Napoleon and Marie Louise (historical fiction, MF, anal)

The wedding of Napoleon and Marie Louise

The long queue of footmen and horsemen accompanying the coach of Maria Louise was gently rattling along the road to the French Empire. The slight rattling made Marie Louise sort of excited. She was somewhat used to being outside of their shiny palace (she and her dad often went hand in hand on many walks among commoners, she even experienced the sight of street girls at an early age thanks to this), but she did not travel often by coach. The long distance travelled was also something new. She had an urge to pee again, even though she had stopped the coach twice already. Because of this she was embarrassed to ask the coachman, who seemed like a rough fellow anyway, to stop the carriage again.

She still did not understand that they had given her hand in marriage to the French emperor. She clearly remembered how since childhood she, her family and her milieu had despised the French revolution, and also the French emperor, who had seized power with a coup. She remembered barely having learned how to talk and she already had to know what it means to behead someone. She often woke up to the screams coming from the streets as the French soldiers raped the Austrian women, robbed their houses, and brought the hostages and the wealthy to the public guillotines. Although she did not understand what she saw as a child, the images of a freshly beheaded woman getting fucked from behind were engraved into her retina. She was raised to hate the French, however she soon developed such feelings of her own. For example, she was barely ten years old when she decided she would curse Napoleon. She had a doll which she called Napoleon and tortured it in various ways. She threw it against the ground or a wall, poked its eyes out, ripped its head off, or, due to the lack of orifices, she used a toy sword to spitroast the doll by its imaginary butthole.

When the girl was in her teenage years, she heard of the news which reached even the Austrian court that the French emperor had no offspring, because his first wife was not just older than him, but also had various health issues. “Serves him right!” thought Marie Louise, because she was convinced it was the result of her curse. However, she never thought these pranks from her youth would come back haunting her, as curses usually do. Napoleon had first asked the Russian Tsar’s daughter for her hand in marriage, but the Russians did not allow this. Right away Napoleon did not fret to send his request to the Austrian court. And before Marie Louise had realised, the marriage was already done and over with through a proxy ceremony. She understood that all this was to save her family, but she was unable to come to terms with it either way.

The coach still rattled along and Marie Louise tried to concentrate on her home which she left behind, but the shaking made her more and more excited. If it were not for the maid in front of her, she may even have been bold enough to pull up her dress and push her hand between her legs to relieve herself. But not too long after this the coach stopped unexpectedly. Someone stood in front of the first horsemen. She could hear the soldiers raise their voices, but then soon obediently fall silent. The door of Marie Louise’s coach suddenly opened, the maid was pulled out and then the masked bystander was visible who had stopped the coach. At first she was scared as she saw this horseman, who sat on his horse with the straightest back possible and had a strict gaze pierce her from below his helmet. Then she shyly grabbed and pulled together the fabric of her cleavage, because she was sure that up from a horse’s back it is easier to look. The bystander, however, soon jumped off of his horse and entered the coach.

He was a lot shorter without his horse, but his upright posture, strong hands with which he held down the girl sparked an unexpected flame inside the virgin’s body. The man took off his helmet. Marie Louise recognised Napoleon whom she knew from paintings. He posed proudly on the painting, with a sceptre in his hand, a tiara on his head, behind him everything was golden, except for the dark red cape which covered the broadly painted shoulders. Marie Louise thought the painting was comical, but in person the man seemed to captivate her at first glance. The man did not need to apply any pressure, the girl simply let herself go on the padded seat. Napoleon kissed her powdered cheeks, her neck and then her bare shoulders. He then grabbed the girl’s head and turned it towards himself so he could drive his tongue inside her mouth. She was so surprised that she accidentally bit down on the emperor’s tongue. He, however, did not take offence and instead was even more aroused by this. He pulled up her dress which followed an ancient Greek fashion style and eagerly moved his hands between the round thighs. Marie Louise in response to this new, tickling feeling could no longer hold back her pee. The clear liquid abruptly trickled out and down discoloring her panties and making the red padding of the seat a darker hue, resembling blood.

“Well now, I knew I would be getting a youngster, but I did not expect such a baby!” remarked the man, whose hand also took some of the liquid, mockingly. He moved his wet fingers to the girl’s face so she could smell the liquid too. “Look! Is this how an Austrian princess should behave? Are you sure they sent me the real princess from the Austrian court?”

Marie Louise felt offended, but refrained from talking. Out there everyone was the underdog of the emperor, nobody would be on her side. Napoleon on the other hand felt a surge of power and made his wife reach out for his steadily growing penis with her thin fingers. His pants were already on the ground. Marie Louise did not have the courage to look at the dick, but she shook slightly at the touch of the impatient, wet and growing spear which she felt as if it were unnaturally big and thick, considering the man’s height. When she accidentally pulled on some of his pubic hair, Napoleon’s patience literally snapped.

He tore apart the girl’s dress, so he could pull it up more easily, and then he placed his penis between her drenched, but already hot legs. The girl started kicking her legs, but Napoleon grabbed them and pulled them high up in the air, making her lie down on the coach’s seat.

He soon found the entrance to her tight inners which were even tighter now due to the excitement. The veiny penis touched the girl’s completely hidden clitoris, which in response started to move. Then he squished his dick between the pussylips. In response to this the girl started to plea and oppose in her own tongue. But the penis kept going deeper; it spread the resisting pussywalls, and slowly slid down into the urine drenched hole. He then pushed with some more force and his dick went all the way into the tight, snapping entrance. The girl screamed slightly, she felt the blood coming out of her pussy. The scent of iron made her soon to be husband even more eager, he started pushing in and pulling out rhythmically, increasingly spreading her untouched pussy. With his two hands he was still grabbing her legs up. His grip was so strong that soon the white flesh showed pink marks in finger shapes. The coach was shaking slightly and its construction kept crackling below them. Marie Louise’s head was being pushed to the armrests with each thrust, completely ruining her neatly arranged hair. She felt as her hair was getting more and more messy, just like a street girl’s. Napoleon couldn’t last much longer, he soon ejaculated, properly filling the girl’s cunt. His semen dripped down her pubic hair and then onto the padding.

“Well, it’s time for you to clean up after yourself. You can’t let the emperor’s penis smell of your piss on the way home.” Napoleon said calmly.

Marie Louise did not understand what was expected of her. Just like blades of scissors, because of the stinging pain, she could only slowly close her split legs. But Napoleon grabbed her shoulders and made her kneel on the small floor space between the two seats. His freshly ejaculated penis still had droplets of cum and blood on it as it was erectly pointing at the girl’s face. Marie Louise turned away in disgust, but Napoleon grabbed her head from both sides, made sure to grab on tight into her messy hair and forcefully pressed her face against his dick. At first he pressed his glans against the vivid red lips. The princess had a very charming, meaty pair of lips for her just ripe age of eighteen. The thick penis moved in circles so it could easily penetrate the lipstick covered lips, but it bumped against a hard wall by the teeth. Napoleon angrily let out some air through his nose, but then bent over to grab the girl’s breasts hiding behind layers of fabric. Despite these layers, he was able to find them quickly, because her nipples had been hard throughout the whole act and were pointing outwards just like the thorns of a rose. He groped the breasts hard and pinched them only to continue by pulling on them. He then continued by pinching her nipples with his rough fingers and continued yet again to pull, but so harshly this time that the girl fell forwards.

At this point her slightly agape face made her wall of perfectly intact teeth crumble apart and let the large dick slide right down until it hit the beginning of her throat. Marie Louise felt the urge to throw up, but the thick penis did not let a single bit of room for that to happen in her mouth. She tried opening her mouth wider, but it was futile, the large dick was already pressing up against her teeth as the emperor was impatiently thrusting in and out of her. She could barely breathe. At first her triangle shaped tongue was completely flattened by the large dick, but then he pushed it in so roughly that the tongue got caught up and was pushed to the side. In this manner, even if unwillingly, the girl licked the stinky penis clean from all sides. Napoleon was moving rapidly like a rabbit in heat. The girl got completely dizzy from being pulled by the hair towards him while the erect penis was pushing her away into the opposite direction. Some of her thin neck’s vertebra crackled. Napoleon could barely hold out again and soon ejaculated once more, filling the girl’s throat. Fortunately for her his sperm didn’t come out of her nose. Marie Louise, once she was released of the meaty rod’s torture, started to cough up some of the sperm while trying to gasp for air. Some of it, however, had already spilled down inside her belly.

Napoleon’s penis drooped down for a moment, but only until he completely undressed the girl with his wanting hands to finally see her whole naked body. He wanted to see how her breasts bounced while making love, how her butt rises upwards while she is taken from behind. He turned her around and made her go on all fours to be able to penetrate her from behind this time. Even for the second time she was still tight, but this pose was even more to the emperor’s liking. In response to Napoleon’s wild movements the girl kept diving into the seat and her breasts made a slapping sound with each thrust. Napoleon also bent over so he could grab her tits and massage them in a circling motion. He fucked the girl like a starving dog, until finally he ejaculated while whining.

“Enough of this,” said the girl finally once she found the right words in French. “My vagina is all sticky from your seed, how am I going to pee like this?”

However, the girl’s innocent words made the emperor erect and horny again. He made her his twice more, making sure to drench her in his white seed each time as if his penis was an infinite source of cum. By the end of the day the girl felt her whole body ache. The muscle DOMS from all the lovemaking made her unable to move a single finger. Her soon to be husband covered her in his own coat and carried her into the palace to the bedroom.

Two days later it was April first, until then the girl had mostly recovered from the welcoming ceremony and they held the official wedding. After the ceremony the two of them stayed in a baroque style bedroom, which yet rejected the simple fashion of the coming style of classicism.

“But my lord,” said the girl, when the man grabbed her waist to pull her to the bed. “I am a maiden no more, what is the purpose of our wedding night, then?”

“Oh, my dear girl, you’re still a virgin somewhere,” said the man with a pleased smile. “I will teach you how to ride on horseback now.” He undressed first, then he pulled up the dress of his wife so that only her naked bum was visible and ready to be seated upon his towering spear.

Marie Louise was surprised that the penis had not touched her labia yet and spread its way inside of her. She was even more surprised when she realised that the goal had been her butthole. Napoleon made his wife lose footing and sat down completely into his penis. Her rectum spread obediently to welcome the hard penis. Marie Louise let out a scream, but the man had quickly pushed his fingers inside of her mouth so she could suckle on those, while he properly fucked her dry orifice from behind. He ejaculated very quickly, but did not stop for even a second. The semen made her asshole lube up just enough to have an easy playroom for the penis to spread open undiscovered territory in her young rectum. Marie Louise’s body was bouncing up and down, the rhythm was very much like of a horseman going in gallop. In this fashion they rode along all night long. And each and every night long, until the French emperor was exiled to Elba island.

The End.

*Some details were adjusted to fit western, contemporary law.*


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