The Moment I Saw Her (writing challenge)

So my friend asked me to do a writing challenge and this is what I came up with, she described the setting and had me take it from there.

This is what she wrote

You’re on a bus in a city stopped in traffic when you see a woman — the most exotic, fascinating woman you’ve ever seen. It’s not that she’s beautiful, but she’s magnetic. You’re drawn to her. You pull the yellow string telling the bus to stop as you gather your stuff and head to the front of the bus. The bus driver tells you to sit down. You keep your eyes on the woman as she enters a store (you choose the kind of store). The bus driver finally stops and you turn out your pocket with loose change and cash, hand him a tip of lord knows what, a wad of dollar bills fumbles on the ground but you don’t care. You have to approach this woman. You book it to the store hoping she’s still there. She is.

—- and this is what I continued —-

I followed her in to a clothing store I had never heard of. The bell rings as I open the door and I swear I could feel everyone looking at me. It was a women’s clothing store. They had everything. I look around and I see her. She looked at me and for a moment we locked eyes. It was such an odd sensation. I wanted to speak to her, but all I could say was “hey”. What was I? An idiot? Hey? Really? Hey!?
“Hi” she said with a smile. She was beautiful. Her long brown hair and her shaded glasses on top of her head. I wanted to speak with her more. I just felt awkward. So I walk over and ask her “excuse me but what is your name? Have we met before?” She looks back at the clothes. “No, I don’t think so.”

I flip through some shirts next to her mindlessly. She continues to look at her clothing. She was wearing a simple blue and green sundress. She was so simple and yet so perfect. Just looking at her I felt like I could rest my head down upon her. At same time though I wanted to know what she looked like under that sundress. She was curvy and with smooth legs. My heart was racing. The more I thought about her the more it felt like it was going to pop out of my chest.

“I think you would look better in black.” I hear from beside me. I hesitate. I look up at her. “Excuse me?” I say. She looks at what my hand is currently on in the rack. Oh my word… I’m in a lingerie section. My stomach drops. I lift it up and hold it in front of myself. “Are you trying to tell me this doesn’t show off my figure well?” I kid. She chuckles and says “No it does but pink isn’t your color.” I smirk and with my heart racing I hand it over to her “Yeah you would probably pull it off better than me anyway.” I roll my eyes and smile. She takes it with her hand and puts up against her, never breaking eye contact. “Oh I would so pull this off.” She says confidently. I look at her holding it against herself. It lightly forms against her body but I can only imagine. “Yeah… Um… You probably would.”

She hits my chest lightly. “You were just imagining weren’t you!?” She smiles them most beautiful smile I’ve seen. It’s so warm and joyful. Oh my word you’re beautiful. I felt warmth radiating over my chest like when I was a kid playing outside in the summer waiting for lunch. “I mean, want me to lie?” I shrugged. “Oh my word!? You don’t admit it!” We both laugh together happily. She looks at me a few times like she wants to say something. I pretend not to notice as we continue to look at the clothing. I stop and with my stomach in a knot. “Is there something you want to say to me?” She looks at my direction but not exactly at me. blushing a little she says “okay I don’t know how to say this and I’m worried what you are going to think but may I ask you something?” “Yeah sure whatever you want.” I say uncomfortably, thinking I had upset her. “I was wondering if you would ugh. Do you think that you would want to. Oh my gosh… Nevermind.” She says flustered.

“No! No! What is it? I don’t care what it is honestly! I’m sorry if I upset you before I was just trying to make you laugh!” Quickly trying to fix the situation.
She steps closer to me looking around to make sure nobody can hear. “Would you watch me try these on?” My heart exploded and I felt the tip of my penis pulse. It throbbed with excitement. Did she really just say that? Is this really happening?
She backs up quickly “I’m sorry I know that was awful. I don’t even know you.” She starts to turn. “No it’s fine!” I rush after her. “May I be honest with you?” I ask. She nods her head clearly embarrassed. I say quietly “That actually turned me on a little, please don’t go I just! I would happily watch you try these on.” She looks at me and with youthful excitement says “it turned me on a little too even asking you.” She paused. Then she took my hand gently and lead me to the back of the store. There’s nobody here. They were still customers plenty in the store itself but nobody back to help.

Thankfully nobody is able to find people to work. She had a handful of clothing around her arm including the lingerie that I accidentally picked out. She let go of my hand as I looked around the store and when I turned to see her she had walked down to the second to last changing room. She waved me down. I walked down to the end and took a seat on one of the chairs against the wall across from the rooms. She was standing in the room with the door open looking at me. “What are you doing?” She asked quietly. “Don’t you want me to watch you try on outfits?” I asked confused. Had I misunderstood what she was asking. Holy crap I must look like the biggest creeper. “Yeah. That’s exactly what I said.” She looked at me with a flirtatious look in her eyes. I could tell she was nervous. “I’m sorry I don’t get what you’re asking.” She rolled her eyes at me, leaned over to see if anybody else was in the hallway and then stepped back into the room and took off her sundress.

My heart was racing. I was looking at the back side of this woman and I could see every curve of her body. Her ass was amazing and it sucked in the song that she was wearing. I could almost imagine how it would feel within my hands. She looked over her shoulder right at me and gave a nod to come join her. I looked around real quickly to make sure there’s nobody here and I walked in closing the door behind me. The changing room was big enough for two people to comfortably move around and there was a really big mirror on the wall in front of us. I could smell her next to me. Percent of her was comforting, it made me feel peaceful. However the heat radiating from her body being that close to me and my hands being so close to her lower back. I wanted to ravage her.

“Okay turn around. I’m a little nervous, but I want to do this.” She said breathing deeply. So I turned around facing the wall without the mirror and I could tell she was undressing taking off her underwear and her bra. I don’t know why she would be doing that to try and close but I wasn’t going to complain. I sneaked a peek in the mirror and I could see her bare ass as she bent over. I wish I could get a better view I thought but I didn’t want to look a gift horse in the mouth haha. I can feel her stand up and she says “Okay look at this one.” She was standing there in a simple outfit. Jean shorts and some white shirt with a band logo on it. “Go ahead and look, I mean you just saw me in my underwear which I won’t lie. That was a little bit of a rush.” She chuckled. I could tell she was still nervous. “What do you think?”

I look her up and down and jokingly tell her to spin around with my finger. She smiles a very pretty smile, one that made me want to just take her face with my hands and kiss her. I’d never felt that way before. But that moment passed as she turned around slowly. When she stood in front of me and I looked at her chest, I noticed that her nipples were excited and pressing against the white shirt I could almost see them clearly and the areola. That was hot. Did she know? She must. I’m not going to say anything though in case she doesn’t… The shirt definitely pulled her finger well especially against her chest. Her breasts weren’t very big, a good handful at least though. They even sacked a little bit but in a good way where it would feel like it has the weight cupped in your hands.

“Um I think we should do the bed over test.” I joke with her. She smiles and cocks her head to the side. “Oh yeah?” She says completely on to me. “And what would that be to test for?” She asks joking. “Just make sure that nobody can see anything when you bend over is all.” I shrug with my heart racing and a big grin to let her know I’m kidding. There’s a moment where she just stares at me. Had I gone to far? Did push my luck a little to much with the joking? “Okay.” She says bluntly. “What?” I say shaking my head in confusion. “How do I do it?” “Seriously?” “Yeah, I don’t have anything to hide.” She says confidently. So I tell her “just turn around and bend over any way.” She turns around so her back side is facing me and then she reaches over towards her toes. Her shorts slide up a little bit and I can see the bottom of her butt cheeks. Pretty hott still I think.

“Okay turn around so I can get changed.” She says kindly. I turn around, well it was good while it lasted. I want to have mine seeing the lingerie on her. I imagine what she would look like in it. Not realizing I had missed another opportunity to peek at her in the mirror. Damn it, I think. “Okay you can turn around now.” I turn around expecting to see her and her sundress. She wasn’t. She was wearing a tight fit black dress. The straps barely cover her shoulder. I can’t see her nipples but the dress sucks against every curve of her body. She does a little spin for me and laughs. “Okay what do you think?” “Honestly?” “Yes…” “I think you look gorgeous!” I say uncomfortably. Her face turns red, her nose and their cheeks blushing. “Well um… Thank you…” She says softly not sure what to say.

“Okay turn around so I can changed.” She tells ne. I start to turn around until I head. “Oh wait! Do you think I should do the bend over test with this one?” She says teasing me. “Really?” I look at her not liking to be teased. “Sure.” She shrugs. “You’ve already seen me in my underwear.”
She turns around and bends over. I look in the mirror to try to give her a little privacy but I can still see her bending over. “What do you think?” She asks, with a little struggle. “I think you should do it on your knees haha” I say jokingly to myself. “What was that?” She asks. “Nothing.” “Oh come on. What did you say? Are you even looking for me?” She continues. “I don’t know I just feel kind of like a pervert, I don’t even really know you and I kind of feel like I’m taking advantage.” I admit. “Well I don’t know you, so pretend I’m taking advantage of you. Plus I think a skirt needs the bend over test more than shorts do, wouldn’t you think?”

I turned my head to look and I can see her ass staring me right in the face. The bottom of the skirt covering only about a third of her. “Oh my word.” My heart almost jumps out of my chest. “What!?” She asks nervously. “Nothing, it’s just you look really hot.” “Is that what you were saying before?” She asks again. “Honestly?” “Always.” She responds. Being honest and open with somebody always? That was a concept I don’t think I’ve ever seen before. The way she said that almost took away everything sexual from the moment and made me want this woman to just be closer to me. I felt a pull that started in my chest and took over my whole body as I wanted to just stand her up, wrap her in my arms and pull her against my chest as tightly as I could.

“I umm said… I… I think you should do the test on your knees… I was being a bit of a perv…” I rub my head and smile nervously. There’s a moment of hesitation. She looks right at me the whole time eye contact not breaking. “Okay.” She shrugs. She gets down comfortably on her knees. Her back is flat. I can see about two thirds of her ass. It’s amazing and she’s seems so confident. She turns her head to the side to see me. “Like this?” “I mean. I was thinking something else but that’s good enough…” “What were you thinking?” She asks calmly almost playfully. “Seriously?” I’m taken back. Is this actually happening? “I don’t mind plus it’s just for fun.” She smile. I can see she is blushing a little. I think she’s enjoying herself too or at least the attention. “So um. Pretend like you dropped something under the couch. Like arch your back with your head low.” I can’t believe I just told her to do that.

She lets out a small chuckle to herself I almost missed. Yeah, she’s definitely enjoying this too. She slides her hands outward more right up against the wall. Her back arches and her ass rises higher. Without looking I sit down on the bench bolted in to the wall beside me so that I can get a better look. Then I noticed. She wasn’t wearing any underwear. I could see her ass fat in my face and her pussy squished together between her cheeks. Holy fuck. Did she know? Crap I shouldn’t be looking. I turn my head to the side. She notices in the mirror. “What’s wrong?” She asks nervously like she had done something. “No it’s not that. It just that… You uh. I don’t know if you realize but you aren’t wearing any underwear…” I say. I glanced at her face for a moment and she puts her face down on to the floor like an ostrich trying to hide in the sand.

I glance at her ass and the slight sight of her pussy. Fuck she’s hot. She has one arm stretched out still as the other one flings in to the air above her. “Fuck it! Go ahead and look!” She says with a slight embarrassed laughter behind her words. “Are you serious?” “Yup! You’ve already seen it at this point. I mean, if you want to…” “Honestly!? I want too! I just feel a little awkward haha.” I keep looking at her ass as her head is in the ground. “Why? I know I’m not the most attractive person but you can do what you want. Look at whatever I guess.” She sounds defeated a d embarrassed. “Oh please! If it was up to me I would look at everything! I would touch you just to move you more so I can see ever once inside and out!” I can feel my cock force blood in and it grow thicker. It’s getting warm at the idea. Had I really just said that to her? Of course I would love to see you, who wouldn’t…

“Really? I mean… How would you move me? What do you mean?” She asks curiously. With the flood of hormones and my heart racing I felt daring. “Do you want me to just show you?” I say excited, half expecting for her to change her mind. She lifts her head up and looks at the wall. “Sure I guess?” “Okay wait before I do?” I scoot off the beach and get on my knees behind her so I can get a good look. “Just to be clear, may I touch you and move you and do whatever I want with you? Like do I have full permission to do whatever I want?” I wanted to make sure. “Yes.” She states very comfortable.

I scoot even closer to her and place my right hand on her right butt cheek my fingers up towards her lower back and my thumb on the inner side of her ass. I do the same with my left hand. I begin to just squeeze and and loosen my grip as I move my hands in circles, making her ass move with it. She feels so warm, so full and so soft. I grab tighter and tighter wanting to feel the lump of her ass in the palm of my hand. After a moment I lose my grip a little bit, I can hear her breathing change lightly. I can feel the heat from her vagina radiating near my thumbs. Apart her ass with my thumbs pressing in against her hips with my fingertips. I want to see inside of her. I spread her open as she leaves forward even a little bit more now in the perfect curved position for me to see everything. “Ugh okay…” She says invitingly and yet innocently.

I removed my thumbs and place them on the inside of her lips spreading her pussy open so that I can see the gape of her vagina. Around her vagina was wet, she was definitely aroused. I don’t know if it was showing off or if it was me touching her but she couldn’t hide the fact that this turned her on. My cock now fully hard pressed tightly against my pants it was almost painful. I really wish I could just take it out and jack off to this. Inside of her was so soft and a dark pink. The smooth skin over insides would feel so good over my cock. I could actually see some of her glistening and even some wetter spots deeper in.

Fuck. I think. She quivers slightly. “Are you okay?” I ask more curious than anything. The only sound she could let out was an mhm… It sounded like she was biting her lip. Wow was her voice hot! Even when she didn’t speak and only makes a sound I want more of her. “Are you sure you are fine with me doing whatever?” She nods her head up and down quickly while still looking at the ground. Ok we’ll first off then. I’m not cramming my cock in these anymore. I throw my jeans to the side. “What are you doing?” She asks surprised.

“I’m sorry but my cock is hard I’m just going to leave it in my briefs, but that way it’s not pressing against my jeans the whole time.” “Oh okay.” I lay down on my back and slide under her. She sees me with her head upside down. Laughing she says ” what are you doing?” I smile, now holding on to our hips as I pull myself further underneath her with my head under her dress. I kiss the lower part of her chest just underneath her tits. Her tits hang there brushing against the top of my head. “Oh.” She says.

They continue to kiss her slowly moving lower and lower on her. Each kiss bringing me a few inches further. Every time my lips press against her skin I can feel the heat of her body and the scent of this beautiful woman. Her scent drives me crazy, it’s so comforting. I want to wrap my arms around her and just pull her on top of me but I can tell she’s enjoying this. I continue to kiss her stomach just above her belly button. My hands on her hips now pushing myself lower kissing beneath her belly button. I continue to kiss until I get to the spot just above her vagina. She recently shaved this morning, there’s no stubble and it’s smooth. I can smell the heat of a woman and taste it on this section of her too. It’s always been my favorite spot of a woman and the way it curves on her is almost perfection.

I place my hands behind her one on each of her ass cheeks and I kiss a few inches above the tip of her vagina except this time I rest my lips on it and slide my lips down further and further until they stop just on the outside of her slit. I can feel very tip of her slit between my lips. It’s at this point I can hear her. She’s hyperventilating. She’s inhaling so heavily her body shakes like it’s about to collapse on top of me. “Fuu u uck…” She says softly trying to gasp for air. I force her forward just a few inches and I give her a kiss right on her pussy, sucking it into my mouth for a moment and letting it go with a gentle kiss. It was only for a second but I could hear her gasp. “Oh my fucking… Fuck!” She tasted nice. I don’t usually like the taste.

I crawl out from underneath her, she almost fell face forward but she still on her knees. The forward part of her body now collapsed on the floor. “Well somebody enjoyed herself haha.” “You” breathing heavily “have no idea, I haven’t… Felt like that… It’s been so long…” “Do you mind if I do something for me? It won’t be that bad, I just kind of want to tease myself with you.” “Fucking do it!” She says excited. Wow I think. She’s really turned on. My cock still hard pressed against my underwear now facing up towards my stomach to keep it in. I kneel behind her and press the shaft of it where her now wet gaping pussy is. Her pussy is so wet and swollen from the excitement that it almost engulfs the few inches of my shaft even with my briefs on over it. I grab her hip and her shoulder. She tilts her head back but doesn’t say anything. I press my groin against her forcing more pressure and begin to move her ass up and down grinding slowly with my shaft and boxers between her lips.

After a few moments she starts huffing. Breathing heavier and starting to get louder. She sounds like she’s about to get off. But then. Footsteps. Holy shit someone’s walking towards us. My heart races. These doors May cover the room but there’s still a good inch Gap or so at the bottom of the door and I can’t imagine though that soundproof. Lean Forward, groin still pressed against her and I take my hand off of her shoulder and cover her mouth. I whisper for her to be quiet there’s someone coming. We can both hear it now, and yet she continues to slightly move her ass still indulging yourself with the pressure from my vertical penis.

The footsteps walk by slowly they sound feminine. They open the door next to us and close it we can hear them moving around. I wish her to her “are you trying to tease me right now or are you just enjoying yourself?” She knows her head and I can feel her smile beneath my hand. It’s both. “Well if you’re going to enjoy yourself then I’m going to enjoy myself.” I whisper once more. I shush her softly and take my hand off her mouth, moving it to underneath my briefs. I slide my fingers around my cock placing them up against the wet part of my underwear from her pussy. I can feel her lips around the knuckles of my fingers. I begin to stroke myself, I can already feel how engorged my cock has become from all of this.

The precum drips out of the tip of my penis to add to what was already there and my hand begins to spread it throughout the whole thing. I hear her say fuck quietly trying to keep it to herself. “Oh you like that? Then you’ll probably like this.” I say smugly. I slip my cock out through the forward hole of my underwear where the seams meet pulling my hand out of my underwear and grabbing it from the outside the head of my cock presses ever so lightly between her pussy lips. Not quite penetrating her but enough so the tip of my head is surrounded with a warm wet smooth skin.

I can hear the person changing in the room next to us, hanging things up on the wall close hangers clinking against it and her foot stepping in and out of things almost stomping on the ground. I don’t care. I don’t think she does either. I continue to jerk off with the head of my dick barely inside of her lips. I hear her say something but can’t quite make it out. I whisper to her asking her what she said. “Fuck me!” She says quietly but so demanding has she lifts her body sitting upright and grabs onto my ass with both hands so I can’t go anywhere. She thrusts her body against mine pressing a few inches of my dick inside of her, letting out such a wonderful moment of relief.

I can’t believe it, I’m inside of her. It’s so warm, it’s so wet and all I can feel is her inside around my dick. I pull my boxers tighter against my groin so that more of my shaft can stick out and I wrap my arm around her chest and neck holding on to her shoulder from the other side. With my other hand I grabbed onto her left hip and using both of my arms with force ourselves together tighter and tighter like we can’t go deep enough. We thrust harder and harder faster and faster the sound of two bodies starting to get louder, wondering if anybody’s going to hear us.

We don’t care at that moment, there’s nobody else around but us. Even if in the back of my mind I know somebody’s just on the other side of this then wall. I can’t take it much more the buildup was too much, I wasn’t expecting to do this much. I warned her that I’m going to come. I try to push her away just enough to get my dick out but she wraps her arms around me and won’t let go, and I almost don’t want her to let go. It’s too late. I feel my cock as the warmth flushes over it and it expands and releases shooting into her depths.

The door to the room beside us opens we can hear the latch. We stay in that position as silent as can be. My cock now shrinking down to a smaller version of it but yet still filling enough. Her juices mixed with my cum wrapped warmly over the shaft of my penis. As my penis begins to shrink we can feel it sliding through her insides, slowly working it’s way out. Whoever was in the room next to us begins to walk past us but stops at the door. Our hearts race I can only imagine what she’s thinking. Footsteps fade as they begin to walk away.

I pulled myself away from her body. My cock pulling free of the suction of hers. I see her shiver as it leaves her body pulling the dripping semen out from her. I stay dealing there for a moment sitting on the heels of my feet. Looking at her used pussy as it drips. She sets up turns around and gives me the warmest of hugs with my cock still hanging out and her dress still pulled up over her ass. She whispers in my ear almost in tears. “I’ll see you around boy.” She gives me a kiss on the cheek and stands up. “I think I like this dress. I’ll wear it out.” She gathers her things and walks away leaving me there scrounging to put my pants back on. Wondering if I will see her again. I certainly hope so.



  1. 😈😋👅I grant all your wishes love, I wait for you 🔞💣 ****

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