Unexpected Developments Pt 4 [Mf][Inc][MF][Ff][MMFFf]

“Mom,” Tim called down to his Mom, “Can I have some money to take Emma to the movies on Saturday?”

“No,” Mom replied.

“Dad!” Tim cried out, “Can I have some money to take Emma to the movies?”

“No!” Dad replied, “But you can invite her here for dinner Saturday night.”

“Mom!” Tim called out, “Dad just told me to invite Emma over for dinner Saturday night.”

“Yes,” Mom replied, “That’s okay. The five of us.”

Tim was surprised, that hadn’t happened before. Emily came out of her room and asked what all the yelling was about. Tim told her about dinner on Saturday evening, one of her eyebrows raised a little. She knew it was unusual so went down and spoke to Mom. A few minutes later, she came back, went to Tim’s room and told him that Mom said, that Dad said, they haven’t had a family get together for quite a while and Dad wanted a nice meal and Emma’s invitation was just a courtesy to you both. Tim knew that when Mom got an attack of energy and started cooking, it was going to be a full five course menu, starting about seven in the evening and continuing until about nine when coffee would be served. A decent meal, but no movies. He shrugged and got on with his homework.

Later that night, Emily came into his room and they fucked again. She finished him off with her mouth and he made her cum with a combination of his fingers and tongue. “I really like having sex with you, Emily,” Tim confessed, “You and Emma, the absolute best. Love it when we’re together.”

“Yeah, me too,” Emily replied, “I love a sixty-niner with Emma, or her playing with my clit while you’re fucking me.”

Tim held her, kissed her deeply, “I love you.”

“And I love you too,” Emily replied, “Oh well, Saturday’s fuck-fest is off, still, Mom’s gonna cook.” Tim nodded and they held each other a little while before Emily went back to her room.

Saturday evening, Tim picked Emma up and they returned to Tim’s place. Emma was greeted then they sat in the lounge while Mom brought out some canapés, crackers and spreads with cheese. Mom also poured a small white wine for Tim and Emma, both being eighteen, and then another for Emily. Mom’s essential strategy for formal dining was a few canapés, small soup, a small entree of something, a small main course followed by a nice, if small portion of a dessert of some description, usually a pudding topped with cream, finishing with home ground European-style coffee. Mom was of the view that overall, a number of smaller portioned courses taken over a couple of hours is a healthier approach to eating than just a single main meal that was way too big. Tim had to agree, by the time coffee was served, he was full, but not bloated like he would have been with a large main course and sweets.

Emma told Mom that the meal was absolutely fantastic, and asked about individual courses. Mom wasn’t a chef, but she was a really good cook, when she wanted to be.

Sitting in the lounge, they finally got together and conversations started at the table continued. They talked about work, home, school, sports, pandemics and Presidents, then completely unexpectedly, Mom said, “So Emma, you like fucking both Tim and Emily?” The three young people went absolutely dead still, caught like deer in the headlights. Mom waited a few moments in the silence, “Well, come on, be honest.”

The kids were dumbfounded, they knew! Nothing was said by the kids, but looks of fear passed between them. Dad spoke, “And Tim, you like fucking Emily too?”

Jaws hit the floor, followed quickly by stomachs. Caught!

“Oh dear,” Mom said, “I know it’s a bit of a shock, but darlings, please remember, we’re not always discrete with our fucking.”

“We could hear you, the very first night,” said Dad, in a matter of fact way, “We were surprised, a bit.”

Tim found his voice and asked, “Surprised?”

“Yes dear,” Mom said, “Surprised it took so long. You’ve been lusting after each other since puberty, Tim. I suppose it was because you hadn’t seen that Emily felt the same way but we noticed, that’s for sure.”

“And that’s okay,” Dad said, “And if Emma is involved too, then that’s even better.”

“Even better?” Emma asked.

“Yes Emma, better,” Mom said, “Because that means we can get to fuck the three of you.” She smiled, “Now undress, if you would please.”

“Wait!” Emily cried, “You- you want to fuck us all?”

“Yes dear,” Dad said, “All three of you are beautiful people, Mom wanted to have you a few years ago, but you and Tim weren’t having sex, so we waited.”

“And Emma is the icing on a very large cake,” Mom said, “Come on dears, I like to fuck and fucking you would be my pleasure.”

“MOM!” Tim cried, “You-you’re our Mom!”

“Yes dear, I know.”

“But you- we can’t have sex!” Tim couldn’t say ‘fuck’, he realized.

“Oh? Why not?”

“But- it -it-”

“Oh, don’t you like me?” Mom asked, with an arched eyebrow.

“No- no- it’s not that-.”

“Oh good!” Mom broke in, “You know I nearly didn’t make it to the hospital when you were born. You came on like you wanted to get out of me really fast, like you didn’t like me. Now you have an opportunity to get back into me and you don’t want to take it?”

Tim looked at Mom like he was in shock, not believing anything he was hearing. “Come on, undress you three, I want to see what I am playing with!”

“There is one thing though,” Dad said.
“Tim, how would you feel about being sucked by your father?” Mom asked, pausing, “And fucking him,” she added, “And you sucking him?”

A look of horror passed over Tim’s face. “I-I- I’ve never done anything like that!”

“Oh well, there is always a price to pay, Tim,” Dad said, “And this is it.”

“Besides, your father sucks cock better than me, I’ve been told,” Mom said, “And I’m pretty good at it. Why are we still talking? Why aren’t you undressing like you were asked?”

Mom stood and had her cardigan and dress off, on the floor quickly. Standing there in her underwear, Tim was amazed at her brazen sexuality. “Come on,” she said, “Emily, Emma, naked. Now!” She reached around her back and opened her bra, shrugging it off herself. She stepped over to Tim and reaching down, she took hold of him, by his tool, “Come on, stand up so I can undress you.” She tugged at his crotch and Tim could see his ineffectual attempts at batting her hand away were not going to help. He stood and Mom wrapped herself around him and kissed him. She peeled back a little and took his hand, holding it to her breast. “Come on, the rest of you, undress!”

“Does my tit feel nice, Tim?” Mom asked, “I’ve wanted you to do this since you were a baby, sucking on my nipple, would you do it again, Tim?”

Tim looked at Dad and he nodded, “It’s okay, she’s a real slut when she wants to be.”

“I’m a real slut all the time, dear,” Mom replied, “I love your cock, and I hope Tim’s will fill me the same way!”

Mom began to undo Tim’s jeans and slid her hand down his front. “Oooh, feels nice,” she cooed as she felt the smooth, hardened shaft of his cock. Looking out the corner of her eye, Mom caught Emily with her mouth wide open in shock. “Oh dear,” Mom said as she looked at Emily, “That is just not a good look for you dear, why don’t you fuck your father while I’m fucking your brother?” She looked at Emma, “Please, join her, you can fuck my husband while I’m fucking your boyfriend.” Emma looked like she was going to run screaming out the door. “He’s actually a really good fuck, eats pussy really well, if you want a quick cum, he’s just your guy.” She blinked, “Well, go on, do it.”

Dad stood and went to Emily, taking her hand, he said very gently to Emma, “I’m going to take Emily to the bedroom, undress her and make her cum, care to join us?” He held his other hand out and Emma slowly reached up, took it. She stood and looked at Emily and nodded.

“I think this might be a lot of fun,” Emma said, “Come on babe, I love watching you fuck.” Emma took Emily’s other hand and drew her to her feet. The followed Dad out the lounge, leaving Mom and Tim alone.

“Don’t be shy, Tim,” Mom said as she ran her hand over Tim’s dick, “I started fucking your Uncle and grandfather when I was thirteen, so you and Emily are late in the game.”

Tim was surprised at Mom’s revelation, “Thirteen?”

“Yep,” she replied as she finished undoing the zipper on Tim’s jeans, she was on her knees and took Tim’s cock into her mouth with a “mmmmm” and a “yuummm yummmm” Tim felt her lips over his knob, down his shaft, her tngue lapping the frenulum and she just kept taking it in, the whole length of his dick. He felt her nose prodding his pubic bone, then out again, over and over. Fuck! Mom was the best cock sucker ever! He was lost in the sensual pleasure Mom was giving him, and the gentle squeezing of his balls, he could feel every nerve in his dick was feeling touched, like no-one had ever touched it before. Mom kept his arousal strong, then every few minutes, she would stop, blow cool air over his heated cock, then start sucking again. She did that three or four times, Tim lost count and Tim felt he was getting closer and closer to filling her mouth with more than just his cock each time.

Mom stopped sucking and started blowing cool air over his dick, and after a few moments, Tim was back down again. Tim realized this was edging and Mom did it beautifully, kept him high on endorphins but not to the point where he was shooting his load. He hadn’t said a word, except moans and groans of receiving great pleasure. Tim felt himself coming down from an impending shoot, and he heard Mom say, “Come on, time to fuck me. I want that dick inside me.” Tim understood then who wore the pants in the family when it came to sex. Mom was calling the shots, when, where, how and with whom. Funny, Tim thought, he always thought of Mom being somewhat submissive, but then he did read once that some women are dominant vertically but submissive horizontally, so maybe it can work the other way too.

Mom stood and pulled Tim toward her, kissing him. Tim felt his cock pressing into her lower belly and her fine pubic hair tickling his balls. “Doggy,” she said, “First!” She turned around and leaned forward, spreading her legs laying her hands on the coffee table. This gave Tim his first view of Mom’s naked ass and exposed pussy. The skin around her pussy was a little darker than Emma’s, her trimmed pubic hair invisible from this angle.

Tim couldn’t help himself, he got on his knees behind Mom and rammed his tongue into the puffy cavern, licking all th way up from her clit to her asshole, then back again. He hadn’t gone anywhere near Emma’s asshole but he just had to do it to Mom, he wasn’t asked, he just did it. She tasted different to Emily, not a lot different, but still different. He tongue fucked her, using his bottom lip to wipe across Mom’s clit when his tongue was otherwise busy. He kept this up for a while and as he felt Mom getting more excited, closer to an orgasm, he lifted off her and he quickly stood, grabbed his dick and just rammed it inside her.

Mom gasped as his tongue left her pussy but squealed as she felt Tim’s cock sliding inside her. He wasn’t gentle and his actions slammed his hips into her ass, nearly pushing her off balance. Tim didn’t seem to care at all, he was fucking her, strong and hard, his prong a piston delving deeply into her. Mom gasped and moaned as her plugged her hole, filling her, she was loving it, Tim knew, what a slut! His own mother! Mom pushed her ass back as he drove into her, and it wasn’t long before she started to twitch, signalling an approaching orgasm, she moaned, then clenched her muscles as Tim just pulled her back and pushed her forward onto his dick.

“Yes-yes-YES-YES,” Mom called as an wave of pleasure washed over her, sweeping out from the depths of her pussy. Tim’s cock pounded her pussy, unlike anyone who had fucked her before. He just seemed to know exactly how she liked it, without even asking. ‘Fuck, he’s good,’ Mom thought, and he’s only eighteen!

“Wait here a moment,” Tim said, as he disengaged, “Be right back.” She heard him leave the lounge, but didn’t know what he was up to. Didn’t matter, she was still high from the endorphins running through her system. Mom fell back onto the lounge suffused with the post-orgasm afterglow. A few moments later, Tim reappeared, his cock still mostly hard, Mom noted, ‘He’s such a stud,’ she thought but didn’t pay too much attention to what he was carrying.

“Mom, off the sofa,” Tim said, no ordered, Mom thought, what’s he up to? “Come on, on your knees, rest your tits on the sofa,” Tim again ordered her.

“You gonna fuck my ass?” Mom asked.

“Yes, I am, lots of lube and a condom,” Tim replied. Tim had not fucked Emma or Emily in the ass, yet, but he had done one of his buddies from junior high some years before. The guy was a complete fag, and it was a going away gift for him. Tim was surprised at how easy it was to suck and fuck a guy, very different than a girl, but he was curious and they would never meet again, so Tim obliged the guy. Thank fuck no-one else figured it out, but Tim satisfied his curiosity and was rewarded with a much better experience than he had really expected.

Tim gave his dick a couple of tugs, not that it needed it, but he did it just the same. Using his teeth, Tim ripped open the packaging, placed the end over his knob and rolled it down. Tim wiped the lube over Mom’s asshole and onto his cock. “It’s coming Mom,” Tim said as he ran his fingers up and down her ass crack, “Now!” Tim positioned himself on his knees behind Mom and spreading her legs a little further, held his dick, aiming it at her puckered ring. He felt his cock pushing the ring aside and heard Mom saying, “Oooohhh, relax, relax,” over and over as his dick spread her sphincter. “Oh, yeah, fuck my ass!” Mom called.

Tim slowly entered Mom, pushing his strong man meat into her, spreading the cheeks of her ass as he did so. He heard mom’s gasping, her moans and he was just concentrating on the feel of a band of muscle sliding along the length of his dick. He pushed into her, slapped his hips on her soft ass cheeks, then pulled back, easily, feeling the coronal ridge of his dick touch the inside of Mom’s asshole. He pushed in again, a little faster, then pulled back, again trying to pull back only until his knob touched her ring. He deliberately timed his strokes, trying to get a feel for his movement, speeding it up as he became more confident.

He didn’t want to cum in the condom, that was for her mouth, Tim thought. Mom moaned as he sped up, “Yeah! Yeah!” She called. Tim noticed Mom had slipped an arm down under her, and knew she was diddling her clit, masturbating while he was poking her ass. He kept it going, but with the condom and the muscles of Mom’s anus the only thing really stimulating him, he knew he wasn’t going to cum anytime soon. Mom’s breathing became a little ragged, then her thighs started shaking, her moans closer and louder, “F-uu–uu-u-uk cumming-cumming-NOW!”

Tim saw the muscles in Mom’s ass tighten, then her asshole grabbed his cock, hard, nearly pushing him out. He held her thighs and Rammed his hips into her, holding on while the puckered hole clenched his cock really hard. He felt an incredible surge in his cock, but it was blocked by the incredibly tight grip Mom had on his dick. ‘Fuck!’ Tim thought as he realized that it was Mom’s ass that stopped him from shooting his load into the condom. He didn’t want that. As Mom’s orgasm began to fade, he pulled back, timing a little pull out with every spasm and relax movement of the ring that gripped his tool, until he could drop out of her entirely.

Mom crawled up onto the couch, beckoned Tim to join her as she rolled onto her side. Tim lay on his back, mostly on the couch but not all, he had to put one foot on the floor, just in case. “That was pretty good fucking, Tim!” Mom said as she kissed his cheek. “Three holes and you filled every one of them, now you’re going to have to cum in my mouth.” Tim was still trying to catch his breath, “Then tomorrow, you can cum in my pussy.” She paused a moment, “Then watch your father eat it out of me. Would you like that?”

After this, there wasn’t much that Tim thought would surprise him, but this did. “Dad? Eating my cum out of your pussy?”

“Yes, he’ll love it, believe me,” the certainty in Mom’s voice was, for Tim, another mini-shock. “He’ll love draining your dick any time. Either end, but he would prefer it in the mouth.”

Tim wasn’t real sure of this was really happening or just a dream now. This was so far out of his perception of what Mom and Dad are like that he was having trouble handling it. He tried to move just a little and nearly fell off the couch.

“No, not working,” Mom said, “Come on, sit up and I’ll give you a blow job, a real blow job.” Tim couldn’t sit up fast enough, and in moments, Mom had his cock in her mouth, tonguing his knob, caressing his balls, licking his shaft, then getting to it in a serious way. Tim felt his cock being massaged by her lips, her tongue, movement up and down being wrapped in by the inside of her cheeks. There was a rapid build up,, just like there was before, his excitement growing with every stroke of Mom’s tongue, every time her lips slid along his shaft, touching his coronal ridge. Mom didn’t stop this time, she kept sucking away and Tim willed himself to not enjoy it, to make it last. Within a few minutes, Tim was right on the verge and he was going to shoot, his balls had swollen, his sack had tightened and he was going to shoot! He moaned and groaned “Now!” he cried as his balls jumped, his cock throbbed and a stream of semen flew up his dick and out, into Mom’s mouth. The massive shot was accompanied by a wave of intense pleasure that started in his balls, his cock and swept through the rest of him. Again and again he shot then a forth time, each time with that wave of intense pleasure, it didn’t seem to diminish at all.

Mom hadn’t stopped sucking his dick, her motion not interrupted at all by his shooting but even her expert sucking skills were not enough for his to keep his erection. As he flagged, Mom slowed, then stopped. “Yummy!” Mom said, “That was fucking delicious, tasty as all fuck! Oooh I can’t wait to get a taste of your sister now!”

“MOM!” Tim croaked as best he could. Swallowing he said, “Mom, you think you might be being a little bit of a slut here?”

“Yep, and fucking proud of it,” she replied, “Can you walk? ‘Coz I wanna go and see how your Dad’s getting on with those two little beauties.” She stood holding her hand out. Tim looked up at those magnificent breasts, the light fur covering her pussy, the gorgeous ‘older woman’, and he just fucked her, had his dick sucked and cum in her mouth. Who would have thought this was going to happen a couple of hours ago. He loved his Mom, then realized, shit, he did love his Mom, in every sense of the word.

He took Mom’s hand and stood. Mom led him to the main bedroom where they could hear a lot of ooohs and aaahs some rhythmic pounding on the bed. Fuck, Tim thought, Dad must have balls of steel if he was still fucking Emily, or Emma. He wasn’t prepared for the sight he got as he walked in the room. There was Emily, on her back, legs spread, with Dad’s head between her thighs. She was moaning in the delight Dad’s tongue was giving her.

Dad was on his knees, eating his daughter and behind him was Emma. Emma had some sort of harness on her and Tim knew that it had to be a strap on. Emma’s ass was pumping as she was reaming Dad’s asshole. Emma was also lost in pleasure, her movements not as smooth and practiced as those of a guy, but she was fucking Dad well. Mom and Tm took the tableau in, Mom not moving, letting things play out. In a few minutes, Emily started thrusting her hips up at Dad’s mouth and her breathing became more ragged, moans louder and her body shook, her thighs clamped Dad’s head as she came.

Emily’s orgasm passed and she fell back onto the large bed, but Emma didn’t stop fucking Dad. He was enjoying it, as his hand had reached under him and started pulling his really hard dick. Mom stepped forward then, gently stroking Dad’s back, “No dear, save your cum for Emily, I want to eat it out of her.” Emily’s eyes widened, the shock of hearing such a comment from Mom was evident on her face. Mom looked at her and said, “Well, you suck your brother’s dick, he’s tasty isn’t he, and I’ve swallowed enough of your father’s cum, just changing the cup it’s cumming in.”

Emily’s face got even more shocked, if it was possible, “Go on, dear, fuck her now, I want to eat that pussy,” Mom said, “Sorry, Emma, Tim’s tongue for you for the moment, I think. Unless you want to use that thing on his butt?”

Emma thought for a moment, then “I think I would like fucking him, if he doesn’t mind.”

“No, he won’t, once he gets past that first awkwardness, will you dear?” Mom asked of Tim.

“Jeez, Mom-.”

“Tell you what, while Dad’s fucking Emily, you lie on your back, knees up, Emma can fuck your ass like you did mine and we can be in a sixty-niner. I love sixty-niners, and your dick is really nice. Suit you, Emma?”

Emma nodded, smiled and reached for the oil. “Come on, Tim, don’t let me down now,” Mom said, “It’ll feel funny at first, but it get’s better. All you have to do is relax as she’s fucking you, okay?”

Tim was a little frozen, he had no idea this was going to happen and he nearly said no, but there was a thought in the back of his head that if he did say no, he would never get to fuck Emily again. She would never suck him again, and both these things were not desirable now. He had tasted the real forbidden fruit, and Mom, she was the real icing on the cake. Having three gorgeous women to fuck any time he liked, that was something any eighteen year old would dream of. While he was uncertain, he nodded, not trusting his voice.

“Good,” Mom said, “Come here.” Mom indicated where he could lay, down the bed, giving her enough room to be on top of him, but not that far down for Emma to fall off the end of the bed if she got a bit carried away.

In the meantime, Emily and Dad were watching. Dad had a hold of one of Emily’s tits, caressing the nipple with a thumb as Mom crawled over Tim, positioning herself. She lowered he pussy onto Tim’s mouth and he again started lapping her, mouthing her clit. “Oooh yes, very nice,” she said. Looking up at Emma, Mom said, “Now, plenty of oil on his ass, dear.”

Tim felt Emma’s slippery fingers between his butt cheeks and felt the cold of the oil dribbled over his puckering ring. “Relax, Tim, it’ll be a lot easier,” Mom said. Tim felt Emma shuffling closer, then the pushing of the spear-like dildo, poking his asshole. “Relax, Tim, relax.” He heard Mom say. He repeated that, over and over as Emma prodded his muscled hole. Slowly Tim relaxed, and he felt the tool Emma was wearing push his hole open and slide inside. only a little way but, sheesh, it didn’t feel as bad as he was expecting. He also felt Mom’s hand taking hold of his tool gently tugging it.

“Damn, not going to get my head in there,” Mom said, but Tim didn’t mind.

Tim felt the bed moving, Emily moaned as Dad clearly entered her. Tim felt the rhythmic motion of his thrusts and heard the noises of lust and exertion of a man fucking, the moans and groans of a woman being well fucked. This was a huge turn on for Tim, he never thought being fucked up the ass by his girlfriend, his tongue buried in his Mom’s pussy, her playing with his dick, listening to his sister being fucked by his Dad would ever had such an impact on him.

He knew what was going to happen next. Dad was going to shoot his load into Emily, Mom was going to eat her cum filled pussy while Emma was going to lick Dad’s prong clean, and he was going to watch.

It didn’t quite work out like that, but Tim’s education in life was expanding all the time.

Source: reddit.com/r/sexystories/comments/tu6e5q/unexpected_developments_pt_4_mfincmfffmmfff


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