Dumb slut at a conference {CNC}{coercion} Part 1

So I was on a very out of town conference for work. Continuing education sort of thing. So I figured that I could have some fun to go with my learning. You know, if the situation presented itself.

Day three of five, I finally found a likely playmate. One of the lecturers just caught my eye. A bit dad bod, but he had these piercing brown eyes. I asked a couple dumb questions just to get him to look at me. That was it. I might have been a bit starstruck because I went straight to my room and changed clothes. You know the ones. Sluttly business, the skirt a bit too short, shirt a little too tight. So I went to his next lecture. In an aisle seat, I did my best to flash him. He was a pro though. No reaction to tell if I was successful. So I went to a few other classes, feeling a little let down. His next lecture wasn’t until the last hour of the day, but I made sure I was in it. Evening classes tend to be small so I was hoping to make an impression. He narrowed his eyes when he saw me there, but otherwise, nothing unusual occurred. I lolly gagged my way out of the hall just in case, but no luck. No followers.

Certain I missed my chance, I wend my way through a fairly empty conference center to the hotel side. The sudden grab at my arm was bruising and the hand that buried itself in the hair at my nape jerked enough that tears jumped to my eyes. I was so caught off guard, a gasp was my only sound as I was swung into the restroom around the corner.

A male voice growled in my ear that little show off sluts get what they ask for, so no making a noise. He explained succinctly how he could get my license revoked for solicitation easily. And wasn’t that just what I was doing? Didn’t I want him to fuck me like a cheap whore?

A jerky panicked nod was all I managed.

My heart bumped hard in my chest when I realized I might be in over my head. A suit jacket already covered the mirror. No easy way to see my assailant, as he jammed my face in the empty corner. The rough shove was enough to convince me to stay while he locked the door.

He barked for me to keep my nose in the corner and kneel.

My face was so red from embarrassment as I unsteadily knelt to the ground, never raising my nose from the tile wall.

Raise your skirt was the next demand. As my bare ass came to light, he muttered that he’d thought as much. He patted my jacket pockets to find my panties from earlier this day. Jerking my head back, he jammed the damp fabric between my lips. He obviously intended to hear me scream but not enough to get us discovered. He placed my hands on the handicap bars and told me to leave them there.

Demanding I spread my knees, he shoved his finger into my cunt. Yep, you guessed, soaking wet. Growling, he promised me that if I let go of the bars without his permission, he’ll fuck my ass dry so I better hold on tight.

I death grip the bars as I hear his zipper come down. Ass out and bared to the room like a sex store display doll, anchored in place by my own submission, my mind is in full rebellion. That is until he nudges his cock to my entrance and once assured of its place, he sinks it into me full strength, full length. The force squashes my nose into the tile and I move so I can breath in the little corner he’s made my world. All thought of anything but his cock is forced from my brain. Driving relentlessly into my body, he’s energetically slamming my cervix. There apparently is no end to my body as he forces my walls to stretch to accommodate him. I’m whining through my impromptu gag. Annoyed by the sound, he pulls my head back so far I have trouble breathing as he uses my head to get leverage against my already battered cunt.

I feel like I am hanging there, barely breathing, skewered on a violent cock. Shame and excitement crash over me as I give in to being this random man’s fuck toy. I realize this is a fulfillment I have never felt. There’s nothing so easy and satisfying for me as being here, taken by a stranger.

My realization becomes action and I start fucking him back. Throwing myself onto his cock, wanting the pain and humiliation. It doesn’t go unnoticed.

You’re a natural he states heavily. You must love being some guys random fuck.

I nod. He pushes my face into the tile hard enough there will be lines later. I gasp gratefully for air.

You want this all the time don’t you? He pushed harder, but I still manage to nod.

You’re a natural born whore, just some warm place to dump cum. His words might as well be my own thoughts.

I could just make you my fuck toy. You’d like that.

Nodding again, his words have me on the edge of cumming.

But he already knows. His second hand leaves my hip and snakes to my clit. Pinching it hard and fast, he short-circuits my orgasm. My wail of despair and pain is met with laughter from him. My fight to move away from the pain sends him over the edge, Hands on my hips, he pumps his hot load into my pussy, holding himself there just to push his seed deeper into me.

He is barely softening before he pushes off of me, the sloppy sound of his cock leaving me barely heard over my tears. I’m hanging by the arms anchored still to the bars. The sound of water in the sink means he’s washing up, no care at all for the mess in the corner.

You can leave when the timer goes off, he states calmly. My minds eye sees his face full of disdain while his clothes rustle when he straightens them. The door clicks open and softly closes again

What seems like an eternity passes before the quiet ding, the recesses of my mind panicking as they calculate my bruised knees and shattered demeanor. I feel the drip of his cum and thank God I am already on birth control. Though God might not speak to me after this debacle. The timers sharp announcement allows me to carefully peel my fingers from the railings. I flex them to relieve the cramping before noticing a note under the plain kitchen timer on the floor

Typed on fine paper, it reads.

***Be here tomorrow at 9pm. There will be a package here for you. Follow the instructions IF you want to be my fuck toy as you claim . Your Master.***

I look at my disheveled appearance, tiles lines still etched plainly on my face and I grin.

Source: reddit.com/r/sexystories/comments/u0thtt/dumb_slut_at_a_conference_cnccoercion_part_1


  1. That’s fucking hot. Definitely gave me a baby boner as I watched the new episode of Billions. 👏🏿

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