Lovin’ in the Apocalypse Ch. 13 [Apocalypse, romance, loving wife, mff, reverse cuckold, cleanup]

**repost for title edit**

Last time on, Lovin’ in the Apocalypse!

Rachel and Tom have some lazy fun until a random guest knocks on their door. 

Dave and his cronies are given a mission that feels like a set up and Dave takes out his frustrations on his friends. 

What will come from Kelsey’s quest for answers? Find out now!

Chapter 13: Pushing Boundaries 

Kelsey sat down in one of the wooden chairs that was part of their dining table. The air in this cabin was thick and full of musk. Unlike Rachel, Kelsey felt no real desire to roll around in post coiltal messes. She wondered if it would be rude to crack open the window. Luckily, Rachel seemed to be aware enough to do that before sitting down at the table. They were all oddly silent for a few moments. The elephant in the room could not be more obvious. Tom finally broke the spell.

“I just realized, I’m the stinky one in the room,” Tom said. He quickly gathered a handful of objects that looked roughly like toiletries and excused himself. 

A light breeze moved the curtains of the window. Kelsey and Rachel sat quietly, listening to the crunching sound of Tom’s receding footsteps. Finally, unable to handle this growing awkwardness, Kelsey faced Rachel. 

“What’s your deal?” Kelsey asked. She was tired of being blindly played with. 

“What do you mean?” Rachel countered.

“Don’t act all cute and innocent with me. I know what you’ve been doing. I’m telling you right now, I don’t like being fucked with.” Kelsey had to pinch off the biting tone in her voice. She was not really that angry about it. 

Rachel breathed out a long, slow breath. Her game was up, or at least, this part of it. That was fine. It would have eventually come to this. She just figured on having more time to enjoy feeling like Tom was sneaking around behind her back. Now, she would just ride the waves that her splash caused. Whatever that may be. 

“Okay. I’ll do my best to explain it but I barely understand it myself,” Rachel said. She leaned back in the chair and took a second to collect her thoughts. 

“The past couple of weeks have been some of the most sexually gratifying days of my life.” Rachel continued. “And though the timing could not be worse for a sexual awakening, it appears to be happening to me. Ever since I found out about what you and Tom did that first time, I have not been able to act right. I swear, it’s like I’m in heat. I’m always horny.”

Kelsey listened to Rachel speak and started to feel a little kinship. She could relate, ever since that first night in the shed, all Kelsey has wanted to do is have sex.

“So, why be all weird and sneaky?” Kelsey asked. “If you like it, you could have said something.”

“I don’t really know what I want, to be honest,” Rachel answered. She thought of Cameron and his big arms. “Weird and sneaky felt like a good way to find out.”

“But you like girls?”

“Maybe?” Rachel laughed. “I never thought so until, well…”

“Ahh.” Kelsey said and then looked at the floor.

Kelsey thought about it and decided that it might be fun to have Rachel involved. However, she did not or could not picture herself doing stuff to Rachel. Kelsey would need to be a lot more comfortable before she wanted to try anything that crazy. 

“But you do want to be involved, you know, when me and Tom do it?” Kelsey asked. She bit her lip nervously and then continued in a rush. 

“Because I don’t know if I want that. At least, not now. I’ve never done anything with another girl and haven’t really thought about it. If that’s a deal breaker for you guys, I need to know now.”

Kelsey’s almond eyes were shiny with emotion and Rachel met them easily. Pressuring this young woman was far out of the range of what Rachel wanted to do. 

“Kelsey, no. That’s not a deal breaker at all.” Rachel said. She reached forward and took Kelsey’s hands. Rachel was surprised she let her hold them. 

“Look, I’m not going to kid you and say that it wouldn’t rock my socks off to be involved with you and Tom. But that would only be fun if everyone wanted it. I have no problems with staying out of your way until you feel comfortable, okay?”

Kelsey nodded. She seemed to be in control of her emotions. The tears that almost filled her eyes never grew heavy enough to fall. 

“Okay. That’s good. Still weird but good. How can you stand this without getting jealous?”

“Who says I don’t feel jealous?” Rachel asked. “I feel jealous sometimes.”

“Oh. Well, why do you let it happen?” 

“I guess because the other feelings are better? Sometimes we feel emotions that don’t have a place in our lives. That’s just human nature. Anger, fear, lust, jealousy, are emotions we all feel. You can’t give free reign to all of them or it’ll drive you wild. Trust me on that. I’m not the best person at controlling myself.”

“I know what you mean.” Kelsey said. She was pretty bad at ignoring her own desires. 

“I do have one, little request though.” Rachel said softly, giving Kelsey her best innocent look.

“What’s that?” Kelsey asked, a little hesitantly. Her stomach filled with knots. 

“I’d really love to watch you fuck my husband.” Rachel said with a cocky smile on her lips. 

Kelsey laughed and felt some tension melt away. She did not see the harm in being watched. Hell, it seemed that Tom was relaying every detail back to Rachel anyways. They were already being observed. This would just be cutting out the extra work. 

Kelsey wondered what it would be like to have Rachel sitting nearby and not allowed to play. According to what the woman just said, Kelsey was in charge of when Rachel would be invited in. That was already close to what she wanted to happen. Rachel deserved to be played with after trying to manipulate her. Kelsey was more than eager to get started on her own games. 

“I don’t see anything wrong with that,” Kelsey said. “As long as you don’t do anything until I’m ready.”



Rachel shook Kelsey’s hand since she was already holding it. 

Tom was not in a hurry to go back home. He felt like Kelsey let him off easy last night. Now it seemed, she was ready to collect her due explanations. Rachel would be much better at easing Kelsey into this but he also had some doubts. Kelsey was young and very obviously into men. Rachel was almost 30 and that meant she had more time to develop her sexuality. When they were younger, Tom doubted Rachel would have been into other women. This was a new thing for them and he worried that Kelsey would not want to be involved in it. 

Either way, there was a shift happening in Tom’s life. Not that he ever felt it settle in the first place. He knew when he went back home, something would be different. He took his time in the shower, standing under the lukewarm flow of water with his mind playing out scenarios. Though he considered it to be a nearly impossible fantasy, Tom pictured Rachel and Kelsey laying in his bed together. The Ying-Yang imagery was powerfully erotic. It stole his breath and filled his heart with a desire to have both of them at the same time. 

Pretty soon, the hesitation to discover what was waiting for him turned into curiosity. Even though he was drained from last night, Tom’s cock was coming to life as his head continued to fantasize. There was an ache in his loins from the recent exertions but that did not seem to slow the blood flow. He needed to hurry and get home before he ended up having to carry a flag pole back across camp. He did not bring the right clothing to hide a hard on. 

Tom accidentally grabbed Rachel’s towel during his hasty retreat. It was still damp from her shower and barely absorbed the water from his skin. Too eager to be annoyed, Tom did the best he could and put his clothes on. His dry clothes would soak up the remaining moisture. He was secretly hoping that he would not be wearing these clothes for very long. 

Tom felt oddly compelled to knock on the door when he got home. He hesitated and heard Rachel and Kelsey talking. The tone sounded light and he breathed out a sigh. As much as he felt excited about what might happen next, Tom had also been worried that the fun with Kelsey was ending. Her still being here was a good sign. Tom’s stomach twisted in excitement as he opened their wooden door. 

Tom froze, unable to put his mind in the real moment. In his head, the door opened to a scene of passion. Kelsey and Rachel were naked, the room glowing with candles and their moans coming up like music. In his head; Kelsey held Rachel by the hair while his wife ate her pussy. Kelsey moaned while looking Tom in the eyes. In his head; Rachel’s pussy was glossy with anticipation and open in front of him. 

Both Rachel and Kelsey looked at Tom with puzzled expressions. He just opened the door and looked in on them as if he did not know where he was. Kelsey finished pushing the corner of the clean fitted sheet over the mattress. Rachel did the same thing on the opposite side of the bed. 

“Tom, are you okay?” Rachel asked. 

“Oh! Yeah, sorry. I just wasn’t expecting to find you two making the bed.” Tom replied and then laughed. 

“You would have rather found us messing it up, right?”

“Uhh, something like that.” Tom answered. 

He glanced at Kelsey but she did not give him anything back. She was wearing a half smile that was unreadable. Up until this point, Kelsey was pretty clear on what she wanted. That little grin told Tom that she was starting to catch on and would be playing more coyly. Kelsey might become a little more secretive now that the cards are laying on the table. Although the thought made him worry a little, Tom still found his eyes glued to Kelsey’s long, thin legs. They had a sheen to them, she must have put lotion on them before leaving the house. It made him salivate. 

“Well, it doesn’t hurt to wish,” Rachel teased him. She noticed where his eyes were. 

“Dad says, wish in one hand, spit in the other,” Kelsey said. It was mostly from a lack of having anything else to say. 

She picked up the loose sheet and flapped it over the bed. Rachel caught the opposite end and the women guided the cloth neatly over the other one. 

“Mmm, I’d rather you spit on my face,” Rachel replied, almost to herself. 

“Wow!” Kelsey exclaimed. “Tom, you need to control your wife. This bitch is a freak.” 

That whole statement sent a hot jolt of pleasure through Rachel’s stomach. She could not stop the smile that lit up her face. 

“You have no idea.” Tom said. He finally walked into the cabin and shut the door behind him. 

Though Rachel and Kelsey did not make any plans for this, they began to act simultaneously. Rachel sat down at the table and nonchalantly examined her fingernails. She tried to effect an air of negligence. Rachel could be any other object in the room. Just like furniture, she was only here to be their support and comfort. She crossed her thighs and watched Tom’s face. 

Kelsey, feeling better about it now that the sheets were clean, first sat down and then reclined on the mattress. She put her hands under her head and clutched her dreads for comfort. Kelsey was as nervous as she has ever been. Her stomach was roiling and her toes felt numb but the desire to feel Tom’s weight on her again was the strongest emotion she felt. The fact that Rachel was 20ft away was only a little disconcerting. 

Tom was a red blooded, straight male who fantasized about threesomes since the day he discovered them. That crinkled, smut filled magazine from the 70’s gave him a love for two things. The first thing was easy enough to find. All his steady partners had eagerly participated or eventually acquiesced to his request for pubic hair. The second thing never seemed to line up for him…until now. Two women at the same time. It felt a little intimidating. He did not really know what to do. 

“Jeez, just sit down already. You’re making it awkward,” Rachel said. She put her feet up on the seat of the only other chair in the cabin. 

Tom sat down on the mattress and laid back next to Kelsey. She turned to face him which also put her back to Rachel. It helped ease her nerves a little bit not to have to stare at the woman. 

“Hey you,” Tom said softly. “Did you have a good night?” He put his hand on the curve of Kelsey’s hip. 

Kelsey scooted closer to Tom, relishing the warmth of his hand.

“It was good for a while,” Kelsey answered. “But then I had to go home and it got a bit lonely. How was yours?” 

Tom laughed and tried to downplay the intense sex he and Rachel had after Kelsey left. He could see his wife just over Kelsey’s shoulder. She was still pretending to be unconcerned but he could tell she was paying attention. 

“Oh, not too bad. I really enjoyed the parts of my night that you were involved in,” Tom answered, smoothly. 

“Did you do what I asked?”

“Umm, remind me about that? I haven’t exactly been clear headed since last night.”

Kelsey ran her slender fingers along Tom’s arm and up his bicep. 

“Did you think about me when you fucked your wife?” 

Rachel’s breath caught in her chest. Tom glanced at her over Kelsey’s shoulder but she did not return the look. He had done a lot more than just think about Kelsey. He remembered what Rachel looked like with those panties shoved in her mouth. He also recalled the things she wanted him to say. He wondered if she would like that now and decided to give it a shot. As he spoke, Tom moved his hand from Kelsey’s hip down to her bare thigh. Her shorts were riding up pretty high, his hand was practically on her ass. 

“I could not help but think about you,” Tom answered. “Your pussy is so much better than hers, I couldn’t help but miss yours.

Kelsey’s eyes went fully round at Tom’s words. She was not expecting him to be so harsh! The statement filled her with a strong sense of pride. She waited for Rachel to speak up but the woman stayed silent. Kelsey just barely resisted the urge to look back at her. 

Tom noticed Kelsey’s slight discomfort. He was feeling a little bolder and decided to keep the game going. His hand moved along the front of Kelsey’s thighs and he pushed his fingers in between them. She did not need much prodding to open up her legs and let his hand slide up to her mound. Tom began to knead her pussy through her running shorts. 

“You don’t have to worry about her, baby,” Tom said. “She is aware of who has a better pussy. That’s why she’s on the chair and you’re in the bed.” 

The heat coming off of Kelsey’s pussy was suddenly enough to scald. All the muscles in her lower half all worked together to force her crouch more firmly against Tom’s hand. Kelsey could not think past the desire to be penetrated. She was gasping and grinding his hand, completely animalistic in her actions. 

Rachel felt dizzy. Her mind was like a skipping record, hearing Tom’s words over and over. She looked at them and saw Kelsey’s body twitching. The girl was holding her husband by the arm and letting him batter that perfect pussy through the thin running shorts. Tom’s eyes lifted off the woman he was pleasuring and found Rachel’s. He only looked at her for a second before dismissing her and returning to the newer, better toy. Rachel nearly fainted from the intensity of her arousal. 

Tom finally pulled the thin shorts off Kelsey’s body and found she was not wearing panties today. Her black pubes were soft against the back of his hand and spent a little time teasing her by running his fingers through the hair without touching skin. Kelsey shivered but did not complain. The urgency from before was past and though she was ready to be fucked again, she could handle a little seduction first. Kelsey could hear Rachel behind her but could almost forget she was there. 

Tom however, did not forget Rachel. He wanted to dig in a little more, having discovered that he liked saying these things about her. It felt like another way to sexually dominate his wife and Tom took every inch he could in that regard. 

“You know why your pussy is better?” Tom whispered to Kelsey. 

“Because it’s tighter?” Kelsey guessed. She occasionally twitched when Tom’s teasing fingers tickled her. 

“Yeah and deeper,” he answered. Tom finally pushed a finger into her pussy lips and found her clit. “She can’t take my whole cock like you can.”

Kelsey moaned and spread her legs wider. Tom’s finger began to circle her button with the dexterity of a pro. He was showing her things that she had not discovered herself yet. He was working her in a way that made her whole pussy feel good, not just the clit. 

“Oh, fuck!” 

“Are you going to cum for me?” Tom asked her while his fingers danced. 

“Yes!” Kelsey cried. She clutched his arm as if she was afraid he was going to pull it away. 

“You’re going to cum on a married man’s hand while his wife watches?” 

“Oh, God!”

Kelsey’s hips bucked and Tom flattened his hand on her whole pussy. He rubbed her furiously and the young woman thrashed through one of the most intense external orgasms she ever felt. Her body vibrated like a string instrument with his hand on her fret. He struck chord after chord, a relentless tune that awoke a new song in her body. Tom did his best to keep the pressure on but after a few seconds, Kelsey shoved his arm away. As the orgasm ebbed away, she kept her thighs locked together. 

“That looked good,” Tom said. He pushed his lips against hers before she had a chance to respond. 

As he kissed Kelsey, Tom used his weight to turn her onto her back. Kelsey moved like putty in his hand. He trailed kisses down her neck and used a free hand to pull Kelsey’s shirt and bra up. Her smooth breasts tumbled free and she sighed when Tom sucked her right nipple into his mouth. His wiry beard tickled her sensitive skin and made her shiver. Kelsey sucked in her breath when his teeth clamped down. The sudden pain pushed away the sensitivity and her mood shifted. 

Kelsey suddenly wanted to grind her pussy against his face. She grabbed his short, scruffy hair in a fist and pushed down on top of his head. Tom did not resist her demanding force. He quickly moved down and settled between her reopened thighs. He took a second to adjust his cock, laying flat on his stomach is uncomfortable with a hard on. 

Kelsey did not want to wait on him to decide what to give her. She sat up and grabbed the back of his head. Using her honed muscle control, Kelsey began to fuck Tom’s face. She pushed with her abs while pulling his head. It did not matter where his mouth was. Kelsey used Tom’s entire face, sometimes watching his eyes disappear as her pussy slid up to his forehead. When she could see his eyes, they seemed to suggest Tom was just letting her play. 

Kelsey was beginning to understand the relationship between Tom and Rachel. Though she liked that Tom was a little rough, he would need to understand one thing. She was not like his wife. There would be no bending of her will. Kelsey would not be so weak as to allow Tom free will over her body. When he inevitably tries to cross that line, he will find out Kelsey has teeth too. Until then, it was fun to see how far he would eventually try to push her. Kelsey smirked down at Tom and focused her grinding near his talented tongue. 

Rachel was shaking. Her whole body felt like it was full of electricity. Seeing Kelsey in this state was far beyond anything she imagined. The young woman’s sexual aura radiated heat like a bonfire. From the moans she was making to the way she was moving her lithe body, Kelsey appeared to be lust incarnate. Rachel was bringing to realize what Tom was still unaware of. They may be the older, more experienced people in the room but Kelsey was calling the shots now. 

Kelsey started to zero in on the right rhythm. Her body was growing tight in anticipation. The sliding motion became more of a grinding and Kelsey pressed herself firmly against the thrashing of Tom’s tongue. She nearly forgot that they had an audience. Kelsey slowly turned her head to look at Rachel. The woman was facing them now, the nonchalant act way out the still open window. Rachel was breathing hard and trembling in excitement. Her hazel eyes were pleading for Kelsey’s mercy. Kelsey exaggerated a moan without breaking eye contact. 

Rachel slowly spread her thighs. With a hand that would not stop shaking, she reached down for her throbbing pussy. She was looking at Kelsey, waiting for a sign. 

Kelsey gave it in a narrowing of her almond eyes; a minute head shake. 

Rachel’s hand froze, inches from her bothered pussy. With her eyes, Rachel begged Kelsey for permission. 

Kelsey did not give it. She shook her head more firmly. 

Rachel’s hand moved to her thigh and did not go any closer. She felt her wetness begin to run down the crack of her ass. It was nearly maddening in the way it slowly crept down. No matter how much she wanted to smear it against her mound, Rachel did not disobey Kelsey’s stern look. 

The power Kelsey felt in the moment Rachel’s hand stopped moving was more responsible for the sudden orgasm that broke over her than Tom was. He was just in the right place to reap the benefits. Kelsey used his face to ride out the orgasm, smearing her pussy all over it. 

Rachel could not take her eyes off the vein pulsing on Kelsey’s slender neck. Her head was thrown back in ecstasy. The young woman’s skin was glistening with perspiration. She was making a deep, animalistic groan that was coming from the pit of her stomach. It was unconscious. A complete surrender to the orgasm. Even when Kelsey was finished and laid limply on the bed, she looked like a well pleased goddess. 

Tom looked up from Kelsey’s pussy with a face slick with her pussy juices. His beard was matted and messy from the ride she put on him. He looked half intoxicated when he glanced over at his wife. His eyes were only on her for a second before he turned his attention back to Kelsey. The way his focus bounced off her yet again sent a thrill up Rachel’s spin. 

Tom started to kiss his way up Kelsey’s body, taking his time and making her hum appreciatively. He very smoothly removed his own shorts without breaking the seductive journey. Before he could settle between her naked thighs, Kelsey came to her senses. 

“I didn’t bring a condom,” Kelsey said. “You can’t cum in me.” 

Tom paused, his mouth making it to the hollow of her neck. “Do you want to stop?” 

“No. Just don’t cum inside me. You can handle that, right?” Kelsey asked, her eyebrow raised in challenge. “I won’t take none of that, ‘it felt too good,’ bullshit.”

Tom chucked, “I can handle that.” 

He pressed his lips against hers and Kelsey wrapped her arms around Tom’s neck. She moved her hips up and spread her legs wide when Tom moved to take her. He rubbed the head of his cock through Kelsey’s pussy but did not take long in the pregame. She was wet enough and ready for him. 

As Tom pushed his long cock into her body, Kelsey pulled his face to her neck. He dutifully began to kiss and nip at her soft skin but Kelsey really just wanted his focus away from her face. She turned her eyes on the woman sitting quietly close by. Rachel’s hand had not moved but her eyes looked far more desperate. Kelsey verbally moaned when Tom’s swollen balls settled against her asshole.

“Oh, fuck yes!” Kelsey moaned through her clenched teeth. “It’s so deep!” 

Tom felt Kelsey’s direct pussy on his raw cock and immediately realized he might not be able to handle this after all. The way she clung to every inch of him was insanely intense. Her pussy was driving pleasure into him relentlessly and Tom had no choice but to retreat. 

“Holy shit!” Tom groaned and pulled out of Kelsey quickly. He grabbed the base of his cock and it throbbed in the air. He just barely made it in time to stop from blowing his load. 

Rachel saw this whole thing happen peripherally. Her eyes were focused on Kelsey’s eyes. The young woman had watched Rachel throughout that whole moment with a knowing smile on her lips. When Tom pulled away, Kelsey’s eyes grew more bold. She was feeling the power she was gaining over these two. She did not let Tom pull far away, Kelsey’s heels dug into his ass and made sure he knew this was not over. 

“You good?” Kelsey asked, facing Tom with a sneaky grin.

“Yeah. I just have to get my shit together,” Tom answered. He was stroking himself roughly in an attempt to dull the sensitivity. “Your pussy is crazy good.” 

“How good?” Kelsey asked and reached forward. She rubbed the head of his cock lightly with her fingers. “Say what you would have said if you were telling your wife about it later.” 

Tom swallowed. He knew Rachel would want him to be a little degrading but he did not know if she wanted Kelsey to know that. He decided to play it in the middle.

“I’d tell her, your pussy felt so good on my whole cock that I nearly blew my load the second I was inside you.” 

“Mmmmmm,” Kelsey hummed appreciatively. “Does hers make you do that?” Kelsey pushed the head of his cock down. 

“Sometimes,” Tom answered honestly. He could not really lie with Rachel sitting right there. Tom began to push himself back into Kelsey’s smothering vagina. He did not seem to be in as much of a hurry to bottom out this time. “But not like this!” 

He had to pull out again. Sucking in his breath to help hold the flood back, Tom waited for the tingle to fade away. Kelsey giggled and reached for him again. She pinched the head of his cock roughly and held the slit closed. 

“Does this help?” 

“Yeah, actually,” Tom answered and let the breath out slowly. “I’ll be good in a minute. I just got too sensitive.” 

“It’s cool. Just don’t lose on the wrong side.”

Kelsey looked over at Rachel, a feeling of superiority was making her head swell. The older woman was being good although it looked like her hand moved a little closer. 

“You let him cum inside you?” 

“Yes,” Rachel breathed out. “All the time.” 

“I bet that makes it hard to pull out, huh?” Kelsey asked Tom.

“Yeah, it really does,” He answered, lining up to try it again. 

“Hmmm, but you have to,” Kelsey moaned. She pulled him in deeper with her heels. “You’ll knock me up if you don’t.”

“Fuck!” Tom gasped. He froze but did not pull out. It seemed he was finally starting to get it under control. 

“You can get condoms at the mess hall,” Kelsey said, looking at Rachel. 

“Okay.” Rachel replied. Kelsey could see a dark stain on the crotch of her shorts. The poor woman was probably drenched. 

“You got it, baby?” Kelsey asked, wrapping her arms around his neck. 

“I’m trying,” Tom replied with a laugh. “You feel amazing.” 

Kelsey kissed him, pulling with her heels until he was fully inside her. She could feel his cock throbbing in time with his pulse. She pulled her lips back just enough to whisper, “is my pussy better?” 

Rachel let out a little groan and shuddered in delight. She pulled her hand away from her crotch quickly; having nearly lost control as her pussy screamed for attention. Rachel squeezed her thighs and it felt like something probed her loins with a cattle prod. She squirmed in her seat and eagerly waited for Tom’s answer. 

Tom gave the true answer. Both of his partners would appreciate it. “Yours is the best I’ve ever had.” 

Kelsey kissed Tom and ground her hips against his. She broke the kiss, finally satisfied with the game. “Fuck me, Tom! Give it all you can until you’re ready to cum!” 

He took her advice and began to jack his hips in long strokes. Knowing that he would not be stopping again before the end, Kelsey took in each thrust and let her own orgasm go as soon as it bloomed. Though she fully wanted him to pull out, Kelsey delighted in a secret desire for him to lose control. She dug her feet into his ass, giving just the slightest dare for him to do it. 

“Fuck! I’m cumming!” Tom’s hips bucked a few hard times before he pushed his whole cock as deep as he could get it. 

“Oh, shit!” Kelsey groaned. Her stomach twisted in excitement; he was actually going to do it! Her legs tightened on their own! A sudden orgasm hit her and made it impossible to think clearly about what was happening. The hormones flooding her system made her body beg for his seed! 

“Tom?” Rachel gasped.

Just before his orgasm broke, Tom pushed Kelsey’s flat stomach straight down. Her hips had risen with the force of the climax and this was their saving grace. Tom’s shiny cock slid from Kelsey’s body a half second before it erupted. 

“Oh, my God!” Tom cried out! He quickly wrapped a fist around his cock and pumped as hard as he could. 

The first shot of cum was powerful. Having been just short of impregnating this sex goddess, Tom’s body sent the best it could offer. The blast streaked from Kelsey’s black pubes to the center of her heavy breasts. It just barely missed her bunched up shirt. The first splash alone was evidence of the load that would have filled the young woman’s cervix. 

“Fuuuuuck!” Tom groaned. He pumped more steaks of cum racing up her flat stomach. He made a sticky splatter painting on the canvass of her body; a pool of seed formed in her belly button. 

Kelsey laid back, relieved to feel Tom’s hot cum on her skin. That was close. She needed to make sure condoms were always nearby. She looked at Rachel and saw that was not a point she was going to have to make. The woman’s eyes were wide and glued to her husband’s mess. Kelsey felt a moment of inspiration and decided not to overthink it. This was as good as ever to test how she would feel about going further. 

“You want to clean this up?” Kelsey did her best to make this a question and a demand. 

Rachel turned her wide eyes on Kelsey and nodded quickly. 

“Alright. Go slow,” Kelsey said. 

Tom moved away from Kelsey and leaned back against the wall. He was in a good position to watch this next part play out. 

Rachel crawled onto the bed and settled down beside Kelsey. Starting slowly, she reached forward and used her finger to scoop some of Tom’s cum off Kelsey’s ribs. The young woman shivered but did not protest. Rachel sucked her finger clean and went back for more. After scooping a few more little runs, Rachel leaned forward and licked a stream that was flowing down Kelsey’s hip. Hearing no protest, Rachel continued with her tongue. 

Kelsey’s breathing became hitched and random. Rachel’s mouth was moving on her like she was scared she would be shooed away if it got too heavy. It was light, tender and made her skin tingle. The feeling of the woman’s tongue dipping into her belly button was the first big sign that this was going to be a regular thing. 

Rachel cleaned all of Kelsey’s stomach and the steak that landed near her breasts. She looked up and met the young woman’s eyes. 

“You’ve got a little on your pussy. I wanted to leave that up to you,” Rachel softly whispered. 

“You want to do it?” Kelsey asked, biting her lip a little shyly. 

Rachel nodded. 

Kelsey nodded. 

Tom looked up to the ceiling and wondered if this was a dream. 

Rachel moved down and was inches away from her first pussy. Kelsey’s freshly fucked scent filled Rachel’s nose. She did not hate it, felt compelled to taste it even. Tom’s cum was soaked into her pubes in a few places but they both knew that was just the excuse. Rachel started there, noisily sucking the seed out of her hair. Her head was beyond fried from arousal, having now experienced pleasure denial in the extreme. There was nothing Rachel would not do to feel some sort of gratification. She plunged into Kelsey’s pussy with the knowledge of a woman in her prime. 

“Oooooooooaaahhhh!” Kelsey moaned! The unexpected assault sent her over-stimulated body flying over the edge and within a few seconds, Kelsey had to force Rachel away from her throbbing pussy. 

“Alright! Fuck! I get it!” Kelsey exclaimed. She scooted away from Rachel and got off the bed. Her knees felt wobbly so she sat down on one of the chairs. 

Rachel rolled over on her back and put her hands behind her back. It was probably going to be the only way to keep them off herself. She tasted Kelsey on her tongue and had her scent deep in her nose. Now she knew what it was like to eat a pussy, even though it was brief. The taste was not exactly what she expected. It was not bad but it did not seem worth obsessing over. What was good? The feeling of Kelsey’s pussy in her mouth and on her lips. Having that sensitive flesh in her grasp was something she wanted to try again. 

Kelsey left not long after that. Tom started looking at her with “fuck me” eyes and she knew better than to stick around. Before leaving she kissed Tom on the mouth and whispered to him, “that wasn’t bad. This could be fun.” 

“I agree,” Tom responded and returned her kiss with tongue. 

“You better take care of wifey before she goes postal.” 

Tom laughed and Kelsey sent one last cocky smile at Rachel. 

“Bye, Kelsey,” Rachel waved from the bed she was still laying on. 

Tom closed the door and turned to face his wife. He nearly whimpered when he saw her pulling off her shorts. He was going to need a vacation after all this. 


Source: reddit.com/r/Erotica/comments/u7jpiz/lovin_in_the_apocalypse_ch_13_apocalypse_romance