[Bd] [nc] [Ff] An incomplete short story between a woman convincing her shy neighbor to accept her fucking

Deidrea sat on the couch, scrolling through her phone. She was half focused on her parents packing in the other room as she checked with her text messages. She was wondering if any of her highschool friends where in town for spring break, but it didn’t seem like they where. It looked like it was just going to be another boring spring break, house sitting for her parents while they took their annual cruise.
“Are you sure you will be okay?” Her mother asked while walking through the living room. “We could find you somewhere else to stay”
“No…it’s alright” Deidrea said, looking at her mother. “It’s nice being home, I can finally actually read books again”
“If you say so darling, I let Mrs. Partridge know you are going to be home for the break so if you have any issue you can run over to her place”
“Alright…I think everything will be alright though…” Deidrea said with a slight nod. “Just…another boring spring break”
“Well…feel free to use anything in the kitchen and your father is going to leave his car here and don’t feel afraid to use it”
“Alright mom” Deidrea said, just slightly annoyed.
“Just saying…you know how you like to stay in your room all day, I’m just saying, get out…do something while you are in town” Her mother said leaning on the back of the couch.
“Fine…I will…”
“Promise?” Her mother proded.
“Fine, I promise”

Deidrea came up out of the water and took a breath of fresh air. She hadn’t kept her promise, at least not yet. She had played a few video games, finished a few books, but she still hadn’t gone into town. The furthest she ever gone was today and that was just to Mrs. Partridge house. She had a pool however, and that was good enough for her.
Mrs. Partridge watched her from the second story window a gentle tumbler in her hands. She watched as Deidrea entered the water again and was facing away. She took a small sip as she watched Deidrea’s legs pulse back and forth, her exposed and bare ass. She nodded with approval as she took a quick glace over at the four post bed, the restraints tied to each post. It wasn’t going to be today, but it would be soon. She had a whole week, a whole week to figure out the best way to approach her, to get her into the bed.

Partridge didn’t care anything for her. Unfortunatlly, that was the truth.
“All you have to do…” Patridge said as she traced a finger up to the edge of Deidrea’s knee length summer skirt. “Is stay here for just…a little bit”
“You…you” Deidrea said, stuttering and jerking her wrists as Partridge paused breifly. “You where…married…you…”
“Have diffrent tastes” Patridge took her hand away. “It was a good cover…for the both of us…”
“I…” Deidrea said, again with a slight stutter, as Patridge walked toward the dresser. “I’m not….I’m not…”
“Gay?” Mrs. Patridge said, turning back towards the bound form with her pericing brown eyes. “No…but you’ve never had a boyfriend and…I feel like you don’t know weather you like boys or girls yet”
“But this…” Deidrea said, sitting up as much as possible. “I…you…”
“Like I said” Mrs. Partridge said, looking at the closet mirror. She pressed against her breasts slightly and began to unbutton her shirt. “All you have to do is relax”
“What the fuck are you…” Deidrea began to say until Mrs. Patridge turned back around and let her shirt drape off her shoulders and onto the ground. Deidrea looked away, turned her head toward the window saw the gentle glistening sun reflecting off the undulating waves of the pool.
“Come on…I must not be that repulsive” Partridge said as she walked back over to the bed. Deidrea continued to try and look away. Partridge sighed as she put her legs up onto the bed next to Deidrea’s side, letting her hands find their way in and through her hair. Deidrea closed her eyes and gave slight shuttering breaths as Patridge continued to play with her hair. “Don’t you like my bra, I got it especially for you, ever since starting this I’ve ben thinking of this moment”
“Just…” Deidrea said, her muscles tense. “Just let me go”
“I will, my sweet…” Partridge said moving Deidrea’s head to face hers. Deidrea’s eyes where still shut tightly. “In a little bit…after we have some fun”
Patridge stood up and Deidrea tentatively opened her eyes. If she didn’t know what her attacker was doing it was just going to make the following even worse for her. Still, Deidrea’s voice and breath was shivering and shuttering as she watched Mrs. Partridge pick up her shirt off the ground and carry it over to the closet. Mrs. Partridge turned around and gave a coy smile, Deidrea jerked her head to the left toward the window again.
Partridge opened up the closet, spending definite time to lengthen this proccess. “I remember when you used to come over and swim in my pool” Partridge smiled gently as she puled a hanger out. It was no longer coy but sweet. “We would swim in the nude on those hot summer days. Now that your 18 we can actually have fun”
“No. don’t you think on some level” Partridge said buttoning the top button of her shirt on the hangar. “You wanted me to…you know”
“No…” Deidrea said, almost yelling, and then actually considering it. “No…I…”
“Come on…are you sure” Partridge said hanging her shirt back up and closing the closet. “Maybe somewhere in that…sweet, boyfriendless, cute brain of yours…you wanted this…don’t you think?” Partridge said taking another step toward the bed.
“No…no…I’ll” Deidrea said, having her mouth open slightly. As she cosidered what Partridge was saying she breifly remebered a time in middleschool where she and a classate had a sleep over and practiced kissing on each other. Maybe she did want this?
“Now…” Partridge said as she watched Deidrea’s eyes. “What do you think of the bra?” “Why…Why even bother with it…if…if…like you said, we’ve…”
“Already seen eachother naked, because” Partridge said gently massaging her lacy, lengeire style bra. “Because this is special…this is diffrent”
“This is…rape…” Deidrea said, slightly under her breath.
“Oh come now, we’re talking aren’t we…This is just…intense foreplay” Partridge said walking around the post of the bed and walking up the right side of the bed. “Enough with all the…dates and…innuendos…Why can’t I just…tie someone I like up and…get them to orgasm once or twice”
“It’s wrong Mrs. Partridge” Deidrea said honeslty.
“Then I don’t want to be right” She said with a smile. “Now…I hope you aren’t attatched to that skirt you have on”
“No matter” Partridge said. “I’ll get you something better later”
“Why…why are you” Then she saw the scissors on the top of the chest of drawers and made the logical conclusion of what was going to happen.
“But that can all be dealt with later, right now…” Partridge paused as she reached behind her back. The soft lacy bra untwined and fell from her chest. They where strong, firm, and elegant breasts. “Right now…You just need to get comfortable”
“Mrs. Partridge…I’m…I’m not comforable…” Deidrea struggled against her bonds again.
“That’s only because you don’t know” Mrs. Partridge leaned on the right side of the bed and put a well manicured and over the top of Deidrea’s skirt. “What we can do together”
“Mrs….Mrs. Partridge I…”

Partridge’s tounge coursed around the inside of Deidrea cunt as Deidrea struggled gently. Partridge looked up and Deidrea watched from over her own breasts as she could see Partridge’s licking gentle smile. Partridge laughed as she pulled away gently running a finger through the top of Deidrea.
“You’re going to learn how to do that for me…You know…you don’t really have a choice righ now”
“Please…Mrs. Partridge” Deidrea said, closing her eyes and flexing herlegs once again.
“oh don’t cry…here” Partridge took her middle finger and gently coursed it inside of her. “Don’t you…oh…can’t you just feel it..” She oved it back and forth slightly. “Just the feeling of being filled…”
Deidrea bit her lip and moaned slightly. “Mrs….uhhhh” She groaned as she pulled on her wrists.
“Their you go” Partridge sad with another laugh and a smile. “Now…” Partridge took her finger out and licked it, engulfing Deidrea’s scent and taste. “like I said, relax…take it easy…I’ll fuck you all night and…you just have to sit and enjoy it”
“But…Mrs. Partridge this is still…”
“You’re not doing anything tomorrow…or the next few days…” Partridge said, forgetting that Deidrea was talking. “I might just fuck you all week”
“But…My parents”
“really….” Partridge said with a laugh. She crawled up and let her head rest on Deidrea’s breasts. “Your going to tell them…after all we’re going to do together”
“But…” Deidrea continued to look at Partridge’s eyes. “You…you forced me here”
“Yeah…and…” Partridge put a hand down by Deidrea’s cunt. “That means I have four days to convince you not to say anything”
“How will you….Oh fuck” Deidrea said suddenly as her hips jerked out of place, trying to run from Partridge’s dexterious fingers. “Fuck you…” She pounded her fist against the bed.
“Gladly” Partridge said as she ran her open palm up the inner thigh of Deirea’s already semi-wet cunt. She couldn’t stop herself from gently lubricating erself under Partridges intrustions into her private sanctum. Despite all the anger and fear, the hollow feeling inside of herself began to pulse with life and vibration.
“Oh fuck” Deidrea said, more to herself out of never knowing what ex was. “Fuck…fummvvv” She silenced hrself as she saw Partridge’s smiling face. Her face turned stoic, at least as stoic as she could manaage for a few moments before Partridge rubbed her finger across Deidrea’s clit. Deidrea was going to say something more, something offensive, but then she began to laugh.
Almostlike a child, Partridge began to blow gentle raspberry’s on her chest. Combined with the tickling sensation inside of her crotch and pusling up inside of herself, they formed an uncontrollable laugh. It was forced out of her as Partridge forced herself inside of her. Partridge looked up and leaned slightly to the side, resting on Deidrea’s breast, her finges still penitrating and jostling.
“See…this is fun…exciting” Partridge said, finally pulling her hand away. Deidrea reacted to the vanishing of the hand more to when it first entered her, a slight indication that Partridge picked up n. She was beginning to love this. “Don’t you agree”
“Mrs. Partridge…please..you’ve…you’ve had your fun…now…”
“Oh come on, this isn’t just fun for me” Partrige inturrupting and putting her wet hand on Deidrea’s other breast, mving it around slithgly. “I know you’rehaving fun…better than swimming, bettr than…reading” Partridge crawled up gain and used Deidrea’s breast like a handle while the other hand turned Deidre’s head toward her. “Or…sitting alone..waiting” Partridge kissed her on the hin while Deidrea tried to get away. “Waiting for someone…” Another kiss on the cheek made Deidrea’s heart fall from er stomach. “Waiting for a kiss” She forced her mouth onto Deidrea’s and began to explore the inside of Deidrea’s mouth “Waiting all these years…” She breated in and began kissing Deidrea again. “To finally cum…”
Deidrea could feel Partridge’s wetness on the outside of her thigh as Partridge moved up and down her knee, but that was the least of he concerns in this sexual situation. Partridge was pressing her nipple deep into her breasts as it continued to move around her ribcage. Deidrea could feel Partridgs gentle, nubile fingers press and squeze the breast. The flesh was clay in her hands and that clay was connected to her body, molding and shifting. Even that, however, wasn’t as bad as the kissing.
The tounge, the flesh, the warmpth was peircing. It wasn’t like a knife, pericing the flesh to make it bloody, instead it was like an icecube dropping into a warm glass of water. The tounge was becoming less of Partridge’s body and more f Deidrea’s and their was nothing she could do about it. The lips pulsed around hers, a familiar feeling from when she as eating her out, the diffrence however was that this was infront of her. Deidea opened her eyes for a moment and sawPartridge’s flutting with ectasy as she continued to lick and groan.
The sun shone on the two bodies, one bound, the ther in control. If one could look through the window they would see Partridge’s brown blond hair covering Deidrea’s bound left arm. They wouldn’t be able to see Deidrea’s cunt, all they would be able to see would be Partridge’s ass crawling up and down Deidrea’s thigh as she tried to reach some form of sexual pleasure while force-frenching her. They would see Deidrea’s perky breasts, sloping and jiggling in the movment of Partidges hand, they would see Partridge’s back, rippling around the spine as she moved her hands through her hair and breasts.
They would see Deridrea’s ankles slowly start to calm down as they realized that resistance was useless. They would see the body language of Deidrea gently relax. They would see, in the warm sunlight, the glistening wetness appear over the inside of Deidrea’s thigh. If someone was watching from the window, even they would know that Deidrea was enjoying this.
“Oh fuck” Partridge said, comming off Didrea’s mouth and licking the side of her mouth, a desire to consume her body flling her mind. “Fucking little bitch…that’s right” She said, massaging her own breasts. “Hmmm…yeah…yeah…fuck yeah” She continued to say as she gave one last kiss and then backed up off of Deidrea.
Deidrea was supprised but a certain part of her was relieved. Maybe shewas going to eat her out again, or finger her, or…maybe something more? The anticipation was palpible. However, Partridge had diffrent ideas in mind.
“You’re so fucking cute” Partridge said as she scooted up once more. “Come on” She said, grasping her own breast and guiding it to Deidrea’s mouth. “You’re my little baby aren’t you?”
“Mrs. Part…Hmmfm” Deidrea tried to say before the nipple was forced into her mouth.
“That’s right…that’s right…” Partridge said as she got comfortable and in position to force Deidrea onto herself.
Deidrea felt Partridge’s hand’s on the back of her head as her tounge tentatively touched the hard flesh of Partridge’s nipple. She realized in a moment that she could bite down, try to at the very least, but she also knew she didn’t want to. She wished Partridge had had kids, she wanted to drink Partridge’s milk. She would never say that, she hardly could even recognize it herself, but subconsiously, it was what she wanted. Then she realized it was getting hard to breath.
She gagged and tried to move her head away, but Partridge forced her into her bosom. Deidrea took a deep breath as her forehead placed against Partridge’s Sternum. “That’s right…good girl…”
“Mrs….Mrs….” Deidrea tried to say.
“No no…no talking…” Partridge repeated. “Come on Dede, keep sucking, I love it when you try and suck” Partridge moved her other breast into Deidrea’s mouth and forced it into Deidrea’s mouth. “You know, I was going to wait before I stuffed your face full of my muff, but…oh…oh fuck…” Partridge moaned as Deidrea sucked like Partridge was an empty waterbottle.
Deidrea realized that Partridge wasn’t holding her to her chest anymore. Instead Partridge was mastrubating, right over her stomach. Deidrea could see partridge’s vagina, slightly hairer than her own cleanly shaven one, but still a dilectibal fruit. Why? Deidrea asked herself as she continued to suck and watch Partridge’s fingers, Why was she jeleous of those fingers? Was Partridge right? Did she want this, really? She didn’t know why the soft warm waterballon of flesh covering her mouth felt so good, but she knew that she also had four days to figure it out. Deidrea wondered these things as Partridge began to honestly moan, finally getting to the point of relase that she had been building this whole time.
“Oh…oh..oh..oh…fuck…fuck…fuck” She whipspered into Deidrea’s hair as her fingers sped up. “Fu…fuck…fuck…oh fuck yeah…oh FUCK YEA” She said outloud as she placed her cunt against Deidrea’s Naval and began to slowly ooze out onto her. “Oh…oh fuck yeah…god fucking damn it…oh fuck” She continued to repeat as her fingers slowed and the cum dribbled out. “Yeah…oh fuck” She tried to reach the point again, some kind of G-spot, but it wasn’t comming again, at least for the moment. Deidrea’s tounge would have to find that later.
“You feel that, Dede?” Partridge said as she moved her finger to the spot of cum on Deidrea’s naval. “That’s because of you, how sexy you are, how…fucking cute you are sucking on my breast”
Make me cum, Deidrea wanted to say, Make me feel that over and over again. Deidrea had seen that before, on porn, a woman cumming multiple times, over and over again, but she had never felt it. She was usually so tired after one or two mastribation sessions that she didn’t know how to get to that point she saw in porn. Then again, she never wanted a penis inside of her. Suddenly she realized that she may be a lesbian, again, only as a subconsious impulse, not a realized desire.
Partridge used both of her hands to pull Deidrea off her breast, Deidrea’s mouth continued to kiss the air as she could smell Partridge’s sweat on her fingers. “Mrs….Mrs. Partridge…please let me go” She said out of impluse. “At least a hand…” Deidrea looked down at her own cunt, quivering under the cum pool dripping down her thigh. “Please?”
“Oh…” Partridge said looking down at her. “Oh you like this now?”
“Please…just to mastribate?” Deidrea pleaded “That’s what you want right to see me mastribate?”
“Oh my sweet little Dede” Partridge said putting a hand on Deidrea’s chest and swinging her legs off the bed. “Do you want to mastribate, or do you want to orgasm? Because you don’t know how to mastribate and because of that…” Partridge smiled as she let her feet touch the floor. “I won’t let you go…but, I will definantly get you to orgasm and then…” Partridge said walking around the bed and tapping Deidrea’s foot. “Then we’ll get you to learn how to eat me out”

“Ever used a Vibrator before?” Partridge asked as she lay next to Deidrea. Deidrea moaned behind her ball gag as she pulled tightly on her right arm again, trying to free up her hand from Partridge’s head. Partridge however, didn’t move, and instead tapped Deidrea’s nipples with the small round tip of the vibrator. “No…didn’t think so”
Deidrea looked down at her exposed cunt and wiggled her toes while Partridge continued to rub her breasts. She closed her eyes as she felt something warm embrace her nipple and knew that Partridge was licking it. She moaned again as she clenched her fist.
“I know we’ve deen doing a lot…and your cunts ready for bed but…” She dragged her last word as she sat up and crossed her legs and looked down at the spread eagle form of Deidrea. “You’ve got to know what a Vibrator feels like”
Deidrea didn’t want it. It had been a long day, a long and busy day, but at this moment their was nothing that could be done. She opened her eyes, looked at Partridge and leaned her head back.
“Theirs a good girl” Partridge said, tapping Deidrea’s cunt once more before turning on the vibrator and letting it buzz in the air. “Now…Vibrators are great…I’ve shown you how to mastruibate with your fingers…but this…” She placed the vibrator breifly against Deidrea’s chest. Her abs jerked breifly. “This is something new”
She let it orbit Deidrea’s naval a few times on the lowest setting, letting it touch breifly on the bones of her hips, each time the nerves, the sensitive and tired nerves around her crotch tensed for just a moment. “Fingers…tounges,,,dildo’s…even a good penis is great for an orgasms when that’s all you got, but if you have a good vibrator…” Partridge let it stop at the six oclock position, just a half an inch above her clit. Her inner thighs jerked tightly against the restraints. “Then you don’t need to worry about any of that”
Deidrea felt drool drip down her cheek as she tried to fall back into bed further away from the shivering object winding it’s way to her insides. The warm pulsing deamon was wanting to get out and this vibrating key was going to let it out. Suddenly the key was gone and Deidrea had to open her eyes to see what was going on.
Partridge was putting the Vibrator against her own Vagina, bitting her lower lip. Deidrea watched and tensed herself as Partridge placed a solid hand against Deidrea’s cunt. Deidrea could feel the movment of the vibrator connect the two of them together. Partridge took her vibrator away and then placed it directly on Deidrea’s Vagina. Deidrea jerked and suddenly began to writhe.
“Good…good…you see” Deidrea moaned under her gag as Partridge shoved it solidly ontop of her. “See a vibrator is the best…” She chuckled and laughed as Deidrea continued to pull on her restraints. “Oh fuck yea Deidrea” She pulled it away and Deidrea sighed, feeling a breath escape her. She opened her eyes and watched the Preadatory gaze of Partridge scan her quivering body. “See, now we’re connected and

“Fuck” Partridge groaned once. “Fucking hell…oh fuck…I fucking love you DeeDee” Partridge said again as she moved her own sensitive area deep into the vibrator she held inbetween them.
Deidrea tried to keep still, but as Partridges’s weight pushed the vibrator into her she couldn’t resist. Deidrea wanted to yell, to gasp, but the ball gag stopped her, so all she could do was arch her back and drool as the orgasms was forced into her body. The weight of Partridge, the movment of her legs, all of it forced the orgasm to posess her body.
“Never leave me” Partridge said as her leaning over body connected their breasts together in a wet, sensious connection. “Never fucking leave me you…sexy sexy girl” She said as she licked her neck.
One hand held the vibrator in place between the two of their cunts while another pulled her head in close. She kissed Deidrea up and down her neck and breasts as the vibrator still held them together. The vibrator controlled her as well, but she was free to escape it at will. Deidrea was not.
Her head jerked up and Partridge laughed as she dogged Deidrea’s head. “Come on…come on…” Deidrea pulled on her chains and grapsed the sheets underneath her while Partridge backed off slightly. “Come on…little bitch…” She whispered as she shoved it in deeper and deepr in, focusing entirely into Deidrea’s Vagina. “How many times can I make you cum?”


Sorry for the improper editing and the incompleteness. I don’t know if I will finish it, but I just wanted to show this to someone before I deleted it. Here you go.

Source: reddit.com/r/sexystories/comments/ubaqp7/bd_nc_ff_an_incomplete_short_story_between_a

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