Yesterday I was used in a church. M4a gay

Got plenty of stories of real experiences. This one was last night. I’m not shy with sex and have it a lot. Had two guys over before this.

So last night mildly drunk I went on a hook up. Didn’t know the guy or his face. Was just horny.

Meet me at the church on this corner. Well I did and surprise surprise he owned it with his wife.

She was gone for the weekend but still went by to play. He identifies as straight.

Dude was older and cute. Wanted it to never end.

Ended up at his place in the back room of the church he lives in.

Was going to hook up didn’t know was a church.I showed up and he yelled at me a block away confused looking for his place. As I walk in I noticed the distinct church symbols at the top the building.

He Told me goes wife was away this weekend before turning off the lights and pulling it out.

Not my issue if you cheat. Well straight boy with the face tat pulled it out and I got busy getting my throat used like it’s any other hole.

15 minutes in I get told how he doesn’t top much or ever and I’m the first. He bent me over and shoved his cock in me no care for how it feels for me.

Long story short he pounded me hard and raw for an hour while I yelled oh god In a church in the back room. He felt so good in me and didn’t cum but orgasmed 4 times during. He barely lubed up and host hammered. Still can’t stand right now abs want it again bad. He also got me stoned for round two. Anything at this point to get him back on me I want lol. Second best sex I’ve had on my life. My best bring my first time. Was a bucket list goal and he didn’t hold back as much as I yelled stop. Didn’t cum but orgasmed 4 times. His wife lucky to get that dick.

Told me I was owned by him until he got off now waiting to go round two. Just weirdly got to get railed bare and her high in a church. Let alone in a preachers room.

He honestly fucked my ass like my hole was the only thing that matters and I don’t.

So ready for round two and thirsty for it


1 comment

  1. Also anyone enjoys let me know. I got way too many stories I Am willing to share

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