Out for a Jog [MF][Stripping][Public][Reluctance][Coercion][Pictures]

*This is part 2 of a series of events surrounding a summer party. Part 1 can be found [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/Erotica/comments/u9ujqw/summer_party_beer_run/).*


My tires squealed on the pavement as I pulled out of the parking lo, still feeling his eyes crawling over my skin.

“What a fucking creep!” I muttered to myself. “Drive faster!” I yelled at the cars ahead of me. I just wanted to be home.

At least I had the beer, the satisfying sound of the bottles softly clinking in my trunk as I sped around corners. When I glanced in my rear view mirror to make sure I wasn’t followed my heart jumped into my throat. Was it the same car from the parking lot? I couldn’t be sure. I slowed to below the speed limit and waited, sure I would see the flashing lights come on any second.

It felt like hours before I arrived home without incident, the cop car passing my driveway without changing speed.

“Holy shit,” I muttered under my breath as I let out the deep breath I was holding. “Let’s get set up.”

I pulled out the three large coolers and filled them with ice, then unloaded the beer from the car into each one. My excitement for tonight built as I worked, the prospect of having everything finally coming together enough to wash away my shaken nerves.

When I finished I still had about an hour before Megan was supposed to arrive to help me finish the final touches. In reality, everything was done but it was always best to start a party by drinking with a close friend.

“Fuck it,” I said out loud, bounding up the stairs and quickly changing into running clothes. A little jog couldn’t hurt and I had plenty of time for a few miles. There were trails that started just behind the house, looped around a meadow, and meandered through sixty acres of woods. The shortest loop from my house was just over three miles.

Just across the field the trail ran along a small park at the edge of town. As I approached it I saw a cop car parked at the side of the road with a figure leaning against the hood. As I approached I could make out Officer Manch, one of the old town cops, at least sixty, and the father of the guy I had bought my beer from. Had he been the one in the parking lot who followed me home?

My jaw clenched as I approached him, trying not to slow down as I offered him a brief, friendly wave. I kept my eyes on the path and tried not to give him a reason to talk to me.

“Hey there little lady,” he called out.

‘Shit,’ I thought.

“Hey!” I said, quickly catching my breath as I slowed and stopped, trying to act as naturally as I could. If he was the one who followed me I couldn’t give him any reason to suspect anything was wrong. “Long time!”

“Yeah, long time,” he said, his eyes scanning me from head to toe. “You grew up.”

“I guess,” I said, smiling at him, suddenly regretting my choice of running attire. The sun was hot and I had chosen a lightweight white sports bra and short dark blue running [shorts](https://i.imgur.com/JlDs8zy.jpg).

“Heard you’re having a party tonight,” he said, his head tilting slightly to one side, his voice almost buzzing with excitement.

“Party? Nope,” I responded, shaking my head and working to suppress the butterflies exploding in my stomach.

“Let’s just not have any of that now, ok?” he sighed, shaking his head and waving his hand dismissively. “When you was growing up we never had any scraps. Let’s not start now. I’m too old for that crap,” he paused, removing his hat to run his hand through his gray hair. “My boy told me. He may be a piece of shit, but he doesn’t lie to me. Learned that lesson a long time ago. Told me how you got the booze too,” he paused, apparently enjoying himself as he watched me shuffle my feet. “Now, old as I am, I might forget some things I know. Like where you live, what you’re doing tonight.”

“Ok….” I said quietly, dreading the price, trying to keep a smile on my [face](https://i.imgur.com/Rt2n6GJ.jpg) as if nothing were wrong.

“Same deal as my boy, except I know you don’t have much time,” he said flatly as he took out his handcuffs and lay them on the car. “Or we can chat someplace….. else.”

“Fuck,” I muttered under my breath. At least he didn’t have his phone out. I chewed my lip, scanning the park as I considered. What choice did I have? If the part was going to happen….

“Fine,” I said, glancing around the park again and seeing no one. “You gonna tell me what to do or do you just want to see it all?”

A smile slowly spread across his face as he licked his lips. “Tits first…. And remember to smile, I’ve heard you are quite the model.”

‘Son of a bitch, what is wrong with this family?!’ I thought as I
stepped closer to the nearest tree, hoping it would offer some amount of shelter from the gaze of anyone else who might be in the park but aware it was nearly useless.

With one more glance around the park I grabbed the top of my bra and pulled down, hooking the fabric under my [breasts](https://i.imgur.com/gY8PRrZ.jpg).

“Holy shit, he wasn’t kidding,” he groaned as his eyes drank in my [chest](https://i.imgur.com/yFQksTL.jpg).

I almost spit back an insult but managed to hold it in as I popped my tits back into my bra. “Someone is going to see…… We good?”

“Hah!” he laughed. “Turn around and bend over. I’m an ass man.”

I rolled my eyes before turning slowly and bending at the waist, looking [back](https://i.imgur.com/PfCS3yF.jpg) to make sure he didn’t get any closer.

“Mmmm, yeah,” he said, his hand running along the front of his duty belt. “Reach back and spread your cheeks. I want to see those shorts eaten by your ass.”

“Asshole,” I muttered, but I complied, reaching back with both hands to pull my cheeks apart, my shorts sliding between my plump [cheeks](https://i.imgur.com/WxHV6He.jpg).

“I heard that,” he said gruffly. “Now you’re gonna pay for it. Shorts down, spread your cheeks.”

“No, I can’t, someone is going to see!” I protested.

He took a step forward, the cuffs suddenly in his hand.

“Ok, ok, ok,” I said quickly, my hands already moving to pull my shorts down to my knees. I was in such a rush to avoid his wrath that I hadn’t even glanced around the park to see if the coast was clear. “Fuck,” I muttered, a lump forming in my throat as I reached back again and pulled my cheeks apart, opening my ass to him. It was all I could do to keep a small semblance of a [smile](https://i.imgur.com/7zMYGzl.jpg) on my face.

“What a nice hole,” he taunted. “Stand up, turn around.”

I forced the tears from my eyes, more humiliated than I had ever been in my life as I obeyed sheepishly, facing him, my shorts tumbling down to my [ankles](https://i.imgur.com/Z59qqgz.jpg) while I forced myself to smile at him.

“Very nice….” he trailed off, eyes scanning over my perfectly smooth mound.

The sound of distant laughter drifted across the park and I dropped into a crouch at the sound, terrified they could see me as my head whipped around.

“Bwaaahahahaha!” he bellowed, slapping his knee with his hand. “You gotta get less nervous! But it’s hilarious!” he said, wiping a tear from one eye.

I just stared at him in disbelief, face frozen in the same smile I had forced on myself from the start as I [waited](https://i.imgur.com/MoJMbN2.jpg).

“Oh, you crack me up,” he said as the laughter faded. “While you’re down there, why don’t you go ahead and get on all fours.”

Swallowing the last bit of my evaporating pride I turned and placed my hands on the rough ground, assuming the position he demanded, watching his face transform into an ear to ear grin while he rubbed his belt and stared at my [ass](https://i.imgur.com/UqWCRL2.jpg).

“Get up, someone is coming down the path,” he said quietly, grin still plastered to his face while he watched me scramble up and pull my shorts back on.

It took another few seconds for me to hear the footsteps, followed closely by a young mom pushing a stroller. I turned away from her to look out across the pond at the center of the park while Officer Manch chatted with her as she passed.

“That was close,” he muttered as the sound of her steps disappeared. “I might have had to arrest you for indecent exposure.”

I continued staring over the water and shook my head, sure he wasn’t kidding. Despite him forcing me to strip for him any consequences would surely be mine.

“Sit on that bench right there,” he said, waving one arm absently.

I walked over a sat sullenly.

“You’re almost done,” he chuckled. “Right after I see *everything*. Pull out those little tits again, put your feet up, and spread those lips.”

I followed his directions after scanning the park, ensuring I wouldn’t expose myself to any strangers and allow Officer Manch to take me back to the station. I shuddered at the thought. First, I slid my bra back down below my tits, then pulled my feet up onto the bench on either side of myself. I took a deep breath, let my pride go as the humiliation swept over me, and moved my running shorts aside, my other hand grasping under my leg to spread myself [open](https://i.imgur.com/T1pLPbo.jpg).

“Damn,” he muttered. “I’ll remember that sight till I die.”

‘Hopefully sooner rather than later,’ I thought, but I kept the smile on my face.

“Ok, ok. Take it all off,” he muttered, swinging his cuffs in a circle around one finger.

“Are you going to arrest me when I do?” I asked.

“I’m going to arrest you if you don’t.”

“Fuck,” I muttered, glancing around before quickly pulling my bra off over my head and sliding my shorts down.

“All your clothes in your hands,” he said with a grin.

I stepped out of my shorts and held my clothes out for him to [see](https://i.imgur.com/ccIzc5x.jpg)


I [did](https://i.imgur.com/SpN6t4m.jpg).

“Have fun at your party,” he said, already turning on one heel and walking away.

“Fuck, *finally*,” I sighed, pulling my clothes back on as quickly as I could and running in the opposite direction, not wanting to give him another opportunity to change his mind. I swore I could still hear him laughing as I reached the other side of the park and turned for home.


Comments welcome! There will likely be a part 3 (and possibly much more) if there is any interest. And maybe even if there isn’t.

Source: reddit.com/r/Erotica/comments/ubpjxv/out_for_a_jog