Claimed By The Elf [Fantasy] [MF] [MDOM]

The elf was tall, dark, and breathtakingly gorgeous. Luella couldn’t take her eyes off of him at all, her gaze following his bulging biceps, his massive thighs. He was a specimen that no others could dream of competing with.

Luella smoothed her hands over her corset, trying to calm herself down. The elf, Kail, visited them quite frequently. He was often doing odd jobs for her father, the king, which meant she could gaze upon him happily. After all, that was all this would ever be; it’s not like an elf would ever pursue a human girl from an insignificant kingdom.

The elf dismounted his horse, his feet sure and steady on the uneven cobblestones. Luella felt her breath hitch in her throat and she tried clearing it without drawing attention to herself. She didn’t succeed, though only the elf noticed her. His eyes flitted to her and gave her a once-over that set her imagination on fire. She knew she was beautiful, though to an elf she would surely seem quite plain.

No one else seemed to notice the elf’s glance toward her. No, everyone else seemed to be looking on in awe or fear. Dark elves had a long, violent history with humans, though as a princess Luella knew that it was all in the past. She knew the only way for humans to get over their fear was exposure. However, that was not the purpose of this visit.

The king strode forward and clasped the elf’s hand in his in a familiar gesture. Luella was able to catch a glimpse of the strong forearms the elf displayed, and she felt herself grow wet from desire. She knew she would be dreaming of him tonight.

“Welcome, Kail,” the king said joyfully, obvious relief etched on his face. The elf grunted in response, though he tolerated the king’s enthusiasm. Luella knew that the elf would be tasked with hunting a pack of monsters that had been plaguing the outer farms for a month now, and the entire kingdom would be relieved to see that problem solved.

“Thank you for a most agreeable welcome,” Kail said with none of the enthusiasm the king displayed. Luella assumed that he was just eager to get paid, along with a hot meal and excellent accommodation.

“My daughter Luella will be happy to show you to your room,” the king said, gesturing towards his daughter. The elf turned fully to look at her, and once again she felt his eyes sweep over her. Or perhaps she was imagining it. Still, the look sent butterflies straight to her stomach.

“Of course,” Luella said graciously, “you must have had a long journey, and it is late. You are invited to dine with us later this evening, though do not feel obligated if you are tired from your journey.”

“That is very kind of you,” the elf said. Luella knew he wouldn’t dine with them. He had been to their home many times, and her mother had always invited him. Now that she was dead, the responsibility fell to Luella, and even if she knew the outcome, she would always complete her duties to the best of her abilities.

“Please, follow me, sir,” Luella said, subtly wiping her sweaty palms on her skirt. She squared her shoulders and led the way.

Once they were out of earshot, the elf fell in step with her, and though Luella knew it wasn’t proper, she didn’t say anything.

“You don’t need to call me ‘sir’,” he said, his voice almost a growl. Luella had never heard anything like it before.

“What am I to call you then?” she asked, genuinely curious.

“Well, you could start with my name,” he said, “which is Kail, though I am sure you are aware.”

“I am,” Luella said, sweat gathering in her palms again. He was close to her, so close that his arms occasionally brushed up against hers. The action constantly felt like a shock against her skin.

Kail smirked, hoisting his pack higher on his shoulder. *Those shoulders are glorious*, Luella thought to herself, resisting the urge to sigh like a simpering idiot.

“You seem to have taken well to your new responsibilities.” Luella was shocked he’d noticed. He had never paid that much attention to her before, or so she had thought. Maybe she had been wrong.

When Luella didn’t reply beyond a strained smile in his direction, he continued. “You’re nervous. Why?” his tone was clear and demanding. And Luella was being rude.

“My apologies, s–– Kail,” she said, “It is late, and I am still new to all of this.”

Kail smirked again. Luella felt like he could see right through her.

“No, that’s not it,” he said slowly. “There’s something else, isn’t there?”

He stopped in the middle of the hallway, just out of sight of the guards. He leaned in, easily towering over the girl. He gave a predatory smile, and Luella felt almost afraid.

No, it wasn’t fear. It was excitement. She was tense in anticipation of what might come next.

“Um, well your room is right here,” she said, gesturing weakly. Kail pulled back, though the smile remained on his face. Luella took the chance and strode quickly over to the door, and pulled it open.

“I hope you will find it suits your tastes,” she said, her mouth sapped of all moisture.Kail strode in, dumping his pack on the floor unceremoniously.

“You can’t stop staring at me, can you?” Kail said in an amused tone, glancing around the room. Luella blushed and studied her hands, thinking rapidly.

“You’ll have to forgive me; we don’t often see elves in our small kingdom. Especially not dark elves.”

“I don’t think that’s the reason.”

Luella blushed even more. The door was so close, she just needed a polite way to say her goodbyes before she could leave.

But then he closed the door.

“I noticed your eyes roaming all over me when I arrived.”

Luella swallowed, and she knew with his perfect elven hearing he would have heard it.

“I had never noticed you before, but you have grown into yourself well.”

Luella swallowed again.

“Don’t tell me you haven’t thought about me.”

She wouldn’t.

Kail was close, so close, and Luella’s back was to the wall. He took a step closer and she had nowhere to go.

His hand reached out and planted itself on the wall behind her, and her breath turned shaky. She knew the elf would be able to hear that too.

His free hand reached out and grabbed her corseted waist. Luella was well and truly trapped, and she knew in that moment that she did not want to be anywhere else. She had been with men before, basically boys, and had always been left unsatisfied. She did not think an elf would leave her unsatisfied.

Kail’s head lowered, and she could feel his breath lightly caressing her face. Goosebumps raised across her cheek and traveled downward. Luella wanted to move, wanted to put her hands on him and feel every single one of those beautiful muscles, but she was frozen stiff. His head dipped lower again, and soft lips brushed against hers. It was barely a kiss, but somehow her lips were warmed.

Luella’s big eyes stared up at him, and she could have sworn she saw an inkling of doubt in him.

His voice rough, he asked: “Do you want this?”

Luella barely nodded, but it was enough. With that one slight action, the elf’s grip on her had tightened and she felt herself swept up into a passionate embrace. One arm wrapped around her while one held her hip. The grip was tight, hitching Luella’s breath a little. His lips hungrily devoured hers, pressing in with such force she felt that they might be bruised. His grip on her hip was like a vice, and while she couldn’t feel the fingers biting into her through the corset, she knew that if she were naked, he would have left bruises that perfectly detailed what he wanted to do to her.

He groaned, pulling her up to his chest. Luella’s hands finally moved, and she tangled one hand in his obsidian hair and the other in the cloth at his chest. The fabric was rough in her hand, sturdy, each grain imprinting itself on her mind. She felt his sternum beneath her clenched fist, and it served to heighten her arousal. The hair in her other fist was silken, and she found short strands escaping from her grip with how soft they were. Luella readjusted her grip, and Kail moaned into her mouth.

She couldn’t breathe but didn’t want to if it meant letting go.

But then he did let go, and, thrown off balance, Luella’s back hit the wall behind her. The walls were thick stone, though, and no one would have heard.

“I want you,” he growled. His voice was low and deep – Luella immediately had a vision of a predator stalking her.

And she was prey.

Luella nodded again, breathing hard. She would give this elf anything he wanted, purely for making her feel the way she did.

Hands on her hips, he turned her around and started unlacing her corset. He was slow, methodical, and it made Luella squirm with desire. Once the corset was off, Luella was left in her chemise and her skirts. If he turned her around, he would see her breasts through the thin fabric.

But he didn’t just yet. Instead, he leaned in, pressing his hips into her backside so she could feel just how much he wanted her in that moment. She couldn’t entirely gauge his size through her heavy skirts and his pants, but she knew he was bigger than the stableboys she had had before. She knew she should feel nervous, but somehow she wasn’t.

“Can you feel that?” he rasped against her neck. Luella nodded a third time. She wasn’t sure if she had said a word the entire time they had been in this room. It didn’t matter.

Kail let out a grunt and ground himself into her, his nose nuzzling her neck in an animalistic movement. She felt every bit of the action, her neck growing more sensitive the longer his nose lingered against it.

“Please,” she whispered, pushing back a little against his hardness. The movement forced another groan out of the elf, and Luella couldn’t help but feel a little flush of pride.

“Have you ever been with anyone before?” he whispered in her ear.

“Yes,” she whispered back, “But not… not like this. Never in a bedroom.” She licked her lips, feeling how dry they were. She hoped he wasn’t looking for someone who knew what they liked.

Kail spun her back around, leaning her against the wall again. The corset lay discarded on the floor, and Luella knew that she would have some difficulty getting it back on alone.

Kail kissed her again, though it was so brief Luella didn’t have time to savor the action before he took her hand. His hand dwarfed hers, and his strong hands felt reassuring as he led her towards the bed. Unsure of what to do, Luella crawled onto the bed and lay on her back. She propped herself up a little to get a good look at Kail, whose eyes blazed in approval, something like a smile tugging at the corners of his mouth.

He ripped his shirt off in one smooth motion, and his riding boots soon followed. He took the time to carefully unlace them, but his fingers worked deftly and he was soon done. Clad only in his breeches, he crawled over on top of Luella, placing one leg between hers. On top of the skirt, it pinned her in place.

“Good girl,” he purred. Luella was beside herself in excitement. Everything was on fire. She just wanted him to rip her clothes off and take her like a savage, but it seemed that Kail had different plans in mind.

Kail lowered himself over her, and once again kissed her forcefully. She felt his manhood – *or elfhood?* she thought ludicrously – against her thigh and was reminded of his size. Still, she was not worried, for now the grip he had on her waist was gentle, and his lips alternated between forcefully taking what he wanted and lovingly caressing hers. Luella was in heaven.

She moaned, tangling her hand in his hair once again. The elf shifted, and with her skirts free she felt him lifting them up to around her waist. His hands now lightly caressed her thighs, the touches setting her skin ablaze, and pulled her underclothes down. He broke the kiss to toss them aside and then buried his face at her center.

His mouth was warm, but the cool breath from his nose shocked Luella, and she bucked unexpectedly into his mouth. His tongue concentrated on her bundle of nerves, her most sensitive point. Luella felt her mind leaving her and only bliss remained.

Her back arched in pleasure, and she couldn’t believe how wonderful she felt. She had never had a man put his mouth on her in this way, though she had read about it in some of the more exotic books she had snuck into her room on occasion. The pleasure they had described was not comparable to what she was experiencing in that moment. She closed her eyes, overwhelmed by his ministrations, and soon her moans filled the room. She had never been more thankful for thick walls in her life.

She felt release coming, but before she could succumb to it Kail stopped. His smirk was back as he lifted his face back up to hers, and she could see her essence gleaming on his face. She wanted to blush at the sight; it felt so intimate and yet so vulgar at the same time. But she didn’t. Instead, she pulled herself up and initiated a kiss herself, sighing at the smell and taste of her on him.

“I want you,” Luella whispered in between kisses. She thought she might have stunned the elf with her forwardness, but if she had, he recovered quickly.

“Your wish is my command,” he said. Standing up beside the bed he finally released his cock from its fabric cage, his length hitting his stomach with a small *slap* as he kicked his breeches off. With him fully naked, Luella felt overdressed, but she was grateful for it. She had never been fully nude for another man before, and she felt woefully inadequate when faced with such a perfect specimen. Luella wondered if Kail was considered particularly attractive for an elf, but didn’t have time to think too deeply before he had pounced on top of her.

Kail reached out and pulled Luella’s hand to his length. She was surprised by how soft the skin was. He was rock hard, and warm, which also surprised Luella. She had never touched anyone like this before.

Unsure of what to do but eager to please, Luella took her hand and slowly moved it up and down the length of him. She had clearly done something right since Kail’s eyes drifted shut and he was letting out light moans. She committed the feel of how strong he felt in her hand, how her fingers glided over every ridge, to her memory.

His eyes snapped open, and Luella looked up at him through her lashes as she continued, but he stopped her.

“You keep doing that, and this will be over sooner than you think.” Luella could have laughed; no man had lasted very long for her. She had no idea what to expect from an elf though – perhaps they *did* last a very long time.

He crawled onto the bed, an animal stalking his prey. He was a sight to behold, and Luella captured this image of him in her mind to treasure forever.

With one smooth movement, Kail pulled her legs around his hips, and she now *felt* him. He was nestled in between her folds, panting heavily. Her skirts were bunched up around her hips and out of the way. He gave her a slow, predatory look and said, “There’s still time to back out.”

Luella wanted everything Kail could give her, so she tightened her legs around his hips, and stared up at him, chewing her bottom lip in apprehension. Kail muttered something – *in Elvish?* – that Luella couldn’t quite hear, but it didn’t matter when he sheathed his full length inside of her.

She thought she could feel every ridge, every vein, as he pushed into her.

His arms wrapped tightly around her, and almost all of his full weight was on top of her. He gave a breathy laugh and he propped himself up a little, sacrificing one hand to carry some of his weight. If Luella had been just a little bolder, she might have told him that she enjoyed the feeling of him on top of her, his mass crushing her into the bed.

Her arms moved around his shoulders, and she could feel his muscles beneath her hands. They moved with every breath he took.

He started thrusting, gently at first but slowly picking up the pace as he saw that she could take it. She felt him from tip to base, every inch of him caressing her insides. He somehow fit fully inside of her, though Luella had had her doubts about that. Her breathing turned heavy, and tiny moans escaped from her mouth as he powered himself in and out of her.

This certainly wasn’t like any coupling she had experienced before.

Luella was entirely soaked, and she could hear the wet slap of him inside of her. She was completely aroused, and she knew the elf approved. Every thrust was accompanied by a moan or a groan, the sounds pushing her close and closer to completion.

She knew she wouldn’t last long at all.

“P-Please,” she whispered, unsure of interrupting him, “you can be less gentle.”

“You want it rough, girl?” he managed to grunt out, picking up the pace a little.

Luella nodded, and his thrusting became a hammering, his grunts growing louder and louder. Luella cried out in pleasure, her end nearing quickly.

“Gods, you feel so good,” Kail moaned in her ear, his thrusts getting unsteady and uneven. His words caressed over her ear, sending goosebumps down her neck. She was so close.

Luella thought the end was near for him too.

“Please… please… please,” she begged, unsure of why she was even talking. She had never felt the urge to say anything during sex before.

Her orgasm hit her. Her eyes flashed open and she stared at Kail’s face as wave after wave washed over her. He was watching her intently when his own orgasm came, and he held her gaze as he rode out his orgasm. She felt him twitching inside of her, his final choked moans matching perfectly with each flex of his length. Fully spent, he collapsed on top of her and Luella blinked in surprise. She had never orgasmed from sex before, only her fingers in the dead of night. And it had never felt like this.

*Maybe*, she said slowly to herself, *Maybe I should stop comparing him to my own experiences.*

His weight was crushing her, and she tried to catch her breath but could only manage shallow gasps, the air burning her throat.

Kail rolled off of Luella, but she stayed where she was, dazed and missing the weight of the elf on top of her. Her thighs now ached from being forced apart by his broad hips, and her core was still twitching with the remnants of her orgasm.

Kail muttered something elvish under his breath before laughing a little. Luella was still too overwhelmed to do anything, so she stayed where she was and didn’t ask him what he said nor what he was laughing at. All she could think about was how she had just been *savaged* by an elf. It was better than she had ever dreamed.

Kail got up from the bed and dug a rag out of his pack. It was clearly torn from some of his clothes, but it was clean, and Luella watched him walk back to her and gently wipe his seed from her. The gentle action was so at odds with what had just happened, but it was nice. No one had ever done that for her before.

Kail sat down on the bed next to her, and his smoky eyes found Luella’s face.

“Well?” he asked, “How was your first time with an elf?”

Unable to contain herself, Luella giggled.

“Better than I could have hoped for. Thank you,” she said honestly. Kail’s smirk faded into a genuine smile before he looked around the room and located her underclothes. While she put those on, he picked up her corset and helped her back into it with an ease that surprised Luella. She imagined he must have done this plenty of times before. It was another thing that none of her stableboys had ever helped her with before.

Maybe she wasn’t expecting enough from her brief flirtations with sex.

When both of them were fully clothed, Luella excused herself from the room. She didn’t know how long she had been with Kail, but she knew it was certainly too long to be easily explained away. She didn’t know what excuse she was going to use but almost didn’t care.

Luella hurried along, excited to get to dinner. She was starving.

The next few days passed without any word from Kail, though a small part of Luella was relieved. She had no idea how to behave around him now and didn’t want to be put on the spot in front of her family. She would absolutely be a blushing mess in that case.

She decided to spend some time in the library. Whenever she had spare time as a child, Luella would always hide in the library and spend hours upon hours reading. She loved immersing herself in the stories and adventures she would never get to experience herself.

When she reached the library, she was relieved to see that it was completely empty. It was the day the scholars took for religious leave, but sometimes some of the younger men stayed to continue research for their masters.

Picking her way through the shelves of books, Luella made her way to her favorite section: a tiny, dusty area filled with novels. They didn’t have too many of them since they weren’t as important as some of the scientific discoveries being made, but enough people from the royal family enjoyed reading them so there were infrequent deliveries made carrying new novels every few months to a year or so.

Luella carefully selected a book she had not seen before but had a promising title and made her way to an old couch at the back of the room. This area was secluded and immensely comfortable. The fire was always roaring courtesy of the castle’s staff, and the couch, while old, was thick and plushy. It made for a wonderful reading spot.

She opened the book and settled in for a good story. But as her eyes moved over the words she realized she wasn’t taking any of it in. None, whatsoever. Her mind was already occupied with thoughts of when she might next see Kail, and what he might do to her then.

Letting out a frustrated sigh and running her fingers through her long hair, Luella started the page again.


Instead, her mind remained on the elf’s bedroom, on his large hands, his rough moans, his brutal thrusts. Before long, Luella realized she was soaking wet again. She could certainly never expect to be satisfied by a *man* after what had happened.

“I thought I smelled you,” a voice came from behind a bookshelf. Luella felt her breath hitch in her throat as Kail stepped out from the shadows. The firelight danced across his skin, and his smile was perfect – as if it had been crafted by the gods.

Luella gave a breathy laugh. *What are the odds?* she thought to herself.

“I don’t know what you’re talking about,” Luella managed to get out, but her voice was shaky and weak. She wasn’t fooling either of them.

“What are you reading?” he asked, striding over to her. Luella managed to not drool at the sight of his powerful legs.

“Oh, nothing,” she blushed. Inside, her stomach was doing flips.

Kail paused right beside her, his figure so large it blocked all of the warmth from the fire. Luella gave a shiver, though it wasn’t from the cold.

Frowning, he stepped out of the way of the fireplace and sat in a nearby armchair. Luella could have laughed at how ordinary it looked. He looked so out of place in the green chair, his black hair and clothing at odds with the warm and cozy environment.

“May I?” he asked, reaching out a hand. Luella hesitated before handing over the book, and as his hand brushed hers, she felt sparks of *something* leap across her skin. She blushed, and then looked away but she knew he would have seen.

Kail examined the book but didn’t say anything. With nothing to hold, Luella started chewing her bottom lip, anxiously. She didn’t know what to do with herself.

“You have no idea what that does to me,” Kail growled. He rose out of the chair and was upon Luella and the couch in seconds. The book slipped to the ground, though neither of them noticed. He gripped her face and pulled it towards his, his lips claiming hers. Luella submitted immediately, her hands gripping the fabric above each bicep, and pulled him properly on top of her and the couch. His deft fingers tangled in her hair and though it pulled a little, Luella didn’t feel any pain.

His mouth devoured hers, and his lips were supple compared to his rough hands. They were a tangle of limbs on the couch. He kept his weight off her, even as he pressed in harder. His actions felt desperate, which surprised Luella, but she didn’t mind.

He broke the kiss and stood up panting, Luella also struggling to catch her breath. Each gulp of air burned her throat. Kail took a few measured steps away from her.

“What… did I do something wrong?” Luella asked timidly. She straightened her skirts, and carefully smoothed down her hair, though she was afraid she was making it worse.

Kail looked up in shock. “You’re asking *me*?”

Luella didn’t know what to do besides nod.

Kail ran his fingers through his hair, laughing bitterly. Luella was left even more confused.

“I came onto you,” he said, still breathing heavily.

“… I wanted it,” Luella managed to squeak out. “Both times,” she elaborated.

A sharp look of relief crossed his face, and he breathed out slowly. He looked uncomposed, so… human. Luella didn’t know if she should be worried about him or relieved that he wasn’t perfect all of the time. She watched him from the couch, frozen in place. She had never found herself in this sort of situation before and didn’t know what to do.

But Kail did.

“Fuck it,” he growled, hauling Luella up to meet her lips. Their height differences were so great that he was bent over, and, despite not knowing him well enough, Luella felt safe in his arms. Smooth lips grazed softly over hers, and then sharp teeth tugged on her bottom lip. Luella let out a moan, and fully gave in to all that Kail’s lips demanded. His demands alternated, some kisses gentle and sweet, others harsh and unforgiving. She could feel yearning radiating from him, and it gave her a small thrill to know she was the object of such desire for such a beautiful creature.

Kail moaned in her mouth, and Luella felt her knees buckle. She clung to him, not wanting the kiss to end, but he spun her around, his lips now hungrily devouring her neck, and for the second time that week she could feel his hardness against her. She whimpered a little but didn’t vocalize what she wanted.

Large, strong hands at her hips, Kail led her to the arm of the couch and bent her over it. Luella couldn’t think about anything, except about everything that was about to happen. She felt herself grow even wetter at the thought of what the elf might do to her, what he might discover if he lifted her skirts–

He growled in appreciation. Kail’s wandering hands had found a secret she had been hiding for a few days now, in the hopes that this exact scenario might occur: Luella was not wearing any underclothes beneath her chemise.

Part of her felt a little silly for not wearing any underclothes, but hearing how pleased Kail was made it all worth it. She would never wear any clothes again if it meant he would grace her with his deep voice.

“If I had it my way,” Kail said, his voice strained, “I would tie you up in my room, and never get any work done for all of the time I spent *fucking* you.”

Luella was embarrassed to admit that that sounded wonderful. She wasn’t naïve; she knew he would never love her, but she also knew that a human would never be able to satisfy her again. And as long as she remembered her encounters with Kail, she wouldn’t mind. Each night she hadn’t seen him, Luella had pleasured herself in the safe confines of her room. She thought again and again how he might pleasure her in the future if he ever wished to, and Luella thought about how *she* might please *him*.

But now was not the time for thought.

Cool air lightly brushed across her smooth thighs as Kail raised her skirts. His hands lightly moved across her ass, and he murmured things she couldn’t understand as he did so. The caress of her skin sent tingle right to her core, and when his hands left her she almost whined in protest.

He fumbled with his breeches, and Luella felt herself grow delirious with desire, but she didn’t feel his hard cock at her entrance. Instead, his hands moved there, his fingers gently caressing her entrance, her inner thigh, her–

Luella sighed, and pushed her ass towards Kail, moaning in delight. She heard a chuckle come from him, and a finger slipped inside of her, while his thumb grazed across her bundle of nerves. This was heaven. His finger was warm and sturdy, carefully moving inside of her across her most sensitive points. She had often heard some of the wives who did embroidery with her talk of how their husbands pleasured them, and though she hadn’t understood before she certainly did now. Kail’s fingers rubbed and caressed and skimmed over and within her folds, and she was experiencing pure bliss. Another finger joined his first inside of her, and she let out another moan. He worked at her, and she knew that smirk he often wore would be fixed on his mouth at her reaction.

Luella was right on the verge of release when suddenly his fingers left her. Cold and empty, she whimpered again, pushing her ass up to meet Kail.

“Please,” she begged, not caring how pathetic she seemed.

“Please, *what*?” he asked. He sounded like he had something in his mouth, and when Luella looked back, he was sucking his fingers clean of her.

Nothing ever seemed as perfect as him right then and there.

“Please,” she said again, her voice weak. She looked away, far too embarrassed to vocalize what she wanted.

“No.” His tone was strict.


“You need to *tell me* what you want.”

Luella was scarlet, but a thrill ran through her.

“I want you,” she admitted softly.

“Not good enough.”

“I want you… t-to fuck me.”

That was what he wanted. After a split second that had Luella worrying that he wouldn’t accept that, his thick hard cock entered her in one even thrust. She gasped, feeling every ridge inside of her. She felt whole, complete.

“Right answer,” he moaned, thrusting deep within her. This angle made things different to their last coupling. Kail’s cock skimmed across a *very* pleasurable point inside of her, making Luella moan. His balls slapped against her, and his entire cock managed to fit snugly inside of her. At this angle, she could feel him stretching her out a little. “Stay just like that.”

Luella was delirious with pleasure. Her breaths were uneven and she moaned as each thrust pushed her forward while his hands on her hips pulled her back to meet him. She felt his hips bouncing off of hers, the couch beneath her, her hands on the seat in front of her while she was bent over the arm like a common whore.

But she didn’t care.

“What do you want?” his growl cut through her thoughts. When she remained silent, he wrapped one hand around her waist while the other planted a firm spank on her behind.

“*Tell me*,” he commanded.

“Harder,” she managed to moan out. She was embarrassed for wanting rougher treatment, but she needed *more*. Kail didn’t seem to care, and his thrusts picked up the pace. His hips now snapped against hers, and any pain she felt was overwhelmed by the pleasure.

“Gods above, you are such a wanton whore,” he growled, spanking her again. Luella yelped, and she knew her orgasm was approaching. The stinging echoed beyond where his hand met skin.

“Yes, I am,” she whispered back in agreement. The words were faint, and she herself barely heard them, but Kail gave a hum of appreciation.

His fingers crept down and he found her most sensitive spot again, rubbing it as his hips drilled into hers. He was fully bent over her, his mouth buried in her hair. His breath brushed across the nape of her neck and tickled down her spine.

Luella could feel everything, and when he started whispering dirty little sayings in her ear, calling her inappropriate names, she lost control and orgasmed viciously.

“That’s right, whore,” he said as she writhed on his cock, his finger not stopping its movements. “You *belong* to me.”

Luella struggled for a moment before her arms gave way as stars burst behind her eyes. She could feel the texture of the couch’s fabric on her cheek and Kail’s hands around her kept her ass in place. She felt pleasure coursing through her and her sounds of delight poured out of her.

His hips thrust faster and faster, and his hands moved back to her waist. He growled, his thrusts becoming unsteady and more savage before he buried himself insistently three final times, his cock flexing and twitching with each spurt inside of her.

Finally, Kail let Luella fully collapse on the couch, the elf’s seed leaking out of her. Soon, she felt him wiping at her for a second time, and she was appreciative of how gentle he was.

“You *are* addictive,” he said after a few breaths of silence. Luella felt warmth shoot through her at the praise, though she felt like she hadn’t done much during their couplings. She promised to herself that next time *she* would pleasure *him*.

All cleaned up, Kail walked around the couch and leaned down to kiss her firmly. This was a different kiss. It wasn’t filled with longing, but instead had a distinctive tone of… satisfaction. Ownership. Then he left her, basking there in the library, her forgotten book tossed on the floor long ago.

Luella sighed, picked it up, and started reading again.

Or, at least, she tried to.



  1. Well fuck, that was great! Awesome writing! I was completely engaged the whole time!

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