[mf][preg] It’s A Man’s World, But Space Belongs To The Women: Chapter 1

The Tanaka near-light-speed (NLS) Drive technology was technically usable for a long time, but it held a terrible cost- the gravity made it totally liquefy humans, rendering it a useful scouting tool for the first forty years after its inception, humanity keenly looking on as the probes that ventured outside the solar system discovered Goldilocks planets, asteroids rich with materials, and vast deposits of natural gases just floating around in space.

Then, an ingenious chemist called Dmitry Johnson, the son of a Russian climate refugee and American business mogul, invented what is now lovingly referred to as ‘jump juice’; a serum injected just before hitting NLS to avoid the liquefication problem by a technology sufficiently advanced to be described as magic.

This immediately opened up the stars to humanity, with asteroid mining triggering a second boom of commerce, and outposts on many planets outside of our solar system starting to put down roots. It was the dawn of a new era of human civilisation, narrowly escaping the confines of the Earth as climate change slowly rendered vast swathes of Australia, Africa, and America uninhabitable, underwater, or perpetually on fire.

The only issue?

Some genomic fault in the Y chromosome makes the jump juice that’s needed to survive NLS lethal to men, rendering the men totally mush. Even their sperm was unusable, the proteins totally unbinding, making any sort of artificial insemination impossible.

So, all the miners and space ships are staffed by women- men were landlocked, doomed to live out their last days on the planet that they had destroyed. A couple lucky ones managed to buy tickets aboard The Golden Cage fleet, generation ships that were en-route to the distant budding colony of Tanaka, a city founded on Eroad, a goldilocks planet that was several hundred years away; the men would die aboard, but those floating fortresses of opulence were admittedly the largest genomic pool available outside of the Pale Blue Dot.

Save for a few, lucky men with the mysterious combination of genes that could withstand the jump juice. I was one of those lucky men.

It was a one in a million chance to actually have the gene, but after a particularly good haul, I had treated it just like a scratchy ticket- it wasn’t a genuine hope of mine, it was more the opportunity to dream. It was the week of playful ribbing with my mates that I’d be jetting off to the stars to fuck all the babes I could ever handle. It was not meant to be the armed escorts, the cameras.

I was apprehended by Aphrodis Corp, an offworld company that specialised in the construction of the biodomes that were to be installed on distant Goldilocks planets. In exchange for signing a contract, my family would be taken care of on Earth, lifted out of the poverty, and I would never want for money. Six hundred yen every day of employ, terminable at the end of my virility, which would naturally be extended as far into the future as possible.

Once in orbit, I began a brutal season of gene modifications in order to reach “flight ready” status; usually reserved for teenaged girls destined for NLS Drive travel, the course was designed to turn off the markers that told the body “stop puberty”, which would help minimize the risk of strokes. In me? My puberty manifested as mood swings, a horniness which was never satiable, a further deepening of my voice, dropping of my balls, and satisfying lengthening of my cock. The cocktails of chemicals turned my DNA into the equivalent of an empty hotel room- filler DNA that wouldn’t trip off any of the usual incestuous defects when my progeny eventually bred in two decade’s time. I was nothing more than a method to convert the women’s DNA into male babies.

The way that Aphrodis Corp kept me under lock and key, even going so far as to hide my existence, and only bring about what I could only assume were call girls to satisfy me during the puberty made me suspect that the investment was significant. And then, I was assigned. To the distant planet of Cytherea, which Aphrodis had apparently purchased a significant stake in, and then discovered deposits of iron that had gone undetected; a kingmaker of space, the iron would make Cytherea a shipbuilder, a commerce hub, and more. And I was responsible for founding it.

I grunted, closing my eyes in concentration. It was only my second day, and the NLS equivalent of jetlag had still not ran its course, but my handler Sarah had insisted that I was ready. I had gotten to know her a bit in the shuttle over, but only as far as she would allow- the majority of the days were spent with her going over every aspect of my health history with a fine-toothed comb, right back down to the dates of my vaccinations for long wiped out diseases. If she thought that I was ready, then fuck, I guess I was ready.

The girl was moaning like a porn star, or at least, her impression of one. She’d had the same course of gene-mods that I had- in her, it had manifested as a chest that would have turned heads on Earth any day of the week, stacked onto a deliciously petite frame. I could see the tip of my cock gently distending her belly as she flexed her thighs, lifting herself on and off of me, moaning in ecstasy as her body moved on top of mine, riding me to my first orgasm of the day. “Oh fuck, squeeze my tits!” She said, leaning forward and placing her hands on either side of me. I obliged, tweaking a nipple in one hand, and beginning to pump up as the slight change in position afforded me more room to move.

Her eyes rolled back in her head, and I felt her pussy clamp down on my shaft as her muscles clenched tight around me. Her mouth opened wide, and then closed, and I watched her tongue slide between her lips in concentration as her leg began to shudder. A moment later, and I felt her body suddenly tense, the sound of wet slapping accompanied by a string of muffled cries. My own breath was ragged in my throat, and I felt a warmth begin to grow inside me.
A few more thrusts followed, and she came again, and then I too was feeling the familiar sensation of release. As her body shuddered in pleasure, I felt my cock twitch, and knew that the flood gates had been opened. I buried myself deep into her, taking her to her cervix, and began filling her womb with my seed. She gave a cry as her body arched and then collapsed on top of mine, both of us breathing hard. I looked down at her, her face contorted in pleasure as I continued to pump my semen into her, and she gave a small smile before falling limp against my chest.

She sat there for ten minutes, which according to Sarah would ensure the best chances of successful impregnation. Then, daintily, she removed herself, holding a hand over her pussy, and excused herself from the room, smiling slightly. I admired the figure as she walked, and rubbed my eyes, looking at the clock. The days were twenty eight hours long; not foreign enough to feel like a totally different world like the sleepless Luna, but long enough for me to yelp in surprise as Sarah cleared her throat. She had been watching the entire time, but my lust and jetlag had made me forget about the woman completely; all I could think about was planting my seed in that girl- a girl whose name I didn’t even remember, who Sarah had introduced me to just an hour prior. Who had just been impregnated by me, a total stranger. The only man for billions of miles. Sarah’s chest was moving up and down heavily, and she had a redness to her face. Though she was clinical, she was not without feelings. “Alright, your next appointment is in an hour.” She said, looking down at her tablet. “You got it, doc.” I said, my cock still dribbling slightly. She was right. I *was* ready.

*Hi there, I hope that you like this. I adapted this from a roleplay premise of mine, which in turn was somewhat adapted from the Expanse series. Apologies for the wall of exposition- it makes it read a little stilted, but is necessary to set up the premise of an entire planet of women that need to be bred by a single man. When I have written a little more, I will rework it to be more similar to a regular novella- for now it’s just enough to give context. Everybody in the story is above 18 years of age.*

Source: reddit.com/r/sexystories/comments/txesv8/mfpreg_its_a_mans_world_but_space_belongs_to_the