The Snap (non-con public embarrassment)

Author note: been awhile since my last upload, decided for this small story while I write a bigger story. I also don’t write non-con stuff but ive recently fallen into a rabbit hole of the stuff (similarly to incest) and decided to write it. I’ll make this into a full series if wanted. Other than this I probably won’t write much non-con stuff other than this b/c it isn’t as well liked as other topics I could write about and it is one of my least favorite “kinks.” I also DO NOT condone the act of rape in real life. And would never personally participate in the act. But, there isn’t law against writing about it (I think) so enjoy if that is what you’re into.

Synopsis: a boy figures out how to rewind time as if nothing happened. Just a snap and everything went back to normal. And so he goes to school the next day with an objective on his mind.
Everyone is 18+


“If this isn’t on the paper then it’s real.” I wrote on a sheet of paper.

I stared at it.

I looked at my watch: 8:34 PM.

I closed my eyes, and thought.

“8:30 pm”

Then I snapped.

When I opened my eyes, the paper was normal. I smiled a psychotic smile. I’d always had fetishes frowned upon. I never could tell anyone, or enact them unless I found someone into them. But now. I couldn’t stop myself from laughing. It was as if I had gone mad.

“Now,” I said aloud, not caring if my mom would hear “I can do anything I want.”

My eyes widened at a realization “How far can I go back? Can I go forward?”

After thinking I came up with a conclusion.


“Hey sweetie! What were you laughing about earlier?”

“Oh it wasn’t me Mom. It was that new anime I was watching.”

“You mean that one where the kid finds that killing notepad?”

“Close enough Mom. I’m going to put up the dishes.”

My Mom is an understanding woman. She’d be fine if I broke a plate. It’s only us anyways, so we don’t need 10.

“Shit!” I screamed, ‘accidentally’ dropping the plate.

“What happened?” My mom asked running in.

“I just dropped a plate, that’s all. I’ll clean it up.”

“Okay. But now we’ll have an odd number of plates.” She said disappointed.

My mom was hot, especially for her age, but I’ve never been into incest. Besides, I live with her. To mess with her and turn time back would be awkward.

After I finished up with the dishes, I looked at the time: 8:47 pm.

“I’ll just go back to 8:30, then the plate won’t be broken, if it all works out.” I thought.

“Ok Mom,” I said, “I’m going to bed, see you in the morning.”

“Night Charlie!”


I woke up the next morning at 5:45 am, just like usual.


When I opened my eyes, I saw myself sitting back at my desk, preparing to write on a sheet of paper.

It worked. That was nine hours I just went back!

I did everything I did the night before (minus the breaking of the plate) and woke up the next morning.

“I can go back at least nine hours.” I thought aloud in the shower “That’s more than enough time, considering I’m only at school for 7 hours, and I can probably go back farther than that.” That smile crept back in my face. “I can do whatever I want and there will be no consequences.”

I got into my car and drove to school. After parking, I saw my first target: Amy Jackson.

The slut was always wearing skimpy clothes. A shirt that showed all her cleavage and a skirt that would flaunt it all when the wind picked up. Her blonde hair and blue eyes were beautiful.

“I can’t wait to hear her scream.” I thought “She’s the only one who uses the sound room. Lucky me. No one will catch us, or interrupt us.”

I got out and walked to the sound room. She was already there. The smile came back.

“Hey Amy!” I said. We knew each other, but we weren’t friends. More like coworkers.

“Oh hey Charlie! What are you doing here?”

“Oh I just wanted to see you. It’s been too long since we talked.”

I stepped closer to her, “so what do you use the booth for?”

“Oh, it’s nothing.” She said, not making eye contact.

“Come on, since when did I ever make fun of you for something?”

“You have a point. Just don’t tell anyone, ok?”

She opened her purse and pulled out sheets of paper. “I like to sing.”

I chuckled slightly, “Why are you embarrassed about that? Your voice is so beautiful.”

She started to blush “Thank you.”

“Would you mind if I listened?” I asked. All I needed was for her to open that door. Then I could barge in and take what I want.

She looked into my eyes, “Are you being serious? People usually don’t want to listen to me. They only want my body, which pisses me off.”

“Yeah, I wanna hear what you got.” I looked down at my watch and saw the time: 7:15 am, perfect.

She smiled as she turned around to open the door. When it swung open I pushed her in, “Stupid bitch.” I growled at her.

“What the! Charlie! What are y–” I covered her mouth.

“‘They only want my body,'” I mimicked “‘Which really pisses me off.’ Bull shit! Maybe we wouldn’t be so tempted to, if you didn’t wear such slutty clothing!”

I pinned her against the wall, “Well now, now I’m going to make you the slut you dress up to be.” I lifted her leg up to take off her shoe. I threw it to the side before taking off her stockings. I tied her arms together using them.

“Charlie please,” she begged, “please don’t do this!”

“You don’t have a say.” I ran my hand up her leg till I felt the silk of her undergarments. I ripped them off and smelled them. “Such a perfect scent.”

Tears left her eyes as she wimped.

“Don’t worry, I’ll make sure you enjoy this just as much as I do.” I said, ripping off her shirt. “No bra? You were just asking for it.” I took one of her tits into my mouth and bit down hard, drawing blood. She moaned in pain; and pleasure.

I grabbed her neck, “Fight and I’ll squeeze. I won’t hesitate to kill you.” I whispered into her ear.

“Please,” she cried softly “I don’t know what I did, but I’m sorry.”

“You didn’t do anything wrong,” I explained, pulling my pants down. “I’m just experimenting.”

I shoved it in. She screamed out. She was so tight, so warm. Surely not.

“You wouldn’t happen to be a virgin would you?”

She shut her eyes “Please just get this over with.”

I squeezed down on her neck, “You answer me, and I’ll explain everything.”

She sat there quietly for a second. Had I gone too far? I raised my other hand to snap back. I’ll try again, fix my mistakes.

Then she nodded. “Yes. Yes I’m still a virgin.”

“Now how hard was that? In return, I’ll tell you the truth. I want you to know that I have no reason to lie. I found a way to turn back time. I concentrate on time and snap. I go back to that time. That’s what I intend to do after we are done.”

“So it’ll be like nothing happened? There won’t be consequences?” She seemed happy almost. Like she was relieved that this technically won’t happen when I’m done.

I hated that. I raised my fist and brought it down.

But I stopped just short. I hesitated.

She was trembling in fear.

“Don’t think I’ll let you off so easily. When I’m done, I’ll walk you throughout the school. You’ll be my pet. I stopped this time, but I won’t next time. And just because I can turn back time, doesn’t mean I won’t rape you again, and again, and again. You. Are. Mine. I can use you for the rest of time, but I’ll get bored. A snap of my fingers and I can find a new victim. It’ll be as if you never existed. Besides, I can figure out where you live. You mom will be mine. Your older sister? Mine too. And then everything goes back to normal. But I’ll remember.”

“I don’t care.” She seemed empty. “Do as you please. It won’t affect anything because you’ll just turn it back.”

I looked at my watch.

I snapped.

“Please,” she cried softly “I don’t know what I did, but I’m sorry.”

I was back. She didn’t know anything.

“You are a tease who was practically asking to be fucked. That’s what you did.”

I shoved myself in, not giving her time to adjust.

Pleasure. Pain. It felt all the same to her. I pistoned faster.

I felt her squeeze. I pulled out.

“You don’t deserve an orgasm.”

“Please!” She reached down between her legs, but I grabbed her wrists and put them above her head.

“On your knees! Then maybe I’ll let you cum.” She obeyed. I’d broken her. Just as I wanted.

I pinned her arms against the wall, still above her head, my crotch in her face. “Open wide.” I commanded.

As she opened I rammed myself into her mouth. I banged her head into the wall with every thrust. Tears formed again, but got mixed with the spit covering her mouth.

Soon I got bored. “On your back!” I screamed. She did as told.

I reached into my bag and pulled out a collar, leash, and marker. The collar and leash were stolen from my neighbor. It’s their back up so they shouldn’t need it. I positioned myself to enter her, before getting a better idea.

I shoved my dick into her ass. It was so tight and warm. Much better than her pussy.

I pounded in and out. Soon I took the cap off the marker and started to write

‘I’M A SLUT WHO WANTS TO BE FUCKED!!!’ on her chest.

‘READY TO BREED!’ above her vagina.

I drew a speech bubble near her mouth: ‘I WANTED THIS!’

I stopped momentarily. The floor was covered in her fluids. “Turn around.”

“Yes master.” I didn’t even have to tell her to call me that. She did on her own accord.

I started pounding again



And other derogatories on her body.

Soon I felt a pulse through my rod. I pulled out and went into her pussy.

“Prepare yourself, you’re fixing to be bred!”

Just at hearing that she came. Soon after I joined her orgasm.

“On your hand and knees, pet!” I yelled at her.

She didn’t hesitate.

I fitted the collar around here and attached the leash, “Let’s go for a walk.” I smiled, looking at my watch. Couldn’t of been more perfect. 1st period had just ended. Everyone would see.


“What the fuck?” I hear some muttering.

“Is she really letting him do this?”

“Somebody get an officer, or teacher or someone!” Another screamed. I looked over at her.


I was going to get to her soon but, might as well do her next.

“Jacky! For speaking, I will humiliate you next.” I said.

“What the fuck!” I heard a man scream at me “This is sick!”

An officer came running over.

7:15 am

I snapped.

“Yeah, I wanna hear what you got.” I said.


“Damn slut has a voice I’ll give her that.” I thought sitting down in first block.

“Jacky,” I muttered to myself “You are next.”


And with that! I’m finished. I actually enjoyed writing this, especially with my power being out because of a tornado (fuck Louisiana). Just say in the comments if you want more and what I should do to Jacky :)



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