Echoes in the Void [F, Solo]

Her eyelids come together, hiding the depths of the green windowpanes that lead to her soul. Her thin yet curvy figure filled with ecstasy, and her back and long black hair touched the bed simultaneously. She reaches down to her thighs, covered in a black coated lining, running her nails up to her light pink hoodie. It always felt nice to lie back after long walks in the rain. But for now, it was time to rest and gather her senses.

The ceiling above her, staring intensely and watching as she began to fidget quietly. The only thing to be heard was the ruffling of clothes underneath her fingertips. Her hands had made their way up underneath her dampened hoodie, gaining warmth from her skin beneath. This feeling only enticed her to see just how warm she was. She began to rub her belly softly and slowly. Her breath leaves her body and gently touches her soft pink lips on the way out.

She took a deep breath through her nose, and her cheeks began to redden. Her hands had already found their way to her soft breasts without a second thought. They filled her hands perfectly as she began to let her body take over for her. Her mind was completely closed off, surrounding her with echoes into the void.

The vibrations of empty thoughts bounced from her peripherals into the deep abyss of her mind, and she felt tingles from below. The tip of her nail grazes the most sensitive part of her body, and circles of pleasure radiate throughout her core. Her feet slide up closer to her back as she realizes there’s no stopping what has started.

Slowly, she feels the warmth on her middle and ring finger, encased by her very essence. She twitches below, accepting her guests as the door opens. Her fingers curl up inside to rub the ceiling of her warm hallway. Her stomach tightens instinctively as the chandeliers of her self-love start swinging faster and faster.

The void flashes with bright lights in what feels like forever, shrouded in unexplainable colors known to human eyes for a short moment. As her body tightens, her legs come together to signal that the bell has rung. Pulsating pleasure fills her entire body, and she loses herself and becomes engulfed at the moment.
She lets out a deep breath, giving her lungs the oxygen she needs to relish in the feelings her neighbors have given her. It’s always nice to feel such a warm and welcome embrace.

Within moments after her experiences, everything goes dark. Her body now lies dormant, appreciating its recovery.

Her eyelids release the grip they once had on her glowing green windowpanes as she awakes from her slumber. She smiles softly and lays her head to the side as her body tingles in the afterglow of what happened minutes before.
