“”The weather today is in the low 100rds with clear blue skies and a gentle breeze…” Raising an eyebrow at the muscular arm that turned off the radio. Feeling the amusement welling inside me. “You know I was listening to that” with outstretched arms my body twisted itself over exposing my lusty breasts and gentle slit. We locked eyes…”

“Drive@5 with your naughty DJ Maeve and The Rave cuming all over your speakers only from Klit 96.9.” Nova ReBoot said with pride.

“From all things up in the sky there is a vehicle stall on the I-95 over pass please use caution when passing. Everything else looks like an easy trip back to your humble abode. This is Your Eye in the Sky Traffic Girl Callie. And now back to DJ Maeve and the countdown.”

“Thank you, Traffic Girl Callie. Do you sit there and dream of your vacation? About the white sands or maybe the Pink Sand of the isles? For this Miss Álainn has found the perfect balance between the sand, sun and social life. This is countdown #76 White Sands and Tanned Bodies.”

“Getting set up in this little abode, I guess they call it. Personally it feels more like a shack. With only 2 rooms your general living space and the Moanroom. This is not what I had in mind for my vacation.
Standing in the Moanroom, looking at this body still clad in the same uniform that I have been wearing. The feel of the fabric as it fell from my shoulders. The pile at my feet when I was done stripping. Hands now wandered over the barren skin of my stomach being interrupted by the shocking red stripe that rose from between my legs.
As I grasp it, pulling on the stripe itself. My eyes started to close! “Don’t think about it” I harassed myself butt it was already too late… The gasp that came from my mouth, the feel of my right breast as it budged out between my fingers. My nipple is trying to penetrate my palm that covers it. Looking to remind myself once again. Opening my mouth for that sound, “Ooh Ooo Ooooh…” closing my mouth as quickly as it was opened as the strange sound leapt from my lips.
Now staring at this, this flaming body with no one to cool me down. Clearing my throat, I was finally able to avert my eyes as I searched in this white paper bag that was sitting here on the countertop. “Now what” my words being cut off before they could ever pass my throat. Holding up a sensual bikini bottom and a top that was just as sinful. Lowering them and reading the note that lies on top of them.

“Have a wonderful vacation Ioe! From your friends at Whispering Souls.

P.S. Yes this swimsuit is for you! Try it out you might be surprised about the fit.
Your friend Sue <3”

Holding it up once again. Seeing the color on my cheek as I blushed at the thought of white beaches and white skin only to be interrupted by the flame red of my hair. Trying on the top. The way it surrounded my chest. The way it gave my girls that extra squeeze made my nipples go to half mast. “Goddess I have been spending too much time with the dudes…” letting that drop as I now stared at the bottoms.
Looking out my front and only door to this shack. Eyes scanning for any sign of people. “Not seeing any” as my tension relaxed in my shoulders. To look at me now as I tried to blend in with the scenery would be to see a ghost head with nothing else. No, not from my skin color butt from the towel that I had wrapped around my body. From my chest down to just barely my ankles. Giggling over the name of this resort while being whisked away on 69 Airways, Ghostly Rays your white manor retreat nestled in the white sands of the Cleavage Coastline.
Getting to this place brought more giggles because the taxi service was one of bicycles not one of cars. Butt all that was in the past and now to see my green eyes peaking from behind my heart shaped shades, scanning the beach for the perfect place to relax. Eyes narrowed at a small umbrella with no one around.

Laying down in the sun… well almost the umbrella was soaking up the rays and I was laying under it. The heat radiating from all around me. The feel of the warmth that pelted my body. I was in paradise! And it showed by the time I stirred the umbrella was pointing in the opposite direction and I was laying on my stomach with this blue and white bikini still on my body coupled with my cascade of flames and a summer hat to hide behind if the need aroused.
That’s when it happened! My first day on this weekend vacation. Seeing a thick muscular arm turning off the radio. Me stretching then rolling over so I could look into his eyes. My flaming red hair obscuring my view until I hooked my hair over my ear. Looking up, staring right at him my heart dropped to see what he was wearing…
Rubbing my legs together. Trying not to gasp at his, his… Umm, well bathing suit. Trying to pull my eyes up to his face, feeling the slippage of my glasses exposing my green eyes. Wanting to say something, anything. The flick of my bottom lip from my wet mouth. The sound of my teeth clicking together and the sound of “Mmmmmmmmm” coming from deep in my throat! What the hell was I doing?!

“Excuse me butt you were sleeping so peacefully I did not want the sounds of this talk station to disturb you” I said pouring on my best accent possible. “If you want I can turn” placing my arm down by her head. My muscles flexed as I brought my other arm… “My my Miss is there something else that you wanted?” Watching her body, watching the way her legs spread when I leaned down. When I put my knees in the sand to turn on her radio. Now there we were. Me in a three point stance, cock getting hard very quickly at the sight of her knee. Her laying on her back one arm wrapped around my arm, legs spread. Her pussy is wet I can tell. Even a quick look and…

“What the hell are you doing?” Played over and over again in my mind! My hand now drifting up his arm. My legs spread so, so… My feet could feel his heat, could trace his hips, could cum so hard without letting him know!
The only stitch of clothing he had on was his visor and there was his name tag, Ramon. This and the fact that it was pinned to the Ghostly Rays logo gave me the idea that he was a cabana boy and a very hot one at that.
Taking his hand that Ramon had against his chest. Sucking on his finger and nodding my head. If there ever was a vacation time needed this was it! Pulling his finger from my mouth with a pop. “I think I need some of that hot white sand hospitality that is always talked about” this time my feet crossed over his back locking him to me.
“Mmm, don’t be so gentle” I whispered trailing his finger down my chin. Forcing his hand around my neck. Giving him that choke me look of desperation. Feeling his cock as it barely brushed my sensitive lips! Burying my slit on his cock before he could protest!
My first most trembling moan only happened when his cock was only half way in. My legs shook while my pussy pumped out more cum than I’ve seen in a year of playing with myself! Slamming my body hard against his! Pressing his fingers tighter against my neck. Feeling the second one quickly following the first as my legs spasmed!
Loosing my legs so he could hump me. Dropping down till my butt was elevated up to his cock! The flash in my eyes meant “Yes!” My pussy had already locked on to his dick while the third orgasm erupted from me once again!
My hand trembling as it stroked his arm. My other left his strangle hold and balled up striking the sand! Lifting me up, making his choke hold that much tighter! My nipples wanted some of the action too!
Panting, his hand went from my neck down to grip my tit. To smash my perfect boob, to press his fingers against one another while my booty took the lead. Humping his cock. Feet once more locked around his hips and driving my cunt down hard! From the look on my face the next O was cuming hard! My fourth fucking orgasm and I have barely started to fuck him! Only letting out about half of his cock my body recoiled hard against his throbbing meat! Soaking it with every g-spot in my body singing in unison and all cuming out of my mouth! “Ooo Ooooh yesss fuckkk Mmmmmmmmm! Fuckkkkkkkkkk Mmmmmmmmmm nOoow Ooo Ooooh OooohOooohOooohOoooh!” Was my body trying to make up for its own imprisonment! This is something that I don’t know butt only sex strokes in and my pussy is so damned wet that… “Yesss! Ooooh OooohOooohOooohOoooh Ooh Oh!”

Seeing as how she needed to be fucked. This was not the time to call in a cabana boy. No, she needed a man! She needed Ramon to answer her lustful callings. Releasing her tit, to my amazement the way I had her breast clutched the red finger prints did not fade. Me writing myself, taking her legs and throwing them over my shoulders! One hand on her right leg, one hand pressing on her stomach. As my rhythm gets going the rocking of her body! The wetness of her pussy. Each thump I made sounded like the wet splashing of water. Of me providing the best services for the best customer!
Holding her legs on one arm. My left hand is now pulling on her tit! Pulling the moans from so deep inside that little frame. Getting her reaction down to a mere movement!
Feeling that sensation as it starts to brew. Knowing that to ask now is better than coating her stomach in my cum. “Where do you want me to, to… cum” I wrestled with these words.
Wrestled with them for so long the next thing I knew my cock was about to penetrate her… butthole!

At that moment the entire world went still. As he watched me. As I gave him the permission to enter. To fill my asshole up with his cock! To drag out more fucking orgasms then I had ever counted! Sensing his hesitation, seeing the question on his lips. My own thighs lunged upward driving his cock into my asshole! This position that I was in. One in which my hips were already elevated from the sand. The towel that lay under me was truly under me and my blue and white bikini still wrapped my body as his hard tool was thrust into my asshole! So deep, so fast! All my cum had gathered in one spot and with one thrust he was in!

This was not the first time that I have done anal sex. Butt to feel her asshole allow my cock to slip in all the way down to my balls. Then lock up in a torrent of orgasmic fits! “a todos los dioses” she was fucking tight and working on milking my cock at the same time!
“I.. am going to.. … Ohh fuckkk! Cum Señora! Cum in your butt!” My hips slammed forward as my semen swam out! I could not pull back! She had me with her feet as they locked around my back. She had my hips with her thighs! And, and she was cuming! You could see it not only on her face butt as well as the white creaminess leaked from her pussy and her butthole! “Yes yesss yessssss” I moaned as the last of my cum came flowing out!

Laying there panting. Looking up into the eyes of this hunk of a cabana boy. “There might be hope for this place after all” I batted my eye lashes at Ramon. “Now if you would be so kind” handing him a bottle of sunscreen and flipping over. Untying my top and feeling his big strong hands working in the sunscreen.

The three days I spent there. The three days of pure bliss and long hard cock all from Ramon, my cabana boy. Just seemed to disappear in a matter of seconds.

“The weather on this Sinday afternoon is a blissful 100 degrees and clear skies with no hint of rain in the forecast…” as I shut off the radio. Looking to my uniform which for the first time dreaded putting on. My luggage was light just one small white paper bag with the Ghostly Rays logo on it. I made my way to the office so I can wait for my ride. Seeing the photos of every employee that works for this fine institution. The cabana boys, the maids and butlers, the office staff and finally the CEO Mr. Ramon. My jaw hit the floor especially when he came up to me and kissed my hand, wishing me safe travels and an open invitation to cum back to “Ghostly Rays”.
All my cum, Ioe Álainn”

“You go girl, if nothing else has helped there is always the EST to help with your dry streak if that seems to be the problem. Whatever the problem is be sure to keep us updated on any future visits to Ghostly Rays cause this show would not be possible without the support we get from people like you. This is DJ Maeve and The Rave cuming all over your speakers only from Klit 96.9 Easygate’s voice to the heavens cuming up in less than a week away! Be sure to be caller 69 some time during the next three hours during DJ Andy’s Drive@5 show!”

“This is Klit 96.9 The Rave Drive@5 with DJ Andy!” Nova ReBoot made the announcement.

“This is your Eye in the Sky Traffic Girl Callie cuming at you with an all clear. There is some slowing around the Thrust Mall so be prepared to stop butt other than that have a wonderful rest of your night. This is your Eye in the Sky Traffic Girl Callie and now onto DJ Andy. Hey, hey DJ Andy what do you have for our listeners?””

Source: reddit.com/r/Erotica/comments/tukccw/klit_969_the_rave_074_ghostly_rays_dream_master