Polar Bear Slut by Jezebel Rose [bestiality][erotica]

Polar Bear Slut

Hannah takes refuge during an arctic storm while exploring. Hiding away inside a nearby cave, she hopes to wait out the heavy snow. Unfortunately for Hannah, a pack of Polar Bears live within the depths – horny and in desperate need of a female to breed.

Surrounded by a horde of bears, Hannah will not be able to get away. Instead, she will be repeatedly bred by the animals. When Hannah realizes the sheer pleasure, her mind quickly shifts towards pleasuring the animals as best she can, in any way she can…

Polar Bear Slut

“Fuck,” Hannah said to herself, looking down at the map in her hands. “Shit, shit, shit! Fuck!!” Her eyes ran between the distance of her location and where she should have been hours ago. It was the pickup location for her – after being in the arctic for nearly a week alone, Hannah had been preparing for her return to civilization. Instead, however, she appeared to be almost three days’ walk from the destination.
“No, this can’t be happening.”

Hannah looked from the map up to several large glaciers several hundred feet in front of her. She could see the jagged spines of translucent ice jutting up towards the sky like skyscrapers glistening beautiful colors in the sun. Taking a deep breath, Hannah sighed and started walking, knowing she would not make the pickup.

With freezing below zero temperatures, Hannah realized the wind had picked up. Looking up into the sky, she noticed swollen storm clouds approaching. As the winds tugged at her thick parka, Hannah pushed onwards around the glaciers ahead.

“Fucking cold as hell,” Hannah groaned to herself, having run out of hand warmers just this morning. The air stung against her fingers through her thick woolen gloves. Then, without warning, the sky opened and began to pour snow and hail. Just like that, Hannah’s vision reduced to only an arm’s stretch away from her.

Considering her quick-flip tent for cover, Hannah remembered it was not suited for heavy hailstorms such as the one forming above. Remembering the jutted ice and potential cover, it was only a matter of minutes tramping through the heavy downpour until she reached the base of each spike. The hail smashed against the iceberg, creating loud ringing sounds.

Hannah tightened her heavy parka and then pulled out her waterproof flashlight. While she looked around, Hannah felt the hail hitting her back, stinging with pain from sheer speed and size. “I gotta get out of here, fuck.”

Noticing a large aperture in the iceberg ahead of her, Hannah immediately went to it and then looked around with the light. Nothing stood out of the ordinary except for what appeared to be dung on the dark ice beneath her. “Should be safe enough for now,” Hannah said, taking her backpack and setting it on the ground.

Lighting a small Sterno fire, Hannah held her fingers and warmed them over the flame. She opened the pack and then prepared herself a frozen meal within wrapped foil. While the foot warmed, Hannah stood and stretched, then looked around the cave.

Hannah saw just outside, hail pouring to the ground near the size of her fist. Thankful her timing was good with finding shelter; she couldn’t help but keep thinking she was hearing things come from the back of the cave. Although it sounded like an animal, Hannah was confident it was only her mind playing tricks on her. After walking around the entrance to the cave, Hannah pointed the light deeper. All she knew was that it continued, at that same size, further than her light could reach.

“Fuck it,” Hannah groaned before switching the light off. She walked over to the tiny flame and then removed her meal.

Again the same sound. It could have been the glaciers grinding against each other, or at least Hannah thought while she consumed her dinner, listening for the low rumbles to return. They did not.

Hannah unrolled her heated sleeping bag and then slid inside. Exhausted from the day, Hannah quickly fell into a relaxing, deep sleep.

The smell of fresh, warm meat blew into the cavern’s depth toward multiple packs of hibernating Polar Bears. Following the scent, each of the many animals salivated, eager for a mid-winter meal.

Hannah slept while the bears sniffed around her campsite, licking at her leftovers and poking through the backpack. Several of the males went directly for the meat. Using their oversized paws, they began to tear apart Hannah’s sleeping bag, awakening her.

Even though Hannah had been sleeping and had only just awoken, she shrieked in horror, trying frantically to remove herself from the shredded bag. Terrified, Hannah rolled to the side in an attempt to avoid the grasp of one of the larger bears towering over her.

Hannah felt tremendous weight pin her to the ground as she noticed another one of the bears working with this one to hold her down. Her eyes glanced around the dim cavern in an attempt to find something that could help her situation, but there was nothing, at least nothing within reach.

Watching the hefty bear on top of her begin to shred her clothing, Hannah couldn’t help but want to die. There was no doubt that these animals were here to eat her, and there was nothing she could do about it.

Hannah groaned as she felt herself thrown to the wall with a heavy smack. Grunting, her hands freezing without gloves on the frozen glacial floor, Hannah looked up at the monstrosity towering over her.

Even though Hannah could hear the pack of creatures within the cave, she couldn’t help but groan and cry in an attempt to save herself. She felt the last of her clothing torn from her legs, now exposed to the cold air and immediately starting to tingle with pain. Hannah tried to move her arms, but pain shot down her right should all the way to her fingertips. “Ugh… fuck…” Hannah groaned, reaching her right shoulder with her left hand, noticing the dislocation. Pain seared through her body just as she opened her eyes to see another one of the gigantic bears moving into position over her body. Was the animal going to fuck her?

Hannah fought to keep her eyes open against the freezing air, noticing the temperature had continued to drop overnight. She felt her exposed body numb from her fingertips, then creeping up her arms. Horrified, Hannah began to claw her way into the sleeping bag. Perhaps she could ball up, and the animals would leave her be.

Unable to get into a balled position or the bag, Hannah felt pulled back by the bear’s grip. Screaming, terrified, Hannah could feel something push her flat on the bag. Even though she could feel something, one of the bear’s tongues moving up between her legs, Hannah screamed again, knowing it was perilous.

Within moments the warmth began to creep up towards her hairy pussy. First, Hannah felt tears falling down her face while the animal, curious, began to explore her pussy. Then, groaning in pain from the wicked air, Hannah suddenly felt an overwhelming warmth. The tongue probing her pussy brought a sensation she hadn’t yet felt.

Hearing the animals grunt around her, Hannah watched in the dimly lit cave as they surrounded her and the absolute unit of a bear tonguing at her pussy. “Fuck,” Hannah whispered under her breath as she felt the animal slide his tongue all the way up the length of her pussy. “Jesus.”

Hannah’s moans of pleasure echoed throughout the cave while the sounds of hail faded into a chorus background, seemingly giving the animal a beat to his movements. Each licking of her pussy brought about such pleasure she had only ever could have hoped for in bed with an actual human.

Almost as if it were meant to be, Hannah’s back tightened in response to the pleasure of the animal going wild on her pussy. She could feel herself drooling and moving in motion with the white bear. Then, she felt the animal start to use his lips on her cunt, sucking at her juices. “Fuck!”

Another of the animals sauntered over to Hannah. The young woman could feel the ground shake with each paw landing. As much as it scared her, she could not stop but want to feel nature’s pure, unadulterated power.

Hannah closed her eyes, remembering when she had been younger, thinking about sucking on the family dog’s penis; however, her older sister told her no, so she did so. After that, she thought of everything she masturbated to, wanting to feel what it would be like to be with an animal. Again, however, society told her no, and she listened.

Now, in the middle of Antarctica, this polar bear, in some unknown cave, Hannah could be alone and unleash all the things she had wanted over the years. And all the things she had thought about when she fingered herself, thinking about animals.

Hannah bent her ass upwards, making it easier for the animal to access her opening. It helped fs she felt the bear sucking and tonguing inside her. Grunting in pleasure, Hannah felt herself tightening in response, orgasmic sensations ripping over her skin while another bear moved in front of her, putting its cock into her open mouth.

‘Fuck!’ Is what Hannah wanted to yelp; however, the cock penetrating her mouth kept her from releasing anything. Her mouth wide, she could feel herself stretching more and more. Then, Hannah realized the animal wasn’t hard when her hands touched the cock in her mouth.

Oh god. Are these going to get bigger?!

In front of her mouth, the Polar bear began to thrust, pounding into her throat, then touching her stomach with its tip. Hannah felt sensations she never even thought possible when its tongue went deep inside her pussy, farther than any man ever could, stretching the walls and her cervix.

It felt as if Hannah was losing her virginity again, and the hymen broke. Now, she could feel the animal’s energetic tongue feeling every part of her pussy, widening it with each movement. Hannah choked on the bear’s dick as it went down her throat repeatedly, penetrating her and finally withdrawing so she could breathe.

Hannah choked for a moment, then the cock went back into her mouth. She felt the animal licking her pussy withdraw. Then, without warning, the bear mounted her, clamping his front legs and locking Hannah tight. His soft hair pressed against Hannah’s back and warmed her while his penis searched for the female’s opening.

As much pleasure, as she was with the animal fucking her mouth, Hannah felt her pussy dripping with soaked wetness. Her pussy yearned for that bear’s dick. Then, just as she felt the cock inside her mouth go deep, she felt another dick – right inside her pussy, spreading her pussy lips.

Hannah felt herself start to black out from asphyxiation, but she couldn’t help but want even more of the animal’s dick inside her. Begging as much as she could, she pushed her pussy back on the thick tip. She could feel it going past her little pink outer folds, each slight movement sending waves of ecstasy throughout her body.

Deep guttural moans came from Hannah as pleasure seared through her body while the cock inside her mouth held tight. The world spun around her while she tried to smile, laughing to herself in a whirlwind of explosive ecstasy. Nothing made sense anymore as she felt her pussy stretch to accommodate for the absolute beast of a cock pushing into her pussy. It didn’t help that the animal’s dick had had a thick flat tip rather than a human’s. That flat head made it much more difficult and pleasurable as Hannah felt the dick going inside her body, seemingly spreading her wider than she thought possible.

While pain shot throughout Hannah’s body, she couldn’t help but want more. But, unfortunately, the animal fucking her throat hadn’t pulled out yet. Hannah could smell the thick, pungy sweat from the Polar bear’s dick while it went in and out of her throat, but never far enough to breathe.

Thick waves of pleasure shot through Hannah’s body while stars appeared in her vision. Then, the animal tightened hard inside her throat. Bursting with cum, it released, pumping hot cream down into her belly again and again.

Hannah groaned in pleasure while the animal came deep inside of her, and she could feel each thick bulge of cum that burst from the tip. Again it came, her lips feeling the bulge, then her tongue, and finally down her throat. Hannah sensed her belly filling with the animal’s cum, and she could breathe a bit through the tightening moments.
The animal finally broke through and went deep inside Hannah’s pussy, stretching and making its way all the way to the furthest depths. Smacking against her cervix, it quickly broke into her womb and began to hit her belly. Pain shot through her pussy for a moment, but it quickly dissipated as ecstasy overtook everything in her mind and body.

Hannah felt the bear pull his cock out of her mouth in one swift motion. Taking in a deep breath of air, Hannah choked for a moment, the world starting to stabilize.

Then, with a smile on her face, she pushed her ass back on the cock penetrating her pussy. Pleasure soared with each motion. She wanted more, and with that, she gripped the sleeping bag hard, then with the bear’s dick, she hit pushed back at just the right time.

“Oh, Jesus, fuck,” Hannah groaned, feeling the animal go all the way inside of her pussy in one swift motion. Then, again and again, it went, each in long movements in and out of her cunt, stretching and creating waves of orgasm to hit Hannah.

Barely able to stay conscious through sheer pleasure, Hannah moved in motion with the animal fucking. She could feel the animal tightening inside of her, ready to burst. With a smirk, she reached under between her legs with one hand.

Wrapping her fingers around the animal’s dick, she began to milk it, grabbing hold and then massaging his thick vein, begging it to cum inside her pussy. Her hand could feel the rod tighten and release, sending a thick load of cum into her cunt.

Hannah moaned in pleasure, feeling her pussy filled with the animal’s hot cum. She could sense the thick load coming as it passed her fingers and pulsed deep into her womb. Every time the bear unloaded, Hannah felt her body shake with orgasm, making her pussy tighten and constrict even more around the Polar bear’s rock-hard, cum-pumping dick.

Feeling fuller by the second, she felt the animal fucking her pussy harder and harder, thrusting into her and unloading repeatedly. Hannah groaned as she felt another cock slide into her mouth while the bear fucking her pussy had pulled his dick out, inch by inch. She noticed her pussy tightening almost immediately.

Dizzy from pleasure, Hannah felt another wave of ecstasy rush through her body while her pussy tightened again, this time unleashing cum squirting onto herself. Unable to control herself, Hannah felt the Polar bear fucking her throat start to go faster and faster. As much as it hurt, she desperately wanted the animal’s cum.

Just as Hannah relaxed, she felt another bear mount her, grab hold of her sides, then penetrate her deep. She could feel the slickness of her creamy pussy embracing the animal’s dick as it sunk into her fully. Hannah could feel the Polar bear’s balls against her clit, warm and soft, covered with long white hair. She felt the animal thrust inside her slowly, then faster and faster.

The rock-hard cock inside her mouth went at the same speed – fucking her hard and deep, thrusting and releasing precum. Hannah could taste the bear, and it was everything she had hoped it would be. Excited, Hannah gobbled on the Polar bear’s dick, sucking on the full-sized rod fervently. Her fingertips felt the thick veins pulse hard with each penetration, smacking his body against hers until the instinctual need to breed had been met.

Overwhelmed, Hannah felt the animal’s dick slide out of her mouth, thick and slobbered with cum and spit. Finally, she opened her mouth, ready for the next Polar bear. Then, she felt even more cum release into her pussy all at once.

“Fuck,” Hannah groaned as the animal thrust into her cunt and held its dick there, cumming repeatedly into her soaked pussy. She could feel the tremendous buildup of cum seeping out of her cunt and onto the bedroll while the bear continued to release inside of her.

The animal released, allowing for the next. However, the rest of the beasts had fallen asleep. Everywhere Hannah looked, she could only see mounds of white hair throughout the cavern. There was no easy way out, not that Hannah had anywhere to go, especially after reaffirming her thoughts with the sound of pelting hail.

Hannah took a deep breath and laid against the closest bear, engulfing herself in the warmth. Then, with a smile on her face, she closed her eyes, satisfied.

Cum leaked from her pussy while she slept, and several of the bears took turns fucking Hannah’s pussy. Hannah awoke each time and happily took care of each.

The following day, Hannah realized the animals had brought her food – a corpse. After cooking the beast, Hannah had a full stomach and a good outlook. However, she wasn’t sure she wanted to leave her new friends.

Hannah took to life with the Polar bears, enjoying their vigorous breeding sessions and intense pregnancies that followed year by year. Being their only female in the pack, she had a demanding role to fill – yet she filled it enough to keep her within the group. Hannah had found out who the alpha was and who she should stay away from. The pack was her family, and she loved them.

<3 Love <3

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[New Erotica Bundles](https://www.smashwords.com/books/byseries/34262?ref=JezebelRose)

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Website: https://jezebel-rose.com/

Discord: https://discord.gg/9zN3NvQ

Source: reddit.com/r/Erotica/comments/tzxbq1/polar_bear_slut_by_jezebel_rose_bestialityerotica