As their marriage progressed things became difficult. Harry became ever more successful at work with some magnificent buildings bearing his engineering. Erin on the other hand couldn’t find her niche, drifting from job to job. She filled her empty days with long lunches with girlfriends or shopping for expensive clothes. She had an incredible eye for fashion and just couldn’t reign in her budget.
Every few weeks Harry would open the bills and hit the roof. Erin had nothing to offer in reply except letting him cum on her face. This calmed him down a couple of times but left her feeling very confused. Before too long she would hint that he could cum on her later. When the time came there was always an excuse.
‘I’m too tired, I just had my hair done’ and so on.
Erin had weaponised the one sexual kink Harry had been allowed to have and he knew it. He suppressed it but this made him angry.
The lockdowns of 2020 put a lot of pressure on an already strained relationship. Being locked together round the clock brought a complete stop to their sex life.
Harry had started texting his ex and some of the messages went too far. Erin found them. While the good Catholic girl in her couldn’t contemplate a divorce, a separation due to possible infidelity was fine by her. Before long she found a flat across town.
The time away finally allowed Erin to grow. More assured of herself she finally determined to fulfill her dream and open a high end women’s boutique. Walking through downtown Boston she came across the perfect site. Markets in the area were incredibly tight and she knew this was a once in a lifetime opportunity. The down payment was way beyond her means. She’d have to borrow against the house. Over drinks one night a lawyer friend made a suggestion that changed Erin’s life.
‘Just send him a legal letter and ask for half the house’
Harry arrived at the legal office in no mood to take shit. Being a details guy he knew all too well that not enough time had passed since their separation to require a financial settlement. So sure was he of himself, he didn’t even bother to retain legal counsel. He was quickly ushered into the meeting room where Erin sat next to her lawyer with her back to him. As she stood and turned to face him, he was taken aback. Erin was in an immaculate power suit, but it was tight fitting and low cut. A good 4 inches of cleavage were on display. In all his years Harry had never once seen Erin show cleavage, but she was becoming a confident independent woman. Erin’s lawyer began to run through their proposal for an early settlement but Harry hardly heard a word as that cleavage was rather distracting.
Harry noticed a pause in the legal ramble and gathered himself:
“Yes but I am under no obligation to settle before the due date, and I won’t be. End of conversation.”
Erin turned to her lawyer and asked him to wait outside.
“Can’t you just do me this one favour? You know I want to open that boutique. I found the perfect site but I need the down payment within the next 6 weeks.”
“And what, if I do then maybe I can cum on your face?” he snarled sarcastically.
“Yeah… ahh no…can you just please just do this one favour and then we’ll call it even?” she begged.
The details guy in Harry kicked in.
“Erin, over the past two years there have now been 57 occasions where you have promised a facial and then backed out of it. Call it even? You must be kidding!”
“57? No way it’s that much. What are you saying?” Deep down Erin knew Harry well enough to know he was enough of a details guy to know those numbers, and enough of a dick to keep track.
“Well if we’re going to talk about doing each other favors we should at least start from an equal footing.” Harry was in full logic mode now, even if that great cleavage was doing a number on his cock.
Erin stood up and walked out to her lawyer. While she wouldn’t mention what Harry had said, the lawyer made it clear she didn’t really have a legal leg to stand on.
“You’ve got to give and take a little,” the lawyer said.
Erin shut the door to the meeting room as she walked back in and saw Harry writing on a piece of paper, an obvious boner straining against his suit pants.
“Look, surely we can find a way to make this work” she offered.
“I couldn’t agree more,” said Harry, looking up momentarily.
Seconds later he finished writing and slung a piece of paper across the table to her.
“As I said, if we start on an even footing I’d be happy to help you out. I’ve written out the terms of an agreement. Sign it and we can each get on with our lives”
Erin’s mind was swimming as she just briefly skimmed the document. Under the heading ‘57 facials’, a few key phrases jumped to her eyes:
…the time and location for all facials shall be decided by Harry…
…by signing this you agree to receiving 57 facials with Harry and cannot renege on this agreement…
…once 57 facials have been delivered the requested funds shall be immediately released..
Erin laughed to herself. Look at this horny tool, she thought. Whatever, these promises never come to pass, I’ll have my shop before you know it.
“Do you have a pen?” Erin said.
Harry slung one across the table almost instantly.
“Where do I sign? Oh never mind it’s on the second page” said Erin as she flipped through the pages.
She signed her name and looked up to pass the paper back over to Harry. He wasn’t across the table any more. She turned to her right and there was his big cock, rock hard and pointed straight at her just inches away. Erin was stunned. She knew Harry liked a bit of control but getting his cock out in a lawyer’s office? Just crazy stuff.
“Not here!! Ohhhh” was all Erin could get out. Streams of cum landed on her lips and chin and began rapidly falling into her cleavage.
“That’s one!” Harry growled.
😋 I like to show my charms to strangers 😋 – > 💖 **** 💖
😋 I like to show my charms to strangers 😋 – > 💖 **** 💖