Apartment 303 – Chapter 3: She Wanted Me To See This! [MF]

*Author’s Note: Welcome back! Things sure got erotic in Chapter 2 – mutual masturbation with Kelly and Jamie! If you missed earlier chapters, you can find them on my community page* r/KellyBoomErotica*. Let’s see what happens next in Apartment 303! Enjoy, and as always DMmeYOURpussies!*

**- Chapter 3: She Wanted Me To See This! -**

The ceiling fan in Jamie’s room provided a much needed breeze. Having slept until almost eleven, I woke up sweating under my blanket. I threw it off me, opened the window, turned on the fan, and fell back onto the bed. As I watched the fan whirl in circles I replayed the previous night’s escapade in my mind. *That must have been a dream. No way Jamie manipulated me into jerking off in her bed, then let me cum all over her. There’s just no fucking way that really happened.* My stomach growled and I realized how famished I was. I rolled off the bed, noticing the bits of dried cum splattered across my blanket. I balled up the blanket so the other roommates wouldn’t see the mess and walked out of Jamie’s room. I paused at the doorway, looked back, and gave a little nod of appreciation for one of the most erotic, bizarre nights of my life.

Jamie was lounging on the couch, scrolling on her phone. Charlie was buttering a piece of toast in the kitchen. “Good morning,” I said with a groggy voice.

Jamie looked up from her phone, “Good morning sleepyhead.” She gave a little smirk, but quickly returned her attention to her phone.

“Want a piece of toast?” Charlie asked.

“Yes, please. I’m starving.”

“I gotcha. So, looks like you and Jamie had a late night rendezvous?”

My eyes shot over to Jamie. I silently mouthed “You tell her?” Jamie shook her head. I turned to Charlie, who was now spreading jam on her toast, and responded, “What? No.”

Charlie looked up from her toast, “Well, you obviously slept in her room and I found her on the couch this morning.”

“Oh, yeah,” I sighed. “Jamie was kind enough to let me sleep in her bed. Thanks again Jamie, I really needed to stretch out. I feel so much lighter this morning.”

“No problem,” Jamie responded, not lifting her eyes from her phone or acknowledging my double entendre.

“Tracy up yet?”

“Oh yeah, she’s an early riser. Not sure where she ran off to though,” Charlie said as she set our plates down on the table. She spun, grabbed the butter and jam, then sat at the table next to me. “What are you up to today?”

“Hanging here until my mattress gets delivered. If it’s not too late after that I was going to walk around campus. I still haven’t been.”

“Oh wow, I didn’t realize you’ve never visited campus before. I’d be happy to meet up and show you around. I’m going to the campus library soon.”

“That’d be great! Thank you. I’ll give you a buzz when I leave the apartment. Jamie, what are you up to today?”

Eye’s still glued on her phone. I didn’t know if that was to avoid eye contact with me out of embarrassment or guilt, or if she was just playing it cool, or if last night was a one-time thing and she’d already moved past it. Past me. I really hoped not. Jamie wasn’t my usual type, neither physically or personality-wise, but I was dying to actually touch her body. It definitely seemed like she wanted to fool around again. And her comment about wanting me to cum immediately upon licking her cunt insinuated that. “My shift starts in about an hour,” the disappointment of having to go to work oozed through her voice. “Fuck, in fact I gotta get ready.” Jamie sluggishly pulled herself off the couch and trudged to her room carrying her pillow and comforter.

Charlie and I chit-chatted while we ate our toast. She was a literature major, wanting to write novels after college. She worked part-time at a record store just off campus, which she loved. It was so dead in the shop most of the time that she could read and do homework. I told her I was majoring in criminology, which she found fascinating. I didn’t have a lot to tell her about the subject, seeing as I hadn’t actually taken a class yet, but she wanted me to tell her everything moving forward. She said it would help her write better crime thrillers.

“Is that what you want to write, crime novels?”

“Yes, but I also love sci-fi and fantasy. Which, if you think about it, most of the good ones are crime thrillers set in space or some magical land.”

“Yeah, The Expanse series has a lot of crime thriller aspects to it I guess.”

“You like sci-fi?”

“Totally. Sci-fi and fantasy are probably the genres I read the most. So, if you have any recommendations.”

“Oh plenty. Just go in my room anytime and grab whatever book you want. I only keep the good ones, so any you pick already has my recommendation.”

“Awesome, thank you. Do you mind if I grab one today while I wait for my mattress?”

“Yeah, go ahead. But when you do, don’t judge me on my collection of romance novels. They’re my guilty pleasure.”

“Whatever gets you off,” I said without really thinking it through first. “Oh shit, I’m sorry. That was inappropriate.”

Charlie just giggled, “You’re funny. I’m glad you moved in Kelly.” She stood up, “Well, I’m off to the library. Text me when you get to campus.” She put her plate in the sink and went to her room. I could hear her rummaging around for a minute, then “Okay, bye,” as she rushed out the door, her cheeks a little flushed. The door banged closed before I could say goodbye.

I was washing the dishes when Jamie came into the living room freshly showered, her hair still damp. She was wearing a tight v-neck shirt, which would’ve revealed a lot of cleavage if she had any to reveal. However, she wasn’t wearing a bra again and her nipples poked out a little. Tight calf-length bluejeans that hugged her ass real nice. She looked delicious. I just wanted to pick her up and carry her back into her bedroom. I resisted the urge and simply asked, “You off to work?”

“Yup. I have a double shift at the bar so I won’t be home until after 2.”

“Rough. What bar you work at? Maybe I’ll come in for a beer tonight?”

“It’s called Park Ave. Don’t go there though. The drinks are overpriced and the clientele are douchey. Tips are great though, hence why I work there.”

Feeling like I just got shot down, “Oh, okay,” I responded meekly.

Jamie must have sensed it because she put her hand on my arm, “I *really* enjoyed last night. I was rubbing my clit this morning thinking about it.”

I perked up, “Oh my god, I woke up positive that I’d dreamt the whole thing!”

“You didn’t dream it daddy. I got all your cum. We’ll have to do it again soon.” She stood on her tiptoes and I had to lean down quite a bit for her to kiss me on the cheek.

“Maybe next time I can …”

She cut me off, “I don’t think you’re ready to taste the goods yet daddy. But I want your cum again soon.” She gave a wink and walked out the door.

After I took my blanket down to the building’s laundry room I took up Charlie’s offer to find a book. She had a large bookshelf stocked completely full. There were even stacks of books piled up on top of the bookshelf. I browsed row-by-row. Most I’d never heard of. There were plenty of sci-fi and fantasy, romance, but also classics, thrillers, books of poems. If I looked long enough, I was sure I’d find every genera. *Geez, if these are only the good ones, I wonder how many books she’s read?* I found one with an interesting title, stepped back and without looking sat on the edge of her bed. I sat right on something, grabbed it, and stared in disbelief. I was holding Charlie’s dildo. It was very lifelike, besides the neon pink color. It had veins, balls, and a bulbous cockhead. A young woman having a dildo wasn’t what shocked me. It was the instant realization that Charlie left it out, right on top of her bed knowing she’d invited me to go into her room. She wanted me to see this! It all made sense, well the rummaging sounds and her flushed face leaving the apartment in a hurry made sense. Why she wanted me to find the dildo didn’t make sense. *What the fuck is happening to me. First Jamie, now Charlie.* I considered texting Charlie with either a joke about finding the dildo, or a straight-forward text about how my dick was better than a dildo, but I thought better of it. If Charlie wants to make a move then we’ll see what happens, but I already had something going on with Jamie. And, there was a real possibility that Charlie hadn’t intentionally left the dildo for me to find. In which case, bringing it up could make things really awkward real fast. I put the dildo back on her bed, resigning myself to forget about it, took the book and closed her bedroom door on my way out.

Source: reddit.com/r/Erotica/comments/txw1vn/apartment_303_chapter_3_she_wanted_me_to_see_this


  1. I know, I know… I lied to y’all and I’m sorry. I said the next chapter wouldn’t come out until this weekend, but I’m just so excited to share that I had to post early.

    So, question for you lovely readers. How often do you read erotic stories? I don’t want to burn you out or leave you hanging too long. Let me know.

    And as always DMmeYOURpussies! I received my first DM and it was heaven!

  2. Personally I read every single day and always try to come back for the good ones…..ie: this one!!! Keep them coming bud!!

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