The Goddess and the Grasshopper: Chapter 1-The Onset

**The Goddess and the Grasshopper**

*Find Introduction* [*here*](

**Chapter 1-The Onset**

The edible I ate hasn’t kicked in yet; time for some liquid courage.

I hate going to a bar alone. Even if I’m meeting someone there, even the act of walking through the door solo, makes my heart race. I feel like I’m pantomiming the actions and observing myself from the outside. Playing the part of a single person opening the door, showing my ID, and taking one step after another as I make my way, past others, who seemingly embody themselves, I make my way to the bar.

Thank goodness the bartender has their back to me as I just realized that I have to come up with a drink to order once I do get their attention. My brain is spinning from the noise, the crowd, the edible starting to move from my digestive to circulatory system

I inadvertently make eye contact with the bartender, my panic is misread as urgency. They hurry over. Shit.

My thoughts race and search for something to mutter. With each step the bartender takes, my mind spins further out of control. I manage to sputter, “ Gin and ginger…double.” The words sound crazy. Is that even a drink? Does this bartender think I’m a lunatic? Is this going to be drinkable? Or disgusting? My fiery face blinks back tears as I dig for my wallet. I need this interaction to be over. I trade a fistful of bills for the booze and run away from the bar.

I sink into a space of my own, amidst a pool of others. I feverishly sip away at my drink. I’m so grateful for the straw; it gives my antsy hands something to do. Having to mitigate slurping through ice cubes may have been too much to handle, may have put me over the edge. The clash of cubes against my teeth, balanced on my lips, might have been enough to call this whole thing off. But alas, the straw.

I swallow the bubbly sweetness as quickly as I can draw it into my mouth. I reach the bottom and the gin hits my brain. I wince and gag. Oof…Strong pour.

I again become aware that I am in a room teaming with others. As I pick up my phone, I feel it buzz in my finger tips.

Two words simultaneously take my breath and cover my body in sweat, “I’m here.”

(End Chapter 1)
