Another day in paradise [MF] [Married]

I stood infront of the front door. Just a moment longer than I usually did. I needed that moment to compose, to inhale, to let go of the day that was now behind me. Since my new manager stepped in days elevated to this level of frustration seemed to be getting more frequent. It seemed that the hair on my head was going to be pulled out at the root any day now. But that was work, now I am home and I need to be a father and a husband. I took yet another deep breath in, held it for a moment, and then pressed it out as my key reached the slot.

This was the signal. The sound of my key raising the locks inner levers was the signal for my smile to appear, and for me to put on my “its all okay” face and for the house to burst into a cacophony of sound. I could hear Emiko dropping her game controller and rushing to the door shouting “Daddy’s home.” It always made me think of those sailors that were away from home for years, returning back home. I loved this part, I remind myself that this is why I put up with all that office mess. Before I could fully open the door myself I could feel Emiko pulling it from her side. For a 6 year old she was tall, like her dad. She grabbed my waist tight and didn’t let go. With a slight tickle under her arms I got her to release her grip and picked her up for a more substantial hug.

It was at that moment that Cate stepped into the passage out of the kitchen. She was drying her hands on an old dish cloth. As ordinary and mundane as this moment was, she still looked radiant. She had an effortless glow that came from…. hell I don’t know where it came from but she had this way of lighting up the room even when armed with just a dish cloth. She seemed to be timeless, just as beautiful as the day I met her. I think her hair was shorter back then though. She wears it longer now which I really love.

The moment Cate spotted my face even through the tangle of Emiko’s hair she could tell that something was amiss. I could see that look of puzzled concern on her face. It was there for just a moment and then she spotted Emiko’s head turning, to face her, and she buried the look and replaced it with a smile. I put Emiko back on the ground and she immediately started describing every aspect of her school day. Cate walked right up to my chest and swung her arms over my shoulders. Over the years we had devised ways of overcoming our height difference, which was needed as I stood about a foot taller than her. In a single movement I stooped and wrapped my arms around her lower back. I stood back up fully leaving her feet dangling off the floor. This always got a giggle out of Emiko.

“Are you going to be okay, my big Ray?” She whispered the words affectionately in my ear as her lips came to rest a whisker away from it.

I pulled my hand up along her fleace jersey and grabbed a hand full of it pulling her so close that it seemed that her breasts would leave an imprint on my chest. I buried my mouth in her shoulder and whispered back “I will be fine, but I need to give you five later.” My muffled voice was barely audible but Cate understood. I could feel her nodding against my shoulder and release her grip slowly, signalling that I should lower her. She gave me a soft kiss on my lips. She like cherry lip balm, and smelled like the bolognese sauce she was cooking. She smiled at me and then retreated to the chorus of pots in the kitchen.

The evening proceeded as usual. Emiko and I did homework while Cate finished our meal. The dinner table was filled with laughter as Emiko told us ridiculous stories of what the kids in her class got up to. Cate shared her day too but she knew me well enough to know that I didn’t want to speak about my day. As evening turned to night Emiko went to bed. A story of prince charming and far away lands was enough to make sure she was deep into dream land. I pulled Emiko’s door closed quietly as I stepped out. I walked quietly to my own room and spotted Cate concluding her evening cleansing ritual. I turned and locked the bedroom door behind me and dimmed the lights to their lowest warm setting.

I made my way over to the end of the bed and sat down. My bare feet planted firmly on the ground and my knees at a near perfect 90 degree angle slightly spread. “Come, come.” My command projected through the room to the bathroom in the direct manner that they were intended. I immediately heard Cate putting the towel aside and stepping into the room. Her expression was one of knowing, happiness and calm. She lowered her sleep pants to her ankles and stepped out of the holes they left on the floor. She looked at me questioningly as she stood there in the red lace panty I got her for her birthday. Without a word I gave her a shake of the head and she knew to remove them.

She positioned herself over my legs so that her stomach could rest on the surface formed by my thighs. I could see that her hair was just about touching the floor as her head dangled in anticipation. I gave her right ass cheek, which was further away from me, a rub and then raised my hand and swiftly brought it down. The sound of the slap shattered the silence in the room, that sound of my firm flat hand hitting her soft flesh echoed for a second. The second slap to my beloved Cate’s ass cheek hit nearly an identical spot. The red hand print forming on her light skin was a clear indication of my accuracy.

The third strike was harder, and more forceful, than the first two and found the same mark. Cate’s head flew up in surprise and her cry of “AIIIIIII” chased the slap echo around the room. She glanced up at me biting her lip in excitement. I could see her tight little asshole puckering and releasing as if the pain of the slaps was raising through it. The fourth and fifth slaps were delivered quickly and accurately, each of these slaps seemed to reach within Cate and dragged out a scream of “FFFFFFFFFUCK!!!”. The red print was now spread over her entire right cheek and Cate was trying to regain her breath after the assault. I flinched my hand and then stood up. My arms wrapped around Cate’s waist I lifted her off the ground like a rag doll before laying her face first on the bed where I had been sitting.

“Please?” This was the first word that Cate uttered since the door was locked that was not an exclamation of pain. She handed me a bottle of lube and started pulling her knees towards her chest so as to raise her ass for me. We both knew very well that once we got started neither one would want to stop to lube. I dropped my pants and removed my shirt as I strode towards my beautiful wife’s raised ass. My erect penis stood out infront of me as if guiding me towards its rightful home. I squirted some lube on my right hand and slid it all along my erect brown shaft giving it a shimmer. I could see Cate peeking past her shoulder excitedly waiting in anticipation.

I grabbed hold of her hips firmly with both of my hands. She had got the positioning perfect and as I stepped forward I could tell that my penis had found its intended target effortlessly. My pulsating head burrowed its way into the wet warm folds of Cate’s Vagina and it did not stop going until the entire shaft was inside my Cate’s love cave. I positioned my feet so that they were firmly planted a shoulder width apart and from that moment the ecstasy of the feeling of being inside Cate took over control. Each stroke was long, deliberate and rhythmic. I could feel Cate backing her ass up as I pushed inwards so as to force my head even deeper inside her. This added fuel to my burning excitement and it seemed that my shaft got thicker and longer.

“Fuck yes, my Ray!” Cate could no longer hold back her excitement. Her arms were spread forward along the bed. Her hair laced across the artwork that adorned her back.

I reached over and grabbed her mane of hair and pulled her head back. Cate’s face was filled with pure delight with beads of sweat forming all over it. She parted her lips and opened her mouth, one of those unspoken signals we established long ago. I leaned down and pressed my tongue into her mouth. She sucked on my tongue in this moment of passion where things didn’t really make sense. The slapping of my pelvis slamming against her raw ass cheeks rhythmically ringing through the room.

As our kiss broke Cate commanded in the same way I commanded earlier “Cum for me.” As if the signal passed all formal means of communication my penis reacted and I could feel the cum rising through my shaft. The command issued by Cate was perfectly timed as I could feel her walls closing in on my penis. Her moans now completely out of her control as the closing and opening of her inner walls found a resonant pace with my thrusts. Each thrust resulted in more cum being delivered from my throbbing head into my uncontrollable wife. It seemed like every drop of frustration of my day in “paradise” was now flowing into her tight pink little love cavern. With the last push the last drop of frustration was released and Cate dropped on the bed.

Laying face down flat with her legs apart I could see the collateral of our love. A slow stream of hot white cum formed a slow stream out of her still pulsating lips and the redness on her right cheek glowed like a large ember. Her back filled with the most beautiful artwork now glazed in sweat, raised and fell quickly as she regained her composure.

I stepped into the bathroom and prepared a warm cloth. I then made my way back to the bed and gently rolled Cate onto her back. With gentle care I wiped the beads of sweat from her face. Then over her arms and around her beautiful full breasts. I took a moment to slowly and gently clean around her beautiful pink lips to make sure that there were no more traces of my cum. I leaned over and as gently as a landing butterfly kissed her soft lips and whispered: “I love you my Cate, and I appreciate you.”
