. For a moment I thought it was from the spill but as I drew her panties down, I saw the warm glisten of her wet vagina meet me. The trimmed mound of her bush was as light as her hair and I smiled at her.

Taking off my shirt, I placed it on the chair behind her in an effort to block the remaining moisture that might still reside on it. My hands came up on her legs and slowly I brought them to the back of her knees. I pressed at her slowly to give her the hint of sitting down and without pause, she lowered down to the chair. Her hands reached behind her as she pulled at the clasp of her bra and let it slide from her pert breasts to the floor at our side.

A coy smile filled her face as she watched me admire her body from head to toe. She parted her legs slightly to give me a view of her and I smiled happily at the gift. I closed the distance and kissed her, my tongue pressing hard into her mouth as she met mine. A moment later I felt the subtle thrusting of her body against me. My hand traveled across every exposed inch of her, exploring and admiring every freckle, hair, and scar that her body had developed over the years.

She was powerful and confident in everything I had seen her do but at this moment I could tell that control and power were something she didn’t want the responsibility of. I was more than happy to rise to the challenge for her. My hard cock was aching against the now tightened jeans but I was determined to please her before myself.

Pulling my lips from her, I trailed and kissed her neck. The sweet moan of her body betrayed her subtle urge to keep quiet as I moved further and further. Taking her breasts and hard nipples one by one with my teeth. A soft pressure on her body caused her to gasp ever so slightly and force her body against me. I felt the damp heat of her pussy against me and I bit into her soft breast a little harder.

“Ugh!” She moaned.

Another happy thrust pressed at me and I slid my hand between her legs to tease and coax more of her womanhood and I knew just how badly she needed this, needed me.

“God, you’re so wet.” I whispered.

The shirt and chair were thoroughly damp now from her own body and its urges. And as I teased her clit, she only grew wetter. I felt her soft pussy lips as I teased her closer and closer to her. My fingers practically entering on the door of her slick pussy. I kissed her once more and as my tongue met hers, I slid in two fingers.

“Ugh! oh god, ugh!” She yelled as I pressed into her.

Her tight pussy wrapped happily around my fingers as I slowly fucked her. A deep pant and heaving of air filled her lungs as she wrapped her hand around the base of my head. Her eyes began to squint as my speed and urgency for her moans increased. I could feel by the tight grip she was starting to feel a climax. I hadn’t expected it to be so quick but if her relationship was as unhappy as mine, then the time between a truly intimate release had been long.

She thrust and rocked hard on me as I fucked her harder and harder with my fingers. She knew what she wanted and how to get there and smiled as I felt her tighten further and watch as she threw a hand over her mouth to muffle the moan that came from her release. Her body arched, her toes pressing her up at me as I kept fucking her slit and I felt the explosion of heat and fluid as her orgasm pissed on my face and hand.

I slowed my movement to her as she panted heavily in the chair. Her hair was slightly ruffled at the back from her head pressing against the chair and wall behind her. A subtle sweat coated her body in all the best places and as I pulled my hand from her, she shook and shivered at me.

“Jesus, I’m sorry. I’ve never done that before.” She said.

I smiled at her as she shifted in the chair.

“Squirted?” I asked.

She nodded and hid her face in her hands as if she were embarrassed. I pulled her hands away to see her gorgeous eyes and I smiled at her.

“Nothing to be embarrassed about Sam. I liked it, I think it’s really hot that you came with such force.” I said, trying to comfort her.

“Really?” She asked, a small return of her smile creeping out as she did.

“Yes, I really do.” I said.

“But it made such a mess.” She said.

I smiled with a devilish intent as I saw an opening to keep things going for us.

“Maybe, but it’s really easy to clean up.” I said as I kissed her neck softly.

Her hand pressed at the hair of my chest and her fingers pulled at me to draw me closer to her body.

“How easy?” She asked coyly.

I smiled and replied.

“Very easy.”

I kissed and licked my way down her body, the blend of carnal sweat and her orgasm mixing together as I moved closer to her center. Her legs parted with ease as I lowered my hand down her side and raised her leg over my shoulder. Her body adjusted and I had direct access to “clean” her. I kissed and licked at her thighs as I slowly moved closer and closer. Low and soft moans escaped her once more as I lapped and sucked at her sides.

Her body shook and trembled around me as I came closer and closer. Her raw heat reached out to my face as I started a gentle flick of my tongue. A slow lap of her soft folds pressed that hit moan I so desperately wanted to hear. She pressed herself closer to my face, the clear sign that she wanted me to truly “clean” her.

I worked my tongue further towards her, tasting her and sucking gently as I felt the small bulb of her clit. I sucked and toyed with her, the small movements of her body at my side pressed and urged me to satisfy her more and more. Every pass of my tongue at her made her gasp and writhe until I pulled her closer and felt my tongue swell inside of her completely.

I pressed and tasted her in response to the high and low pitched moans of pleasure that told me where she wanted me. Her thighs tightened and gripped at me as my hands wrapped around her soft curves.

“Oh god!” She gasped.

The tightening pressure at my sides let me know another release was coming. I wanted her to finish, needed her to and I pressed and ate at her like both of our lives depended on it. Her fingers reached out to my head, grasping and holding me to her. She knew that any and all control I had was firmly in her grasp and I was succumbing to her demands.

“Oh god. Oh, Jesus, I’m close, I’m so close!” She yelled.

The subtle desire for quiet was clearly gone and I slid my hand to her rear and pressed her against me once more. Burying my face deeper and she gasped out. Seconds pass and I felt the tremors release as she screamed and cried out. Her release filled my mouth and spewed onto my face. A moment of thin air began to seep into my face as I pulled away from her slowly. Her body fell weakly into the curve of the now-soaked chair.

I leaned back and admired her panting breaths as she slowly turned to me. A smile of delight, relief, and carnal needs being fulfilled.

“That was so good. I haven’t felt that kind of love in so long.” She said.

I watched her strength slowly return as she pressed away from the chair and lean toward me. Her arms pressed at my chest as she forced me to lean back. Her hands traced my body as she smiled and pressed her lips to me. She licked at me in a soft manner as she tasted her own love on my face. It was hot, dirty, and a massive turn-on. I was hard and I couldn’t bear the strain of it any longer.

I shifted with ease under her as her hand ran lower and lower. I felt the soft tug of her fingers at my belt as our eyes connected once more. The dark ambiance of moonlight began to fill the room alongside the low neon of computer monitors and servers.

“You want to stop or should I keep going?” She asked.

I took a deep breath as a smile of my own filled my face. I kissed her hard, our tongues wrapping and dancing at one another before I gripped her naked hips.

“I’d do anything to make this night last forever.” I said softly.


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