Another Update- While the hubby is away- Part One

I am back with an update of the weekend events. If you haven’t been following, you should definitely go back and read my previous 2 “stories.”

The last few weeks of my life have been very strange. Very good!!! But very different than what I am used to. I am 36F, married with 2 kids. The hubby and I have been married for 15 years and together for 17. We were high school sweethearts. He is a consultant and travels for work. He is typically gone 4-5 days of the week, sometimes more-sometimes less. I don’t work. I volunteer at the kids schools to help keep me busy. But at the end of the day- I am lonely. I needed more love. More affection. More attention. More naughty time.

A couple weeks ago, the hubby and I were talking one of the nights he was home. We both had been drinking wine.. a lot of wine and started talking about our “love life” – or lack thereof lately. I spilled it all to him. How I am lonely when he is gone, and how I wish he was a little “spicier” when home. Our conversation ended with him giving me permission to do whatever I needed to do to be satisfied! This was a complete shock to me- but I didn’t argue. What happened next was covered in the previous stories.

Originally, this weekend, Hubby was supposed to be traveling to Wisconsin for the week for work. Typically, he leaves early Saturday mornings before I wake up. I woke up Saturday morning and he was gone like usual. He left a note on the bedroom door telling the kids not to wake me up. Pretty typical. Except… at about 1pm, the front door opened unexpectedly and there was the hubby with flowers, wine, and a huge grin on his face. I was utterly shocked. He NEVER takes off from work! He gave me the flowers, grabbed me, kissed me deeply, and then told me that he decided to stay home this weekend to spoil me. I had zero objections to that! Let’s fast forward that evening….

Now, hubby has always been pretty “vanilla” in the sack. I mentioned this before. Lay in bed, kiss, fuck (missionary), sleep. That was pretty much the sex situation for all of these years. Until recently, I thought that was normal. The past few weeks have taught me otherwise. I don’t know if the man did research or what… but what happened the rest of the night… was anything but typical… or vanilla.

All day- he was teasing me. Walking up behind me, brushing my neck and shoulders with his beard, his tongue, and his lips. Making out with me, touching me, basically… ramping me up as much as fucking possible. I don’t know how many times I went to the bathroom just to make sure I didnt need to change panties. When the kids fell asleep- it must have triggered “go” time for him.

I was in the living room- catching up on some of my Netflix show…when he texted me and asked me to come into the spare bedroom. He is always putzing around with something, so I didnt think anything of it. I headed upstairs and opened the door to the spare room. Aside from the lamp being on the lowest setting, it was pretty dark in there, when I opened the door, I couldn’t see him. He was behind the door, when I walked in, he shur the door, locked it, and literally threw me on the bed. (Hubby is a big guy and handles me easily). He told me to close my eyes and I obliged. I could hear music starting to play. Twofeet. Then I feel something sliding over my sleeping mask? Then I felt the soft touch of something binding my hands together. Later, I learned that he took some lace ribbon from my crafting stuff. I am now blindfolded and tied up laying on the bed in the room of my house that is the least familiar to me. My heart is pounding, my heart is racing, and I am fully drenched. Holy fuck!

I feel my yoga pants starting to slide down my hips. I feel the straps of my cami being pulled down to the side over my shoulders. His mouth on my breast. His tongue teasing my nipples. Back and forth. All whilst lightly dragging his beard along my chest. I can feel the heat of his body hovering over mine. I can hear his breath, I am completely intoxicated by him at this point. Then… he stops. Nothing. Complete and utter nothingness for what seemed like forever. Here I am, tied up and blindfolded and he is… there he is! I feel his tongue sliding up my thigh- lightly brushing the skin. I feel my wet panties being softly pulled off. I feel his arms sliding under my my ass and around around my thighs as he pulls me in close to his mouth. I feel his tongue now teasing my lips (not my mouth). The light drag of the tongue up and down. Up and down. I am shuttering. Shivering. Quivering. And then he dives in with the tongue. He must be like a “mer-man” or somthing- how he stayed down there as long as he did with as much as I was gushing- I have no idea how he could breath. This lasted a solid forever- or so it seemed. I came over and over and over. I felt his face slide back down my leg. Then I feel the binding on my hands being removed. He whispered “wait 30 seconds before you open your eyes.” I did as I was told and when I opened my eyes… I was all alone in the room. Just me. Laying on the bed shaking uncontrollably with a single pink rose laying next to my face.

What the fuck just happened? To be continued……
