my wife is my slut angel

this weekend, I told my wife (who usually go to bed much earlier than me) that when I came to bed the night before I had come to snuggle up behind her, and that i caress and grope her breasts for a good half hour.

She was surprised because she hadn’t realized it. I told her that it was superhot.

She replies that as long as I don’t wake her up, I can do it whenever I want. And she adds: anyway you can do what you want, as long as you don’t prevent me from sleeping.

We have a fulfilling sex life (even if between the fatigue of work and the kids, it’s not always easy to find time for ourselves). But as I get older I am more and more aware of feminist issues and the notion of consent. 

I told her that it was not very sure of that. That I’ll feel like I’m raping her a bit

It’s true that in 14 years of union we have a sexuality without taboo (anal and facial included) and that it is with her that I understood that i could have a dominant side and that i can love that sometimes she’s little submissive, without being a perfect asshole and an almost fascist masculinist…

We were eating and I almost choked when she replied with a big smile: not at all , since I tell you that you have the right to do what you want.

– Everything i want ? really ?

– pause, big smile on her face : everything. The idea turn me on. The only thing i want you to respect : don’t wake me up ! I need to have a good sleep the night, you know it !

So… last night… i  came to bed after her, I got behind her, I started to caress her gently (after warming my hands). And i strated gropping her breasts. Then I slid my fingers to her pussy, I entered it gently. Gradually she was more and more wet. Then I caressed her ass, wet my fingers, and started to penetrate her ass. 

I wait a few seconds, to be sure i don’t wake up. The i fuck her ass with one, then 2 fingers.

Tired but very excited, i wait a few seconds : she was still asleep.

I came next to her, and put my dick in her, and slowly, veeeerrry slowly, start to ass fuck her.

It was hot… but… my fucking stupid dog must have heard a noise outside and started barking.

As she was waking up, I quickly pulled away from her and pretended to be asleep. my heart was beating very fast.

I didn’t came last night, but i think that tonight, we could have a great sex (both awake :-) , cause… i want to finish it so badly !

For the next “asleep sex” i onder if i can cum on her face without waking her up ?

Anyway, my wife is my personnal pornstar, and i need any other woman. She’s my superslut and i think i can never stop being in love with her. The confidence she has in me makes me hard



  1. You just experienced the all too common “no” meaning “actually yes, but I don’t want to be seen as the type of girl who likes that so I say no.” Trust me, she did not stay asleep when you started anal insertion. Especially if the only lube you had was what she naturally produces.
    This was a “No” from my wife as well, to begin with. Today it’s definitely a yes, but takes prepping, stretching, and more lube than you can imagine. Consent is very important. Men and women should always have and abide by it. But there are many (or all) who have said no while hoping you talk them into it. Both miss out when this happens.
    To be clear, no means no. And 99% of the time it’s exactly what she wants. But 1% it’s means, “don’t stop”. And us guys fuck that up the 99% and give up on the 1, damn near every time.

  2. No is a no. Period.

    And in my case : she said YES in advance.

    And… trust me… she was asleep. she’s under a médical treatment that puts her deeply asleep.

  3. she’s not drugged. She has a medical treatment against anxiety.

    Là je vais avoir du mal à discuter avec toi parce que mon niveau d’anglais est insuffisant.

    Ce qu’il faut retenir c’est qu’elle a tellement confiance en moi, qu’elle me dit “vas-y, fais toi du bien” même si elle dort. Et le fait qu’elle a un sommeil profond fait qu’elle ne peut pas forcément se reveiller dans ces cas là.

    C’est aussi simple que ça.

  4. Yikes, don’t mind the hater, it sounds hot and I hope you two enjoy yourselves.

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