A college camping trip with my friend from class leads to unexpected sex (MF 21)

Amy was in all of my biology classes from freshman year until graduation. I went to a small college and most of the biology students were trying to get into med school. Amy and I were in pretty much every biology class together along with the same other 10 people. We became friends partially because we bonded over the fact that neither one of us ever planned to go to med school, but just liked biology. She and I would always be lab partners together to avoid the pre-med cutthroats who would stab each other in the back for a higher grade.

Amy had light brown hair and these unique blue grey eyes. I’ve really never seen anyone with eyes like that. She had medium sized tits and really nice ass. She was the same height as me. Even though we were in the same classes, we never really hung out together outside of class until senior year of college.

One day at the beginning of a new school year, my roommates and I had a huge party. She showed up with a bunch of her friends. I did not invite her, but pretty much everyone in our year was there. The party spilled onto a beautiful lawn on campus. She and I ended up hanging out all afternoon.

In the evening, a bunch of us piled into cabs and went to a bar. Amy beckoned me over to a table of her friends and, since there was nowhere to sit, she gave me her seat and sat in my lap. Now, I had many beers by this point and this attractive girl
was in my lap, I tried to kiss her. She stopped me and said, “I have a boyfriend”, laughing like I should have known that.

I was slightly embarrassed, I did not know she had a boyfriend, but no one really seemed to notice or make a big deal of it. She stayed in my lap and we hung out the rest of the night. After that night, we continued being friends as normal, it really never came up and nothing felt awkward, when we hung out in class after that night.

We were in an aquatic biology class together and the professor scheduled a trip to a beach to do some field
work. We were going on a Friday afternoon and camping on the beach for two nights.

I had a two person backpacking tent, so Amy asked if she could share my tent rather than end up in a big tent of pre-med nerds. Amy had a car and was going to drive the two of us to the beach.

We got to the beach and managed to set up our camp and made dinner in the dark. It was November and was reasonably warm during the day, but really cold at night. After dinner, we all kind of stood around a fire not talking much because most of us were not friends, then the professor broke the silence, “who wants to make a beer run? I’ll put in $20.” Everyone livened up and put in some cash. We sent a crew to a nearby gas station to buy a bunch of beer.

We drank beers around the fire and then when we were good and buzzed, the professor took us out on the beach with beers to show us some of the nocturnal aquatic life. It was really a pretty magical night. The beach was park land so there were no houses or development on the land. It was a popular camping spot in summer, but we were the only ones there in November. We were slightly buzzed, running around with flashlights finding crabs under a starry sky.

We went to our tents to get some sleep. Amy and I climbed into my tent. We got in our sleeping bags. I took off my pants and shirt in my bag. Using her sleeping bag for cover, she squirmed out of her clothes, took off her bra, and asked if I had a tshirt she could sleep in. I gave her one of my tshirts and she slipped it on. The idea that she was in just her panties just a foot away from me before she slipped that tshirt on was driving me crazy.

She was not much of a camper and was slightly freaked out by various noises outside the tent, but we stayed up goofing around, laughing. Eventually we tried to go to sleep. The wind picked up, so the tent was making noise, and it got really cold.
I had a nice, warm mummy bag designed for camping in the cold. I actually did not even have it zipped up because I was warm enough. She had a crappy sleepy bag she bought at a Walmart on the way to the beach.

She said, “I’m fucking freezing, we’re going to have to snuggle” and she slipped out of her bag and into my bag with me. She moved to spoon with me being the big spoon and she pulled my arm across her. Her hair smelled nice. I was trying
to keep my crotch away from her ass, because I was totally aroused. There were nothing but dirty thoughts swirling in my head.

But, she kept pushing her ass, covered only by her panties, into my boner. I would move away, she would back her ass into me. I thought maybe it was just that she was cold, so I still did not try anything. She had already shot me down once saying she had a boyfriend.

Then, she not only pushed her ass into my boner, but sort of moved it around grinding my erection. This was getting ridiculous. I was starting to breathe a bit heavier, breathing in the nice smell of her hair. She grabbed my hand and moved it up to her nice tit, outside her tshirt with her hand on mine.

Finally, I said, “what would your boyfriend think of this?” Amy said, “You didn’t hear?” I said, “Hear what?” “I broke up with him” I am not sure why she thought I would have heard, because we were sort of in different groups of friends. “Oh”, I said.

Amy rolled over to face me and said, “Are you going to try to kiss me again?” I said, “No, you stopped me last time, so” I was cut off mid sentence by her kissing me. I put my hand up her shirt to fondle one of her tits. They were really terrific tits. Then I slid my hand down and into the back of her panties to feel her ass.

She stopped kissing me and reached down to pull the tshirt off up over her head and smiled at me. I ducked my head into the sleeping bag to lick and suck on her nipples. Did I mention how nice her tits were? As, I sucked her tits, I reached down the front of her panties to finger her.

I came back up to kiss her and she reached down into my boxers to start stroking my dick. I rolled on top of her and made my way down to her underwear, stopping to suck a nipple on the way. I slowly pulled off her underwear and she helped me get them the rest of the way off.

I kissed my way from her belly button, down through her bush (it was the 90s, most girls had bush. Not crazy 70s bush, but manicured bush. I liked bush.), and began eating her out. I was really enjoying licking her pussy and listening to her breathing and whimpering a bit, but it was also very stuffy down in the sleeping bag, so I came back up and kissed her.

Amy shoved me off her, slid down and pulled down my boxers. She put my dick in her mouth and started sucking. She slid back up and guided my dick in her, saying, “it’s okay I’m on the pill.” She rode me briefly, then slid off my dick and rolled on her back. She said, “my tits are freezing”and pulled me on top of her.

I fucked her hard in missionary. It was so warm and cozy. The wind was whipping the tent and it was so cold outside the sleeping bag, but warm with the two of us pressed against each other. I could feel her tits pressed into my chest and we kissed aggressively as we fucked, my dick in the warmest place of all.

I finally came inside her and stayed inside her as we snuggled a bit like that. I rolled off her and we slept spooning together naked and she felt soft and warm in front of me. It was the start of a great weekend.

Source: reddit.com/r/Erotica/comments/tujxjr/a_college_camping_trip_with_my_friend_from_class