At Sophie’s Mercy – Ch. 02 [FM][Femdom][Mind Control][Humiliation}

I had enlisted a couple strong-looking men to carry all my shopping bags out to John’s Audi. Of course, they agreed right away when I told them to give me a hand. They followed me to nearly every store in the mall, while I hung all my bags on their arms and racked up tens of thousands of dollars of credit card debt for John in a matter of hours.

As soon as they had finished loading the car, I waved them away. I could have any man I wanted with a single word, which meant I could afford to treat them as little more than accessories to put on and take off when I liked. I climbed in the Audi and leaned back against the seat, closing my eyes. This felt fucking great. I had gotten my hair and nails done and purchased an entire brand new wardrobe in a just an afternoon. Even with just a small taste of a life like this, I knew I was never going to go back to struggling. I had been given a gift. With one snap of my fingers, I could have anything I wanted and I intended to have everything.

It wasn’t until I pulled in the parking lot of my apartment that I regretted dismissing the men I had picked up at the mall. There was a lot of stuff to bring in. After the moral victory of the afternoon, it felt like a huge step backwards for me to bring it all in myself. This couple walked out of the building on the way to their car. I got an idea and rolled down my window.

“Hey!” The couple turned to look at me. I beckoned them with a single finger. They came right over and I spoke to the guy, “You look strong enough. I’m gonna have you bring in my bags for me.”

Slack-jawed, the man nodded in agreement. I grabbed my purse and stepped out of my car. I hit the key fob to open the trunk and walked between the couple. The man moved to grab my bags. His girlfriend grabbed his arm. “What the fuck are you doing? This bitch snaps her fingers and you jump into action? Let’s get out of here.”

Her boyfriend didn’t even seem to hear her. He was loading up his arms with as much as he could carry. I stopped halfway across the parking lot and turned on the woman. “What’s your name, Honey?” I asked with false sweetness.

“Erica, you fucking bitch. What makes you think you can boss other people around?”

I smiled at her, “Erica, I’m going to fuck your boyfriend. Why don’t you take a drive for a couple hours?”

Erica turned nearly three shades of red, but she couldn’t help buy obey me. She screamed every obscenity imaginable as she got in her car and drove off, glaring at me until she was out of sight. I looked at her boyfriend who was waiting next to me with so many shopping bags that he looked like he might collapse. “What’s your name, Baby?”

“Luke,” he grunted.

“Ok, Luke, if she gives you a hard time when she gets back, let me know and I’ll straighten her out. Now, come on, I’ll show you where to put those bags and then you can come get the rest.” Luke followed me into me apartment, powerless to do anything else.

By the time Luke finished bringing everything inside, he was breathing heavy and his arms ached. I called him from my bedroom and he came right away. I was lying on my bed, scrolling through my phone. I had taken my pants off and thrown them into the corner in a pile. Poor Luke looked lost. He had no idea what was happening to him. He probably thought he was dreaming.

Without looking up at him I said, “I decided I’m too tired to fuck you right now, so I’m just going to have you eat my pussy out instead.” Luke went down on me like it was the thing he was born to do. He wasn’t particularly skilled, but he was plenty enthusiastic. I gave him a few instructions so he would do what I liked.

While he gave it his all, I looked up some things on my phone. I had a new car and plenty of new clothes, but suddenly I felt like my very modest apartment wasn’t up to my new standard of living. This first day was a good start, but I had a plan to achieve the life I really deserved.

Nearly ten minutes had passed and Luke was no closer to getting me off than when he started. “Luke, Honey,” I told him, “I don’t think you’re going to get me off. You don’t have it in you. Go grab my vibrator.” I pointed at my nightstand. Luke looked heartbroken, but he went to grab it anyway. I noticed the poor guy was rock hard. It felt wrong for me to use him to get off and send him away with a boner. Then I realized that those feelings of guilt didn’t apply to me anymore. If I was going to live for myself, I couldn’t afford to care about everyone else getting what they wanted. There was nothing wrong with getting my needs taken care of. I had to keep telling myself that.

With the assistance of my vibrator, Luke was finally able to bring me to orgasm. Afterwards, I dismissed him to go sit at home and wait for the arrival of his furious girlfriend. Almost as soon as the door closed, I put him out of my mind. I had big plans for the next day.

I texted John:

Goddess Sophie: I’ll have Starbucks tomorrow AM. Venti, seven pump, no water chai latte.

Goddess Sophie: 56 Grand Teton St Apt. 39

Goddess Sophie: 7:00

A minute later a flurry of texts came in from John. I didn’t bother reading them. He was saying something about how his wife had left to stay with her sister. He wasn’t going to run errands for me. I was a bitch. I rolled my eyes and set my phone to Do Not Disturb and then spent the night on my phone searching for the nicest penthouse apartments I could find in a city with palm trees.

I woke up the next morning to the buzzer for my apartment going off. I checked my phone. It was 7 AM on the dot. Good boy, I thought. I took my phone off Do Not Disturb. John had texted me dozens of times the night before and then kept texting me all morning. I ignored them all and tapped out a text to him:

Goddess Sophie: Don’t touch the buzzer again. I’ll let you in when I’m ready.

I sent the text to him and a few seconds later the buzzer stopped going off. I swung my legs out from under the covers to go get ready. Then I thought, Fuck that asshole! I crawled back under the covers, set my phone back to Do No Disturb and closed my eyes. John would wait on me as long as I wanted. He didn’t have a choice. I fell back asleep with a smile on my face, thinking about all the things I would make John would buy for me.

When I woke up again it was nearly 11 AM. I chuckled to myself, knowing that bigshot, rich businessman John had to be madder than he had ever been in his life and yet he wouldn’t be able to do a thing about it. I went through my morning routine, taking care to take my time. I did my makeup and hair. I wanted to look good today.

I went over to the intercom and hit the button to let John in. A minute later he was banging on my door. I calmly swung it open. John was standing on the other side of the door looking furious, but the words died on his lips. I smiled. I had rendered him speechless without a word, just by looking like a real-life goddess who had showed up just to ruin his life.

“Good morning, John. Come in,” I stepped aside to let him in, grabbing the Starbucks cup out of his hand as he walked by. I shut the door behind him.

“What makes you think you can do this? You’ve got a lot of fucking nerve! I have more important shit to do than stand around all morning waiting for you and bringing you Starbucks!” John was turning red, yelling at me and jabbing his finger in the air at my chest. I noticed that even though he was pissed, he still couldn’t take his eyes off my boobs. I had put on one of the tops I had bought the day before that made my tits look incredible. Apparently, it was working.

I calmly took a sip of my drink and made a face. John’s rant petered out. “It’s cold,” I said.

“Well of course it fucking is! You made me stand there for hours!”

I pulled the lid off and handed John the cup. “Dump this on your head, John.”

“I will not!” He yelled at me, but even as he did he dumped the entire cup on his head.

I smiled innocently. “Now, shut your fucking mouth and go get me another one.” John’s mouth clamped shut and he marched out of the room stiffly and against his will. I closed the door behind him and settled on the couch to wait. When he came back half an hour later, he still couldn’t speak to me and I didn’t say anything to him. I just took the latte from him and sipped it while I scrolled through Zillow listings.

I left him standing there unable to speak and covered in the stains from my latte. After a while I glanced up and noticed that he looked like he was straining to say something. He couldn’t open his mouth, but he was trying with every ounce of his strength.

“What do you need to say so badly, John?” I asked him, releasing the hold on his mouth.

“How are you doing this to me?” John asked quietly. He sounded thoroughly whipped.

“It’s very simple. I’m a goddess and you’re a pathetic, little man. A goddess gets to play with mortals however she wants.”

John remained silent for a moment. I went back to scrolling on my phone. “Are you really a goddess?” John asked.

I stood and walked over to him. He was quite a bit taller than me so I pointed at the floor and he dropped to his knees. “What do you think, John?”

John thought about it for a minute. “I think you have to be.”

I rubbed his bald head. “Smart boy.”

“What are you planning to do with me?”

I smiled and said, “Whatever the fuck I want.” He looked petrified. “The first thing you’re going to do is get us flights to Miami and rooms in a five-star hotel. I need to get out of this apartment. Then you’re going to set me up in an apartment I deserve. Something on a high floor and expensive.”

“Sophie,” John sputtered, “I’m not as wealthy as you think I am. I’m going to go broke if you keep spending my money like this.”

With a single finger, I tilted his chin up to look me in the eye. “I’ll spend every dollar you have and you’ll thank me for it. You’ll be begging me to put you in debt before I’m done with you.” John gulped.

I sent him home to make arrangements for our trip and so that I could pack in peace. He was miserable company even if it did turn me on to dominate him. In Miami, I would have to make sure I spent as little time around him as possible. John called a couple hours later to tell me that he had booked our tickets for the next morning and he had gotten us a hotel room at a five-star hotel room.

“One hotel room?” I asked him.

“They only had one, Sophie!” he tried to explain.

“Absolutely not,” I told him, “I’m not sharing a room with you, John. Get yourself another room.”

“Ok,” he conceded.

“Actually, since you’re so worried about your finances, you can get yourself a motel room. Book the cheapest one you can find.”

“Sophie, you-,” John started indignantly. I hung up on him.

The next morning I was waiting for him with a couple bags packed with my favorite of the clothes I had bought the day before. I didn’t bring all of it, but I wasn’t worried about that. No doubt John would love to buy me more clothes in Miami. Just like the day before I put a lot of effort into looking good. I was really enjoying feeling like a goddess and a large part of that was looking the part. John on the other hand was haggard like he had barely slept. He looked like my hired help lugging his bag and both of mine through the airport. In the terminal, I closed my eyes and took a nap while we waited for the flight to board to Miami and to the life I deserved.


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