So, I was out over the weekend. Stayed at a hotel with a couple of straight female friends. They are a bit sedate and as I expected they went to bed round eleven pm leaving me alone in the hotel bar. I don’t mind being by myself, I’m quite independent and confident. I’m actually what is called a switch but mostly dominant.
Anyway, I had a couple of gins and was taking in my surroundings, noticing the people, when a woman came over to me. A few men in the group she was with had made eye contact and a man had previously came over and chatted.
She was obviously under the influence – quite a few drinks in. But although married (she pointed her husband out) she blatantly flirted with me. Complimented my hair – I have big red naturally curly hair, she touched it. Later in the conversation she ran her fingers over my stockings, several times. Asked me to join her in the garden alone while she smoked.
Now I have played with women in the past a very very long time ago. But pretty much ninety nine percent of the time now I feel no attraction for my own sex at all. Quite the opposite. I know this sounds awful, but I feel revulsion. But this woman did present interesting conversation, so I allowed it.
But afterwards I seemed to experience something. We did not hook up, she just went on her way. And so did I. But, it’s left me wanting to dominate the hell out of a man. So much so, I’ve made a call. I’ve never felt the need to dominate so strongly. Ever. I know it’s a reaction but I can’t pinpoint why.
Any thoughts?
It makes no sense to me. I was not attracted to her.