Summer Party Beer Run [MF][Coercion][Reluctance][Stripping][Picture Links]

This was going to be the perfect weekend. I was home from college for the summer, my freshman year over and very successful, and I was popular in my hometown for the first time. In high school I couldn’t get more than five people to come to a party. Now? My parent’s were out of town and Jimmy Lewis was coming. The most popular guy from my high school, now the starting quarterback at whatever big name school he went to. And still ridiculously hot.

There was just one problem. Beer. My roommate at college had a fake ID so I hadn’t bothered but she was four states away and no help. Maybe this was why nobody came to my parties in high school. I called around quietly, not wanting to cause concern that the party might be lame. Nothing. Nobody could help. The only name I got as a possibility was the bottom of the barrel. The worst of the worst. This guy was a seriously scuzzy dirtbag. Still, I had to try.

To my surprise the conversation was short and productive. After a long pause when I first asked he agreed in exchange for an extra $50 to get me what I wanted. I was expecting worse. Two hours later I was parking behind an out of business McDonalds with butterflies in my stomach.

“Sketchy guy, sketchy meeting place,” I muttered to myself as I parked next to his car. He wasn’t in it. I got out and looked around. He better not be messing with me, I needed him to come through. People were supposed to start showing up in a couple hours.

I was about to call him when I saw a plume of smoke drifting out from behind one of those big electrical boxes. “Gross,” I groaned as I walked over to check it out. For sure, there he was, leaning against the big grey box smoking what was clearly a joint.

“Hey,” I said, trying to project confidence but feeling extremely nervous.

He just looked at me, his eyes sweeping up and down my [body](, drinking me in and making me very uncomfortable. “Well, don’t you look nice,” he finally said, dropping his blunt on the ground and stepping on it. “How would you like the beer for free?”

I laughed and gave him the best [smile]( I could fake on such short notice, dreading whatever stupid game he was about to play. “Wouldn’t that be nice,” I said sarcastically.

“I’m sure we could work something out,” he replied, sweeping his eyes slowly over me, a hungry look on his face. My smile slowly [fell]( as I did my best to slink away from his gaze without moving.

“I’ll just pay you,” I said, holding out the money.

He didn’t take his eyes off me for a second. “Your party starts in, what, three hours?” he asked, looking at his watch. “That means you need me more than I need that cash.”

My stomach fell. He wasn’t wrong and the fact that he knew it made me very nervous. “What are you suggesting?”

“Blow me, I’ll give it to you for free,” he said bluntly.

I gasped, shocked he would even try that. “Hell no,” I said flatly.

“Fine, then let me take a few pictures and I’ll take the cash,” he countered.

“No,” I said flatly again.

“Ok, good luck then,” he said as he began to walk away.

I stood there, frozen to the spot. What the hell was I going to do? I needed that beer. Jimmy fucking Lewis was coming to my house in a few hours. This was my last chance to change my reputation in this town. I chewed furiously on my lip as I watched him go, this asshole who would leverage my need for his own gain.

“Wait,” I called after him. He stopped and turned on his heel. “What kind of pictures?”

He walked slowly back, glancing left and right, making sure we were alone. “We’ll make ’em artsy,” he promised, leaving out any incriminating words but leaving the meaning plain. Pictures of my body for beer.

“No touching,” I said, looking at my feet, ashamed that I was going to allow him to win, “and no extra cash, just what the beer cost.”

He took out his phone as a smile spread over his face. “Move your hair back and stick out your chest,” he instructed. “Smile!”

‘Just think of Jimmy,’ I thought to myself as I did as I was [told](, my chest thrust forward slightly, with the best smile I could muster on my face as I looked into his phone. This was all made worse by my outfit, the clothes I was prepared to wear for the party, all designed for seductiveness in the low light of the house, not the glaring light of day that didn’t hide anything.

“Good,” he said quietly as he licked his lips. “Face me, yes, I like your hands on your [hips]( like that. Now sideways. Fantastic, I love your little [tits]( poking through like that. Face me again. [Gorgeous](” he paused, giving me an awkward moment of uncertainty, alone with my thoughts. Each compliment was a taunt, the anger and frustration building up as he instructed me through the poses, his finger tapping over and over on his phone, logging my humiliation and compliance.

“Hmmm,” he said slowly. “Ah, yes, of course! Sideways again, look back at me like you’ve just caught me in the girls locker room. [Perfect](! Now, turn to the box and smile back at me. So [sexy]( Keep smiling. Lift your skirt,” he said flatly in a deeper tone. Not a request, but an order.

I paused, the knowledge that his instructions wouldn’t stay so PG didn’t soften the blow. This was the last moment, if I was going to turn back now was the time. I chewed on my lip, suddenly unsure.

“You need what I have in my car and I have enough here to ruin your reputation,” he said, wagging the phone back and forth. “Do it.”

I reached down and slowly pulled on my skirt, my [ass]( gradually coming into view. I managed to keep a smile on my face even though I felt like crying.

“Stop!” he said, taking a step closer, his finger tapping on the phone. “[Lovely]( Leave the skirt hiked up and face me. Oh, [perfect](”

I flicked my eyes down, relieved to find I was still covered.

“I’m a little disappointed you didn’t choose panties today. I was looking forward to those. Oh well,” he sighed. “Let’s see those tits. Flash me, big smile!”

This time I didn’t pause, the damage was done, I just had to get through this as quickly as I could. I forced my face into a smile, grabbed the bottom of my tank top, and [lifted](

“Oh, wow,” he almost moaned, the camera slightly lowered, seemingly forgotten. “More perfect than I imagined. Turn just a little, hip out. [Yes]( Sideways, like you’ve caught me again. Oh my [god]( Face me, lift your shirt nice and [high]( Nice smile, good, now a little [closer](, and turn a [little]( My goodness,” he said as he stepped back and took in the sight, his phone lowered. “Are you sure I can’t talk you into more? I’ll pay you.”

“The faster this is over, the sooner I can leave,” I said coldly, holding back angry tears.

“Fine. Let’s be a little more playful. Leave the shirt up, grab your ponytails. Good. Move them around a little. [Yes!]( Give me playful and seductive. Pretend I’m Jimmy,” he offered with a half smile. Great [look](”

He paused again, the phone lowered. “What to do next…..” he mused, dragging out the time as he stared at my chest. “Ah, yes, of course!” he exclaimed, as if he had just experienced genuine inspiration. “Lift your skirt. Smile. [Good](, I like that little bit of trimmed hair. Very sexy. Bend just a little, big [smile]( Great, now look at me like I’ve been naughty but you don’t mind. [Perfect]( Hold it there,” he stepped forward, the phone held out, pointed directly at my [lips]( “Touch it,” he said coldly.

My hand slid from the hem of my skirt down as I looked down on him, kneeling just inches from me, looking at my most intimate parts.

“Oh, fuck, that’s [hot](,” he muttered to himself. “Just a little [closer](… there. Amazing,” he said, standing again. “Fix your shirt, I want to see them both and give me surprised. Lift your skirt more. [Good]( You could do this for real, you know.”

I just glared at him, unable to summon the words in retort.

“Ok. Straight ahead, smile, skirt up! Great tan [lines]( Lead forward, yes, right there. Hold [it]( Turn around, face the box. [Beautiful]( Now, play with your pigtails and give me surprised, like I’ve walked into the locker room again. Just like [that](, yes!”

He paused again, his eyes glued to my ass. I waited, the cool metal of the box making goosebumps spread over my arms. “Are we done?” I asked quietly, praying the humiliation was over.

“No,” he said quickly. “Sit down, spread your legs, give me seductive. Mouth [open]( Keep that look but get your shirt back [up]( Cover your [tits]( Great. Masturbate for me.”

My eyes snapped to his face. “Not part of the deal.”

He rolled his eyes, “such a prude. Look around like you’re afraid someone will see and put your hand down there. Fuck,[yes]( Close your eyes like it feels so [good]( Move your lips, [smile]( Show me your O [face]( God, that is so sexy,” he sighed, his eyes locked on my lips, his hand rubbing over his pants.

“Save it for home,” I said, my legs involuntarily closing.

“Oh, I will. Stand up and turn around. Bend over, hands on the box, lift your skirt. Doggy style. Yeah, like that. Look back at me. [Smile]( Fuck, I want you,” he complained, one hand operating his phone and the other continuing to rub his pants. “Give me that seductive look again. Convince me you want me. Mmm, [yeah]( Pretend I’m putting my cock in you, spreading you open. [Perfect](,” he said, stepping forward, his hand rising to grab my ass.

Just before I was about to run we heard tires on stones as another car pulled into the parking lot.

“Shit!’ I swore, pulling my shirt down and skirt down to cover myself as he stuffed his phone in his pocket and adjusted his pants to hide the outline of his cock.

We peaked around the side of the box together to see a cop driving a slow circle around our parked cars. I could hardly breath as the seconds ticked by, my mind swimming with possibilities, chief among them losing the beer to a cop after all I had done for it. After what felt like an eternity the cop seemed satisfied and pulled away, driving back out onto the street.

“Oh, my god, that was close,” I sighed.

“Let’s get out of here,” he replied. “Last chance, we can go back to your place.”

“You wish.”

He made me transfer the beer from his trunk to mine, his phone snapping pictures of my ass and tits through my shirt as I worked. When I was finished, I turned to him, the polite person in me wanting to thank him but I held back.

“Bye,” I managed to say as I got into my car and quickly locked the doors, stones kicking up from my tires as I pulled quickly out of the lot.


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  1. ✨Wet pussy💦🐱like suck on video🍌👅👉 ****

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