Dumb Slut at a Conference -Part 2 {MDom}

My denied orgasm haunted me all night, despite my many attempts to dispel it. I slept little and woke early. A hasty shower and clothes, I went straight to the bathroom, certain I had dreamed it all. Thoughts plagued me on the walk down, losing my license, reputation, even blackmail.
But another box awaited me. And with its note, all my shame and guilt vanished. My new purpose was just to make it through to 9pm. To him.
***I knew you couldn’t wait. No dinner, no orgasms. Be clean inside and out. Be here promptly at 9pm.***
So much preparation, so much he knew already and we’d just met. I felt like a puppet that just realized it had strings. And he had them all tied up in one hand.
The day blurred by and my preparations for the evening with it. Primped, cleansed, and perfumed, mild sexy clothes were all I had. Last nights clothes still reeked of sex. The nerves made me very inefficient. So I didn’t end up there until 9pm.

A chair stood in my corner, pleather cover promising to be easy to clean of my juices, the metal leg junctions holding lined cuffs. My friends, the railings had similar decor.
The familiar box held a note and blindfold.
***Strip. Put on the blindfold, tightly. If you are not ready at 9:05. We are done***.

Tossing the box and contents into the sink, I stripped completely, frantically. I have to be on time. I can’t dissappoint him. I pull the blindfold as tight as I can and the world disappears. The cold seeps in through my feet and I start to shiver. The door clicks open.
I start to shake as it takes forever for the door to close and I imagine my naked self framed there for the main hallway to see. The soft thump of the door relaxes me long enough to miss his footsteps alongside me. I jump as he trails fingers along my arms. Skimming over my skin, around me, such light touches are torment. I plead for him to touch me.
Wish granted, he wraps a fist in my hair, just as before. With it he pushes me, into the chair. I am whimpering as he attaches my legs to the chair and my arms to the railings. His scent floats around me and I find it to be intoxicating. I try to lean into him but he places me immediately back, grunting in disappointment.
Once I’m secured to his satisfaction, he takes my nipples in hand and starts to squeeze them. Under the building pain, he tells me that I will get a chance to be a little cumdump and if I did well, it would be just us the next night. But I had to prove to him that I was serious. By the time he finished speaking, my back was arched up trying to relieve the agony. But I nodded, yes sir, I’ll be good.
My breasts flopped to my chest with the sudden release. He chuckled as he ran a finger along my jaw. He was looking forward to the mess I would be in a couple hours.
And so it started.
Each time the door hushed open, brought with it a new person. The first few were blowjobs. Leaning forward in my chair, arms awkward and aching, they didn’t come close to my jaws pain. The first wasn’t too bad. Standard dick, standard blowjob. The second tried his best to fuck my throat but with no training, I just gagged alot. Still he seemed to enjoy it and smeared his cum over my face when he was done. He called me beautiful and I smiled for him, tears soaking my blindfold and spit falling from my face. The third just jacked off into my face. He called me whore and slut, filth pouring from his lips. With each descriptor, I reached out further with my mouth and he deposited most of his load there. The taste was very salty and a little sour.
They moved my cuffs, my legs to the railings and my hands to the seat. The first one smelled like liquid courage. He swirled his fingers roughly at my lips, smearing my moisture around. I whined for him and he smacked my breast, hushing me. He came fast and left without cleaning up. The next used his cum as a lube for my ass and I cried as he railed me. He laughed at my tears and told me that they made my ass even tighter and he loved it.
I jumped as the lips of the third lapped at my swollen pussy lips. She ate me delicately, savoring and soothing. I melted on the talent of her tongue. She was the only one to give me pleasure. She wiped my face and praised my endurance before the door swung again.
There were a few more after that, but I was nigh incoherent. They used one or both of my holes, leaving behind conflicting colognes and the overwhelming scent of cum.

The last was my task master. I could smell him in the room, silently regarding his accomplishments.
I started to weakly struggle in the silence, unable to bear the weight of his gaze without his touch. The cuffs left my limbs. Feeling rubbed back into them with soft but strong hands. Pulled to my feet, I tottered as he wiped the most obvious parts of the night off. I tried to turn towards his as he worked his way around. But he was far stronger than I, and he moves me at will.
He whispered in my ear praises and encouragement. Before the door whispered again, he told me to ask at the front desk for my reward for I had earned it, if I still wanted it.
I am not sure how I made it back to my room. I was asleep ,I think before my head hit the pillow. But I woke dreaming of his scent, sore and covered in little bits of flaked cum.

Source: reddit.com/r/sexystories/comments/ualrvn/dumb_slut_at_a_conference_part_2_mdom