The Lady in the Tent [MF] [Magical Stimulation]

Ardor closed the heavy tent flap behind him and inhaled the air thick with incense. The inside of the tent was different from what he had been expecting, but he didn’t really know what to expect in the first place. The ground was covered with colorful rugs and blankets with plush pillows thrown every which way. A small candle burned next to a woman relaxing on a large cushion.

“It was awfully rude of you to enter with your shoes on,” the woman said without looking up from her book. “And without knocking, too.”

“There, well, there was nothing to knock upon,” Ardor stammered.

“Your shoes still muddy my rug, boy.” Ardor saw the womans green eyes as she looked up from her book.

Ardor hastily removed his sandals. He put them down by the entrance and looked over to the woman. He felt awkward and uncomfortable in front of her.

“Well?” The woman asked. She eyed him expectantly.

“I heard rumors, madam, of a woman in a tent outside town who offered…” Ardor paused shyly. “Services.”

“Is that so?” The woman set her book aside, marking her place with a carefully folded page. “Where did you hear rumors of such a woman?”

“I overheard a man at the tavern. They said that you were one of those who practice magic.”

“Ah, so you think I might be this woman?” The woman slowly stood from her cushion. Ardor drank in the sight of her.

“Well, you do have this tent, and…” Ardor trailed off.

The woman laughed lightly. “Oh, don’t worry. I’m simply giving you a hard time. Please, tell me your name.” She smiled.

“I’m Ardor, madam.”

“Ardor. Such a pretty name.” The woman slowly crossed the room. “Tell me, Ardor, what service were you imagining? I’ve many that I perform.”

Ardor blushed. “I’m not sure how this works. Do I need to pay before or after or do I just not pay at all…”

“Hush.” The woman put a finger up to Ardors mouth. “You’re nervous,” she said. “Don’t be.” She moved to his side, tracing her hand along the side of his chest. “Have you ever been with a woman before?”

Ardor flustered. “I, well, I haven’t really done anything with a woman before.”

“So you’re a virgin?”

Ardor looked away. “Yes.” She was standing so close next to him now. Even though she was a little shorter than he was, it felt as though she was towering over him.

“Ardor?” she asked.

He looked to her. He could feel her breasts press against his arm. “Yes?” He noticed that he had been breathing deeply. When did that start?

“I need you to say you want it.”

His mouth dried up. His heart beat in his chest. He knew his answer with the entirety of his being. He stared into her eyes. “I need it,” he said.

Her smile deepened. “Virgins are always so much fun.” Something danced across the womans iris. They had been green earlier, but now they seemed darker and lighter at the same time. He stared, transfixed in her gaze. She guided Ardors hands towards his pants.

“Undo your belt,” she said. She had said it simply and plainly, but it like a divine command to Ardor. His hands hastily undid his belt buckle. He felt his erection surging in his pants, screaming to be let out. He lowered his pants and stood, his cock harder than it had ever been before. The shame of having himself bare in front of a woman for the first time was drowned out by the sudden lust he felt driving through his system. He couldn’t look away from her eyes.

“You’re quite excited, aren’t you?” she teased. She ran her hands down towards his groin. “I’m sure you’re looking forward to your first time.”

Ardors inhaled sharply as she traced her fingers just above the base of his cock. They were so close to touching him, to giving him what he wants, but he could see in her eyes that this woman was playing with him.

“Please,” he begged. He looked down and moved his hand on top of hers. “Just a little lower-”

“Stop,” she commanded.

The authority in her voice shocked him. He saw her eyes were aflame.

“That’s not how this works. You don’t tell me what to do.” The woman moved her hand on top of his and shifted it around to her lower back. “If you keep your hands where they are, and you do what I say, I’ll be willing to overlook this small transgression.”

Ardor swallowed. “As you say, madam.”

“Good.” The woman wrapped her hand around the base of his cock.

Ardor gasped as a spike of pleasure coursed through him. It was the first time a woman had ever touched him, and she would let him do nothing but stand there and stare into her eyes. His hand tightened on her back, pulling up the loose fabric of her dress. Her hand worked its way slowly up and down.

With her free hand the woman held onto the back of Ardors head, pulling him close. The smile on her face was playful, but stern. “Close your eyes,” she said, “and let the feeling take over.”

Ardor closed his eyes and rested his head on her shoulder. The floral smell of her hair filled his mind and magnified the sensation of her hand. His chest was heaving as he continually exhaled hot heavy breath onto the woman’s shoulders.

“You’re doing well,” she said. Her hand increased speed.

“Oh, gods,” Ardor moaned. It felt as though a dam had been holding back all the sexual pleasure in his life, and this woman’s hand was making it start to leak.

The woman’s free hand moved from the back of his head to the side of his hip, pulling him closer to her. Everywhere she touched seemed to light a fire of lust inside him.

“I know what you’re thinking,” she whispered. Her breath was hot on his ears. “You want to fuck me right now, don’t you?”


“Too bad. If you make any move, I’ll stop right now and you’ll leave with your balls as filled as you entered.” Her free hand traced up his back and held firmly onto the nape of his neck. Pleasure surged from her hand into the back of Ardor’s head. Whatever he was about to say was lost as a powerful moan forced its way out of him. He was near orgasm now.

“You’re almost there.” Her voice was full of sweet authority. “But you need to do one more thing before I let you get what you want.”



“P-please let me…” he stammered out before a shot of pleasure coursed through her hand on his neck. The dam inside him should’ve exploded open by now, letting him soak in a river of lust, but the woman was doing something to keep it together.

“I’m afraid I didn’t get that last bit. Please let you what?” she teased. She knew what she was doing.

“Please, let me cum. I need it, I need more than anything.”

“Very well.” He could practically hear the smug smile on her lips. A flood of pleasure emanated from the woman’s hands as she tightened her grip on Ardors cock and neck.

The dam had broken.

Despite his efforts to maintain some form of dignity in front of this woman, Ardor screamed in rapturous euphoria as the orgasm rocked his body and he shot cum across the tent. The woman moved the hand on his neck and pet Ardor across his head. The massive wave of the orgasm had passed, yet still smaller ones followed in its wake. Ardors shaking legs gave out and he fell on top of the pillows. His mouth hung limply open as guttural sounds of raw pleasure forced their way out of him.

“My, my,” the woman said, admiring the cum on her hand, “you’re more susceptible than most.”


When Ardor was able to think again, the woman was to lounging on her cushion and reading the book she put down earlier.

“You were down for a while, young man.” She rested the book in her lap. “I take it you enjoyed my services?”

“Y-yes.” Ardor shakily brought himself to a sitting position. He still felt small aftershocks of pleasure. “These pillows are, um, very comfortable.”

“Can you walk?”

Ardor tested his legs, slowly getting up. “I think so.”

“Good. You may leave now.” The woman looked back down at her book. “You may want to pull your pants back up.”

Ardor looked down and saw himself exposed. He blushed and hastily pulled his pants back up.

“T-thank you.” Ardor clumsily put his shoes back on, flinging mud onto the rug. Through her hands alone she had brought him the most powerful orgasm of his life.

“Why, thank you, Ardor.” The woman glanced up from her book.. “The pleasure was all mine.”

Ardor stood at the exit for a moment.

“Run along now. I’m sure they miss you back home.” She made a shooing motion with her hand.

“Y-yes, of course.” Ardor opened the tent flap and walked back to his village in post-orgasmic bliss, unaware that his coin purse was a few coins lighter than when he had left it.


Thank you for reading! This is my first time writing anything smutty, so I’ve definitely got room to grow. The primary goal of this story was just to see if I could write a basic sex scene. Next time I hope to have more actual plot, which I think will be more interesting.

I hope you enjoyed something from this (very short) story!
